Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

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Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Luis1p » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:47 am

Lourennais Delegation led by the Lourennais Minister of Defense has traveled to the city of Eveari to meet with Kalistani officials to finally reach long lasting peace with Kalistan and further the possibility of cooperation and investment between both countries.
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:34 am

Abe Hashimoto, Foreign Minister of Kalistan
Greetings, Comrades, and welcome to Kalistan

We welcome you to our fair city of Eveari, one of the oldest cities on the Island, and seat of several important dukes of the old nobility, and first Capital of the Anantan Empire of Kalistan, under Floob Jorge the 1. This city is loaded with History that has often been buried during the countless phases of modernization in much of the rest of the country, so, it demonstrates some quite unique architecture, which is a mix of ancient Anantan, Egelion, and Ikradonian influences. Homes in this city, such as the Eveari House that we are currently in have been continuously maintained for more than 3000 years. The mansion we are currently in was built in the 16th century, 2900 years ago. It originally belonged to the Duke of Evearia, but is now a living museum.

Lets get down to brass tax: We can start out by hearing what our visitors, the Lourennaise Delegation hope to get out of this conference, and then Kalistan will make a brief opening statement. I would suggest that we look at points of mutual interest to see what we can put together. Obviously, there are a number of very deep historical issues, some of which we won't resolve here in this meeting, but I am convinced, as I imagine you are as well, that there must be some common ground in our interests: Otherwise, I suppose you would not have made the trip to Kalistan. So I can commit our Republic to working with you to find those areas of mutual agreement. And we can let the rest which we cannot agree upon alone.

The only think Kalistan deems as non-negotiable is questions of Kalistani Sovereignty. I imagine that you, our esteemed guests feel the same about Lourennaise sovereignty, and so, I perhaps we can dispense with items touching that topic, and proceed.

Thank you for coming to Kalistan, finally. We are ready and are standing by to hear from you.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Luis1p » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:56 am

Lourennais Minister of Defense, Pascal Iztapalata:

Greetings to all,

I'd like to thank you all for letting us come to Kalistan at such a time where a neutral perspective lies between both of our countries. We are happy to say that tensions have finally cooled off after multiple years of going back and forth.

We have come here, most importantly, to bring a final and definitive peace between our two nations. Our last peace conference was back during our small battles in the Anantonese but true peace was never established and we comforted ourselves with a mediocre agreement. I believe now we are ready to move on and resolve our issues together as well as cooperate beyond our peace.

We have come here not only for peace. We come here to expand opportunity to Kalistan from Lourenne and vice versa. Opportunities would include military build up, the sharing of technology, and the possibility for military advances as well. However, I believe we can discuss Cooperation after we can all agree to maintain a long-lasting peace agreement between both of our nations.

Once again, Thank you for your 'invitation' to Kalistan. We await your response.
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:09 pm

Abe Hashimoto, Foreign Minister of Kalistan

As you know, Comrade, we are eager for a long lasting peace as well. Our main point is that we want to ensure that Kalistani sovereignty is secure. When we began our tit for tat which led to war, Kalistan was a backward, dark nation which had been neglected by bad government and mismanagement. Our "navy" was a rusty wreck. And we saw our neighbors building massive, modern militaries with the help of foreign imperialists who we saw using our neighbors to create outposts for their aggressive expansion.

To be clear, and to be blunt: Lourenne was the near rival, but Kazulia and the Northern Congress was the real problem. As predicted, our insecurity, and then our attempt to relieve that insecurity caused by the imperialists who were moving into our backyard was what Kalistan believes caused the conflicts. From Kalistan's point of view, our neighbors have more in common with us than with far away expansionists and puppetmasters. We would much rather see cooperative neighbors than conflict.

So while the threat from the distant imperialists has clearly not diminished, Kalistan is in a far better position to check their expansion now. Our insecurity is gone. We are forming a response to the imperialists. We are ready for peace with our neighbors, whatever their relationship to foreign powers.

