Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

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Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 25, 2018 7:29 pm

Location: Valois, Carolleux, Lourenne------------Andiron Hotel Confernce Center at Downtown Valois
Attending:Kalistan, Kazulia, Lodamum, Lourenne
Reason:Peace negotiations after continuous conflict in Anantonese Ocean
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:00 pm

Kalistan's Barajas arrives in Lourenne; Immediately peppered by Reporters
Barajas prepared for tough negotiations ahead

Valois Lourenne
April 18, 4414

Governor Barajas steps into the Terminal in Valois and is immediately challenged with pointed questions

Governor Ana Barajas, at the head of Kalistan's peace delegation arrived in Valois for the anticipated peace talks over the Straits Crisis. She and her team did not make it through the gates before eager reporters from Canrillaise language papers began peppering her with questions as to whether or not Kalistan was going to reopen the straits, if she thought reparations were in order, whether there is any possibility of peace while matters leading to the war remained unresolved and so forth.

Her response, after failing several time to speak over the gaggle of reporters was delivered in perfect Canrillaise: "Nous ne sommes pas ici pour négocier avec nous-mêmes. Nous verrons plutôt ce que propose Lourenne et nous négocierons de bonne foi. Je n'ai pas d'autres commentaires pour la presse en ce moment." The reporters, taken aback by her apparent mastery of the language, fell silent and let the Kalistani proceed to customs.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:40 pm

Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orleans, Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques, arrive at the Andiron Hotel
MoFA Philippe Orleans, interviewed before conference.'

Minister of Foreign Affairs Phillipe Orleans and Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques have arrived at the Andiron Hotel in Valois for the peace conference between Lodamum, Kalistan, Kazulia, and Lourenne. Minister Orleans will be one of the main negotiators on behalf of Lourenne as well as the Minister of Defense Marrcel Jacques. Both ministers have arrived at the hotel and are waiting for all countries to be present to start negotiations. Upon entering the hotel, Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orleans was interviewed by the local news. Reporters questioned what the Lourennais delegation will propose in the conference. According to Monsieur Orleans:
Lourenne sera juste et attentif à attendre Kalistan et Lodamum. Nous ne cherchons pas à profiter d'aucune façon. Nous irons de l'avant pour une résolution très pacifique pour toutes les nations. Plus précisément, quelque chose qui va augmenter notre coopération et nous tous.

Lourenne will be fair and attentive to wait Kalistan and Lodamum propose. We are not looking to take advantage in any way. We will stride for a very peaceful resolution for all nations. Specifically, something that will increase our cooperation and benefit us all.

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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Maxington » Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:47 pm

Kazulian delegation arrives in Valois amid landmark negotiations
Kazulian delegation arrvies in Valois ahead of anticipated negotiations aimed at resolving Anantonese Sea conflict.
Sindre Granberg speaking to members of the Lourennais media houses.
1st April, 4414.

Special Envoy to Kalistan, Sindre Granberg has touched down in Valois, setting the stage for a major multi-partisan peace negotiation which could potentially see the reinstatement of peace within the wider Anantonese Ocean. According to Office of the Prime Minister, former President and Foreign Minister, Sindre Granberg had been selected to represent the Kingdom of Kazulia in the negotiations mainly due to the fact that her expertise deals mainly with Seleyan and Dovanian Affairs as before becoming President under the republican transition, Granberg served as Director of the Sections for Seleyan Development and the Director of the Department for International Cooperation. Granberg touched down in Valois at 9:05 pm where she was immediately placed into a motorcade courtesy of the Kazulian Embassy in Lourenne.

According to officials, Granberg is expected to meet with Kazulia's Ambassador to Lourenne before joining the other delegations from Lodumon, Lourenne and Kalistan in Andiron Hotel Conference Centre in Downtown Valois. It is unknown what will be discussed between Granberg and Ambassador Norgaard however a press release from the embassy stated that the meeting is expected to be short and considerably brief. Whilst speaking to members of Lourennais media, Granberg said:
A lot of pressure is on these negotiations as it will be a test of patience and the respective delegations' eagerness for peace and cooperation. As it pertains to assumptions on what will be our talking point within the negotiations i can simply say: antagelse og sannhet blir servert på separate tabeller.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby M13 » Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:41 am

