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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jul 28, 2018 5:44 am

ODEN Eyes deal to Vanuku
An ODEN deal would signal a thaw in relations

Dah Delta, Ananto
June 25, 4430

Seeing Opportunities in Majatra, Tass meets with Growers Union leader Thomas Marin

The Director of ODEN Kalistan, Georgia Tass met with leaders of the Kalistani Growers Union last week to ask them to shift production to more natural drugs, which can be produced without processing. The talks this week were positive, and the Growers' union pledged to double production of natural substances like Marijuana, Mushrooms, Coca and opium, as well as precursors like Ergot and Cabrera, which is used to make DMT. Peyote will not be increased, due to the limited environmental conditions which it grows, primarily in the dry mountains slopes in western Suldanor.

"We have an opportunity to sell to countries that allow natural drugs. This will be a boon for growers in Kalistan and ODEN International, as countries slowly conform their National Drug Policies with ODEN preferences."

Tass said that ODEN-Kalistan will propose a permanent price reduction for natural occurring drugs to non-ODEN nations which have legalized natural Drugs. "There are a lot of countries that would see ODEN, maybe not as a good fit for their own country, but more as a wholesale supplier for local Government sales. One example of this seems to be Vanuku, who will soon legalize naturally occurring Drugs, and apparently wishes to set the Government up as a regulator of drug sales in the country. The Government would apparently need a regular source of drugs, and this could be a real opportunity for ODEN countries to supply the markets in parts of the world without an ODEN presence."

There is no doubt that a deal to supply the Vanukean with ODEN drugs would signal an improvement in relations between all ODEN countries and Vanuku. "Well, I'm sure," Tass said, "that it will have an effect on Relations between Kalistan and Vanuku. It's not why we are interested, however. Having a national supplier on the ODEN Client list is a massive coup for ODEN: It allows us to form guaranteed contracts with sovereign entities, which mean long term stability in distribution and prices, and this serves the mission of ODEN in a way that having to sell to individual or private distributors cannot offer."

Tass noted that Sekowo and Telamon have both completed their Drug surveys, and is happy for the additions of different sorts of medicines and recreational drugs. "We have methamphetamine now, as well as a number of medicinal herbs which offer therapeutic relief from Sekowo. Telamon is getting their industries off the ground, and their increasing contributions and specializations over the years will also allow Kalistan to consider specialization too, so that we are not competing. And we will soon welcome Keymon to the Cartel, giving ODEN a window on Majatra and Artania. The Cartel is well situated to begin supplying Majatran demand, and as far as ODEN-Kalistan is concerned, we welcome partnerships with governments so we don't have to associate with large Black Market actors, like we must when selling heroin and cocaine to Lourenne."

ODEN-Kalistan plans to seek input on pricing at the next regular meeting of the Cartel in early 4431. Tass reports that ODEN nations earned more than 130 B Rubles from sales to Lourenne under the Embargo as drug demand has not decreased, but supply being choked off as it was by Government policy, has caused the price to spike to the Lourenne Market. "This money has been split three ways among all ODEN nations as per our agreement, which is a nice chunk of change for our economies. Though we lowered wholesale prices by 75%, we have noticed that most of ODEN's product is selling to Lourennaise distributors in Kalistan at something more like 15-17% lower than world market prices due specifically to the inflation caused prohibition. We can afford to offset prices elsewhere due simply to the volume we are selling their black market distributors."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:19 pm

Kalistan and Lodamun to jointly Develop new Submarine
Sub to be built at Kaliburg Naval Shipyards, will feature fuel cell technology

Kaliburg, Ananto
September 8, 4430

Concept drawing of a new Kalistani-Lodamese Submarine, tentatively called the Indica-Class in Kalistan features hydrogen Fuel Cell technology

The Defense Ministers of Kalistan and Lodamun have agreed to put money and talent toward the development of a new class of submarine, to be built by the Kaliburg Naval Shipyards on Ananto. Both Kalistani and Lodamese engineers are already beginning to work out the design and have released a conceptual blueprint to the Press. The development of the new boat will benefit both nations, who have long held a close naval partnership and alliance under the 150 year old Kalistan-Lodamun Naval Cooperation Treaty.

