Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:53 am

Kazulian Delegation responds to Kalistani Comments
Kazulian Delegation responds to Kalistani Comments; reiterating nation's stated intentions for peace
12th January, 4415

As we stated and we will reiterate: Freedom of navigation accounts for commercial and military vessels. If the Kalistani delegation views the straits of Anato as sovereign territory championing the sentiment that the transit of combatant vessels through the straits (combatant vessels which have not harassed the nation but has left it to its elements) then it remains outside of the concert of nations. So i ask the question: In a hypothetical situation, if we are to agree on the sentiment of allowing for commercial transit only through the straits, would Kalistan actively work in ensuring that their friends, the Kingdom of Vanuku operates outside of this "designated area" and will engage their ships similar to how they engaged our combatant vessels and subsequently destroyed a commercial cargo vessel?

Once again we see the action of Kalistan in the build up the Terran War which saw the nation restrict shipping in the Anantonese Sea. We do not intend on compromising on the sentiment on restrictions to freedom of navigation.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:34 pm

Kalistani Response to question on Vanuku
Barajas does not equivocate

Ana Brajas paused thoughtfully before responding:

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:Hypothetically speaking with regard to commercial and military transit, we would, and should, treat all nations equally. We are putting unhindered commercial transit for all nations on the table, as a concrete, and not a hypothetical matter. For us it is not a 'both or neither' situation. We can all agree, surely, that unhindered, peaceful civilian traffic regardless of flag through the straits is a good thing that we can all support.

Returning to the hypothetical then: We are interested in preventing threats to Kalistani Security from all states. That is Kalistan's interest. So in this sense, we have no friends, or enemies, I suppose. Only interests. If we have non aggression pacts with one state or another, we are not threatened by that state, nor their movement through our territory, whether on land, air or sea. It is not, therefore inconsistent for Kalistan to conduct joint naval exercises with Lodamun, Selucia, or Vanuku in the Straits, the same way we would not object if they were maneuvering across Kalistan's land territory, while simultaneously prohibiting movement by the navies, armies or airforces of other nations. And as a matter of fact, we have treaties (to which I add, Kalistan is a Party) that allow those nations to do precisely that. We invite our allies to train with us. Certainly, Kazulia will have no problem whatsoever allowing their allies to conduct joint training exercises on land in Kazulia, and Kalistan would also have no objection. The only difference here is that Kazulia concretely does not view the Straits as Kalistani Territory, while Kalistan most certainly concretely does. So this is the source of our disagreement: Kazulia's effort to dictate to Kalistan terms of use of its national territory signifies that Kazulia does not see Kalistan as its equal, and the bile it tastes over the matter is from the Kalistani assertion of equality in matters of National Sovereignty.

On the question of equality then: We welcome those interested in promotion of Kalistani interests in the Straits to use those straits, unhindered, and with full equality, and we only discriminate against those who wish to use our National territory in a way which is detrimental to Kalistan's interests.

So: in such a hypothetical scenario, we would offer this counter offer. Is there something that Kazulia could possibly imagine that would ensure Kalistan that it is operating within our national territory in conformity with Kalistani interests, rather than in contravention to Kalistani interests? If that was the case, military transit would be permitted, and no ship flying a Kazulian Flag would be harassed in any way, be it a fishing boat or Kazulia's biggest aircraft carrier. But as Kazulia has recently and quite concretely destroyed two Kalistani destroyers after ignoring the sovereign demands of an independent nation, and still concretely holds a significant number of the destroyers' compliment hostage in their prisons, the Ambassador surely can understand Kalistan's hesitation to fully embrace the hypothetically proposed good will and peaceful nature of imperialist Kazulia's war machine, or their rather thin, excuse me, paeans to "international law" and the "concert of nations".

Perhaps the Kazulian Ambassador would like to elaborate on these matters a bit. We would welcome some more light as we already have enough heat.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Luis1p » Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:14 pm

Lourennais Response to Kalistan:
Valois, Carolleux.4414

Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans, Representative of Lourenne, speaks:

Madame Barajas, Premièrement, Votre Canrillaise était très compréhensible. Continuez à pratiquer.

*** Rires dans la chambre ***
Ehrm. Vous avez notre confiance que nous (Marine) n'entrerons pas dans le détroit d'Ananto sans l'autorisation de Kalistani. Pour défendre vos zones économiques dans cette zone, nous pouvons également promettre que nos navires commerciaux entreront dans cette zone seulement. La même chose devrait être pour toutes les autres nations. Nous proposons que les navires militaires puissent également passer par les détroits mais seulement si l'autorisation est donnée en premier. Serait-ce quelque chose sur lequel Kalistan pourrait être d'accord?

