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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 06, 2018 4:57 am

Kalistani Ambassador Speaks before the World Congress
Blasts Northern Alliance as a "militaristic cult"

World Congress, General Assembly'
June 4419

David Henry Lee, Kalistani Ambassador to the World Congress, calls for increased burden sharing

"The Government of Kalistan has instructed me to say that this Forum should be one to locate peaceful solutions to the world's problems. One such solution aimed at achieving peace was to close the Ananto Strait to warships from various nations. Kalistan still patrols the Strait and still turns back warships from nations who are not allied with Kalistan, in a singular, solitary effort to increase peace and reduce the ability of others to make war upon one another, and our efforts are spat upon, by the way by members of this Forum, who are bound and determined to either wage war upon each other, or assert some sort of imagined hegemonic dominance over others. We maintain that closure to military transit unilaterally, and as we have said, nothing short of war and decimation of the Kalistani people will cause us to ever open it again.

We have also taken bold steps to eject Vanuku from a base they relied upon for forward projection. The Northern Council alliance, who asserts that it should be able to dictate terms to nations on its geographical perimeters, viewed this basing as a threat to its efforts at domination in the region, and rightly so. While discussing peaceful commercial transit of the Strait, one leading member insisted that Kalistan work with it on a treaty banning nuclear powered craft from the Anantonese Ocean. On the one hand, it asserted that Kalistan did not have the right to declare a tiny part of the Ocean closed to THEIR ships, although that part of the Ocean lies entirely within the sovereign boundaries of Kalistan, and then on the other hand, it seeks our help in closing the entire ocean to all vessels from countries it views as a threat, so that only its vessels may pass in the Seas. We offered to help because we would like to keep War as far from our own shores as possible, but no proposals were forthcoming, until the stupid, murderous detonation of Vanukese nuclear weaponry over Jelbania forced us to eject the Vanukese military and diplomatic personnel from our country. And then nothing more needed to be said about the nuclear powered vessels, as the ones the treaty was meant to remove were gone.

And we have done this. A few others are offering sanctions of closing their ports to Vanukean shipping and we support them in their efforts, but mostly we see condemnations and calls for sanctions, and yet no action. And silence from the vast majority of the countries who hold seats in this Assembly.

Kalistan is cutting its own throat by imposing sanctions. We are weakening our own defenses vis a vis the Northern Council, itself an expansionistic, militaristic cult, by ejecting the Vanukean Navy from our Port. We weaken our economy by not trading with a major investor in our Nationalized Industries. We do ourselves no favors this way.

We call upon the World Congress, and specifically the Security Council to advance a package of sanctions aimed at restoring norms against Nuclear Weaponry.

And we call upon ALL nations who claim to be morally outraged at the use of nuclear weaponry in warfare to immediately join Baltusia and Kalistan and sign the Anti-Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Treaty which not only takes a stand against nuclear weaponry, but also outlaws its possession or research into these horrific weapons of war.

Otherwise, you, members of this World Congress, are merely practitioners of RealPolitik, and are no true friends of peace, and Kalistan will re-evaluate its position vis a vis Vanuku. After all, just like in the Straits Crisis, why should Kalistan be the one to shoulder the whole Burden of Peace, especially in the face of such blatant and self serving militarism we see from groups like the Northern Alliance? If you are truly committed to peace, bear some of the weight yourself, or you inform the world that the burden is not worth carrying. And if that's the case, then there really is no reason for Kalistan to remain a part of this Body.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:03 am

Beat Brothers Claim Top Honors in Year Long Survey
Beatmania shows no sign of waning

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 5, 4419

"Here to Please", The Kalistani Release of the First LP by the Beat Brothers, sells out in Kalistan as soon as a new shipment arrives

Beatmania continues in Kalistan and is fed by new Beat Brothers Music. For a year now, Kalistani youth have gone crazy whenever new Beat Brothers music is released. When the new Beat Brothers Record arrived in Kalistan, it immediately sold out. So Kalistani distributors associated with the subsidiary VEMI-Kalistan put in another order, and it was immediately sold out once more. Four runs have not been enough to satiate the Kalistani Teen Market.