According to Naval spokesmen, the new boat, tentatively called the Indica Class in Kalistan, will feature cutting edge fuel cell technology which will allow the engine to run without needing a supply of oxygen or a nuclear power plant. "This technology will replace the burning of diesel for the electrical engine, allowing us to remain submerged, in theory for up to three weeks. The ship will carry eleven fuel cells which will extend our range at sea to almost three months, and a back up diesel engine in case the powerplant fails," Naval Engineer Donald Ibis of Kaliburg Polytechnic Institute said. "Lack of the need to circulate coolant through the engine will permit near silent running that both the nuclear subs and the air-dependent diesel engines lack."

The new technology will represent a hybrid of diesel and nuclear technology to power the ship. "A smaller power plant will clearly lack the operations duration of a nuclear power plant, which can, with resupply, theoretically operate indefinitely. However, it also allows the boat to be much smaller, and therefore far more maneuverable in the water than the larger nuclear submarines, and therefore, allows us to pose a serious threat to the nuclear fleets of larger nations. The lack of a need to run air into our engines allows us to overcome the need to snorkel that our current submarines suffer from, and lets us stay at sea for as much as a month longer, and shrink the compliment from around 50 to around 27."

Planned armaments for the ship include standard torpedos, heavyweight torpedoes, and anti-air and -ship short range missiles. Designers will also look into the possibility of development of tube launched guided missiles, though without expertise in such technology from Kalistan or Lodamun, it is doubtful that this option will be built into the Indica. In addition, the sub will be able to travel to a depth of 700 meters and a distance of 9000 miles without refueling, at a submerged speed of 20 knots. The ship will lack a deck gun, but will possess a new direct fire battery that will allow the ship to defend itself from air attacks while surfaced.

Production of prototypes are expected to begin in a year, with the first proof of concepts being produced in early 4432. Full scale production will begin at Kaliburg in 4432.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JackWilfred » Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:57 pm

NLA Conference: Day Three
President Maslow wins nomination for second term

Sulari, Suldanor
September 4, 4430

President Adrian Maslow was nominated on the first count

A victory for "independent, principled leadership" was how President Maslow described his nomination by the New Liberal Alliance for the Republic's highest office. The former civil engineer received 61% of the online vote, ahead of Deputy Sunitha Medina-Rue, a leader of the conservative wing who had criticised his "cosy" position between the New Liberals and governing Socialists. Accepting the nomination, the President stated in his speech that he saw his priorities for the next three years as providing assistance to solve diplomatic tensions, as well as being a constitutional counsel to all parties in the succeeding National Assembly. The Socialist Party is expected to endorse Dr. Maslow.

The new platform, named 'A Better Way' by Leader Zandra Arnold, contains nothing in the way of radical changes to the expected NLA planks. Fairer taxes, democratic reform and abolition of national service were all major points. The conservative wing's proposed motions, regarding the immigration system and coalition building, were also accepted via online vote, calling on the party not to accept a coalition agreement with the Socialists unless no party received a majority. Meeting her Presidential bid's supporters, Medina-Rue stated that the NLA was close to fulfilling its potential as a "true alternative to so-called Ethical Socialism."

Zandra Arnold, however, stayed to the same tune as usual. Winning her own leadership ballot unanimously, the NLA Leader celebrated the nomination of President Maslow as "a victory for those who believe in a pair of safe hands". Arnold was light on criticism for the conservatives, however, stating "any NLA platform is 'a better way' for Kalistan, especially this one." The NLA has been quiet on expectations for this election, but internal sources tell the Republic that Arnold is under pressure to show the NLA as a real contender for government.
New Liberal Alliance, Kalistan
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:00 am

reprinted from
The Light- The Journal of The Society of Brethren of the Truth in Kalistan
Kalistani Brethren Set to visit Lourenne

"We have heard the call to Visit the Lourennais"
Sulari, Suldanor
January 12, 4431

Sulari Monthly Meeting agrees to send delegation to Lourenne in December

The Sulari Monthly Meeting, responding to a minute of concern for Lourennais Brethren, have agreed to send members of their local Outreach and Travelling Ministry Committee to visit Lourennais.

Sister Doreen Phillips raised the Concern in the Monthly Meeting with a Concern for Business in May of 4430.

