
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Thu Jun 28, 2018 6:43 am

Deltarian Forces Move To Counter Vanukean Bombing and Make Incursions into The Tribal Areas

June 4415

Deltarian Air Units have begun a strategy designed to bleed the Vanukean Airforce Dry in its Bombing campaign via a war of attrition. Fighters and Interceptors are carrying out a plan that involves using Fighters and Interceptors to overwhelm and destroy escorts and bombers followed by a withdrawal to avoid facing reinforcements. Surface to Air Units have also been moved to the border regions to assist in this regard. A propaganda campaign has also begun which portrays the Vanukean campaign as an attempt to wipe out the Deltarian people in total anihilation. It is designed to boost morale and ensure that the population and army are willing to continue fighting for as long as needed. Ground Units have also been ordered to integrate fortifications into the natural terrain where possible such as the mountainous regions and to build tougher structures where the terrain is not suitable.. This is designed to provide more cover from aerial bombardments in the future.

“We will make them pay for every bomb dropped” an anonymous Deltarian Pilot told the press.

In Regards to missile strikes, surface to air equipment is being deployed to shoot them down before they reach their targets and the construction of fake bases and industrial areas designed to confuse Vanukean operators into hitting fake targets has also begun. Engineers are also being deployed to repair any damage as quickly as possible to minimise disruption.

New strategies are also being implemented for sabotage squads made up of the most elite Deltarian troops. Their objective is to sabotage airfields, industrial areas etc. with explosives and other tools to reduce or eliminate their effectiveness. They will dig tunnels and trek mountains to reach their targets in an attempt to avoid drones and other Vanukean defenses. This is however incredibly dangerous due to the harsh conditions present and some have begun to question if many will end up as one way suicide missions with little chance of returning. Nevertheless, there is confidence in the high command that the elite training will see them through.

An additional Deltarian Division has also been sent into the theatre towards the tribal areas where their objective will be to keep the various factions contained including an alleged member of the Jeztri Dynasty’s forces. This is to ensure none of them grow strong enough to seriously threaten the Katonid Khanate and Deltaria following reports of a Zardic Withdrawal.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Mon Jul 02, 2018 12:14 pm

Deltarian Infiltration Missions: A costly partial success

August 4417

Nothing can break the stalemate it seems. The Vanukean Bombing Campaign has turned into a bloodbath for aerial superiority with no end In sight and casualties mounting on both sides. The infiltration missions carried out by Elite Deltarian troops have also resulted in unexpectedly limited success and heavy casualties. There were several instances of Deltarian troops freezing on the mountaintops and being crushed by the collapse of makeshift tunnels. Dispute this, the elite training of these troops saw most of them through these challenges. Sabotage missions have caused some disruptions to Vanukean troops and contributed to the blunting of some attacks but due to a lack of communication, this advantage could never be presssd for Deltarian troops to make a breakthrough. Apart from the capture of a few villages made possible by the bombing of an airfield , the strategy proved ineffective as damage could easily be repaired in time for an assault.

The tactic seems to work on a small scale frontline but is not able to generate a significant breakthrough. Targets whose sabotage would have a greater effect are simply too far from the frontline for Deltarian troops to reach them undetected. Additionally, the losses from using such a tactic are losses Deltaria can not afford as they are the elite troops of the army. Deltarian High Command has mostly called off the usage of infiltration teams and has redirected them to the frontlines where it is hoped they will be able to better generate breakthroughs.



Above: Deltarian Special Forces sifting through the snowy Jelbek Mountains
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Tue Jul 03, 2018 1:47 am

Zima to Build Resort in Keymon
November 4417


Above: Vladan Zima

Due to the failure of the Romula summit in ending the Jelbanian Conflict, Deltarian Ogliarch Vladan Zima’s project of a trans Majatran railway seems to be dead for now. The current railway project has been mostly converted to rotate Deltarian divisions in and out of the frontline with Vanuku. While the railway has come under air attack, it still serves as the primary mode of transport for Deltarian troops in Jelbania. Zima has now moved his attention to Keymon where he plans to build a holiday resort.