Now the Results are in. In a survey of Record buyers conducted from May 6-June 30 of this year, The Beat Brothers are far and away the most popular band among the 13-26 demographic. The Beat Brothers topped the "Best Band" and "Favorite Band" lists, and four of the top five songs on the List were performed by the Beat Brothers. The Beat Brothers dominance of Kalistani pop charts remains virtually undisputed, and they have opened the doors for other Valruzian bands to follow in their wake.

The Dawid Prysbyz 5 toured Kalistan in April and May, and their new Smash "Bits and Splinters" incorporates Ska rhythms into their pop, setting them apart from other bands

Already, Kalistani Bands are getting into act. Several local knock offs, including Python's Gdancek (RL equivalent: The Buckinghams) have already scored recording contracts with VEMI-K in a seemingly vain attempt to satisfy the Market. In addition, Kalistan is soon to be the target of a number of new acts that hail from the same roots. Two new Valruzian pop-rock bands have already toured extensively in Kalistan and share the same sound, which some are calling the "Szarybeat" sound: Grzegorz and the Beatkeepers (RL equivalent: Garry and the Pacemakers) and The Dawid Pryzbyz 5 (RL Equivalent: Dave Clark 5) who both toured in the Spring to sold out crowds.In the last week of June, 4419, all top 20 pop hits were Valruzian acts.

The Syndicate is the first Kalistani response to the Valruzian Invasion and its Szarybeat sound

The Valruzian Sound has already produced some backlash in Kalistan, though this reaction goes largely unnoticed by teenage fans, and doesn't appear on the charts. Kalistani pop septet The Syndicate (RL Equivalent: The Association) have incorporated a lot of VEMI's production style, but have dropped the rock and roll elements of bands like the Beat Brothers. Instead, they have focused on intricate 7-part harmonies and deep orchestration as a feature of their pop-driven music. In Late May, the Syndicate single "My Love" briefly broke the top 20 on Kalistan's pop charts, and was the first Kalistani band to do so in more than a year.

Despite the new explosion of music between Valruzia and Kalistan, the Beat Brothers remain on the top of Kalistani Charts now going into their second year. The Invasion continues.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Commie16 » Sat Jul 07, 2018 4:16 pm

Hosian Democratic Party's Anna-Marie Genevard Hits Campaign Trail

Anna-Marie Genevard speaks at a campaign even in Neveras City

With the national election heating up and fast approaching the recently formed Hosian Democratic Party has hit the ground running. The party has already proposed 4 pieces of legislation in the national assembly, 1 of which is a maximum wage bill that looks set to pass with the support of the Socialist Party of Kalistan. The other three bills are socially conservative pieces of legislation which are aimed at greatly scaling back access to abortion in Kalistan, redefining marriage as a relationship only between a man and a woman, and making Hosiannism the official state religion and greatly scaling back the regulations by the government on religious institutions.

At the campaign event the Hosian Democratic Party candidate for the Premier of the Republic and the deputy leader of the party laid out her party's vision for the nation. The devout member of the Terran Patriarchal Church had her faith on full display while stumping for her party.

Understand this, we are running because our vision for this great republic is a different vision than that of the Socialist Party. Because our values are different than their values. We're running because our beliefs are fundamentally different than their beliefs. Most importantly we're running because you, the forgotten men and women of this great Republic have gone without representation in your government for far too long. We're running to give you a choice, to be your voice in Kaliburg.

For far too long have people of faith been thrust aside, forced to take a seat on the sideline, and totally forgotten by the ruling party. For far too long have they gone without representation in Kaliburg. For far too long have they had no one to speak for them, to be their voice, in the National Assembly. This has led to a total erosion of values in our great Republic. Abortion is legal, on demand, any time, anywhere, any place, for any reason at all. Marriage has been redefined as an institution between man and man or woman and woman. These are not our values! We believe that abortion is wrong! That is a merciless attack on the innocent. That is an assault on the very image of Elyon We need brave men and women in the National Assembly and in seats of power who will stand up and speak out for the people of Kalistan who haven't been given a say in these matters! Who disagree! Who say "No, that is wrong. That isn't what I believe!"

For far too long now have any signs, symbols, or hints at faith been driven far out of the National Assembly, the Presidency, or the Premiership. We say that's not right! Those aren't our nation's values. That isn't the value of our people. We are a nation of strong faith, a people of faith. Our faith is central and integral to who we are. Our faith informs and shapes our politics. It isn't something that we leave at the door when we walk into the voting booth and it shouldn't be something we leave at the door when we are making and implementing laws! That is why we formed this party. That is why we have crafted a faith centric platform. This is why we have brave men and women running for offices up and down the ballot from the local level all the way up to the Presidency!