"Why," she began, "have we not heard from our Brothers and Sisters in Lourenne, since this War began? Almost 20 million people in Lourenne are Members of the Society of Brethren. We should have heard loud protests from them against imperialist War, but they have been silent. So I ask this meeting to take up a concern for our Lourenne Brethren. We would like to learn how things are going for them, and perhaps offer them spiritual support and Care as we may, should they require it."

The Meeting was deeply divided over the Minute. Some wanted nothing to do with Lourenne, and argued that if Lourennaise Brethren had gone along with the war silently, they must support it. "They should have stood opposed to it!" said Brother David Frankish.

To which the pro-visit Brethren group responded. Gomer Touelle spoke: "We should have stood against our own Government building their weapons of warfare. The Brethren in Kalistan do not get into politics much anymore, but maybe its time we did. Peace is peace, and to make peace with our enemy, even if he is a degenerate imperialist, is the Brethrenist thing to do. There is the Light of God in all of us, even if our behavior suggests the opposite, as in the case of the Lourennaise."

Gilda Hamilton responded, "Barajas was a Fighting Brethren, and there are a LOT of them in Kalistan. Don't be so quick to suggest that all Brethren viewed that war the same way."

After discussion of the Minute for nearly an hour, the Clerk of the Meeting determined that the Concern needed to season. Meanwhile, several potlucks were held, a new BUN Coordinator for the Meeting was named, and the Concern was nearly forgotten. Spring turned into Summer, and Summer to Fall. But Sister Phillips raised the matter once more at the November Business Meeting.

"Brethren, have we forgotten about The Concern for our Lourennaise Friends?" She asked in out of the silence.

Two Members immediately stood and walked out of the Business Meeting. Phillips continued: "I am led to raise this concern once more. Those Brethren in Lourenne deserve our attention, or at least a visit. This is something we can do, Friends."

Many Members who had been opposed to Phillips' Minute before now sought to avoid a restoration of the Conflict. "Look Comrade Phillips," Art Jenssen began. "I have also considered my opposition to your minute, and it lies primarily in how we would pay for such a voyage. Surely you did not mean that the entire Meeting shall go to Lourenne, so, perhaps you will tell us what you had in mind, and if it is reasonable, I will stand aside."

Phillips assured Jenssen that only a small group of Brethren would go to Lourenne. "It will just be those of us with means. I happen to be well off, so I will volunteer to go. And Chantal, who is one of our traveling ministers, have also said she would come with me. We would request five or six other Members or Attenders here to come along with us, ask the Meeting for a travel letter, and an Anchor Committee, and would leave after New Year." Phillips paused for a moment, and then continued, when it appeared that she had not swayed the opposition. "At least can we have a clearness committee on the matter?"

The Meeting agreed that this would be a good idea and the Committee met the next Sunday, comprised of Jenssen, Hollingsworth, Carrangus-Francisco, and Jackson. At December's Business Meeting, the Clearness Committee reported out that all members of the Travel Group had clearness on whether they wanted to go, and they recommend that the Meeting endorse the voyage.

The Clerk took a Sense of the Meeting, and found that those who objected had decided to stand aside. "I would add to the concern, not only an interest in the well being of our Lourennaise Brethren, but also a concern for our former President." said Phillips, on the heels of the recent news that Barajas had been killed in Statrica. "We should see what we can do about getting the Kalistanis sent back home." The Meeting endorsed the Minute of Concern, and Phillips, Chantal McCleod, and Brethren Guilley, South, Wenchyll, Redd, Smith, and Cotton were endorsed by the Travel Letter to the Lourennais Brethren/ An anchoring Committee and a traveling fund was established.

It is unclear whether Lourenne will let the Sulari Brethren travel to Lourenne. Hopefully they may prevail upon the Foreign Minister to secure transit for them via some neutral country, such as Sekowo or Baltusia, so that they do not run afoul of Lourennais Entry Controls. Their fate is in the hands of higher ups now, and they await word of their departure.

More to come.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:44 pm

reprinted from
News From Lodamun
Kalistani and Lodamese Navies hold large scale exercise
Joint week-long exercise contains all elements of naval warfare.

