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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby November » Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:52 pm

SHARBA — Since the pro-Esinsundu government of Prime Minister Tesfaye in Cobura has been installed, relations between the nation and its Esinsundu family have flourished. As a result of this, Her Imperial Majesty Aminatu Saksoure IX has officially visited Sharba and the Prime Minister today. Her Majesty has even found time to stop deliver a speech in the Coburan House of Representatives. Her Imperial Majesty arrived in Cezareo on Sunday morning for a state visit to what was previously regarded as almost ‘enemy territory’. However, since the election of the League of Coronists into the Cabinet, relations have warmed up. Upon arrival at the airport, Her Majesty was welcomed by the Coburan Prime Minister Diamo Tesfaye. He spoke: “Our prosperity is not built on isolation, quite the opposite. Cobura thrives because we welcome allies, family and innovators from across the globe.”

Her Majesty was flown into Sharba, where she attended a conference with representatives of the Coburan Government, before speaking to Coburan spectators at the nearby Mashate Square. From there, she headed to the capital for a high-roller Esinsundu fund-raiser, after which she flew back to Hawu Mumenhes on Saturday morning. It is the first time a head of the House of Saksoure has come to the country since the monarchy was impeached nearly 250 years ago. The historical value of the visit is regarded by historians as ‘legendary’ and ‘a milestone in Coburan history’.
Sharba was already flooded with over 150,000 spectators on the early hours of Tuesday’s afternoon, when her Imperial Majesty attended the first Coburan-Esinsundu Summit. Her arrival was the end of a 2-hour tour through the Coburan capital. During the CSE, Her Majesty officially invited the Coburan Government to set up a treaty, establishing the official re-entry of Cobura into the Esinsundu Empire. The representatives of the government, led by the Prime Minster, responded positively.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cobura spoke:
The historic value of this day is yet to be known. But what we do know is that this day marks the beginning of Coburan revival on the international stage.

On the last day, Her Majesty visited the House of Representatives, where she addressed the representatives with a message of hope. In her speech, she addressed the significance of Cobura in the Esinsundu Empire, but also reminded the parliament of its duty to uphold the democratic status of the nation and be loyal to its Esinsundu allies. Her speech was welcomed with a standing ovation.
Also the financial sector has looked profited of the state visit. Since the announcement last October, the Coburan Cobur has raised 17%, and with the confirmation of re-entry during the visit by both Her Majesty and the Prime Minister, economic growth is not expected to stagnate. Large multinational companies from Istalia and Kazulia have already reached out to Coburan business partners, hoping to set foot on the Coburan economy, which is slowly attracting more and more migrants into the nation.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby Maxington » Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:20 am

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby CCP » Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:27 pm

Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby Maxington » Fri Jun 08, 2018 10:56 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby Allvince » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:48 am

May 4407 Nekhatw, Nekhatw Palace

Earlier this evening at a small formal ceremony at Nekhatw Palace, now former President Lemarcus Morrison received a unprecedented honor from HM King Setepen sa Mumenhes Nkosinathi. Morrison has received the non hereditary noble title of Companion Peer; a title which has not been conferred in recent history and one which makes Morrison a member of His Majesty, the Kings personal advisory council. Below is an excerpt from a letter penned by His Majesty the King, which he read at this evening's ceremony.

My Beloved People,

I greet you all with the greatest affection. Today our Nation is strong. It is strong because of a
continuing legacy of strength. Our great ancestors have given us this, among many other treasured
gifts. None no greater than the love we all share for our beloved homeland. It is on that matter
that i write this missive to you. For years now former President Morrison has served our people,
our Nation and our government. With tireless service has he on many occassion shown forth his
love for the Hawu People and our Nation. I have known the former President for many
years and have been pleased to call him a loyal, trusted and faithful friend. Such selfless love,
service and faithfulness demand reward, and so earlier this evening, in a small ceremony at
Nekhatw Palace, I Setepen sa Mumenhes Nkosinathi, King of the Free
Kingdom of Hawu Mumenhes did confer upon former President Morrison the
honored title of Companion Peer; a title which shall bring our honored friend,
Morrison into our personal service, as a member of my private advisory council.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby CCP » Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:40 pm

Seeking Legitimacy and Official Recognition, Cildanian 'Prince' Rubs Soldiers with Hawu High Society

Arriving with high hopes, Alessandro Laviéra shunned by Hawu officials

AQQAK -- The brother of a prominent Cildanian political activist arrived in Hawu Mumenhes this week hoping to buttress his family's quixotic claim to a throne that doesn't exist.