The resort will apparently be very luxurious and mainly affordable to the Rich and famous whom Zima hopes will stay there. This means that the resort will be quite exclusive and expensive but would also be of very high quality. If the project is successful profit wise, Zima has stated that we may consider building more resorts including one more affordable for more modest guests.

Zima has previously enjoyed success in a tourism project focused on an old battlefield and the production of a tv show on Zog Thaller. With the Trans Majatran Railway on hold indefinitely, it seems Zima has shifted his focus elsewhere.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:55 pm

Deltarian Troops Withdraw from Nuke Affected Areas to form a new frontline and announce switch to “total war”

The Vanukean Nuclear Strike has caused an estimated 50,000 dead and made the situation in the tribal areas indefensible for Deltarian troops. The High Command has ordered a full withdrawal for any surviving troops back to a more defensible frontline free of fallout. (Approximately the borders of the Katonids and the occupied areas of the free republic). The destruction of any equipment . Mostly infantry and artillery equipment (due to the rough terrain) that cannot be evacuated has also been ordered. It is unknown if Deltarian troops will be able to defend the new frontline and many new soldiers have now been conscripted in hopes that fresh manpower will block any offensive.

Chair of the Grand Council Adawolf Von Thaller has also announced his intention to switch to a “total war” with Vanuku which will mobilise all resources for the war. A formal declaration of war which has so far been undeclared is also being made. A massive propaganda campaign is also underway in which Vanuku is portrayed as wanting to kill every last Deltarian by taking over Jelbania and using it to invade Deltaria itself.

How Deltaria will counter it’s lack of nuclear weapons is unclear at this stage however there are rumours of the beginning of a proper defense system to eliminate the threat in the air by shooting down nuclear missiles before they land.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Fri Jul 06, 2018 6:04 am

Volcanic Eruption Paralyses the Jelbanian Conflict

Following the Eruption of Khan Tanhri, military operations in Jelbania especially in the tribal areas have almost ground to a complete halt. Lava flows have destroyed roads, military bases and an unknown but exorbitant value of military equipment on both sides. The result of this is that many Deltarian and Vanukean forces are stranded and unable to attack or withdraw. Casualty figures on both sides are unknown but it is likely that troops closest to the volcano are dead. The ash clouds are also expected to spread over a large distance making it impossible to carry out air operations in the region for the time being. It is also possible that global disruptions to air traffic will occur and even fears that the recent nuclear fallout will be blown across the region.

With both side’s forces paralysed for the time being, the conflict will enter a strange period of peace and may provide an opportunity for those pushing for full Jelbanian Independence to seize upon the moment of weakness shown by foreign troops.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Sun Jul 08, 2018 10:14 am

Power of the Ruling LNS Weakening
July 4420

The Ruling LNS has been in power for almost 70 years nearly uninterrupted and unopposed by any political party. While its electoral hegemony was at times threatened by nationalists and communists who showed the weakness of the LNS, these parties proved to be populist fringe groups fading into obscurity after a single term and in many cases joining the LNS to receive positions in Government. With no opposition to speak of, the party has implemented its full policy platform long ago and many say it has lost its purpose as a result. With the economy steadily growing and the war with Vanuku, there was little reason to deviate from the Nationalist-Libertarian policies the party stands for. With the conflict in Jelbania completely deadstuck due to a Vaneukean nuclear detonation and a volcanic eruption, there are fears that that the LNS will "not be so lucky next time" and be swept out of power. At the most recent 4418 election, barely 10% of the population bothered to vote and the political machine of the LNS proved incompetent beyond measure. Many Members of the LNS are looking for a way to energise the party and its supporters to prepare for opponents. Some reforms had the intention of revitalising the nation and populace but did little to energise the electoral spirit of the Deltarian people.

