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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Mon Jul 02, 2018 3:29 pm

Martin Set to Become First 3 Term Chancellor

Since the inception of the Commonwealth, no Hutorian Chancellor has served 3 terms. That is, until now. Chancellor Brett Martin is expected to stay in his role under the Grand Coalition, which means he will be serving a 3rd term. It was widely thought after Martin's Royalists lost seats that he would not have another chance to serve, but thanks to Russell Selwyn's Grand Compromise, Martin will get that opportunity

Martin speaks to reporters after the grand compromise motion was presented by Russell Sewlyn.
"Well it is a great honor to be the first Chancellor to earn a third term. While my own party may not have done well, there was a large surge in votes for other parties who are in favour of keeping the monarchy. We also were able to ensure that the honorable Russell Selwyn was re-elected, and so far he has been a unifying force in the house. I'd be remiss if I didn't thank him for his Grand Compromise, which is allowing me to serve a third term as Chancellor of the nation I so dearly love, and will allow for Empress Mary to be crowned. So Russell, if you are watching, I send you my sincerest thanks, and congratulations on winning back your seat. The people of Sutton East are in great hands."

As mentioned before, the Royalist party lost seats overall, but it was especially bad for the Conservative wing, as they fell from more than 50 seats to just 25. Meanwhile the Progressive wing went from having 19 seats to 46, which means for the first time in the party's 31 year history, the Progressive Caucus will be larger than the Conservative Caucus. Some within the Conservative wing of the party are concerned that the Progressives may take over the party and insert a new leader, but Conservative Caucus Chairman Dylan Jourdain doesn't seem to be worried at all.

Jourdain speaks on the rumours of a progressive wing revolt.
"Our party has stood united for more than 3 decades now. We are 1 party, and we have always been united behind our leader. I know Daniel and Natalie are firmly supportive of Brett as well, and would never force him out. Brett will step down at a time that he decides is right for him. As for right now, he is safe in his role and any rumour that he is not is just that, a rumour."

We reached out to both Daniel MacKenzie and Natalie Cook for comment, MacKenzie wasn't available, but Cook denied all rumours.

"Any rumour that we would even think about overthrowing Brett is just utter rubbish. We have no plan to contest his leadership."
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Mon Jul 02, 2018 5:06 pm

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Interview with Former Scientian Insider

Postby TheCollectivist » Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:50 am

November 4417

Adelian coast

According to a former Scientian insider, who wishes to remain anonymous, the Scientian Enclave has a "secret" plan for radical land reclamation off the Adelian coast. The land reclamation project has been nicknamed Project Reclamation. While not officially classified or recognized by the Scientian state, the project's idea has been confirmed by Scientian Ambassador Norbert Lowell to be a topic of casual debate.

The anonymous source claims that the Scientian leadership has been taken over by a wave of pragmatic sentiment that has caused traditional values of council communism and localism found previously in the preceding Ataraxian Confederation to be abandoned. The source was previously a member of the Scientian Assembly, but left Scientia after becoming disillusioned with what they felt was "creeping elitism". The source goes on to describe the concept as something out of corporate dystopia:

Anonymous former Scientian insider wrote:The Scientian leadership is the old Ataraxian leadership, but with different ideas for the future. They want to abandon council communism and isolated planned communities. Their ultimate plan is to build a semi-autonomous planned corporate city-state built on top of reclaimed land off the Adelian coast. The technologically progressive city-state would be ruled by a totalitarian oligarchy of technocrats that uses a combination of state capitalism and private corporate capitalism to develop and deploy technology. Inequality is accepted as necessary if it results in overall higher living standards for more people. In the name of economic progress and stability, labour unions would be "encouraged" to cooperate with corporate interests. There would be no minimum wage mandated by the state except for those negotiated between labour and corporate agencies. Subsidies from the state, no corporate taxes, along with an extremely pro-technology government would seek to attract investment from major multinational corporations. All sacrifice demanded from those in the present, such as adopting potentially risky emerging technologies and putting them to test in a highly dense urban environment, would be seen as an acceptable part of making a better future.

Ambassador Lowell was asked for comment on what he thought of the anonymous source's claims, which he responded:

Lowell wrote:Yes, we have such in plan in very casual concept phases right now. It's just talk among individuals. I think Scientians have realized for a long time that our present system only works for the very small few who live here. Our population has been extremely stagnant. While we have seen technological innovation, it could be much larger in scope. I think it would be better if we centralize our efforts into a single planned community and end our geographical isolation. Such a land reclamation project would have to be approved by the Hutorian government. That hasn't been done as there has been no proposal for it yet. So, nobody is going to wake up one day and find some kind of smart city off their coast. These things take serious time, money, and planning.