En termes de coopération entre Kalistan et Lourenne. Pour affirmer notre coopération et notre présence future, nous pouvons inviter le gouvernement Kalistani à une visite d'Etat à Eroncourt. Nos gouvernements respectifs peuvent élaborer un traité approprié concernant l'économie et notre commerce. Nous aimerions voir nos entreprises prospérer à Kalistan et vice versa. En ce qui concerne nos militaires, je peux laisser M. Jcaques prendre la relève.


Madame Barajas, First, Your Canrillaise was very understandable. Keep on practicing.

***chuckles in room***
Ehrm. You have our trust that we (Navy) will not enter the Straits of Ananto without Kalistani clearance. In defense of your economic zones within that area, we can also promise that our commercial ships will enter that area only. The same should be for all other nations. We propose that military vessels can also pass by the straits but only if authorization is given first. Would that be something that Kalistan may agree on?

In terms of cooperation between Kalistan and Lourenne. To affirm our cooperation and future presence, we can invite the Kalistani government to a proper state visit to Eroncourt. Our respective governments may craft a proper treaty regarding economics and our trade. We'd love to see our companies flourishing in Kalistan and vice versa. In regards to our military I can let Monsieur Jcaques take over.

***Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans sits***

Minister of Defense Marcel Jacques, speaks:

Bonjour! et bienvenue à Valois Madame Barajas. J'espère que vous avez trouvé cet endroit confortable et que Valois vous souhaite la bienvenue. Quant à la formation conjointe entre nos militaires. Les forces armées du Lourennais peuvent planifier et organiser une formation conjointe entre nos forces armées respectives après que Lourenne a terminé son entraînement avec Keymon. La formation de nos militaires peut avoir lieu à Lourenne et à Kalistan. Plus précisément, nous pouvons essayer de négocier pour nous entraîner dans le détroit d'Ananto, bien sûr, après que votre gouvernement ait accepté cela.

Si vous avez d'autres demandes ou des idées négociables, veuillez les présenter. Merci.


Bonjour! and Welcome to Valois Madame Barajas.I hope that you have found this location comfortable and Valois welcomes you. As for joint training between our military. The Lourennais Armed Forces can plan and organize joint training between our respective armed forces after Lourenne concludes training with Keymon. Training from our militaries can take place in both Lourenne and Kalistan. Specifically, we can try and negotiate to train in the Ananto Straits, of course, after your government is acceptant of that.

If you have any more requests or negotiable ideas please bring them forward. Merci.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:58 pm

Kalistani Statement on Law of the Sea

Barajas visits with her aide for a moment, and then after a brief conversation, she continues.

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:It has been brought to my attention that Kazulia's claims to be allowed to force the Straits open to its offensive naval vessels may be moot after all, based on its own beloved Laws of the Sea Treaty.

Indulge me if you will.

We know that Ananto sits off of the Mainland by about 500 miles. By our calculation, this is just over 800 Kilometers between the two locations This is quite some distance, I agree. Under the Laws of the Sea Treaty, to which Kazulia subscribes, but Kalistan does not, we would still be able to completely close 1/4th of the Straits off to any and all traffic under the rules of Exclusive Economic Zones.

However, there is another jurisdiction in this treaty as well. It is Transient Jurisdiction, or jurisdiction over all transit and harvesting. That limit is set at 500 Kilometers, except where that zone shall overlap another country's. By this rule, Kalistan still holds jurisdiction over ALL transit through the entire straits, because the 500 Kilometers extending from the shores of the Mainland overlaps with the 500 km extending from the shores of Ananto within the Straits, an overlap of more than 60 miles! As a matter of fact, under the Laws of the Sea, Kalistani jurisdiction and control over transit of our waters would extend well past the Straits out into the Ocean proper: Perhaps to the middle of the ocean. Which means that Kazulia would, sans treaty, be excluded from operating over a significantly larger area of the Ocean and would have to make friends with all the nations around it and us or it would never be able to get its ships out of its ports!

Nor does the Laws of the Sea make ANY reference to type of transit. It does not say, as the Kazulian Ambassador claims, freedom of Transit must necessarily include what is essentially a naval invasion by a hostile foreign power.

There's Kazulia's precious Law, and to our understanding those points have not been clarified. Instead, Kalistan has made this same argument before, when arguing with Indrala over the same issue. And rather than acknowledging our rights, Indrala invaded us. So why would we think that another aggressive, expansionist power like Kazulia won't follow the same course as soon as they get the chance? No, what we have here is a difference of interpretation of a very vague Law which Kazulia is attempting to apply to claim that Right is on its side.