Kalistani ships fire on coastal targets

Lodamese Marines land near Bozo River CATC

Anantonese Ocean - A large week-long exercise operation took place recent week in the Anantonese Ocean. The joint-exercise was conducted by the naval forces of Kalistan and Lodamun. The both navies practiced each aspect of naval warfare, from tasks like refueling at sea and maneuvers to live fire coastal bombardments and amphibious landings. The first two days of the exercise took place near the coast of Norstavan (Lodamun). There ships of both navies practiced signalling, communication, spotting and maneuvers, to optimise the collaboration between the two fleets. Part of the pratice was a combat situation. In this hypothetical situation enemy submarines, a role played by Kalistani submarines, tried to 'sink' the vessels of the combined fleet. "This is an very important aspect." said captain François Hus of the Lodamese destroyer Cohen, "Our navies are tasked with protecting the Anatonese Ocean, which we have done for over 140 years already. Submarines can pose a great threat to ships in naval combat, it is not unthinkable that we might face realy enemy submarines in the future. If such an attack takes place we must be certain that there are no failures in communication." Both the ships and the submarines took their task very serious, as if they truely engaged in combat. On the first day the submarines managed to get seven major hits on Lodamese and Kalistani vessels of which two would likely have resulted in the destruction of two vessels, making them the clear victors of that day. The next day, however, the submarines were less succesful, getting only two major hits with one of their own submarines 'destroyed'.

The third and fourth day were live fire missions, in which Kalistani and Lodamese ships tried to destroy targets on land, in the air and sea. In this exercise Kalistan took a leading role, as their field of expertise is naval atillery use, which became even more clear in the results. With Kalistani ships hitting 85% of their targets, whilst Lodamese ships had a 71% hit ratio. "The Kalistani are specialists on this field, which means Lodamun can learn a lot from our allies." said Ensign Lucas of the Devis. The last three days were used for large landing operations at Bozo River CATC on Ananto. Four Lodamese marine battalions and seven Kalistani battalions were deployed along several kilometers of coastline and ordered to secure beachheads. Troops of the Kalistani army were tasked with protecting the shores and defending the area around Bozo River CATC from the invaders. With live fire being used as the landing crafts approached, the nations wanted to create as much of a realistic effect as possible. On the third day the marines were victories, fully securing the beachheads for reinforcements to arrive.

At the end of the week both nations decleared the exercise a succes, commending eachother on the results. Kalistan and Lodamun seek to work closer together, as just recently both nations annouced they will start joint-development and production of a new type submarine.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JackWilfred » Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:22 pm

President Maslow Confirms Death of Ana Barajas
Denies clearance was granted for militia units

Kaliburg, Ananto
March 1, 4431

President Adrian Maslow made the announcement from the Presidential Residence

At an address to the press, Dr. Adrian Maslow, President of the United Republic of Kalistan, confirmed the death of his predecessor, Ana Barajas, during a militia exercise in Statrica. Eulogizing her as a "staunch and lifelong defender of the Republic, its traditions and values", Maslow stated that it was apt to co-opt Socialist terminology in calling her a "Comrade to Kalistan, true and fair."

President Maslow, however, denied that he had any knowledge of the militia's actions in Statrica. "The action was totally without Presidential clearance, I had no knowledge supplied to me that the actions were being undertaken, not by the Government or Premier in any formal or informal capacity," the President stated. The President declined to comment to press speculation, replying that there were Constitutional measures in place to discover the facts, and he would ensure those were adhered to.

The President also stated that he would be willing to speak to the Lourennaise leadership in a diplomatic capacity, but that he was bound to act at the pleasure of the Government. The President also stated that he would be willing to speak to the National Assembly if they required his testimony.
New Liberal Alliance, Kalistan
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Luis1p » Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:51 pm

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:43 pm

Scandal rocks the Socialist Party
Al-Khali's future as Premier in Jeopardy as Deputies threaten vote of No Confidence

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 15, 4431

Premier of the Republic Al-Khali is now under scrutiny as scandal rocks his Administration

The bombastic Premier of the Republic is currently under intense scrutiny from within his Party, which he has led for more than a Dozen years. The reported death of the President of the Republic in Statrica has shone a dubious light on Al-Khali's Government, and has led a sizeable bloc of Socialist Deputies to begin calling for Al-Khali's resignation.

