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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:03 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

July 1st 4450
Negotiations concerning Jelbania at a standstill according to the Deltarian government
Deltaria demands a unified socialist state, vanuku reportedly doesnt accept the demand

Negotiations concerning Jelbania have been going on for months now between Vanuku and Deltaria.
While at first the talks seemed to result in some concessions from both sides they now seem to be at a standstill.

Deltaria has reportedly demanded the full retreat of both Vanukan and Deltarian authorities from their respective zones and want a new, socialist state, to rule as a strong central government in Jelbania.
Vanuku does not seem to accept this however and would more likely want the current free republic to take over administrative control.

Jelbania needs strong leadership to lead it, this can only be achieved by a socialist apparatus that can govern effectively and bring back order to the once wartorn nation. Such a state can have good relations with both Vanuku and Deltaria and the Deltarian government would be more then happy to deliver economic and military support to such a state

Said Federal President Válek

According to the demands from Deltaria they want to name the new state the "People's Democratic Republic of Jelbania"
While Vanukan authorities and their prefect havent officially responded to these reports it seems that the negotiations are now at a stalemate.

Several Deltarian soldiers scouting some terrain in the Katonid Khaganate, a sight that will most likely dissapear when an agreement has been signed

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

July 4th 4450
Válek government confirms talks with Istalia, dissaproves of tone to new government
The Válek government has confirmed talks with Istalia have been held

President Miroslav Válek has confirmed that he and his officials have had talks with the Istalian president concerning recent tensions and asset relocation. The Deltarian and Istalian government have given eachother reassurances that private bussiness will not be unlawfully touched and that both countries will recognize and accept eachothers differences.

President Válek has however stated that he dissaproves the Istalian tone towards his new government and that "Istalia should look at their own problems before judging that of others, the deltarian people are from this day on cared for by the state and they are happy with the current situation, while we have come to agreement with the government of Istalia on this issue it does not take away the fact that we still dissaprove of the condescending tone within the voice of Istalian authorities and about the fact they still believe they have hedgemony over our shared continent"

While this particular issue has been solved now the tensions between the new FDSR and Republic of Istalia remain present.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:57 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

August 2nd 4450
Deltarian government pulls back half of its forces from Jelbania, stay stubborn, rumours of nationbuilding
The Deltarian government has announced that it will pull back half of its forces from Jelbania effective immediately, they stay stubborn in negotiations

The Deltarian government has ordered an immediate withdrawal of half of its military force in Jelbania according to a statement from its defense ministry. This comes after Vanuku expressed it will not be rushed under Deltarian calls for withdrawal. The Deltarian government however remains stubborn and stands by its demands. A concerning thing according to analists is the apparant creation of new border fences and more reinforced border crossings in the former Katonid Khaganate, even though the Deltarian government pulled back half of its force it is now reenforcing the borders with northern jelbania and the free republic.

Rumours and reports have also surfaced of known jelbanian socialists and former policy makers being taken to the Deltarian Capital to possibly discuss the creation of a socialist republic. Many worry that this may escalate the current situation and journalists inside southern Jelbania are also reporting several symbol are being placed on former government buildings which are presumably communist symbols.

Federal President Válek has stated that Deltaria will "aid Jelbania into becoming a strong state but we shall no longer be tasked with playing the police in the country. We have done so for years and now it is time for Jelbania to stand on its own feet"

What is Deltaria planning? And will this see a response from Vanuku?......

Deltarian army units moving out of Jelbania
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:04 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

September 4th 4450
People's Democratic Republic of Jelbania or PDRJ officially established, deltaria calls vanukan presence in the free republic "a breach of the agreement"
Southern Jelbania has been established as a Socialist Republic called the PDRJ led by a known jelbanian socialist called Azi Nrljkaisrmko

After the Vanukan army moved into the tribal areas and free republic the Deltarian government responded decisively, releasing a statement condemning Vanukan actions and calling it "a breach of the Rklemjistad Agreement" for moving troops into the Free Republic. Quickly after this Deltarian soldiers quickly closed of the border of Southern Jelbania resulting in confusion for residents that wanted to trade their goods in the north but werent allowed to. Then, just hours after the borders closing, Azi Nrljkaisrmko, a well known socialist activist in Jelbania, proclaimed the People's Democratic Republic of Jelbania in the south and the creation of his party, the "Social Revolutionary Union". The new country and former region is now under full control of the SRU party and Azi.