Kalistan disagrees, and currently Kalistan is in possession of the Straits. So perhaps Kazulia would like to research this and then amend their claims on Kalistani National Waters.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Maxington » Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:51 am

Kazulia responds to Kalistani Comments
Kazulian Delegation responds to Kalistani sentiments; offers to break ice with anti-nuclear ocean agreement.
2nd May, 4415.

A transit and harvest zone is a free trade zone whereby it serves as a distribution hub for a landlocked nation or one lacking equipment necessary in handling cargo, personnel or the transfer of services from ship to port. Goods, services and equipment passing through this zone are not subject to customs, formalities, duties and restrictions by the parent nation.

I believe that if we continue this tit-for-tat, peace will never be truly achieved. Thus bring forward the motion of working to set the ground work for what could be the foundation of a long-term peace agreement. Our nation has maintained the sentiment that the denuclearisation of the Anantonese Ocean must be championed. Without a doubt the transit of wholly and partially nuclear powered equipment through the Anantonese Ocean is a sentiment which i do believe Kalistan and Kazulia can agree upon. We believe that through the implementation of this step we can work to iron out issues as it pertains to the issue of "sovereignty" claims.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:52 am

Kalistan Replies to Kazulia's Offer
Barajas agrees to set foundation for cooperation

Ana Barajas returned to the room after a phone call to the Foreign Minister's office in Kaliburg

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:Kalistan is firmly committed to the abolition of all nuclear weaponry on the face of Terra. We, along with Baltusia, are signatories to the Anti-NBC Treaty.

We understand and respect the position of the Kazulians with regard to the destructive power provided by nuclear powered warcraft as well. Those naval vessels which have nuclear powerplants offer their owners global projection capabilities. A nuclear powered submarine can disappear for months at a time and pop up in a completely different part of the globe. Not only does such technology severely unbalance the security arrangements of smaller nations, but it can also be incredibly dangerous to the ecology: If a nuclear power plant on one of these ships, or a civilian nuclear power plant on shore melt down, the environmental destruction will catastrophic.

For this reason, Kalistan has purchased only diesel powered Craft: We have no intention of projecting our force beyond our own immediate vicinity, nor do we wish to become entangled in wars on the other side of the world, and limit the projection capacity of our Navy deliberately, both on principled stance against nuclear weapons, and to hamstring some future and less conscientious Government in Kalistan from attempting to reverse our National Military Doctrine.

If we understand the Kazulian Ambassador correctly, the Issue of military passage in the Straits will be left at Status Quo, pending some future date and deeper discussions, while we focus on matters of mutual interest. I assume this includes a lifting of all restrictions on commercial traffic through the straits, effectively reopening the Straits for 97% of all maritime traffic in that area of the world. In addition, if I understand correctly, Kazulia would like to work on an accord to begin to control the use of nuclear powered weapons of war in the Anantonese Ocean, from Danuk to Indrala. Is this understanding correct? If so, the Government of Kalistan has authorized me to negotiate terms for Peace along these lines.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:17 am

Kalistan responds to Lourenne

Ana Barajas responded to the comments of the Lourennaise Foreign and Defense Ministers

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote:À mes nouveaux amis, camarades Orléans et Jacques,

La différence entre nos deux nations n'a jamais été si grande qu'elle n'aurait pas pu être surmontée en parlant. J'aurais aimé que cela soit arrivé en premier. Votre charme accueillant est très désarmant, et je reconnais que votre nation est très belle, votre peuple est gentil et m'a accueilli chaleureusement dans les rues pendant que je marche le soir, et il n'y a aucune preuve de malice ou de mauvaise volonté de votre peuple vers moi.

Kalistan m'a chargé de dire qu'une fois que nos difficultés seront derrière nous, nous serons plus qu'intéressés par le retour à la conclusion d'un traité approprié sur le plan économique et sécuritaire. Cela comprendra des dispositions sur le libre-échange, la coopération économique, technologique et militaire entre nos deux nations, et l'échange général d'amitié et de culture entre nos deux États.

Je dirai: il y a deux choses qui m'ont frappé à propos de Lourenne et que j'ai apprises en faisant des recherches sur votre nation. Premièrement, votre nation abrite une grande population de Frères qui, contrairement à de nombreuses nations du monde, sont encore reconnus et comptés par votre gouvernement plutôt que d'être réprimés et exterminés. La communauté des Frères a été fondée il y a 350 ans par des immigrés Kalistani dans votre pays. La deuxième chose que j'ai découverte, et en fait, c'est assez bien connu, c'est que le gouverneur d'Ananto est un descendant d'un des présidents de votre nation.

Comme vous pouvez le voir, nos deux états partagent déjà l'histoire et la culture. Ananto est physiquement plus proche de Lourenne que du Kalistan continental. J'espère que ce lien culturel, qui est beaucoup plus profond que ne le comprennent la plupart des Kalistanis, fournira une base sûre pour un avenir commun de paix et de tranquillité pour Kalistani et Lourennaise.