"For years," began Socialist Deputy from Neveras Janine Flora, "we put up with his foul mouth and his pugilistic attitude. And now we discover a stunning lack of judgement on the part of the Premier in sending an unknown contingent to Statrica to participate in a war which nobody here sanctioned, and we certainly never voted on. Who knows about this? The Premier does. Did the Foreign Minister? Did the Defense Minister? Did the President? It seems that the decision was entirely Al-Khali's and this brings other decisions he has made into question."

The Socialist Party lost more than a hundred seats in last December's election due primarily to the success of the NLA in running their agenda despite SP dominance, and then the October surprise from Lourenne. The opponents of Al-Khali within the Party now see an opening.

The Premier, for his part, took full responsibility. "Yes, it was a decision worked out between me, Barajas, Minister Santamaria and a few others. The Militia agreed to the release of a Battalion, and they were put under command of Militia Warrant Officer 3 Bjornsdottir, with the President serving as Commissar. Of the people who made the call, I am the only one left. So... I suppose that means that the responsibility for the disaster is mine. If the SP wants my head on an engraved f--king platter, I say, come get some. They're probably 8th in line. And by the way, had Kalistan nutted up when the war started, the militia never would have been sent."

The Premier's language served his base of support in the Party, but did not endear him to anyone else. The question is, whether his base will be enough to carry him through a vote of no-confidence or not.

We shall see, but the internal decision will be made by June, and then the future of Al-Khali, either as a wounded and lame duck Premier, or as a private citizen, will be made clear.

One positive sign for the Government: It appears that Hashimoto will likely keep his job even if Al-Khali loses it, as Lourenne has just announced a lifting of sanctions and the repatriation of Kalistani casualties home, due largely to the efforts of Kalistani Brethren and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If there is to be peace between Kalistan and Lourenne, it will be up to President Maslow and FM Hashimoto to make it happen, even if Al-Khali survives.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:14 am

Al-Khali forced out, Reina-Rodriguez becomes New Speaker of the SP
Socialist-Government still up in the air as Crisis of Confidence hits Kalistan

Kaliburg, Ananto
November 20, 4431

Maria Reina-Rodriguez, recently elected Speaker of the Socialist Party, fields questions from the Opposition during Question Time

As the Statrican scandal continues, the Premier of the Republic has been forced out by his own Party. Abdulaziz Al-Khali has claimed responsibility for the decision to send Kalistani Militia units into Statrica, which led to the demise of former President Ana Barajas and over 600 of her Comrades. In the ensuing crisis of Confidence, the Premier has been ousted from Leadership and has been forced to resign his Suldanor Seat.

In his place, the Socialist Party has named fellow Suldanor Deputy Maria Reina-Rodriguez as the new Speaker of the Socialist Party. Reina, 36 was first elected to the Assembly 12 years ago. Reina is a member of the Society of Brethren, and her portfolio has included work on foreign relations and Industry and Trade. Being elected Acting Speaker sets Reina Rodriguez up to be the hands on favorite to become the next Premier of the Republic, and will signal a significant change in direction for the Republic, especially in foreign diplomacy, as well as tone. She was notably critical of the more aggressive foreign policy of Premier Al-Khali, and her election signals that the Party is ready to try a new approach to association with our neighbors. She is known for favoring more work on the Non-Aligned Movement, and supports detente with Lourenne.

What shall become of the new Speaker is now in the hands of the President.

What shall become of the old Premier, now that he has resigned is similarly uncertain: Al-Khali has been forbidden from fleeing the country, and a Justice convened Grand Jury has been empaneled to determine if there is evidence to bring criminal charges against Al-Khali. For his part, the normally talkative Premier has not responded to our request for comment.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Aug 02, 2018 4:54 am

Reina-Rodriguez Ascends to the Premiership
Premier promises to rule by Brethrenist Principles

Kaliburg, Ananto
December 8, 4432

Maria Reina-Rodriguez becomes Premier following passage of Government bill; vows stability

The Socialist Party's Leader and Leader of the Majority, Maria Reina-Rodriguez, was named Premier of the Republic by President Maslow, and his decision was ratified by the National Assembly. The New Liberal Alliance and the League of Hosian Democrats voted against the bill of the President.