Lodamun in a minor role at peace conference in Valois
No claims made by Lodamun in first round

The Lodamese delegation has had the right to speak at the peace conference following the Strait Crisis. Yet no claims have been made. It seems obvious that Lodamun has put itself in a minor role at this conference.
Lodamun asks for a treaty to assign certain zones of influence in the Anantonese Ocean, since it is clear that Kalistan has a point about the Strait, but Lourenne should have rights over there as well. Lodamun asks Kalistan to sign the Law of the Sea and would like Lourenne to discuss an addendum to set regulations and rules for the Anantonese Ocean. In fact, all nations with borders to this ocean should sign that treaty.
Ahmad Roose, Minister of Defence, proposed an extension of Kalistan international waters, but with a possibility to obtain free passage in that area for other nations. Since Lodamun and Kalistan already cooperate on controlling their EEZ, one might even consider to extend that treaty and even try to create a condominium base on the island of Ananto. Here, the three states could control the discussed zone together, avoiding any chance to create such a conflict again.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:12 pm

Kalistani Representative makes Presentation to Conference
Barajas offers grievances and solutions

Valois, Lourenne

The main representative from Kalistan, Governor Ana Barajas, gave Kalistan's opening statements to the Straits Crisis Peace Conference

Ana Barajas, Socialist Party of Kalistan, Governor of Odufaray, Chief Negotiator for United Republic of Kalistan wrote:We think it wise to list what, from Kalistan's perspective, started this conflict, Kalistan's responses and what Kalistan would consider an acceptable solution. Granted, we may have missed a minor detail here and there, but this is Kalistan's statement, so others may feel free to correct me if I make errors in my statement.
1. We viewed the massive and offensive armament of Lourenne by the the Imperialists in Kazulia as a security threat to Kalistan.
2. We viewed the transiting of the Straits by military vessels of imperialist nations large and small as a threat to Kalistani sovereignty.
3. We viewed neo-liberal agreements into which previous Kalistani Governments had shortsightedly entered as a threat to Kalistani Sovereignty and independence.

So we took the following steps:
1. We set about to rearm Kalistan to address the security threat and re-establish a balance of power between Kalistan and her neighbors. Vanuku was willing to help us in this matter, and did so spectacularly.
2. We closed the Straits completely to foreign military traffic and put restrictions on commercial shipping through the Straits, not as a protectionist tactic, mind you, but as a part of Kalistan's security doctrine to ensure that Kalistani ports and assets in the straits, especially KALNAPECO assets, as well as Kalistani shipping and INTRA-Republic commerce is not threatened by aggressive foreigners.
3. We withdrew from certain neo-liberal treaties, notably the Selayan Union, as there was a collective security provision in that treaty that would have obligated Kalistan to join wars for which it was not in anyway interested or prepared, and to contribute to the defense of nations like Valruzia who have shown themselves to be hostile to Kalistani concerns, as well as the Laws of the Sea, which established a norm that was directly at odds with Kalistan's security needs (See point 2 regarding military traffic in the Straits above.

For which, Kalistan endured incursion by units of the Lourenne Navy, who, in the first major incident of the crisis, sat within spitting distance from Ananto, in a show of force, and in an episode where we lost two squadron and 72 Militia members; a second major incursion where Kazulia sunk two of our Destroyers, and several more LAFA ships, for a total of 43 Kalistanis killed or captured, while attempting to escort a civilian cargo ship in contravention to our explicit closure order; and a third major incident where the Lourenne Navy sunk a Frigate of our ally, Lodamun, who came into the Straits to help Kalistan. We have also suffered an economic blockade from Valruzia, who was also at the same time, making a play for favor from Kazulia, and in an attempt to show fealty to that Empire, attempted to lead the Selayan Union into economic warfare against Kalistan.

Is Kalistan innocent in all this? Absolutely not: We did our share of damage as well. But had the Navies of two regional powers and the Government of a Third decided to work with Kalistan to resolve the security issues it had, rather than attacking us because we had them and took appropriate measures to resolve them, we would not have come to the doorstep of all out war.