Et, j'ai besoin d'ajouter, merci pour vos compliments sur ma Canrilaise. Je dois admettre que j'ai commencé à apprendre la langue au début de la guerre, au cas où je pourrais un jour venir dans votre pays et parler de la paix avec Lourenne.

Luthori Translation wrote:To my new friends, Comrades Orléans and Jacques,

The difference between our two nations was never so great that it could not have been overcome by talking. I wish it had come to this first. Your welcoming charm is very disarming, and I admit, your nation is very beautiful, your people are kind and have greeted me warmly in the streets as I walk in the evening, and there is no evidence of any malice or ill will from your people toward me.

Kalistan has instructed me to say that once our difficulties are put behind us, we shall be more than interested in returning to secure a proper treaty along economic and security lines. This will include provisions on free trade, economic, technological and military cooperation between our two nations, and general amity and cultural exchange between our two States.

I will say: there are two things which struck me about Lourenne which I learned while researching your nation. First, your nation is home to a large population of Brethren which, unlike many nations across the globe, your government still acknowledges and counts, rather than suppresses and exterminates. The community of Brethren was founded some three hundred and fifty years ago by Kalistani immigrants to your land. The Second thing I discovered, and actually, its pretty well known, that the Governor of Ananto is a descendant of one of your Nation's Presidents.

As you can see, our two states already share history and culture. Ananto is physically closer to Lourenne than continental Kalistan. I hope that this cultural link, which is much deeper than most Kalistanis understand, will provide a sure basis for a common future of peace and tranquility for Kalistani and Lourennaise.

And, I need to add, thank you for your compliments on my Canrilaise. I must admit, I began learning the language when the War began, in the event that I would ever be able to come to your nation and talk about peace with Lourenne.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Luis1p » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:39 am

Finishing Lourennais Statements to Kalistan/Kazulia
Valois, Carolleux.4415

Minister of Foreign Affairs Philippe Orléans, speaks:

Mme Barajas,

Lourenne est une nation de peuples libres. Nous assurons la sécurité et la protection de toutes les cultures qui existent au sein de notre nation. Les Kalistanais ont eu d'énormes impacts dans l'histoire du Lourennais.

Nous ne croyons pas que le pire est derrière nous. Nous pouvons commencer un nouvel âge de paix, de coopération et de tranquillité entre nos nations. Les discussions en termes d'économie, d'armée, de technologie et de culture peuvent absolument se produire lorsque votre gouvernement est prêt. Lourenne, en effet, est prête à le faire.


Je m'adresse à la délégation Kazulienne. Sommes-nous prêts pour un accord? La délégation de la Fédération de Russie est-elle prête à parvenir à un consensus avec Kalistan et Lodamum? Nous croyons que ce conflit ne peut être résolu.


Madame Barajas,

Lourenne is a nation of free peoples. We assure the safety and protection of every culture that exists within our nation. Kalistani people have had huge impacts in Lourennais History.

We do believe that the worst is behind us. We can begin a new age of Peace, cooperation, and tranquility between our nations. Talks in terms of economcs, military, technology and culture can absolutely happen when your Government is ready. Lourenne, in fact, is ready to do so.


I address myself now to the Kazulian delegation. Are we ready for an agreement. Is the Kazulian delegation ready to reach a consensus with Kalistan and Lodamum?. We believe that it is time to begin to reach an agreement between all countries so that this conflict may ne efficiently resolved.

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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Maxington » Thu Jun 28, 2018 8:03 pm

Sindre Granberg.

Kazulia will return to the discussion of the straits at a later time and the status quo will remain. As it stands, we intend on forming an accord to begin work against the movement of nuclear powered and nuclear weapon totting combatant vessels.
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Re: Peace Conference on Anantonese Bush War

Postby Doc » Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:36 pm

Barajas Announces Peace Accord
Pledges to Open Straits to Commerce

Ana Barajas announced the following:

Ana Barajas, Chief Negotiator, United Republic of Kalistan wrote: In Light of Kazulia's willingness to table the issue of Military Transit through the Straits, my Government is drafting a peace accord for all Parties to sign acknowledging:

1) The end of the current conflict
2) An opening of the Straits to unhindered civilian maritime traffic
3) A restoration to neutral status of Kalistan's merchant ports
4) An acknowledgement that the Straits are not to be used by military craft unless Kalistan gives explicit permission or is bound by Treaty to permit it
5) A commitment to the end of nuclear weaponry in the Anantonese Ocean

We will have a draft that will arrive this afternoon for the perusal of all in attendance.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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