Folks, this coming election is important. And I don't want to mislead you, or to leave you with any impression other than this. What is in front of us is a fight. A struggle. In fact, a war, a war for the very soul of our great Republic. The question in front of us is this, "What type of nation do we want to be?" I want you to think about that. Do we want to be a nation that murders in cold blood it's future generations? That murders it's children? Do we want to be a nation that sanctions every kind and form of perversion? Do we want to be nation that chases faith out of every inch of public life? Do we want to be a nation of immorality? Is that who we are? Is that who we want to be? If your answer is no, then folks I got to tell you, we're in for a fight. So today I'm asking you not only for your vote in October, not only to vote for the Hosian Democratic Party up and down the ballot. I'm asking you to roll up your sleeves and get involved in this fight. Tell your family and friends to vote for the HDP. Knock on doors. Make telephone calls. Contact candidates in your area and see what you can do to help! Our competition is fierce. They're going to be fighting. We have got to fight to!

In the last election we saw only 15% of the nation's eligible voters turn out to the polls. If we organize and we work hard and we get out there and share our message and get voters to the polls then we can and we will be victorious on election day!

Let's take our nation back in October! Thank you!

Both Anna-Marie Genevard and Jean-Luc Warquiez as well as several other figures in leadership roles within the party have similar campaign events planned throughout the country leading up to the elections in October. Party leaders appear to be working hard to build their party's and their on individual national profiles as elections approach.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jul 07, 2018 4:27 pm

Kalistan Defense Minister orders test of new Submarine Capacity
Kalistani Maneuvers to add to already crowded Situation in Anantonese Ocean

Eveari, Ananto
March 12, 4420

A new set of 15 Sativa Class submarines, ordered by the Defense Ministry in 4416, have set sail from the Bozo River CATC to join Kalistani Warships on drills

The Kalistani 1st Fleet, consisting of 4 Anti-sub Kaliburg Class Destroyers, 7 air-Defense Ontiveros Class Frigates, 6 Victor Class attack submarines, 3 Sulari-Class Corvettes, and 6 Gallegos class Patrol Ships set sail for maneuvers earlier this week. The fleet was joined by all 15 newly commissioned Sativa-Class subs, who have been put to sea to test their maneuverability and defensive capabilities in the open Ocean. Additionally, they will be joined by elements of the Kalistani Air Force stationed at Bozo River CATC.

The Kalistani Defense Minister ordered these vessels to sea at this time of heightened tension specifically to decrease the possibility for war in the Immediate vicinity of Kalistan.

"War within the Anantonese Ocean will dramatically and negatively affect commerce, both to Kalistan, and to Eastern Selaya and Dovani. Since there appears to be a showdown between Vanuku and the Northern Council brewing off our shores, it is in Kalistan's interest to do what we can to make sure that this does not happen. Rest assured, these maneuvers were prompted by escalation in the Anantonese Ocean. They had not been planned beforehand. But this escalation makes Kalistan jittery, and when we get jittery, we start passing policy that others don't like. We encourage all powers engaged in the region to either stand down completely, or take their war elsewhere, but as long as they are facing off in the Anantonese Ocean, we seek to protect shipping routes, and possible standby to intervene if the shooting starts, with the hope that our presence tips the scales against war one way or another."

When asked who Kalistan would side with if the shooting started, the Minister was more cagey than anything.
"Kalistan is a neutral nation, and we work for Kalistani interests first. We have a decent amount of negative history with Northern Council countries. Recently our ambassador to the World Congress was verbally attacked on the floor of the General Assembly for telling the truth about the Northern Council's blood lust. So, it's safe to say that we would never intervene on behalf of Nothern Council countries. But we have also recently expelled Vanukean government entities from Kalistan, including the 4th Fleet which is now on patrol in international waters. While we think naval vessels should not be harassed in international waters, we still find the actions of the Vanukese with regard to Jelbania to be abhorrent. So, its more than likely that we would intervene in a conflict to attempt to stop the shooting, more than to take one side of the others. But rest assured, we expect to be attacked by the imperialists, so we will prepare for that event, and if peace is to be the outcome instead, fantastic."

