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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:40 am

June 4422
ASP wins 4422 elections with 67.65% of the votes


Results are in: the Arbeiter Sozialistisch Partei has won the elections with an astounding 67.65% of the votes in the first round. Gerhard Paulsen, the Dorvische Kommunistische Partei's candidate, was the only opponent, falling behind with 32.25%.

Vorsitzender des Staatrates Kuno Rottmann gave a speech to celebrate the new victory:

Once again, the Dorvische people have elected their true representatives. It has been a hard-fought battle, but with over 65% of your votes, there is no denying Dorvik's wish for a bright future is about to become a reality. Our project, Peaceful Socialism, has been a success. Now, for the more religious elements of society, do not despair. The Union für eine Meritokratische Partei will remain a part of our government, and I announce a political alliance between our two parties. Thank you, and raise your flags for a bright and red future for Dorvik!

However, not everything has gone well for the new government. Winning the elections has meant losing almost all support in the Volkskammer, and the Radikale Demokratische Partei together with the Grüne Demokratische Partei have taken most seats. Reacting to this turn of events, the ASP has declared that any party wishing to help the current government is more than welcome, making a special statement directed towards the two new major parties.

Furthermore, the ASP and the UMR have already begun discussing joint projects, assuring the next four years will be full of reforms and advancements in social, economic and political matters, but no further details have been given.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby elenir1 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:55 am

Victory for the Radikale Demokratische Partei
Pictured above: People marching in support of Rudolf Mitler
Rudolf Mitler has returned to politics with a loud bang, leading the revived Radikale Demokratische Partei, which managed to reach a mayority in the parlament. Rudolf Mitler has stated that he will personally lead a revolution to free Dorvik from the socialist grasp it has long been influenced by. The Radical party has sent multiple messages to the leaders of other parties, in order to form a coalition that will restore true democracy in Dorvik.

"Our country has long been suffering from this tyrant, the red tyrant. But the people weren't blind to this injustice, as clearly shown by the elections, the people of this country want to remove this tyrant from its seat. I will work together with all parties in Dorvik, with one objective in mind, the restoration of true democracy in our country" The leader of the Radical party stated during his first presidential speech during his current term.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:50 pm

All-Dorvish League returns to national politics
September, 4429

Haldor, Kordusia - A rally held outside the All-Dorvish League headquarters known as the Bernhoff Building, located at 179 Franz Wagener Straße, in Eppen (a borough of Haldor) was met with thunderous applause and shouts of returning "Sacred Dorvik" The rally, attended by some several thousand was met with counter-rallies from Communist and Socialist political groups who view the return the ADV (the Dundorfian acronym for the All-Dorvish League) as a potential to ruin their destruction of Dorvik. Elected Chairman of the ADV, Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss spoke briefly outside in the bitter cold as the Dorvish winter approached. "We cannot stand idly by as average Dorvish citizens are beaten, oppressed and cast aside by the Dorvish Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party. It is apparent that a new political movement must begin for Dorvik to succeed. We have neglected our people, we have cast them aside for radical ideology that has beaten them and has raped them of their rights and their fundamental freedoms. We have turned our back on allies, we have neglected our international commitments and we have outright forgotten what the Dorvish light meant to the world. We cannot allow this. We cannot continue this. We will return Sacred Dorvik! The rally exploded with applause for the new ADV Chairman who is one of the first von Rohr-Mauss to hold leadership since the collapse of the Dorvish Workers' Party which the ADV spawned off of and is the spiritual successor to the Social Nationalist Party, one of the most powerful political parties in Dorvish history.

Already the ADV's announcement sent ripples through the Dorvish political scene, the Dorvish Communist Party and Socialist Workers Party rushed to pass legislation while the Conservative Union Party failed to stop them in the wake of a crumbling government. Chairman von Rohr-Mauss condemned the "midnight legislation" as he called for a new election to fill the some 169 seats in the Federal Assembly that were vacant. He called upon the Communist and Socialist to stop their crusade against the Dorvish people and allow for new elections. While it appears the Communist and Socialist will cling to their small victory, the Dorvish Armed Forces has responded in kind. Underneath current statutes and legislation, the Dorvish Armed Forces units elect their own officers, dozens of Communist and Socialist officers and non-commissioned officers were voted out and conservative, mostly ADV affiliated officers and non-commissioned officers were voted in. Notably the 10th Panzergrenadier Division voted overwhelming to replace almost all of their Communist and Socialist affiliated officers and the unit's long conservative history continues.