As for the "corporate dystopia", I think that view is a result of misunderstanding and exaggeration. When some people think of "big government" and "big business" they might envision overpopulated, overcrowded, and gloomy metropolises. That's not our style. When we do anything, it's going to be clean, orderly, and convenient. You think even "the rich" want poverty and destitution in their cities? You think they want to wake up to sirens, the smell of garbage, and the mentally ill left to beg on the streets? No. Nobody except the worst of humanity wants that. This demonization of government and business will get us nowhere when both have their uses to make our lives better.

You know neither Scientia or the former Ataraxian Confederation was ever a liberal democracy. We've always accepted that humans are imperfect beings that like anything else must be kept controlled and directed towards the best possible use. Nobody is forced to live the Scientian way of life, but if you do want to live it of course you have to follow the rules.

Despite ample financial reserves, Scientian "profit margins" (residents do not receive wages) have shrunken over the years apparently due to increased reliance on imports for materials such as rare minerals. Their geographic isolation in rural Adelia makes import and export costs higher than in Hutorian cities. As infrastructure ages, raw material imports will only increase. Scientians are concerned that eventually this will lead to an economic collapse. Since there are 65 independent Scientian settlements, it is difficult to fund infrastructure upgrades in all of them and as a result some of them have fallen behind. For this reason, Lowell and the Scientian leadership feel looking for an alternative direction is prudent. They make the claim that abandoning their society's ardent egalitarianism and localism in favour of permitting private enterprise and becoming more of an economy of scale will be necessary for survival and will actually make things better.


The Scientian's predecessor, the Ataraxian Confederation, created and funded Adelia Fibre, a relatively cheap and non-profit high speed networking service that was put under ownership of the Hutorian government. Adelia Fibre utilizes optical fibre cables in the form of fibre to the premises (FTTP) to transmit data, making it the first of its kind in Hutori. This required a steep multi-billion dollar investment that was covered by the Ataraxians in full in order to help foster growth in the information technology sector in Adelia and provide consumers with faster speeds. Scientians want to continue this tradition of investing in technology in Adelia and see it as necessary to promote further technological adoption nationwide.

Lowell wrote:We never "abandoned" communism. Seeking a world where everyone gets what they need and does what they can to contribute is a noble and humane goal. The state can't get us there alone. To fix our world, we're going to need and foster the best and brightest. Capitalism to a degree has been shown to be the most attractive system for that purpose. Does it mean we abandon regulation and leave our people to fend for themselves? No. It does mean that we be pragmatic and look at what solutions work best.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:51 pm

Martin Steps Down, Cook Becomes Royalist Leader

Chancellor Brett Martin has announced that effective immediately, he will be stepping down as Royalist leader. Martin will be replaced by Natalie Cook, the former government house leader. She becomes the first member of the Progressive Caucus to lead the party.


"Effective immediately, I am stepping down as leader of the Royalist Party of Hutori. After 17 years, my time has come to an end. I want to thank all of the party members, and voters in general, who have supported me over the years. I was elected to serve at the young age of 22. I was so fortunate that the people of Wrightstown took the chance on me 31 years ago. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you. To the people of Hutori who elected me as their Chancellor for the last 8 years, I thank you as well. Being Chancellor of the greatest nation on Terra has been an incredible journey. Lastly, I must thank everyone who I have had the chance to work with in parliament over the last 31 years. From MPs to staffers, you have all made my political career a success. I would like to wish Natalie Cook the best of luck as leader, and as our nation's next Chancellor."

Cook was elected by the party membership using the same point system that was used in Martin's leadership election. Her opponent was Dylan Jourdain, the current Minister of Finance and Conservative Caucus Chairman. The results were as follows:

Cook: 81
Jourdain: 19

Cook: 86
Jourdain: 14

Cook: 63
Jourdain: 37

Cook: 57
Jourdain: 43

Cook: 64
Jourdain: 36

Cook: 351
Jourdain: 149
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:47 pm

Empress Mary III Formally Takes the Throne

Her Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty Mary III, 3rd Sovereign of the Imperial Commonwealth

After four years of uncertainty Empress Mary III has been officially coronated at the Gold Lion Palace in Bekenial as the third Sovereign of the Imperial Commonwealth and fourth Monarch of Hutori. Her Imperial Majesty's coronation was held up because of an going Pro-Republican parliamentary blockade that occurred in Parliament lead by the now de-funct USPH and NLP.

Her Imperial Majesty was later officially confirmed as High Chieftainess and Clan Mother of the Mashacara by the Mashacara Tribes, a rare honour; while every Monarch has been honoured as High Chieftain the title of Clan Mother is normally reserved for Clan Matriarchs, showing the supreme high regards the Mashacara hold for Mary specifically, following her years of advocacy and work she did with the Mashacara as Crown Princess.

