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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:39 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Zeek15 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 1:55 am

Conservatives Set to Support Government Budget
May 4428 - Fort William, Orange
Article from the Luthori Daily Register

Conservative leader Amanda Hall discussing why she and her party intend to support
the recent budget put forth by the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition.

Since the passage of the Government Responsibilities Act, every Luthorian government has the responsibility to pass a government financial plan (budget) once during their tenure. The first government responsible for this is Alice Teodurschu's, the Social Democrat Chancellor that recently renounced leadership of her party. Causing great debate, the current opposition, led by the fiery speeches of Conservative and LDU leaders, seems set to oppose everything that the socialist coalition believes in. With recent proposals for changes to education, the justice system, and personal and corporate taxation, it was a great shock to the Luthorian Diet when Ms. Hall announced that her party will support the budget aspect of the current government's financial plan. In defence of her party's support, Ms. Hall said,

It is not our obligation as a party to oppose everything the government proposes. Of course, we have many ideological differences with the current government, but we believe their budget will work for Luthori at this time. Their increases in spending on infrastructure, in particular, led us to approve of the budget.

Hall then continued to discuss her party's plans to propose their 4430 election platform in the coming months, saying that they will reaffirm their position as a fiscally responsible, conservative-libertarian party committed to supporting the rights, freedoms, and traditions that Luthorians hold dear.

Jackson Armstrong - LDR Political Correspondent
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby LegolasRedbard » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:58 pm

Sarah Olney Resigns - October 16th, 4428

Sarah Olney, the runner-up in the last Labour leadership election and former Shadow Justice Minister, has today announced her resignation of the Labour Party and as a Member of the Imperial Diet. In a speech given in front of her home in Fort William, Olney cited lack of progress within the coalition as a major factor in her decision but praised Olivia Walker's attempt to ban the death penalty

I have no doubt that Olivia has tried her hardest in her role, and it is great to see such a powerful young woman in a position of power, but alas, it appears that the SDP is intent on sabotaging the progress of the coalition for whatever reason

Olney refused to comment on whether she would join the newly formed Luthori Progress Party but announced that she intended to run again for the Imperial Diet in the next election, "whether it be in 4430 or sooner"

A Labour Party representative said

We are saddened to see Ms Olney leave the party. We wish her well in her future endeavours
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby truthvibrations » Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:53 pm

George Otieno, Leader Of The LPP, ASSAULTED At Party Rally
4th September 4429

Yesterday, about 15 minutes into a speech about the Luthori Progress Party's vision for a new Luthori, George Otieno was attacked by a man who ran on stage with a broken glass bottle.

Otieno was able to dodge the attack, merely being grazed on the cheek by the bottle's edge. The attacker was almost immediately apprehended by security and has now been identified as one Earl Harmon. Harmon claims to have committed the attack in a fit of drunken rage, prompting many to ask why he had attended the rally in the first place. The Luthori Central News Network reached out to Mister Harmon for comment. He declined.

Upon further investigation, the Luthori Central News Network can reveal that Earl Harmon has connections to an organisation known as The Traditional Luthori Values Association (TLVA). The TLVA is a fringe group that seems to have surfaced very recently. Their members organise around social media groups and private chat rooms.

The Traditional Luthori Values Association is a political pressure group that seeks to see Luthori restored to the bountiful and prosperous nation it once was. - (The description of the group's social media page)

The structure and organisation of the TLVA is relatively unknown, but a prominent figure who seems to be the leader, or at least a figurehead, goes by the name of Paul Mason. The Luthori Central News Network reached out to Paul Mason to inquire about his group and their involvement in yesterday's incident. He declined to comment.

When asked about the incident, George Otieno had this to say:

I am not surprised that there are those among the public that would wish to harm me. I am the son of immigrants. My mother and father both came from Hawu Mumenhes. If that weren't enough, I am not afraid to speak up for the oppressed. I speak my mind, and will not be scared into submission by authority, religion, or mob mentality. Additionally, I am a man of peace. I am a lover, not a fighter. I do not know what this man's motivations in attacking me were, but I wish him only the best. I am going to request as light a sentence as possible at his trial. - (George Otieno)

Earl Harmon's trial will be held in December of this year. The Luthori Central News Network will continue to update you on this story as more information is made available.
Last edited by truthvibrations on Thu Jul 26, 2018 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Zeek15 » Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:05 pm

Conservatives Release Platform - Call for Major Budget and Tax Cuts
October 4429 - Fort William, Orange
Article from the Luthori Daily Register

Henry Khan, Conservative chief whip in the Diet, financial economist, and pilot of the Conservative Financial Plan.