The ADV promised to continue their electoral campaign and promised that the people of Dorvik will not go kindly into the Communist and Socialist lies. The ADV also called upon the State Elections Commission to review the recent election as the ADV believes that the Communist and Socialist had violated dozens of rules and regulations.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:57 pm

"Octobrist" conservative and liberal conservative dominate officer and NCO elections
October, 4429

Dorvik - Calling themselves the "Octobrist", drawing a linage back to the young cadre of liberal conservative politicians who reformed the Social Nationalist Party, a bevy of platoon, company, battalion and regimental officers and non-commissioned officers have been elected with conservative and liberal conservative ties. While an informal movement, it is apparent that the military is responding in kind to the rise of a center-right and right-wing in Dorvik. The Octobrist within the military are likely to make political candidates and leaders of the future. While many units within the Dorvish Armed Forces retain either politically neutral or Communist/Socialist affiliated officers, a notable portion of the DAF have responded to the surge in the right-wing to elect officers and non-commissioned officers to positions of leadership. Despite the long running tradition of the Dorvish Armed Forces remaining apolitical, the Communist and Socialist government have forced their hand and have enforced their ideology on the military and purging many leading officers and non-commissioned officers. NCO's are widely considered to be the backbone of the DAF and the Dorvish style of leadership, making decisions that have widely impacted the fate of history.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:30 am

Workers Socialist Party and Dorvish Communist Party voice their concerns on the rising alt-right in Dorvik
November 4429

The left coalition currently attempting to reform the established cabinet in Dorvik conformed by the Arbeiters Sozialistisch Partei and the Dorvische Kommunistische Partei have assembled in the University of Lissenfeld in Westmark to voice their concerns and doubts against the claims made by the All-Dorvischer Verband, an old right-wing party that recently was brought back into life. Their rhetoric has been extremely anti-leftist, and they assure Dorvish citizens their return will bring an end to the centre-left coalition that has ruled Dorvik for over three elections.

Gerhard Paulsen took the stage and spoke first:

Above: Gerhard Paulsen, Ex-candidate of the Dorvish Kommunistische Partei

The Communist party has always and will always respect human rights and law, and I believe the right has always used our revolutionary spirit to convince citizens that we only wish to destroy their way of life. A few days ago, the right has claimed that the left has politicized the armed forces to their favour, but our intentions have never been those. By giving the soldier the capacity to elect their officers, the army has been democratically led by the army itself, without the intervention of political forces. However, I do believe the All-Dorvischer Verband is using this as an attempt to pressure the conservative parties and, especially, the conservative elements that have been a part of our armed forces since its creation to rally behind a possible coup and suspension of democratic elections soon after. Still, this party will maintain it's democratic rhetoric and respect elections in the army, navy and airforce; if necessary, defend the constitution and liberty.

Soon after, Destina Ruhr followed and represented the Workers Socialist Party:

Above: Destina Ruhr, Bundespremier von Dorvik

The Right in Dorvik has, unfortunately, always been using the same strategy against our parties: We will erase Communist influence in Dorvik! While the hearts and minds of the Dorvish youth have always been with liberty, it seems conservative elements in our society are finally showing their true face, and I fear a possible civil war will break out. If the worst should come, and democratic institutions are threatened by the Alt-Right, I am proud and grateful that Dorvish citizens that helped us get where we are will defend our democracy above anything else, especially the youth, our backbone. Still, the Workers Socialist Party does not endorse any sort of violence now and just like our comrades in the DKP, we will maintain our democratic ways and preserve our constitution above anything else.

The army and navy, but especially the air force, have stated their clear support for the Dorvish constitution, which has led to controversy surrounding the Elected Officers policy enforced by the ASP. Still, Anouk Reding, Minister of Defence, assures democracy in the armed forces has only de-politicized them.

The ending of the event ended with Die Internationale, the anthem of the left, being sung by all members attending the speech. It is unclear yet if this will stabilize Dorvik or only make the situation direr. How will the Right respond?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jul 27, 2018 1:56 am

"Alt-Right" is a fictional creation by Communist and Socialist
November, 4429

Haldor, Kordusia - Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss, the Chairman of the ADV responded to the "alt-right" comments made by the Socialist Workers Party and the Dorvish Communist Party. "We're interested in what the term "alt-right" means; it's a relatively new creation. I would presume is means "Alternative Right" which would imply we were alternative to the right-wing of the political spectrum. It's perplexing to me quite frankly. The All-Dorvish League promises to represent all Dorvish citizens and accurately ensure that Dorvik is a fair and free society. Unfortunately the SWP and DCP do not care to represent everyone; they want to represent a small sect of the Dorvish society that wishes to take from everyone." The ADV Chairman further condemned the democratic processes of the Dorvish Armed Forces and questioned why the SWP mentioned the air force; von Rohr-Mauss hit back at the SWP and DCP by stating: "They don't care about the Dorvish Armed Forces and never have. It's clear that they have hamstrung our intelligence services to prevent them from carrying out operations that might protect Dorvik, they have hamstrung the military and quite frankly they've outright ignored our international commitments. They've ignored the Northern Council in the quest to rid Dovani of an oppressive regime and continued to claim that they stand for freedom and equality." The ADV Chairman further blasted the various degrading states of the Dorvish Armed Forces and noted that the elections of officers and non-commissioned officers within the DAF have proven that the status of the DAF have fallen, including the fact that the DAF has not conducted formal wargames in quite sometime.

