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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:50 pm

LOT Airlines purchases Airlift 4000, from Airlift
Nowogard March 9, 4425 (OOC: Postdated)
The plane with LOT's livery. The company stated that it would be ready for commercial use within the next month.

NOWOGARD - Today LOT Airlines has purchased the Airlift company's aptly named Airlift 4000, the first of its kind, for 260 million VPO. A spokesperson for LOT stated that the purchase was definitely not the last, as the major airliner's fleet was nearing decades old and in need of upgrades. Airlift, headquartered in Cildania, reached out to LOT about the possible acquisition. Striking a deal with Airlift, LOT announced that the first Airlift 4000 will serve as a sort of field test, examining how the plane will perform both practically and economically. If consumers are reported to have found their experience better on the Airlift 4000, then the company will negotiate to buy more. On future economic cooperation, a spokesperson stated "We are a company that has our foot in the door of nearly every nation in terms of international travel. Valruzians love to explore the world at large. How can they do that with an aging air fleet? The simple answer is no. We've got to upgrade, and Airlift has produced the perfect opportunity for us. Certainly we will see further cooperation from them in the future."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 6:28 pm


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

Luxury tax reform sees local department stores in Chynberg voice discontent
The Stachowicz department store in Hel, one of the most influential in the region, has voiced their discontent with the new taxes.
Nowogard, 29 September, 4425

NOWOGARD - Since the economic reforms passed two years ago by the Czas Patriotów and the Socjaldemokratyczna Partia Robotników, which were an effort to generate funds for a massive revitalization effort of the armed forces, numerous corporations have voiced grumbling at the new tax, but nothing major. However, a considerable opposition to the tax now comes from the Chynberg voivodeship, from department stores, both small establishments and large chains alike. Many wish for a lowering of the tax to its previous level, arguing that the current tax is a strain on their income. The new National Committee Chairman of the SdPR, Artur Gorzynski went on record to say: "This is only temporary, many unfortunately forget that. I agree fully with the plans put forth with Defense Minister Wawro. Our armed forces must definitely be improved if we are to successfully carry our weight within the Northern Council. As for the corporate tax that some companies have grumbled about, I feel that it should be the only thing that remains constant. Through these reforms, our nation has been able to accrue a 44 billion VPO surplus, well enough to afford whatever our armed forces may require." Despite Gorzynski's defense of the reforms, it hasn't stopped employees and board members alike from protesting, both out on the street and online. Iga Jezewska, a worker in the colossal Stachowicz department store voiced her concerns to Red Rose. "...Really, it puts a damper on our income. On days where there's little customers, it's a death blow to our surplus. Recently we had to partially cut wages, and that made for some very unhappy employees, myself included." The discontent over tax has sparked a growing concern over the completion of "Project Phoenix" among delegates of the Sejm, putting pressure on a faster completion.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:11 am

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Valruzian Armaments Group announces completion of port expansion
Nowogard, 21 November, 4426
Northern Council member ships form a line at the recently refurbished port in Gryfitów.

NOWOGARD - After over 4 years in the dark, Valruzian Armaments Group, under special authorization from Defense Minister Wawro, have publicized the completion of the port expansion project, often thought as phase 1 of "Project Phoenix". Investing over 250 million Valruzian Pesos into the work, new ships, largely belonging to Northern Council members were christened in the port. When asked why foreign ships were put into the port, Defense Minister Wawro stated "I'd think of it as a test, along with a celebration of sorts. Now with these revitalized ports, Valruzia serves as an excellent naval hub for NC members if they require operations within Seleya." But Wawro spoke also addressed the concerns of flexibility in their purpose, reassuring commercial shipping companies that the new ports could still serve the purpose of trading hubs. "It is not only a benefit to the Valruzian navy, but to shipping companies, both on our own soil and beyond."

Valruzian naval contractors begin work on constructing destroyers and submarines

NOWOGARD - Also to emerge from the publicized completion of the port expansion work was the proclamation of the construction of five submarines and five destroyers. With multiple contractors scrambling onto the project, exact cost estimates are unknown, but they are likely to rise well into billions of Pesos. The rest would be acquired from reserve stock of foreign navies, with Defense Minister Wawro and Foreign Minister Pilarczyk in cooperation with each other, hinting at future purchases with Lourenne, Dorvik, or Istalia, despite the anti-NC stance the Istalians hold. Each ship developed by national companies is expected to take 3 years, with a total estimate of 30 years for the rest of Valruzia's new fleet to be fully completed. These reports have only driven proponents of lower luxury taxes further. Public protests were conducted last year by department stores in Chynberg, putting pressure on the government to issue a speedy completion for the efforts. Once again Defense Minister Wawro waved away public opinion and vehemently defended Project Phoenix. "Frankly, our surplus is indeed large enough to purchase an entire new navy fleet for us, but we would prefer to have a mix of foreign and national ships. After all, what's a navy without ships made by your own countrymen?"
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:53 am


Wewnątrz Nowogard

Inside Nowogard is a subsidiary magazine of Red Rose that mainly reports on non-political goings on in the nation's capital. Stories range from music, sports, entertainment, and business.