Deltaria Rejects Istalian Ultimatum, Will Seek a Ceasefire with Vanuku
July 4420

Chair of the Grand Council, Adawolf Von Thaller announced that he had rejected the Istalian ultimatum but was open to a ceasefire with Vanuku that would pave the way to a formal peace treaty. He responded to the ultimatum quite sarcastically

First of all, all of Jelbania is covered in ash so I doubt you could get any of your little pizza delivery planes over there. Your airliner's jet did crash because of it remember? Second of all, Air Traffic has been made near impossible in Deltaria due to that same ash and you forget that we've been at war and have developed defense capabilities to deal with it so same story. Third of all, you threatened to rain fire on our cities which are full of civilians. Are these Istalians illiterate or what? Threatening to do something that logically could not happen under current circumstances and would be morally apprehensible. I have no idea what the hell these dumb Istalians are thinking but their comedy is fun to watch.

Also, we are open to negotiating a fair ceasefire with Vanuku so none of this was necessary but we will not withdraw troops until the two parties agree on something. Even if we could bow down to these holy fearsome pizzamakers, it'd be a logistical nightmare to pull them out anyways!
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Mon Jul 09, 2018 5:28 am

Cousin v Cousin
Sigeric Thaller Replaces Adawolf's LNS
November 4420

In a landslide rout. Captain Sigeric Thaller, great-grandson of the great hero Zog Thaller and second cousin once removed of the Chairman of the Grand Council, Adawolf Thaller has smashed his cousin's long suffering LNS after a split months before the election. A generation of young Thallerists rejected Adawolf's four decade rule, accusing him of mismanaging the war in which many of them like Captain Sigeric fought. As the LNS decayed further, Sigeric and several anti-Adawolf Thallerists left the party and formed the Great Deltarian League.

Sigeric Thaller

Campaigning on a popular platform of ending the war "with honour and strength", Sigeric also campaigned on economic issues targeting the masses who have been left behind by "wolf-economics" - a not too subtle attack on his cousin Adawolf and his conduct of the Jelbek war. As his cousin's party rose in the polls, Adawolf surprised all by announcing the dissolution of the LNS and his own retirement form politics. This ends a 40 year tenure as Chairman of the influential Grand Council.

Sigeric, 36 has presented a program for "Deltarian rejuvination" This will include constitutional reforms to strengthen the executive and streamline its decision-making process; economic reform which includes considerable increases to public spending particularly defence and a protectionist trade program aimed at boosting the Grand Principality's industrial base. As for foreign policy, Sigeric's said little beyond "we are going to very tough. We won't be pushed around anymore."
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby cm9777 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 6:10 am

Katona and Officers Head to Medina
December 4420

In a surprising move, the self-proclaimed Ruler of the Katonid Khanate and some of his senior officers have decided to go to Medina. The now 55 year old Katona Von Thaller was invited by the Medinese Government to train Medinese troops and possibly lead them into combat. His experience in stamping out resistance movements and in unconventional tactics will likely be an important part of Medinese military doctrine as the nation finds itself at war in Dovani. The remainder of Katonid Officers and troops have elected to stay behind and fill roles where needed.

There is speculation as to why Katona decided to leave his domain behind however many have created theories to justify the decision. With a ceasefire in effect and a peace treaty being negotiated, it is unlikely his totalitarian state will be in existence for much longer. Additionally, Katona loves all things war-related and with the war coming to a close, he may simply be in search of another place to achieve glory.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Reddy » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:23 am

Power to the Chairman
Constitutional Reforms Lead To Most Powerful Chief Executive In Decades
January 4422

Sigeric Thaller the young Chairman of the Grand Council has managed to achieve a reform which has bedevilled a number of his predecessor. For decades, power has been divided between the Grand Council and the Council of Ministers leading to some lack of clarity. Thaller has managed to ram through a constitutional reform merging the two bodies meaning that the Chairman is now also head of state and government while all Ministers have been made Grand Councillors.

Chairman Sigeric Thaller

The reform has been welcomed by m any Deltarians as a step that can only strengthen the country's decision-making process. In truth, the merger was already in progress under previous leaders and all had acknowledged the Chairman as the true leader of the Deltarian nation. His first big task is theRklemjistad Summit where he and several advisors and Grand Councillors will attend. Notably powerful tycoon Vladan Zima is also on the list of delegates leading many to wonder how Zima's political influence and interests will drive the Deltarian position at the summit.
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