As long as Kalistan is permitted to manage its own affairs without the carpping opinions of the imperialists holding sway, Kalistan can hear all offers for peace. What is Lourenne's requirements for peace?
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Luis1p » Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:12 pm

Mayor of The City of Valois, Joan de Masson

Monsieur Hashimoto,

We have little to no requirements for peace between our two nations. Yet, we would like for all illegal drug exports to Lourenne to come to an end. We want our citizens to be far from the risks of drugs and their consequences. Finally, we'd like for peace to truly be kept and be kindled for as long as our nations exist. We can no longer tolerate tensions and conflicts between our nations. This must end here and now. This conference MUST pave the way for cooperation and MUST definitively end all conflicts.
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:58 pm

Jack Talliaferro-Bennots, Director of ODEN-Kalistan

Comrade, if I may interject here. I just want to reiterate: The United Republic of Kalistan does not... eh... export illegal drugs to Lourenne. That is something that the Government of Kalistan simply does not do, nor does ODEN-Kalistan make it possible for them to do so. Nor does ODEN export drugs to Lourenne.

I will make myself, clear, as they say.
First off, ODEN and the Government are two totally separate entities. Kalistan is a member of ODEN by Treaty, but ODEN is a supranational treaty Organization made up of 4 countries. The Government of Lourenne has not placed similar sanctions on Sekowo, Keymon, or Telamon. As a matter of fact, we know that Lourenne and Sekowo have a mutual assistance treaty which says nothing about drugs. The relationship of the Government of Sekowo to ODEN is exactly the same as the relationship of the Government of Kalistan to ODEN.

Two. ODEN is not in charge of export policies of Kalistan. ODEN in Kalistan merely sold its products to those with money and interest in purchasing them. Some of those people happened to be Lourennaise Nationals. We do not discriminate, nor will we start. If Lourenne is interested in stopping drug imports into Lourenne, you all should control your own people and keep them from somehow leaving Lourenne, travelling to Kalistan and buying drugs and then bringing them back. ODEN does not maintain a fleet of ships. We do not maintain a fleet of aircraft. We are legitimate sellers of drugs, and the sale of Drugs by ODEN in Kalistan is perfectly legal. So we are not violating any of the laws of our own country. It is Lourenne's own people who are buying them here and bringing them back with them to supply a demand. The problem is on the demand side, and that is all in your country.

Third of all. Sanctions against Kalistan have clearly not stopped drug imports into Lourenne. I am sure your head of security will attest to that. It is merely prevented our two countries from working together on stuff that both Lourenne and Kalistan wants and needs. Stopping shipping on the high seas to look for ODEN stuff has caused a decrease in overall trade and travel to virtually nothing. But the people you are looking for are your own people, your own drug smugglers, and your own illegal purchasers.

And Last: ODEN is a cartel. Our job is to make money for our clients. That is our only job. We do that by guaranteeing prices and quality for users around the world. But far more important, and let me make this emphatically clear: As ODEN, our job is not to enforce your national prohibition of drugs. We are opposed to drug prohibition on all levels. Not only is it immoral for a Government to prohibit free people from doing as they please with regard to drug use, it also (should) damage our bottom line, except it doesn't because the black market which develops to replace legitimate sales increases the prices on the street, and that business does not affect us at all, unless it kills users in turf wars. The Government of Lourenne should not expect us to enforce their national policy of prohibition when they themselves are having a difficult time with doing so. Especially since we are not in Lourenne.

As ODEN-Kalistan under my predecessor noted to Keymon: You want to control the drugs that come into your country which may or may not have been purchased from ODEN at one point? Join ODEN. Our Policy is simple: We do not interfere with the drug policies of member states. You want to join ODEN and regulate the hell out of all drugs, that is your choice, and the Cartel will be in a much better position to support you because we do not compete in member states. We won't sell to individual buyers from memberstates: only to Official ODEN representatives. It's part of the Treaty. And if no official ODEN buyers come from Lourenne, ever, then you will never see ODEN products in your country. Period. We are bound to the Treaty, and if Lourenne is part of the Cartel, then you are covered by the Treaty.