After 5 year hiatus, the Beat Brothers release 3rd album, hint at possible movie of same name
Nowogard, June 10, 4427

The album cover of their long-awaited return: "All In a Hard Day's Work".

After taking a 5 year hiatus to work on various independent projects, public interest surged with each year's passing for what would come next for Valruzia's most popular rock n' roll band. It seems the 4 men have not stopped in their pursuit of entertaining the masses. At a public meet and greet turned press conference today Pawlik and Hanuszek responded to rumors that the band had a movie deal in the works. While the two didn't confirm that it was a possibility, they didn't deny it either. While not as popular as they once were, the Beat Brothers have maintained a steady fanbase throughout their existence, and have never ran short of losing them. "You've got to find your base and stick with it, but room for change is always welcome," Pawlik stated to Inside Nowogard. Hanuszek offered a different take on his friend's comments. "I mean, keeping to the same formula is grand and all that, but eventually it gets stale. We still make the charts, but not as we used to. Maybe we could do with getting out there, expanding our styles and whatnot." When further asked about a movie deal being a possible revival of their band, Pawlik stated "It certainly couldn't hurt. What's that? Are we working on a film? I'm not exactly at liberty to say [Pawlik then drew his hand across his lips]."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Luis1p » Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:36 am

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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Jul 22, 2018 6:48 am


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

SdPR State Committee Chairman and long-term Chairman of the Council of Ministers retires from politics
The long-term SCC and Chairman of the CoM announced his retirement today, prompting a leadership reshuffle within both the SdPR and the Valruzian government.
Nowogard, 12 June, 4427

NOWOGARD - Tomasz Snarski, long referred to as the uncontested leader of the Council of Ministers and State Committee Chairman of the Social Democratic Workers Party, has announced his retirement from politics today, prompting a leadership reshuffling within both his party and the government. It is largely expected that his associate, Bernard Slominski, will take his place after leadership elections are conducted later this year. Snarski stated that he would renounce his offices, but still operate as the acting leader for each of them. Giving a solemn speech before party leaders today in the SdPR's National Committee Headquarters, he reassured that the party would commit to the continuation of the ideals of democratic socialism. Artur Gorzynski, the quiet leader of the Social Democratic Workers Party, wished him all the best in his future endeavors.

Dispute over luxury tax leads to split of Progressives and Greens faction within the Social Democratic Workers Party

Today a heated dispute over the luxury tax bill proposed by the aforementioned Social Democratic Workers Party has lead to the split of the Progressives and Greens. The then-leader of the integrated Progressives faction, Iga Stachnik denounced the Greens for wishing to lower the luxury tax, and for wishing to shrink the defense budget to allow more funds into the environmental budget. She then held a vote of no confidence within the faction, with an estimated 9% voting yes. A transcript of their heated exchange was kindly given to us by an anonymous contributor. The Progressives, within hours of their split, integrated themselves into the Alliance of Social Liberals faction, renaming it the "Alliance of Liberal Progressives" shortly thereafter.

You money-grubbing bastards. We support the tax reform as of right now. Look at what it's given us! A 44 billion Peso surplus, well enough to get Defense Minister Wawro's project rolling along. Yet you clamor for a reduction in the luxury tax, after what, ONE department store levies a minor complaint? Get the hell out of here. I think this is the last straw. I might as well start a vote of no confidence within our faction, because it's become clear to me that if we argue about this any longer it's only delaying the inevitable. It's become clear to me that we'd likely get along better with the social liberals than we will with you. I'm all for reducing our environmental footprint, but you fools are likely to take tree-hugging to a new level.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:08 am

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
5 Lourennian-bought Delaune class frigates arrive in Valruzia
Gryfitów, 13 July, 4427
One of the five Delaune class frigates acquired in the purchase, now flying the Valruzian naval ensign.

GRYFITÓW - Today the five Delaune class frigates have arrived in Valruzia in the port city of Gryfitów. After being sold by the Lourennian government for a total of 3.4 billion Francs, they have finally arrived for integration. Minister of Defense Wawro celebrated the purchase, remarking "We are getting closer to revitalizing our outdated navy." The purchase was a combined effort of both Lourennian and Valruzian Defense Ministries, along with each other's Foreign Ministries. Igor Pilarczyk, who has hinted at retirement as well in recent weeks, seemingly shared General Wawro's vision of utilizing Valruzian ports as a hub for Northern Council members, remarking to Foreign Minister Capét: "Our ports are always open—to trade, to transport, and to military cooperation between our two nations. Let us welcome each other with open arms even more so with the strengthening of fellow NC member-to-member relations."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jul 23, 2018 4:43 am


Czerwona Róża

Red Rose is a daily broadsheet and digital newspaper headquartered in Nowogard that is mainly supportive of leftist politics. Through our subsidiary magazine, Inside Nowogard, we also report on entertainment and local happenings.