Now is the time, then to resolve this crisis. I have made you familiar with Kalistan's case. Any solution that I am prepared to negotiate must have, at least, a recognition of Kalistani sovereignty in the Straits of Ananto, and the ability to bar military traffic through that territory, unless there is a standing agreement of neutrality or amity between Kalistan and the transiting nation. We are not for closing off the sea, but we have no interest in the passage on the Eastern side of Ananto. It is the Ananto Straits, that go between Ananto and Mainland Kalistan where our economic engine, and therefore our nation's main arteries, are physically located. Nobody here can deny that the economic activity in that Strait makes up the vast majority of the GDP of Kalistan, while transiting the straits is a mere convenience for foreigners.

We are willing to discuss and negotiate on all other matters, but we will not back off of Kalistani claims to the Straits. We will propose a solution that lifts restrictions on commercial transiting the Straits, but we must insist that military traffic take the Eastern passage, between Ananto and Lourenne. We feel that this is a reasonable solution to the issue of the Straits, and we await the responses of our colleagues here gathered. Thank you for your time and your willingness to work to resolve this conflict.

With this Barajas returned to her seat in the delegate forum.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Luis1p » Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:04 pm

Lourennais Delegation Speaks at


Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans, Representative of Lourenne, speaks:
Welcome all to Valois. I'd like to thank you all for attending this conference.It is truly of upmost importance that we resolve any issues between our countries now.
We agree with Madame Barajas's statements regarding on how this conflict started.

We also agree with the compromise that Madame Barajas has introduced at this conference. Lourenne will respect the straits of Ananto as Kalistani Sovereign Waters. No Military personnel or equipment shall pass through the straits. We believe that trade and commercial ships should be the only ships that are granted access through the straits.

We are open to any other negotiations that your delegations may consider. We thank you again for traveling to Valois to join us for this conference.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans takes his seat
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Maxington » Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:44 pm

Kazulian Delegations delivers opening address
Granberg asserts Kazulian stance on situation; vouches for re-opening of straits
2nd November, 4414

Since Kalistan's initial announcement of closing the straits from international commercial shipping and the movement of combatant vessels, the Kazulian Navy has maintained a substantial role in championing the sentiment of freedom of navigation and the rule of international law as it pertains to the straits designation as international waters. Disruption to the flow of commerce and freedom of navigation by combatant vessels has the implications of threatening regional and international economic growth and security. Nations which make it their principle objective to disrupt freedom of navigation in an international strait is clearly outside of the international spectrum and reserve little to no right to impose claim upon international bodies of water under the banner of "securing a nation's sovereignty". The sentiment of sovereignty as it pertains to this situation is being throwing around and its actively being used a magic wand to peddle sentiments of justification over the actions of certain nations.

We have come to the table of discussion to find peace within the affected region and to champion the sentiment of cooperation. Let it be known that the straits will remain open under freedom of navigation. From the smallest fish trawler to the largest aircraft carrier, shipping through the straits will remain without harassment as is the status quo. We do not intend on retreating from this sentiment for if the nations of the world will not stand against this attempt to blatantly and openly disregard international law, Kazulia will maintain the sentiment that the straits must remain open to all.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:33 am

Barajas Responds to Kazulian Opening Statement
Counters with removal of restrictions on Commercial Vessels

Barajas listened intently to the Kazulian Ambassador's Comments, and then responded:

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:It seems then that Kazulia's ability to attack Kalistan at will through our National Waters seems to be an irrevocable demand for the Kazulian Ambassador.

Let me ask then: Since Kalistan does not recognize the international Law that Kazulia refers to, not ourselves being a Party to the Treaty that the Kazulian Ambassador refers to when claiming to enunciate International Law upon us, how does the Kazulian Ambassador intend to enforce Kazulia's claims to free and unhindered use of the Ananto Straits over Kalistan's Objections? We currently are in possession of that Strait, and the only way Kazulia, or any other State will sail offensive military equipment through that Strait is either: with our permission, over the dead bodies of our Regular Navy, or not at all. Is Kazulia prepared to abandon these peace talks, which aim at a real and permanent solution which allows for Peace and free commercial navigation through the Straits while at the same time guaranteeing Kalistan a modicum of security, for an ephemeral principle based on a fiction that there is a such thing as a binding International Law that trumps Sovereignty?

