The Market is a nationally-published daily economic newspaper centred in Tian'an. While the paper remains generally non-partisan, critics have observed a tendency for the paper to publish articles which generally support classically liberal economic policies and the established economic order of Indrala.Indralair, Royal Airlines, and FlyIndrala to form Tiankong Group13 May 4418Planned Tiankong Group headquarters in Tian'anTIAN'AN, Han Province: In a move that will create a near monopoly over domestically controlled airways within Indrala, the nation's three major airlines: Indralair, Royal Airlines, and FlyIndrala have agreed to form a conglomerate named the Tiankong Group.
The group seems to obviously specialise in taking people across the globe; however, with the current development within the Kaizhou International Airport, the group is unlikely to stay single-minded for much longer.
Experts seem to be divided over the idea of Tiankong, with many worried that the group can now raise prices drastically. But, others are still optimistic, calling it an opportunity to create a cheaper, easier way into Indrala.
Ren Xuefeng, who had recently taken over Indralair, will reportedly become the owner of the conglomerate, but it is currently unsure if Ren will keep company power within family, much like other caizus, or have a more liberal approach.
New Tiankong Group to bring "Sky City" to Mundawan, Tian'an2 June 4418Construction has already begun of Sky City MundawanMUNDAWAN, Min Province: After what has undoubtedly been a major success in the opening of Sky City in Kaizhou, the Tiankong Group has announced that it will be building new Sky Cities in Mundawan and Tian'an.
"I'm excited by the prospect of building these portals to Indrala, elsewhere," said Ren Xuefeng, "its done so much good around Kaizhou, and I can't wait to see how it helps our next destinations. And, we won't forget how we've managed to get here: the company will still be holding townhalls and conferences for local residents."
These new sites will be no less important than Kaizhou, with Sky City Tian'an having plans to be home to the new Tiankong Headquarters, which are currently in Kaizhou, by next year. So far, each of the cities has planned around busy international airports, and its unknown if Tiankong will build in smaller cities. There have; however, been leaked plans of possible international expansion in the coming years.
It has also been reported that quite a few plots of land in and around Mundawan have mysteriously been bought up by Tiankong, despite not being near the airport.