The Fleet will be conducting maneuvers and firing drills "indefinitely", according to the Minister.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Commie16 » Mon Jul 09, 2018 1:39 pm

Jean-Luc Warquiez Addresses Party Following Election Results

A firey Jean-Luc Warquiez addresses a crowd of onlooking supporters

To say that the election results didn't go the way the newly formed Hosian Democrat Party wanted would be a massive understatement. Despite the best effort of the party, it's candidates, and leadership the election results were a massive defeat and set back for the party. The party won no seats in the National Assembly and their candidate Jean-Luc Warquiez finished 3rd in a field of 3 candidates for the nation's highest office. He managed only 32,855 votes.

The morning following the disaster of an election for the HSP, party leader and presidential candidate Jean-Luc Warquiez address his and his party's supporters.

First and foremost I want to thank you all for being here this morning. I want to think the party leadership, the staffers, my campaign team, our campaign staffers, the HSP candidates who ran up and down the ballot for various different elected offices, their campaign teams, our supporters, our voters, and everyone who pitched in and did what they could and was involved in the last several months. You all are why we do what we do. Why we get up in the mornings and do this. This campaign was about you. This party is about you. Thank you all so very much for your tireless work and commitment.

Obviously last night didn't go our way. It didn't go the way that we wanted. Didn't go the way that we anticipated. We fell short. We didn't get the results we wanted. Over the next days and week we will be poring over the election results and the numbers. We'll be searching high and low for anything that can tell us what wen't wrong. What we could have done differently. What we should have done to achieve a better result for you all, the people of this great country.

Nevertheless, despite last night's events. Despite last night not going the way any of us wanted it to, we will not relent! We will not give up! We will not go away! We will not sit down! We will not be silent! We are more committed now than ever! More determined now than ever! We will redouble all of our efforts. We will fight harder now than before. We will keep up the struggle.

It is more important now than ever to remain engaged. To keep up the good fight. To stand tall. To speak up and to speak out.

Our cause is not a lost one. The fight is not over. We are not defeated. We have ran into a set back. A major setback, but a setback nonetheless. But the test of our faith, of our resolve, of the sincerity of our belief in the things that we espouse, is how we respond in the face of adversity. We are now facing adversity. What will we do? How will we respond. That is the manifestation of who we really our and the strength of our character. I implore you, don't give up hope! Do not despair! Stay engaged! Stay involved! The fight now, the struggle before us, is more important now than it's ever been!

The Socialist Party will seize on these election results. They will declare they are a mandate from the masses to further wage war on morality in this country. To insist on legislating depravity. To insist on the slaughter of the unborn. To launch assault after assault in relentless fashion on the faithful and pious in this country. To roll back any hint of religious freedom. To chase all signs of religion and faith from the public square! We must resist them! We must fight back! We must not tire in our struggle!

The firebrand continued in his speech where he called, once again, for the abolition of abortion, an end to same sex marriage, for greater religious liberty, for legal consequences for adultery, among other things.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 10, 2018 12:30 am

Carrangus to Step Down as Premier
"End of an Era" is long overdue, says Socialist Party Leader

Kaliburg, Ananto
May 4, 4421

Dianne Carrangus, who has served as the Kalistani Premier for nearly 15 years, to retire this year

The Long-serving Premier of the Republic has been asked to step down by President Barajas to make way for a new Premier. "Well, Ana and I had a pretty frank discussion following the Election," Premier Carrangus said, "and I informed her of my intention to retire." The President agreed with Carrangus, who argued that "the end of an era" is long overdue. She will take with her Minister of Foreign Affairs Orenthal Williams, who will be replaced by his deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Abe Hashimoto, as well as Minister of Education Pedro Alvarez, who will be replaced by Dr. Arin Jones. Cpl Philando Santamaria is also being asked to step down and return to the Shadow bench while the outgoing Premier praised his work to rebuild Kalistan's military from nothing.