I say: Is Kazulia willing to ignore the international norm of State Sovereignty in favor of the international norm of free navigation of a small piece of water which is merely a short cut that Kazulia has, up until 10 years ago, taken entirely for granted? Does Kazulia not realize that the movement of hostile fleets through the Strait represents an existential threat to Kalistan that we will stop at nothing to obviate if we can? We do not claim the stretch of water to the East side of Ananto, the one that flows between Kalistan and Lourenne. That has never been included in our closure, and rerouting naval traffic through that stretch of water does not waste any additional time or resources for any navies using it. But we repeat, our life blood flows through the Ananto Straits, and so we will prevent the efforts of any and ALL navies of the world, to include the largest aircraft carriers, from cutting that artery in half, to the degree that we are able. And if we fail to prevent Kazulia, or any other imperialist nation from hacking at our nation's heart with their military weaponry, then we are dead anyway, and so we will have nothing to lose.

It is in the interest of all Parties here to recognize Kalistan's interest in the Straits. And we fail to see what Kazulia's interest is in that territory, unless it is in maintaining the capability to hurt Kalistan and only Kalistan whenever it so wishes. Perhaps Kazulia will clear the matter us for us in their next statement, because we are otherwise confused. But we should also note, we do not recognize Kazulia as our political masters the way some other nation's may. Nor do we heed the words of Kazulia as being in any way binding on Kalistani action. We want peace, and we will work until we get it, but there will not be a single coast guard cutter or aircraft carrier from a hostile nation sailing through that strait unless it is being actively fired upon with the aim of sinking it.

Perhaps there is something else the honorable and forthright Kazulian Ambassador is prepared to discuss.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:04 am

Barajas Responds to Lourenne's Statement
Welcomes potential for Peace

Barajas responded to Foreign Minister Orléans

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:Nous tenons à remercier notre hôte et le gouvernement de Lourenne pour leur accueil chaleureux dans leur pays. C'est une rencontre entre nos deux États qui est attendue depuis longtemps. Nous remercions vivement le ministre des Affaires étrangères pour son hospitalité et son empressement à rechercher une solution pacifique à nos difficultés mutuelles, et nous cherchons à jeter les bases d'une relation plus chaleureuse à l'avenir.

Sur le plan bilatéral, nous sommes intéressés à accepter l'offre de votre nation pour le règlement, bien que nous ne sachions pas comment cette offre sera reçue par les amis de votre nation en Kazulia. Je suis confiant que nous allons résoudre le problème, avec ou sans l'accord des plus grandes puissances.

En attendant, j'aimerais également aborder le sujet du développement du commerce et de la coopération entre nos deux États. Je suis sûr que nous pourrions trouver une paire de produits de nos deux pays qui aideront à commencer à établir un pont entre nous deux.

De plus, maintenant que cet équilibre a été rétabli entre nos deux nations en ce qui concerne la défense maritime, nous serions intéressés à explorer des opérations conjointes, si un tel arrangement peut être trouvé.

Veuillez considérer notre offre comme un effort de bonne foi pour enterrer le fusil entre nous deux. Nous avons beaucoup plus en commun que la plupart des autres nations du monde et nous partageons à tout le moins un intérêt commun pour la paix et la sécurité dans notre petit coin du monde.

Nous attendons votre réponse, avec nos plus humbles excuses à ce qui doit être incroyablement brisé et rustique Canrilaise.

Luthori Translation wrote:We would like to thank our host, and the Government of Lourenne for their warm welcome to their nation. It is a meeting between our two states which is long overdue. We greatly thank the Foreign Minister for his hospitality and eagerness to seek a peaceful solution to our mutual difficulties, and look to build a foundation for a warmer relationship in the future.
Bilaterally, we are interested in accepting your nation's offer for settlement, though we are not sure how this offer will be received by your nation's friends in Kazulia. I am confident that we will resolve the issue, with or without the agreement of the bigger powers.
Meanwhile, I would also like to broach the topic of expanded trade and cooperation between our two states. I am sure we could find a pair of commodities from our two nations that will help to begin to build a bridge of trade between us two.
Additionally, now that balance has been restored between our two nations with regard to sea defense, we would be interested in exploring joint operations, if such an arrangement can be arrived at.
Please consider our offer as a good faith effort to bury the rifle between the two of us. We have far more in common than either of us do with most other nations in the world, and we share at the very least a joint interest in peace and security in our little corner of the world.
We await your response, with our humblest apologies for what must be incredibly broken and rustic Canrilaise.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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