The Empress will now depart for the rest of the Commonwealth nations to be confirmed as Sovereign in their own local ceremonies, with trips to Luthori, Mordusia, Alduria and Klavia confirmed already. The Lord Chamberlain of the House has also confirmed the Empress and her family will make stops in Vanuku, Kazullia and Hulstria.

The trip to Vanuku is to see her cousin Juhn X, who has Protector of the Jelbic People and King Vanuku, must affirm the Empress as a Princess of Vanuku and Duchess of Stormkaap, and pay homage to her Jelbic ancestry; her great grandfather was Prince Pawl, the son of King Temrkai. The trip to Kazullia is to see her mother in law Queen Alexandra with her husband, Kazullian Crown Prince Avrid and her son, Crown Prince William. The final trip to Hulstria is to pay her respects to the new Kaiser, and to foster better relations between the Houses of Steuart-Carmichael and Rothingren-Traugott-Okatori, the heirs to the western and eastern branches of the House of Rothingren-Traugott.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RIS » Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:50 pm

Hutori to Order 12 New Destroyers

The Hutorian Parliament has ordered twelve Liberty Class Destroyers to replace the Navy's aging Mashacara-Class. The Mashacara class destroyers are to be decommissioned and sold to Klavia as their replacements are built. Prosperity Ironworks has already been busy building the newest members of the Hutorian Navy.

HHMS Liberty
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:58 pm

Northern Council Joint Fleet Holding off of Vanuku

HMHS-Empress Sarah IV & HMHS-Timothy Drumf en route to Jelbania

In a showing of force and determination the joint Northern Council Fleet, is in it's holding position near Vanuku and Jelbania in a standoff with the Vanukean Royal Navy in who will blink first.

The powerful Northern Council Joint Operations Fleet is made up of elements of the Kazullian 2nd Fleet, Luthori's Task Force Orange and the Hutorian Fourth and Sixth Fleets which rally from Luthori and Keymon respectively. At the centre of this immense fleet are a quartet of the Northern Council's Aircraft Carriers; the Kazullian KNS-Queen Annette, the Luthorian [/i]ILS-Luthoria[/i] and the Hutorian HMHS-Empress Sarah IV and Timothy Drumf. The collection of Aircraft Carriers, and their escorts, are the most powerful fleet of vessels assembled since the Wolfsheim War in Hulstria. The Fleet's immense projecting power is anchored by a massive net of Anti-Submarine Frigates and Air Defence Destroyers, critically the Liberty class Destroyers of the Royal Hutorian Navy.

While usually a closely held secret, it has also been leaked that at least three of Hutori's fiercesome Sentinel class Submarines are escorted the Northern Council Joint Fleet. The Sentinel is considered amongst the world's most powerful and stealthy Submarines and have served as the lynchpins of Hutorian nuclear power projection since their introduction. Defence analysts have spent years speculating their exact armament but it's widely believed each Sentinel carries at least four of the Hutorian Satanil-IV nuclear missiles, Hutori's most powerful nuclear missile. Normally the deployment the Sentinel's are a closely held secret, although it's believed one is always escorting a Hutorian Carrier Battle Group. The leak of their deployment is likely a direct challenge to Vanuku to reinforce how seriously the Northern Council takes Vanuku's use of nuclear weapons against Deltaria.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat Jul 07, 2018 12:02 pm

HIHL to Expand Ahead of 10th Season

The Hutorian Ice Hockey League will kick off its 10th season next October. The league is currently in the midst of its 9th season, and has been a huge success in the 6 cities which currently have teams. With the success, league commissioner Larry Bateman announced the league will expand from 6 teams to 10 teams at the start of its 10th season. The current teams are located in Tremaine, Constantine, Acton, Port Prosperity, Bekenial and Saint Anslem. The 4 new teams will be located in Corktown, Langdon, Glentingham and Carter City.

With the new additions, the league is changing is season format and division alignment. The new divisions are as follows:

Corktown Mariners
Tremaine Jets
Langdon Klondikes
Carter City Capitals
Constantine Red Wings

Acton Maple Leafs
Bekenial Senators
Glentingham Steel
Prosperity Voyageurs
Anslem Rocket

For the regular season, teams will play each divisional rival a total of 8 times, 4 home and 4 away, and each team from the opposite division 4 times, twice at home and twice on the road. This means the league will extend its schedule from 48 games, to 60 games. At the end of the season, each division winner will earn a bye past the first round of the playoffs. 2nd and 3rd place teams in each division will face each other in round 1, with the winner facing the team from their division that earned a bye in the second round. The 2 second round winners will face each other in the finals for the Alexander Cup. All series are best of 7.
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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:19 am

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