Alessandro Laviéra is the younger brother of Aiden Laviéra, an activist with the newly-founded Federal Monarchist Party. Nicknamed PMF for short, the fledgling political organization is pushing for radical reforms of Cildanian society, including the creation of a complex form of government headed by a monarch. Unfortunately, there are no cclaimants for the throne of PMF's fanstyland because no such 'federal monarchy' has ever existed in Cildania. But further afield, distant and long-forgotten countries alike once employed such uncommon constitutional arrangements. Artanian regimes in particular have shown unique fascination with putting hereditary nobles at the head of local governments all beneath the throne of a national monarch. The Holy Luthori Empire in earlier centuries went so far as to ban commoners from serving in cabinet, and the country's five provinces to this day proclaim themselves 'Archduchies,' an empty pretense since Luthori politics long ago abandoned the experiment of aristocrats who both reign and rule. Centuries after Luthori tossed out its 'federation of nobles,' its former neighbor to the north, Ibutho, employed similar arrangements. Ibutho Kings were under-girded by a dizzying array of 'IzinDuna', 'uNkosikazi iPini izinDuna', and 'izinumNtwana' (dukes, countesses, and princes that is), all of whom shared the load of administering the ancient civilization's many provinces, cities, and towns, and passed on the jobs to generation-after-generation of their descendants.

Though long ago stripped of governing and political power, some of those descendants still stalk the byways of the lands their great-great-great-grands once lorded over. Nefertari Shabangu-Saksoure, a Royal University at Nekhatw professor who studies the historical curiosity of federal monarchies is in fact herself a 'princess' of sorts. 'Princess du Sang de Rildanor is the technical pronunciation,' she tells me in her workmanlike campus office, cluttered with what seem to be thousands of thick tomes with indecipherable titles like 'twe neehojnef mytpune tayfe himu vipwy twe eate idenay zas iatu iny aiopa uimo tayi aiutu irinef.' 'It's just about a son asking the king of his country for permission to inherit the rulership of the city his father had run,' she explains to me on seeing the look of abject confusion on my face. 'If you go far enough back in history, most countries can be described as federal monarchies at one time or another.' The professor has actually heard of this Aiden Laviéra. 'I met his brother last week. He came to learn about how federal monarchy could work in contemporary times.'

She did more than meet Alessandro Laviéra apparently. After being refused for meetings by Hawu Mumenhes government officials, a well-connected operative in the country's ruling party set up a dinner meeting between the professor and the wannabe 'prince.' Though they weren't alone (the dinner was attended by a mildly secret but powerful clutch of the 'formerly ennobled' so to speak), the pair apparently hit it off, huddling in corners whispering about the esoteria of ensuring your 3rd great-grandnephew inherits all the land in your city and the citizens to go with it.

After a night cap, the professor even invited Laviéra to attend a royal ceremony held by the government to mark the Hawu Mumenhes King's appointment of a new President for the country. 'It was extraordinarily moving,' Laviéra told me soon after attending. 'I felt such a sense of admiration for the way His Majesty and this amazing system of government unifies 100 million of Hawu Mumenhes's citizens of every creed and origin. My friends in Hawu explained to me that it's one of the most diverse countries in Terra. You'd never know it because everyone there exhibits such common purpose and like-mindedness.' And that's because of their monarchy, I ask. 'Yes, and the deep way the citizens have been included in the system. The Hawu Mumenhes King for example was elected to the throne by the people. Literally anyone can aspire to be monarch in their country and take part in an incredible project of self-government. I was enormously grateful to be able to witness it,' Laviéra mused. Besides inspiration, the aspiring bigwig also took home with him a real title of sorts for him and his older brother, both of whose 'princely' titles were fabricated by their political party. In exchange for growing its membership and helping its cause, an obscure organization called Order of Nobles knighted Laviéra during his visit, creating both him and his brother Knights Grand Cross of The Most Preeminent Order of Princes and Nobles with permission to pass the titles on to their eldest sons.

Now back in the Cildanian capitol, Alessandro Laviéra is said to be busy with round-the-clock glad-handing following his party's unexpectedly strong showing in recent elections there. But his new friends here in Hawu Mumenhes say they think he'll be back soon. 'He's a bit infatuated with the place. And the lady,' one dinner party guest observed cheekily.

-Yannick Pirera, October 4407
for Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation in partnership with The Daily Scribe
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
Movement for Radical Libertarianism, Talmoria
Enarekh Koinonia, Cobura
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby CCP » Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:56 pm

Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
Movement for Radical Libertarianism, Talmoria
Enarekh Koinonia, Cobura
Sizwe Esintsundu Amandla Inhlangano, Ibutho
Christian Communalist Party, Rildanor
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby Allvince » Mon Jun 25, 2018 10:37 pm

Nekhatw, Hawu Mumenhes May 4414

After many weeks of correspondence between government officials and officials within the government
of The Repubblica Istaliana, an official state visit has been scheduled. President Calenda of Istalia will be
visiting Nekhatw in the upcoming weeks. It has been reported that during his(her) visit, President Calenda
hopes to meet with several high ranking members of the Hawu Government; in an effort to increase relations
between the two nations. This morning a spokesman for His Majesty King Nkosinathi announced that their
Imperial Highness's will host a Royal Gala in honor of President Calenda's visit. Several high ranking Hawu
Government officials, Istalian Government officials, as well as members of the Imperial Family and Court are
expected to be in attendance. Their Imperial Highness's have also extended an invitation to the Istalian President
and certain close retainers to stay at Khem Palace in Aqqak as official guests of the Imperial couple.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby Allvince » Thu Jun 28, 2018 11:42 pm