Foreign journalists were also asked by the new PDRJ government to leave the country and many north jelbanian citizens that were present in the south during the proclamation where rounded up by the deltarian military and send accros the border back to the north after a request of the PDRJ government to do so.
The new socialist government of Azi Nrljkaisrmko was quick to adopt a constitution as well, presumably because it was already in the works for several months, in the constitution the SRU gains full control over the state. While many systems like a proper judiciary etc are basically non existent in the south the new socialist regime has made sure to put everything under state control once created and in contrast with the Deltarian Federation they will not allow private bussiness in the country, instead the PDRJ government has announced it will be nationalizing any private company still present on its territory and establish a planned economy model.

The Deltarian military has send advisors to the brand new PDRJ to aid in establishing an army. In addition to this monetary aid and political aid will also be send to the new socialist republic in an attempt to quickly establish its state structures, which are at this moment nonexistent.

The flag of the newly proclaimed PDRJ

The Deltarian government recognized the PDRJ almost as quickly as it was founded and called it the "only legitimate government in Jelbania"
Deltarian officials were reportedly eager to show the world that a socialist one party state like this could bring order and institutional strength back to Jelbania without to much foreign intervention.
But instead many foreign powers see this as the establishment of a satellite state with the same ideology as its geopolitical master.

This quick escalation has led to a tense situation in Jelbania and many look in horror as they fear another armed conflict could be on the horizon.....
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:54 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

October 11th 4450
SLS votes in favour of big infrastructural investment
big infrastructural investment passes the SLS financial committee

After President Válek and his office drafted a 30 billion DTE stimulus package for Deltarian infrastructure they moved it to the party to vote on. After just 2 days more then 592 of the 600 party members accepted the stimulus package and so it came into effect. The "Package for Deltarian Infrastructure and Development" or PDID as the stimulus package is called reserves over 30 billion DTE for the construction of 2 new airports, 500 kilometers of new roads and an expansion of the Sfântul Sângeorz harbour in Ushalande. As the government has kept the country open to private bussiness and actually encourages the creation of new bussinesses like RedLock it is looking for ways to strengthen the Deltarian infrastructure so that it "can support a steady and increasing stream of economic activity"

The package will be spend in phases, in the first face the 2 new airports will be constructed. One of the airports will be called "Čachtice International" located at the capital city of Čachtice. This airport will replace the fairly small airport currently located near the capital. The new airport will be able to support a number of 21 million customers a year and will be classified as a medium to large sized airport aimed at commercial flights. The 2nd airport will be located in Branovice, Alazinder and will be focussed on freight transport. This airport will simply be called "Branovice Airport" and will be specifically used to process freight planes.

After the first phase the second phase will commence, in the second phase the 500 planned miles of road will be constructed. these additional roads will specifically be constructed between the port of Sfântul Sângeorz and the capital of Čachtice as well as additional roads between the republics of Alazinder, Dissuwa and Darali to better connect the main port of the country with the capital as well as better connect the more agricultural areas of Alazinder and Dissuwa with the industrial republics in the west.

The third phase will include the expansion of the important Sfântul Sângeorz harbour, extra terminals will be constructed, scanning equipment upgraded and additional docking and loading areas shall be created.

All these investments aim at better connecting the different sectors of the Deltarian economy and it is expected that the environment being created by the government will attract both more bussiness and increase the growth of the GDP.

The PDID is expected to be rolled out for its first phase one month from now and will be finished with all three phases within 6 to 8 months.

A freighter plane being loaded at the old airport in the capital, this activity will likely move to Branovice once the freighter airport is done
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:38 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 3rd 4450
President Válek drafts modernization of the air and naval force
While the government is investing billions in infrastructure among other things president Válek created a new bill to modernize the air and sea fleet

After the recent succes of Federal President Válek concerning his investment in infrastructure the president is now proposing a modernization bill for the airforce and navy. The bill called the "Modernization Pack for the Defense of the Nation" or MPDN will include around 100 billion DTE, the money shall be used for example to modernize the navy, the deltarian navy is already quite sizeable with over 9 destroyers, 8 cruisers, 20 frigates, 40 corvettes, 20 submarines and a sizeable amount of transport ships. However, the ships have not been upgraded or properly overhauled in years and therefor over 50 billion DTE of the budget will be used to do just that, replace old naval guns, do a big maintenance check of every ship in the fleet and replace all the old radar systems with new ones developed by RedLock.

When asked if the country would work on the development of a aircraft carrier president Válek responded by saying

We have a very capable naval force and do not see the necessity as of yet to develop an aircraft carrier while our current fleet is sufficient for its task, the costs paired with the creation of such a ship could be better spend on other projects

Besides upgrading the navy the Deltarian airforce will also receive a big overhaul, not only will older planes in the arsenal be well checked and adjusted the deltarian aiforce will also welcome around 25 new aircraft to its fleet, these aircraft will be the newer SU-57 models found in several nations accros terra, the defense ministry stated that the Deltarian airforce will look for a nation in terra to buy 25 of these new jets from. If this actually does happen the deltarian airforce will consist of the following:

362 older SU-35 multirole fighter jet models, 42 Mi-28 attack helicopters, 50 Mi-26 heavy transport helicopters, 60 Il-76 strategic airlifters and 25 new SU-57 multirole fighter models.