Reina-Rodriguez, the 37 year old veteran Socialist Deputy and economist, heads the rising Brethrenist Caucus within the Socialist Party. The Brethren have typically remained in the back ground of Republican Politics since the early part of the Millennium, and while numerous Premiers and Presidents have been Brethren, Reina is the first Premier to openly declare that Brethrenist principles will guide her government in more than 300 years. The Premier's primary portfolio is in foreign policy and Industrial policy, as Kalistan is poised to make a great leap forward toward economic expansion under the Dual System. She is also one of the first Premiers who speaks Egelian as a first Language, and Luthori as a second Language, marking an important milestone in Kalistani cultural history.

Said the Premier, before the National Assembly:

"Comrades, Brothers and Sisters: We will employ the Testimonies of Brethrenism in our Government. We will practice Integrity and Honesty, which many of my Comrades in the Party will certainly welcome, following the scandalous fall of my predecessor. We will look to simplicity, and efficiency in our government processes, doing away with a number of redundancies, especially between National and local governments, and will propose a greatly reduced revenue and spending plan for Kalistan, which will reflect our National prosperity and our commitment to Social Justice and Equality across our society. We will consider our Government a Stewardship of the resources and assets of the People, and see it as our job to ensure that they remain healthy and robust, and the prosperity of the Republic is spread as far and as wisely as possible.

"Most significantly, we will promote peace. This does not mean that we will leave our Nation defenseless. We will continue to pursue a defensive strategy against Imperialist forces in our region, while seeking peace and strong ties with our neighbors. It may be said that Kalistan is explicitly a revisionist power, in that we seek to disrupt the world order. This is true, but this means that we should be seeking peace and ties with our neighbors, not engaging in a war of words and of deed. We will continue our modernization program to strengthen our ties with our neighbors and our own efforts at peace."

The Premier has said she wishes to continue work on the Non-Aligned Movement, and will look for opportunities to build on alliances where they exist. She also has agreed to hear all reasonable proposals for local and foreign cooperation, especially with Lourenne, Baltusia, Lodamun, and Sekowo. She has also reaffirmed Kalistan's unequivocal opposition to the Northern Council, nuclear weapons, and imperialism. "We will not go backward into the dark years of Kalistan's exploitation at the hands of larger imperialist powers. Kalistan will stand firmly against Northern Council hegemony in Seleya and the Anantonese Ocean. This of course does not mean that Kalistan will reignite the tit-for-tat of previous years with Lourenne. We are committed to peace and trade between our two nations, at all costs."

On the former Premier, Reina was not circumspect: "Al-Khali has been held under house arrest while his activities are being looked into. He is, by reports, completely satisfied at his modest home in Sulari." Government insiders associated with the process have reported that the Grand Jury has had no problem eliciting testimony from Socialists who are familiar with the events in question. Al-Khali himself was interrogated by Justice Ministry attorneys before the Grand Jury for more than 17 hours over two days. His answers, while highly classified, were reportedly candid and forthcoming, and he did not declare any sort of prerogative or exception. Witnesses for the former Premier have described a process whereby the Premier consulted with high leadership of both the Party and the Militia, and at the end, authorized, in secret, a mission which had already left for Statrica without official authorization.

Said one Party leader, who asked to remain anonymous to protect the proceedings, "The Premier was initially opposed to the militia's departure, but the former President prevailed upon him. He promised limited support from the Party, and was explicit that no funds or aid come from the Government of Kalistan. The former President Barajas believed that intervention in Statrica was part of a general strategy to weaken the Northern Council's thrust into Central Dovani, being led by Lourenne at the time. The Premier was sold when it was presented that this could in theory move Lourenne to a more neutral position vis-a-vis Kalistan, and possibly away from its NC promoted hostility toward our Republic."

Few details of the Grand Jury hearings so far, though a decision on indictment is likely due within the next few months. Meanwhile, the Premier has begun governing the Republic, and there are initial signs that Lourenne has changed its orientation toward Kalistan. In addition, there appears to be signs of renewed interest in Kalistan by other nations, such as Vanuku, and Kalistan is in a much better position today to serve as a block to unmittigated NC expansion down the west coast of Seleya.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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