Like the run-up to many elections in Luthori, several political parties are busy making policy promises to the people. Generally, these pledges tend to be similar between parties sharing similar ideologies, while individual party platforms also tend to be consistent election after election. In opposition to this norm, the Conservatives have decided to expand beyond generic politics, committing to massive budget and tax cuts if they are to lead the next governing coalition.

The plan, released by party leader Amanda Hall and chief whip Henry Khan at a joint press conference, aims to privatise large amounts of government industry and services to curb costs. If proposed, the Conservatives will re-privatise healthcare, scale back unnecessary aid for post-secondary education, and reduce government control over industries like air travel, electricity, and phone service to reduce government costs enough to cut the budget by almost fifty percent. Along with this, the party proposes a simplification of the tax code, with fewer brackets and substantial reductions in payments coupled with cuts to taxes on corporations and luxury goods.

When asked about the benefits of this financial plan, the Conservatives said that Luthori has been under socialist economic care for too long and the strangled economy needs eased restrictions and greater freedom. With this plan, the Conservatives hope to stimulate economic growth, reduce the cost of living for Luthorians of all classes, and repair government corruption and inefficiencies witnessed throughout education and healthcare.

Jay Claysburg – LDR Financial Correspondent
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby TUSCLeader » Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:44 pm

Sullivan sets out an Independent vision in first election manoeuvres inside the Coaltion

Ben Sullivan's annual speech to the Trade Union Congress this year was a bold attempt to position the TUSC as responsible for the successes of the Coalition Government, whilst distancing itself from the recent diet activity. He particularly condemned the new “Spiritual Resurgence Act" which is poised to pass the diet.

The attempts to close down liberty and freedom in Luthori are never ending, and we must always fight against them. The bill currently before the diet is a gross invasion into people's personal liberties. I shiver to think of the consequences of forcing all Luthori citizens to register their religious beliefs with the Government. I resent the attempt to indoctrinate our children with religious beliefs and I deplore the move to criminalise blasphemy. It will be an immediate condition upon us entering any Governing Coalition that the act be overturned immediately.

Sullivan also set out his stall for the upcoming election in a broader context, but laid out specific examples of things that were necessary for the TUSC to join a Government.

In the Coaltion we have tried with all our might to ensure that we put our values into practice. The most recent term, however, was filled with forced compromise that we will not put up with any longer. Any Coaltion we agree to remain a part of will pass the Education bill we put forward during the last term in full, will Nationalist let the energy industry, and will promote some basic personal freedoms that are scandalously denied to Luthorian citizens at this moment in time.

Most commentators interpreted the speech as Sullivan deciding that compromise was something he could no longer do. The spelling out of his own personal Vision in the way he did in the speech has also led to rumours that Sullivan is considering the conclusion of his career on the front bench of the Imperial Diet.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby LegolasRedbard » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:19 pm


Martin Smith, the founder of the Luthori Labour Party, died aged 106 last night in his country home outside Fort William. Smith led the Labour Party, as the Socialist Labour Party, from its creation in 4393 until his resignation in 4398. Smith was born in 4323 to working-class parents and spent almost 50 years of his life as a trade union representative. He led the Labour Party to it's best election results but failed to form a government with the Social Democrats, whom he saw as traitors to left-wing politics. After his resignation, he spent many years in the political wilderness, with Labour moving to the right under Richard Anderson and Louis Booth, but found a home in the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition, which he voted for multiple times.

Jac Campbell, the Leader of the Labour Party said in a speech this morning

Martin Smith was one of my political heroes, and I won't stop fighting until the Labour Party fulfills the mission that he started in 4393, to create a nation for the many, not the few

Smith leaves behind three children and eight grandchildren

Jac Campbell slams the SDP in her Conference Speech - 3rd November 4429

At the Labour Party annual conference, the mood was buoyant, despite the hostilities many feel are growing between Labour and their coalition partners, the SDP. The week's highlights included a fiery speech by Olivia Walker, the 28-year-old Justice Secretary, who promised "radical reform" in the next government Labour was a part of, and also Peter Goldsmith's announcement of his retirement as Deputy Leader and as a member of the Imperial Diet. Since there is nothing in the party's constitution regarding a deputy leadership election, many expect Jac Campbell to appoint Olivia Walker, or perhaps Max Callan, as her deputy to appease the progressive wing of the party.