The President has forwarded a new Government bill through the Premier which names the no-seat Hosian Democrats to the Premiership and to the Defense Ministry. Barajas' spokesperson, Dina Mansour, issued the following statement on behalf of the President:

"The President of the Republic has exercised her Prerogative in generating this government. It is the solemn duty of the President to name their Government, with advice and consent of the Assembly. Additionally, the President seeks to re-establish the principles of Separation of Powers, which guarantees the Premiership and the Presidency will be held by different Parties. Usually, the Party must hold seats in the Assembly to be considered, but there is no specific rule which makes this a necessity: The President may name whoever she wants to fill the Government, as they are her advisors and are in charge of executing the Law passed by the Assembly. To this end, she has asked the Premier of the Republic to reserve two seats for the Hosian Democratic Party, for the purpose of restoring adherence to this Principle of Kalistani Politics, and to give Hosians an opportunity to begin governing at least some aspects of the the Kalistani Government, to give them a stake in the health and wellbeing of Kalistan's political system.

"The President would like to stress, these seats are not rewards, or concession prizes. The President seeks to restore adherence to the Principles which made our government stable, and believes that the Hosians have earned a seat at the table due to their efforts thus far to pass legislation and participate in the Assembly, even though they have no seats. With their new responsibilities, the President believes that there is a lot that the Hosians and the Socialists can do to improve Kalistan, and to protect essential Kalistani liberties and freedoms, both home and abroad. The President encourages the Hosians to rule moderately, and to draft policy which aligns with Kalistan's current and future goals and needs, while not overturning essential aspects of Kalistan's society, political system, or economic structure."

The President stressed that Socialists will render every assistance to all good faith requests made by the Hosians as they begin to play a new role in Kalistan's government.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:38 am

Brethren march in support of Anti-Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Treaty
Organizers say that more than 75,000 Brethren marched in Ananto

Kaliburg, Ananto District
May 17, 4421

Thousands of Brethren fill the square in front of the SP's Headquarters in support of peace in Majatra and nuclear disarmament

According to protest organizers, more than 75,000 Brethren, and tens of thousands of other Kalistani citizens, marched in Monday's anti-nuclear protest. Protestors carried signs which said, "Ban ALL bombs" and "End Nuclear Terror- Support ANBC" as they marched along Republican Avenue to the ruling Socialist Party's headquarters building.

Said one protestor: "It's time for the world to abolish nuclear weaponry. We don't want our children growing up in the shadow of a mushroom cloud. The Government needs to stand up for peace."

Protest organizer and spokeswoman Phylicia Girrard said: "What the people want to make clear is that we are not JUST for Vanuku getting rid of its weapons of mass destruction. There is that. But the biggest threat to Kalistan in the last 20 years has been nuclear armed Kazulia. So we call on them to get rid of their weapons too. ALL of them. Every single offensive weapon that they and their Northern Council uses to hang a sword over the necks of non-aligned nations. Every missile they plan on firing at others. Every bullet they plan on sending downrange so that it can destroy the life not only of the soldier it hits, but also his and her entire family. We call on full disarmament from ALL nuclear powers. If we are going to have Vanuku do it, we should have everyone do it."

The Crowd chanted for general adoption of the Anti-Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Treaty to which Kalistan and Baltusia are parties. "Yeah, there are a lot of countries claiming they want peace," said one teenage Brethren protestor. "They say, oh, peace this, peace that, hurt, punish, crush Vanuku. Well, where are they when it comes to getting rid of the thing they are so upset at Vanuku about? Nowhere. They don't really want peace, they just want to hurt and punish and dominate. If they really wanted peace, they would get rid of their own nuclear weapons and free this world of those tools of complete monsters."

The Jahtelites jam at the post-Protest show, and sing crowd favorite "Stop the Bomb, Fire the Bong"

The protests began with a 6 mile march, and ended with 45 minutes of speeches, and finished up with a Reggae concert from reggae and ska band "The Jahtelites". Most of the crowd stayed for the show, and celebrated in the name of peace and humanity late into the evening.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:18 am

Beatmania rolls on after tour of Kalistan
12 cities in 20 days as host of new Kalistani Bands adopt sound

Yoshimi, Suldanor
May 31, 4421

Pawlik Mareczek and Jerzyk Hariuwek of the Beat Brothers survey the crowd of adoring fans on their last night in Kalistan

Barnstorming Kalistan on a 12 city tour, crowd favorites the Beat Brothers returned once more to Kalistan in support of their new record released from VEMI-K, called "Introducing... The Beat Brothers," and in support of Jelbic recovery. Their fans are a little older now, making the crowds a bit less ebulent than the teenaged mobs that have plagued Kalistani's malls and television programs for years. But that doesn't mean the passion is any less intense for the Beatmaniacs, who have, up until this point needed to fly to other nations to see the Beat Brothers play Live. During the show, the Band played many of their hits, as well as a lot of new songs from their record, including their smash "All My Desires." Half the proceeds from all 12 shows have been donated to humanitarian recovery in Jelbania, and the Socialist Party of Kalistan donated an additional 1 million rubles directly to the effort.