When questioned about the notion of a coup the ADV Chairman scoffed at the idea. "While we do desire rapid and frequent change, we are impartial to the democratic process. We believe firmly in the process of the nation and we have no doubt that come election time, we will see that the Communist and Socialist are unwelcome in Dorvik. Any idea of a coup is a fictional creation made by the Communist and Socialist to further stir the fear and hatred among the Dorvish people towards their own."
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sat Jul 28, 2018 1:27 pm

Desire to copy Dundorf and install a copy-cat Dundorfian regime
August 4430

Haldor, Kordusia - Legislation slated to appear before the Federal Assembly entitled as the "Dorvish Democratic Way to Socialism" is being attacked by a wide variety of politicians and political experts; on both sides. The legislation intends to turn the Federal Republic of Dorvik into a copy-cat Dundorfian Democratic Republic, which until recently existed. ADV leadership attacked the proposal as attempting to turn Dorvik into "North Dundorf" and the the ADV leadership questioned if the Dorvish Communist Party and the Socialist Workers Party even understood Dorvik and it's history. "It appears as if the leadership of the DCP and the SWP do not understand history and perceive that Dundorf doesn't even exist. It's as if they proclaim that Dundorf is a figment of our imagination." The ADV has launched a further vigorous campaign to unseat the two parties and supplant them in the Federal Assembly to stop what they call the "...madness of socialism and communism."
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:32 am


Reorganization of the Workers Socialist Party! Rottmann leaves the political stage!
November 4430
Above: Destina Ruhr, President of the Syndicates and ASP's Presidential Candidate
Destina Ruhr, now President of the Syndicates, has announced the formal retirement of Kuno Rottmann, Ex-Presidential Candidate and previous President of the Syndicates from the Workers Socialist Party. Although many saw Rottmann as the late Frei's right-hand man, his support inside the party was always low. Taking over and centralizing the Federation brought him plenty of enemies, including Destina Ruhr, who criticized many of the actions taken by Rottmann and his followers.

According to Ruhr, the party once again will see a complete transformation, saying that "the ASP will leave conservative views and instead focus on social matters, essentially turning into a completely progressive party. We will maintain our friendship with the DKP and a new era for socialism will begin in Dorvik, a better one".

Kuno Rottmann, on the other hand, has decided to not give any testimonies or interviews to the public and instead has decided to leave the party altogether. It is believed by many he has decided to enter the Dorvish Communist Party anonymously, although there is no proof of this taking place.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Tea McGee » Tue Jul 31, 2018 12:38 am

The Workers Socialist Party announces the formation of a new political alliance for leftist parties in Dorvik
November 4431

Destina Ruhr, presidential candidate of the Workers Socialist Party has announced the creation of a new centre-left/left coalition titled Neue Linke, or New Left, together with the Dorvish Communist Party. According to Niko Wach, Vice-President of the Syndicates, this alliance has been created in order to have a unified left for the upcoming elections.

As of now, only the Dorvish Communist Party and the Workers Socialist Party are members of the coalition, but Destina Ruhr assures there's a possible third party that might join to secure a stable government
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Aug 02, 2018 6:36 pm

All-Dorvish League storms to electoral success
March, 4433

Haldor, Kordusia - Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss celebrated the ADV’s electoral success, storming to earning 196 seats in the Federal Assembly. Joachim Gideon von Rohr-Mauss failed to capture the Presidency of Dorvik by a short margin. The electoral victory party was held at the VDKV headquarters which also serves as the ADV’s headquarters. ”Were incredibly proud of what happened tonight and were looking forward to the future of Dorvik. We’re actively seeking coalition partners and were going to see where it goes. We think we can form something.” The ADV was elated in general and celebrations carried on into the night, especially in Dorvan and Largonia where the ADV won the two regions outright.

The proposed coalition with “Renew” and the Center Party sees the Federal Premier a member of the ADV, the Ministries of Defense, the Interior, Trade and Industry and Education and Culture would belong to the ADV as the largest party with the second largest ministries going to “Renew” and third amount to the Center Party. The position of Vice Federal Premier would go to “Renew”.

Dorvish economic markets were surging at the election of the ADV and right-wing, more capitalist parties. The ADV immediately proposed a bevy of legislation to stop the communist and socialist economic policies that were damaging the traditional economic dominance of Dorvik throughout the world. One of the main targets of the ADV was revitalizing the State Economic Council which serves as a huge economic factor in Dorvish success.

What will happen over the next several weeks will decide the future of Dorvik.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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