Bernard Slominski confirmed as SdPR's new State Committee Chairman, appointment to Chairman of the Council of Ministers still pending
Bernard Slominski, a former union representative and Voivodeship Committee Chairman of the Ruzian division of the SdPR, has won the nomination for State Committee Chairman.
Nowogard, 22 December 4427

NOWOGARD - With over a two week voting period, the results have been confirmed this morning, with an estimated 92% turnout by party members, Bernard Slominski has won the nomination of State Committee Chairman of the Social Democratic Workers Party. Running on a platform of appeasement in regards to the high luxury tax, he was able to qualm arguments by calming those who showed their distrust by promoting foreign expansion of luxury goods businesses, and reassuring that Project Phoenix would be advanced at a quicker pace, but still taking into the account the vast complexities in constructing naval ships. "While I didn't serve in the navy during those years where conscription was mandatory, I'd have to be an idiot not to realize that such large vessels take time to manufacture. And frankly, those who are concerned over the luxury tax should realize this as well." Upon his election victory, Tomasz Snarski relinquished his post, a position held almost as long as Leon Kobylanski's presidential terms. Congratulating Snarski on a successful career of smooth leadership in both the state levels of the party and the national government, he conducted an impromptu speech shortly afterward.

The people have spoken and they have continued to vote in the alliance of confidence, progress, and unity: The United Social Democrats. Through our leadership we have done great things for our fellow countrymen. You recall that the revival of the Unity Coalition under former National Committee Chairman Kobylanski in the early 4400s has resulted in the preservation of Valruzian democracy for an astounding 183 years, which will soon reach the two century mark in a couple decades. We passed anti-tobacco legislation and made it much easier for its safer counterpart, cannabis, to be smoked. We passed greater social security reforms and reintegrated environmental reforms, resulting in a 50% lowered carbon footprint in our nation. We're the greenest nation in Seleya, and we continue to reach ever broader, to the outer reaches of our world. We have become stronger economically and diplomatically, thanks to the skilled nature of Foreign Minister Pilarczyk, and we have taken steps to revitalize our armed forces so we can better serve not just our own nation, but any alliances who share our vision of preserving democracy. Of course we cannot have done this alone. If we committed to our first National Committee Chairman Niemczyk's ideas of cooperating with parties who share only close political similarities, then we would not be in the position we are now. We would've faded and broke apart from lack of cooperation. While it is certain that we may not agree on some things with oiur fellow Unity Coalition members, we can certainly agree to promoting our aforementioned value of democratic preservation. Dear me, I've talked your ears off quite a bit haven't I? [Slominski gives a hearty chuckle] Well it's quite late, with our celebration being scheduled for late in the afternoon, it's only natural that we'd drift off into the evening hours. I'm sure we've all got duties to attend to at home, except for this old fellow right here! [Slominski then slaps the back of now former State Committee Chairman Snarski] Let me end it by saying, I thank you. I thank each and every one of you. I shall offer a toast. To another decade or more for progress!
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jul 24, 2018 8:58 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Foreign Minister Pilarczyk joins Lourenne in decrying ODEN
Nowogard, October 19, 4428
"I agree fully for the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, but these other drugs are dangerous. Something must be done."

NOWOGARD - Today Foreign Minister Pilarczyk has joined Lourenne in decrying the Organization of Drug Exporting Nations, or ODEN. "This organization, on whatever frail legal basis they use for it, is shilling heroin, cocaine, LSD, and Oxycontin across the world. These drugs are far more addictive and dangerous than marijuana, of which I realize that they also export. I agree fully for the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, but these other drugs are dangerous. Something must be done. This criminal empire must be stopped." When asked about possible action taken against Kalistan, the prime organizer of the company, Pilarczyk was apprehensive towards sanctions, citing the recent success of the Beat Brothers in Kalistani culture, but stated that likely any economic action wouldn't affect sales of the band's records. "While I am a bit reluctant at the thought of sanctions, it seems like the only thing we can do in terms of retaliation. If we do implement such sanctions, then it should be only natural that they extend to not just Kalistan, but effectively every single member state of ODEN. I'll likely fly to Valois to discuss possible action with Foreign Minister Capét once more."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:28 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Defense Minister Wawro gives into public pressure, states that rest of fleet will consist of foreign ships
Nowogard, October 24, 4430
One of the Delaune class ships from Lourenne, departing to another port in the Kampania voivodeship.

NOWOGARD - After receiving "Relentless" complaints from both corporations, local stores, and the general public, Defense Minister Wawro has finally given into pressure and agreed to purchase the remainder of the new Valruzian navy from foreign stockpiles. This comes just days after the 2nd destroyer was constructed and christened in Gryfitów, after 3 years in production. He states that he and Foreign Minister Pilarczyk will contribute once more to quote "Satisfy the public outcry as soon as possible." When pressed about which stockpiles the Ministry of Defense was considering purchasing from, Wawro confirmed that they would likely come from Dorvik, Istalia, or Lourenne once more. While protesters and lobbyists supporting lowered taxes are touting this as a massive success, this possibly comes at the cost of a weakened public image of Defense Minister Wawro and the aforementioned government body he chairs.
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