Seeing the Valruzian foursome for the first time was a dream come true for 23 year old Kitty DeNapoli, from Low Bong, Neveras. "Oh, well, they were everything I dreamed, of course, very handsome. Their music was much better live, of course. I mean, I knew it was... hahaha, I mean... I oh, this is just... ha... where to start..." (DeNapoli dissolved into a somewhat manic giggle after this.)

It's impossible to miss the more mature sound of the Beat Brothers as they grow and develop as a band. They're still singing simple pop rock and roll, but recently, we've noticed a certain depth entering into their music. It is noteworthy that they are using different instruments in at least a few of their songs. For example, in their live show, they employed something like a clavier in at least one song, and Hariuwek, the lead guitarist, gave an interview where he talked about the Kalkali folk instrument, the sitar, and how difficult and exciting it is to play it. Great things are expected from the Beat Brothers as they chart a course toward a more mature sound which appears to show signs of growing up with their audience.

Guitarist Hariuwek acquires a Kalkali sitar while in Neveras last month

The Beat Brothers were not alone in touring Kalistan in April and May. The "Szarybeat" sound rolled on as other Valruzian bands both preceded and followed the Fabulous 4 to Kalistan over the last two years, the most popular of "other" Valruzian bands being The Dawid Pryzbyz 5, who scored two top 5 hits this year. In addition, Kalistan's own music scene appears to be attempting to answer Valruzia with a host of new acts of our own. Cleancut and sunshine pop stars, the Amphibians burst on the "Szarybeat" scene scene last year with a VEMI-K release "It's Me Babe."

Kalistan's own Amphibians broke the Top 10 last month with the Title track from their debut album "It's Me Babe"

Another Kalistani band which seems to have captured the interest of at least a segment of the record buying public has adopted more of a gritty, rock sound as compared to the pop-rock aesthetic of the "Szarzybeat" bands. The band, known simply as "Exclamation Point and the Imperatives" has already broke up, but their Number 1 hit on the Top 40 charts, which broke, for a single week, the Beat Brother's iron grip on Kalistan's charts, has inspired a bevy of knock offs of their own. Exclamation Point and the Imperatives, whose one hit wonder song "Too Many Teardrops", draws from indie rock and electronica and perhaps is colored with a bit of punk attitude, and though they only put out that single, they are still regularly requested, especially in Neveras and Vrassa.

Exclamation Point and the Imperatives, seen largely as a novelty band and one hit wonder, scored the first #1 for a Kalistani Band in 3 years

The Beat Brothers still have a massive fan base in Kalistan, and are loved by millions, but success breeds imitation, and imitation breeds evolution. For the Beat Brothers to stay on top, they have to start evolving too. Nobody doubts their ability to do just that, though. And meanwhile, lovers of pop-rock have a veritable smorgasbord of music choices in the flourishing cross-Selaya music scene. Even in these troubled times, music can still bring people together. And the Beat Brothers, for they part, have been remarkable good will ambassadors of their country to the entire world.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:53 am

President Barajas to Visit Lourenne in September
First State visit as President takes Ana back to Canrillaise Nation

Kaliburg Ananto
June 23, 4421

President Ana Barajas, along with Abe Hashimoto and ODEN Director Georgia Tass to visit Lourenne for Summit

Just announced, the Government of Lourenne has accepted the Request of the President of the Republic to make a formal State Visit in early September. Ana Barajas will be joined by the Foreign Minister designate and the ODEN Director in making the trip to our next door neighbor. According to Foreign Minister Orenthal Williams, the Itinerary that was proposed to the Lourennaise Government includes:

    * A tour of various resorts and newly launched industries in Lourenne
    * A discussion on free trade and eliminating whatever remains of trade barriers between the two nations
    * A discussion on security in the Anantonese Ocean and likely an invitation for joint exercises in Ananto
    * A discussion on the Anti-NBC Treaty to see if soe headway can be made in that direction
    * A discussion on cultural exchange, to include a possible International GanJam