Jac Campbell herself gave her speech on the final night of the conference, in which she slammed her coalition partner for not having voted in favour of reforms

We find ourselves in the situation where many in our country, and many in the Imperial Diet, are crying out for change, but the government that they chose to represent them has been crippled by the inertia of certain parties who seem to have abdicated their responsibility to provide the change the people voted for
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby truthvibrations » Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:26 pm

The Traditional Luthori Values Association Protest The Trial Of Earl Harmon
24th November 4429

The streets of Fort William were filled yesterday with swarms of angry protesters, waving flags baring the logo of the TLVA. There were concerns that the protest may erupt into violence, but fortunately no incidents have been reported. Banners were held declaring George Otieno a "Mumenhes Hippie Demon". Others used language of a harsher nature. Paul Mason, suspected leader of the organisation, also made an appearance. He made a speech with megaphone in hand to a large crowd of sign-waving onlookers.

We will not stand for the recognition of this illegal alien as a legitimate politician! His party is a band of thieves and criminals! What our dear friend Earl Harmon did was an act of national heroism! He dared to take the stand in defense of his country that everyone else was too afraid to! If any of the powers that be have a single fiber of backbone within them; if any true son or daughter of Luthori has the guts to take into their own hands that which the Luthori people are waking up to; we urge you to pull every string possible to see the innocent man Earl Harmon pardoned! - (Paul Mason)

There have been concerns for George Otieno's safety in attending the trial of Earl Harmon in December. Many believe that he will either not attend at all, or will attend with bodyguards. The Luthori Central News Network reached out to George Otieno for comment. In response, he had this to say:

I cannot shun this trial. IT is my duty to attend. 'Nor do I intend to have guards of any kind. I am not a man who hides behind bodyguards. Of course people are angry with me. They do not understand me. Because they do not understand me, they fear me. Because they fear me, they want me gone. They want to cling on to some nonsensical notion of Luthori being "restored to it's former glory", as if to imply that Luthori never had issues before a man of dark skin dared to take a stand for his country. To be guarded is to admit fear to these people. To fear these people is for me to in turn misunderstand them. I am not afraid of these people. I pity them. Earl Harmon claims the attack was committed in a drunken fit of rage. This is almost true. It was a fit of fear that fueled this act. - (George Otieno)

More on this story as information is made available.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby hansoloffson » Fri Jul 27, 2018 8:36 am

Alice Teodurschu once more assumes leadership of the SPD and defends her party

During an interview Ms Alice Teodurschu, Chancellor and Imperial-Seal bearer was asked of her future as a politician.

After speaking to both members of the diet but also to the public I have decided to run for office once more and assume leadership of the party. Luthroi is going through times of trial in an uneasy world, the SPD has proven on multiple occasions that we are the sane and level headed party in this diet. Therefore I will go to the people and once more ask that they give me their support.

Ms Teodurschu had this to say regarding The recent controversy surrounding several bills being passed and her own cabinet ministers criticising her party.

Our policies have not changed. We stand proudly on our ideology of workers rights and traditionalist. This is something that has not and will not change. All ministers and diet members in this coalition are aware of our party platform and should know very well where we stand. If they find it shocking, it is not of my concern. I represent the people that have voted for me and my party. Not other parties and their will.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby truthvibrations » Fri Jul 27, 2018 3:38 pm

George Otieno HOSPITALISED By Brutal Trial Attack
8th December 4429

Yesterday, after the trial of Earl Harmon, George Otieno was viciously assaulted on his way out of the court house. Earl Harmon was originally set to be sentenced to 1 year in prison, however, many suspect that it was because of the testimony and request of George Otieno that Harmon was instead sentenced to 4 months. As Mister Otieno approached the top of the courthouse's stairwell, an unidentified man was seen approaching him from behind, who then proceeded to shove Mister Otieno down the stairs. Several witness accounts also claim that the man shouted "Luthori for Luthorians!" before committing the act.

George Otieno is currently in Fort William General Hospital, and is expected to be there for quite some time, with several broken bones. The Luthori Central News Network was unable to reach Mister Otieno for comment. The Luthori Progress Party's spokesman for justice, Freddie Croft, is expected to take the role of acting leader for the first half of 4430.

The Luthori Central News Network contacted Paul Mason, noted figurehead of the now notorious Traditional Luthori Values Association, about this incident.

Listen mate, I don't know what you and your fake news are going to try to spin my words into, but me and the people I represent? We were in no way responsible for what happened to Otieno. In fact, given the media's utter vendetta against me and my resilience in the face of Luthori's downfall, I'm almost certain that I would be correct to suspect a crisis actor. That's right, I know there's a conspiracy against me; against the TLVA. But the people are waking up. They aren't going to accept this new PC crap that parties like Otieno's are feeding us. New parties like the Authoritarian Luthori Alliance are beginning to rear their heads, and they're already doing wonderful things for this empire. I can't wait to see how they fair in the next election. - (Paul Mason)

If you or someone you know has any information regarding the identity of the man who committed this crime, please contact your local police immediately.
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