While the bill only puts forward 100 billion DTE for all these improvements and maintenance objectives for both the navy and airforce many financial analists say that the costs will likely exceed to 123 billion.
But with the economy steadily growing again thanks to assurances and investments of the Deltarian government it seems that this massive maintenance/modernization of the navy and airforce and small expansion of the airfleet are payable and shouldnt have to much effect on the economic viability of the country.

all these investments and improvements are scheduled to be implemented and invested in around 3 years from now

The new Su-57 fighter jet that the airforce is looking to buy
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:21 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

February 5th 4451
Deltaria responds with a strong fist
The Deltarian government, stunned by the reckless and unlawfull embargo and naval blockade, has responded with determination together with Kazulia and Lourenne

In the wake of the blockade and containment put in action by Vanuku and Istalia the deltarian president Válek has responded descisively calling the actions of the two powers "reckless" and "a disgrace"
Válek underlined the corrupt reasoning behind the naval blockade and embargo, both powers claimed that Deltaria proclaimed the PDRJ and established it as a puppet state. However Azi himself declared independence from Deltaria following Vanukan deployment of troops in the free republic. Válek says that Deltaria "merely recognized a state proclaimed by a citizen of Jelbania" and that it was "in no way" violating the agreement with Vanuku.

Despite this Deltaria decided not to wait a minute longer. Faced with a military threat from the fleets that will be send by Vanuku and Istalia the president quickly ordered half of the Deltarian fleet to be mobilized and ordered the fleet to move to the outskirts of Deltarian naval territory (just outside the international zone). Válek was actually on state visit in Lourenne when he heard the news of the two powers moving in against his nation, after some discussion the ministers of foreign affairs and defence of Lourenne accepted a request from the deltarian president to move a part of its fleet to the majatran sea in support of Deltaria.

Just moments after this decision of Lourenne to help, a former deltarian thaller ally also responded positively to a deltarian request for assistance. Kazulia, one of the major powers on Terra promised Deltaria to send both of their aircraft carrier strike groups to the majatran sea in support for Deltaria.

One of the two aircraft carrier strike groups of Kazulia already moving to the Majatran sea

three different nations, one socialist, one royalist and one parliamentary democracy standing together to form a fist against 2 other world powers.
With Kazulia and Lourenne sending their fleets to stop what the 3 nations call "Vanukan and Istalian Imperialist agression" Deltaria has gained 2 strong allies when it seemed it would stand alone.
Furthermore it is reported that the government of Malivia, a known ally of Istalia, is also urging istalia to "deescalate the current situation"
Deltarian president Válek has said that "the deltarian government is more then willing to discuss any differences peacefully with Vanuku and Istalia, but not while we are being held hostage by embargo and naval actions"

With 2 strong navies moving towards the majatran sea and the deltarian navy moving out to protect its own waters as well as its trade it is starting to become a very tense situation. What will Vanuku and Istalia decide to do?

2 Deltarian ships moving out of port

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

February 10th 4451
Deltarian economy takes only minor losses as Istalian and Vanukan embargo's take effect
As Istalian assets had mostly left the country before the embargo and Vanukan trade was minimal after the war the deltaran economy takes a lesser hit then expected

Many in both deltarian society and government feared that the embargo's of 2 of the major nations in majatra would cripple the deltarian economy. It was only natural that many had little hope when stock markets opened today. But before investors pulled their stocks something happened that was expected by experts but not by the public. The deltarian stock market only experienced a small loss during its opening today even though a major crash was expected.

We asked a economic expert why this is the case.

Istalian companies had already left Deltaria last year during the first diplomatic crisis between the two countries, even though at that time the economy took a hard hit the government has taken steps in the last year to better protect the economy from such sudden crashes and they also put in place several investment programs to recover from the initial crash. Concerning Vanuku, during the war basically all trade halted between the two countries and only recently some trade routes were restored. This is why the deltarian economy did not take a very big hit from the recent embargo, there simply wasnt that much to embargo anymore, and this combined with the improvement of trade with other countries have left the deltarian economy in pretty good shape. Only if Istalia and Vanuku manage to stop the trade between Deltaria and the rest of the world as they are trying to do it could cause a recession.

Many economists will look closely in the coming months on how the situation develops.
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