The meeting is expected to be very busy, but the Foreign Ministry reported a great willingness and affinity between the two countries which was built during the talks on the ceasefire accord, and the out-going Foreign Minister is confident that Barajas will return home having accomplished most, if not all her agenda.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Commie16 » Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:58 pm

Hosian Science Monitor-A Hosian Examination of Current Events

Hosian Science Monitor's Ethel Banks Sits Down for an Interview With the Soon To Be Premier, Anna-Marie Genevard

Deputy Leader of the HSP Anna-Marie Genevard is interviewed on a Sunday Morning Talk Show following the announcement of her appointment to the Premiership of the Republic

Ethel Banks: Breaking news shook the nation when President Ana Barajas announced that Dianne Carrangus was stepping down as Premier of the Republic. Carrangus had been the acting Premier for some 15 years. It has accurately been described as the "end of era." But the nation wasn't done shaking yet. Anyone who didn't have their attention grabbed by Carrangus stepping down would certainly have their attention caught by the announcement that would follow, the President appointed the HSP candidate for the Premiership to the position. That's right, Anna-Marie Genevard was appointed Premier of the Republic. We're joined now by Mrs. Genevard. Anna-Marie, thank you for joining us this evening.

Anna-Marie Genevard: Ethel, it's so good to be with you. Thank you for having me on.

EB: Why don't you take us through this. What was your reaction to this appointment.

AMG: I was obviously shocked. Very pleasantly surprised. It's safe to say that wasn't a call that I was expecting to receive. It is safe to say I was as shocked as you and everyone else was. I certainly wasn't expecting Dianne to step down at this time. The thought of President Barajas appointing our party to this position of the Premier was even further off of my radar.

EB: How do you see this going? How will you be able to work with the majority party and with the president?

AMG: Well, I think we're going to have to find balance. We're going to have to find some common ground and then focus on this issues where we agree and make things happen for this country. And there are plenty of areas where we agree. The Socialist Party of Kalistan has worked with us to pass maximum wage legislation. They're working with us on military preparedness, they're working with us on issues concerning religious liberty. Sot here is plenty of common ground between our two parties. I think we're going to be able to find areas where we can work together and make things happen.

EB: And you don't think that those areas where you disagree are going to be too great to prevent this from working well?

AMG: Look, we're going to have to trust the president on this one. President Barajas knows what she's doing. I think she's a smart and a capable leader. You know it isn't secret that her and I have some disagreements on some issues. It isn't a secret that her party an dour party have some areas of disagreement. We have different views on marriage, on abortion, on gun safety. We disagree on a whole host of issues. That's the nature of politics though. That's the nature of government. I doubt any of us, in either party, all agree on 100% of the issues 100% of the time with members of even our own party. But, as I told you earlier, I think the key to this is going to be focusing on the issues where we agree and finding a way to strike some sort of balance, and all of us doing what we can to move this nation forward. What's important is that all of us are pulling in the same direction on the same rope.

EB: What do you hope to accomplish during your time in this position? It's a big position with a lot of responsibility.

AMG: You're right. It really is. One that I wasn't expecting to get at this time. But, here we are. You know. I'm hoping to be a good leader for our people. Not just for the HSP, but for the entire Republic. I hope to be able to, as I said on the campaign trail this past year, be a voice for the men and women in this country who feel like they've been forgotten, ignored, and left out in the political processes in this country. At the end of the day, I'm really hoping that I"ll be able to do what's best for the most people. To be an effective leader. To be a capable leader. To be able to work with our friends and colleagues in the Socialist Party, to be able to work with President Barajas, to work with the leaders of the SPoK in the national assembly, and to pass legislation that will do the most good for the most people. In this position what is important is the nation. The focus is Kalistan, not the HSP.

EB: And have you spoken yet with Dianne Carrangus?

AMG: Very briefly. She was very, very gracious. I expect her and I will spin a fair amount of time together leading up to her official retirement and my assuming of the office> There will be a lot for her and I to discuss and following her 15 years of selfless sacrifice and public service I'm confident there is a lot she can show me and tell me and teach me. I'm sure there is a lot I can glean off of her.

EB: Anna-Marie thank you so much for your time this evening. Congratulations on your assuming the Premiership and we all wish you the very best of luck going forward.

AMG: Thank you so much for that, Ethel and thank you for having me on.
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