November 4415 Nekhatw, Hawu Mumenhes

In a statement given today by a spokesman for the Imperial household, the Imperial couple
formally announce the birth of a son. His Royal Highness, Prince Tykiem Kosan Sebek-em-
saf, the first prince born to the Royal House of Chandler-Saksoure was born on the night of
3 November 4415 at Nekhatw Palace around six pm. The spokesman was at liberty to report
that the Empress and Consort Esintsundu are "elated" at the birth of their son and " look
forward to the many great acheivements that will be his in life". The spokesman also stated
that in honor of the Prince's birth, His Majesty King Nkosinathi has commisioned the
construction of a new palace in Nekhatw. It will be located across the city from the current
home to the Royal Family, Nekhatw Palace and will be the official residence of the newborn
prince upon his coming of age.
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Re: The Daily Scribe (Hawu Mumenhes)

Postby CCP » Fri Jun 29, 2018 11:05 am

As Lourenne Government Prepares to Liberalize Finance Sector, Hawu Mumenhes Big Banks Seek to Take Advantage

Banque Populaire, a local subsidiary of investment banking multinational IeUkN, is completing construction of 200 branches across Lourenne

ERONCOURT -- Foreign investors hailed the move by Lourenne's Chamber of Deputies today to begin liberalizing the country's financial sector. For years, Lourenne's arch-socialist policy orientation has seen the bulk of means-of-production owned and operated by the state. But after decades of Parti Libéral-led coalitions pushing for a more assertive role on the international stage, the orthodoxy of nationalization is beginning to fray.

'You can't be a big power if you horde everything in the state,' says Véronique Genet, Co-Chairperson of the Lourennais-Hawu Chambre de Commerce Commune, a newly-formed trade group made up of Hawu and Lourennais companies and executives seeking to take advantage of increasing economic relations between the two countries. 'The government wants to unite Canrille; et fight every war! How can you be chef du empire if other countries of your empire can't do business in your country? C'est impossible!,' Genet exclaimed during a gala event marking the Chambre de Commerce Commune's launch.

But Genet and her Chambre colleagues aren't just campaigning or wining-and-dining. In her day job, Genet is also the Président of Banque Populaire. If you're wondering what that is, you won't have to wonder for long. Genet and her team have quietly broke ground at 200 hundred sites throughout Lourenne, all slated to service Lourennais customers as local branches of the fast-growing behemoth. And precisely how did Genet manage to build such a large new company under Eroncourt's stringent anti-private sector laws? 'With help from our new Hawu amis,' she says wistfully. Under the newly-inked Hawu-Lourennais Trade Agreement, private sector businesses from both countries are allowed to transact business with consumers and fellow companies to the tune of $100 Billion LOD. Ignoring the nationalization laws, Genet and her partners bought up deeds to vacant lots across Lourenne, few of them zoned for the nearly non-existent private retail sector. The construction outlay alone racked up to a cool $150 Million LOD. 'We dared the regulators to try and stop us,' Genet intoned at the launch gala. 'We chose to make a big splash with the 200 branches to force the government to confront the contradictions of its étranger et économique politiques, and we won!,' Genet boasted to applause. By 'won,' she was referring to the Parti la Façon de Gouverner's Fair Banking Act which seeks to legalize privately-owned community banks.

While Genet's claim to credit for the Fair Banking Act is questionable (the bill hasn't passed the Chamber of Deputies yet, though the YEAs are currently leading; either way, the governing coalition has been pushing in this direction for some time), her gambit is almost certain to revolutionize Lourenne's financial sector -- and its economy at large. 'What we want to see in the Lourenne market is higher wages, higher savings, and more investment,' says Ahmose Kheperu who, as Chairman of Genet's Banque Populaire, serves on the bank's Board of Directors as representative of the bank's largest shareholder, Hawu Mumenhes multinational firm IeUkN. 'As the international investor community, we see People's Bank as an ideal vehicle to contribute to those goals.' On top of the $280 Million LOD already spent on construction and staffing costs ($130 MIllion LOD of that went to the latter, which works out to an average of 18.5 mostly-local employees per branch each earning about $35k a year), the company plans to flood the Lourenne market with competitive-rate residential and business loans -- just the kind of mass finance that's known for (and essential to) building a large consumer economy.

'We are going to revolutionize the economy. And then Lourenne will revolutionize the world,' Genet proclaimed to shouts of Viva Banque Populaire! Viva Lourenne! Viva Canrille!

-Boipelo Zola Akhenhboui-Richardson, February 4416
Editor-at-Large, The Daily Scribe
Global Roleplay Committee Chair(until March 2019)
Ity ꜣḥwt xꜣdt, Hawu Mumenhes
Movement for Radical Libertarianism, Talmoria
Enarekh Koinonia, Cobura
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