It is something to think about. But as long as Lourenne prohibits drugs in their country, The Government of Kalistan is in no way responsible for their black market, and the only responsibility that ODEN-Kalistan has in the matter is that we sell to all buyers (from non-ODEN countries) without prejudice, and without asking them where they came from. So the problem of combating drug imports is not ours. We hope you understand us and we would be happy to answer any questions you have about this. We want to be as transparent as possible about what we are up to, and we have taken steps to attempt to reduce the inflammation of relationships between your country and Kalistan, but ODEN will continue to do business according to ODEN's needs. Likewise, what Lourenne does with its own smugglers is none of our business. But it should not prevent Kalistan and Lourenne from reaching terms of mutual agreement and benefit.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Luis1p » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:14 pm

Lourennais Minister of Defense, Pascal Iztapalata

Of course, we will take the illegal drug problem onto our own hands. Nevertheless, we thank you for your response on the matter and it will certainly not interfere in our peace talks.
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:25 pm

Tom Banks, Defense Minister of Kalistan

As I see it then, there are three outstanding issues between us, security wise:

1) The need for Kalistan to be secure, especially from expansionists further to our north,
2) The need for Kalistan to protect its economic interests in the Ananto Strait between Ananto and the Mainland.
3) The need for Kalistan to possess a equal footing in the northern Anantonese Ocean with other nations.

How does Lourenne wish to address these issues? And more importantly, what is Lourenne's military and security Interest in our shared region of the world?
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Luis1p » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:53 pm

Lourennais Minister of Defense, Pascal Iztapalata

Well Monsieur Banks, I am sure you are aware that Lourenne is a proud, active member of the Northern Council. We strive to provide security and peace throughout the northern hemisphere. We are not asking you to join the Northern Council of course, we know that you have your own reasons to not like the Northern Council. Yet, we would like Kalistan to work on military issues and cooperate with Lourenne despite our position in the Northern Council.

I can assure you that the Northern Council does not look to Imperialism or colonization. We aim for peace and security, which is something Lourenne can provide Kalistan.

As for our part, we recognize Kalistan's economic interests in the Ananto Strait and we do see it as a vital area in Kalistan's economy. As we have said before, The Royal Navy does not have interest in the straits nor does Lourenne. We understand that this area is important for Kalistan and we would be willing to keep this strait secure and protected.

As for Kalistan's footing in the north. We will also be willing to re-establish Kalistan's might in the North Anantonese. Obviously, this can be done through joint training and technological research for our militaries. This would be no problem on our part as we have done this with many nations. This would be your decision. We are ready to build on a strong duo in the Anantonese where economic and military advancement would be our prime goal. This would be between Lourenne and Kalistan. We believe that this could work perfectly and can be achieved if Kalistan can agree on it.
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Re: Lourenne-Kalistan Peace Conference

Postby Doc » Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:54 pm

Tom Banks, Defense Minister for Kalistan

We appreciate the comments of Lourenne.

We would first iterate that we do not need anyone to do anything FOR us. Kalistan seeks recognition on equal footing, and therefore, anything Lourenne and Kalistan do, they do together. We do not need anyone to protect our nation. We have one of the foremost navies in Seleya at the moment, and will keep the Straits secure and protected ourselves. Furthermore, we have already re-established ourselves in the Northern Anantonese Ocean, and can compete successfully with any navy that cares to sail through our vicinity in a conventional fight.

Therefore, it is your final couple statements that draws our interest. We are interested in joint training and technological research. It is our belief that Kalistan can learn from the Conventional doctrine of Lourenne, and we have something to teach about unconventional tactics that Lourenne could benefit from. Obviously this training would be aimed at benefiting our two nations: other countries would probably benefit indirectly, but our goal would be to first create the initial ties between our two nations where none currently exists, and then to strengthen these ties to form an rock solid alliance between our two nations.

Kalistan and Lourenne are nations which share a common destiny. Our goal is to work together as equals for mutual advancement. I think this conference provides a reason for optimism.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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