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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby EDominus » Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:53 am

Luthori Edition:
Augustine National Tribune
May 2nd, 4449

Down With The Socialists! The Empire Launches Trade Embargoes On Neighbors

A couple months ago, representatives within the Imperial Assembly proposed leaving the LMTO (Lake Majatra Trade Organisation) and the supporting of businesses within the Empire. This has been the first steps, of what Representative Zeno Tribonianido is calling the Majatran Economic War.
Ever since the Istalian Economic Crisis, caused by the Majatran Alliance the continent has been in a state of economic turmoil. The Majatra Union of Nations was praised as an international solution to the problem, but only lead more nations down the path of instability. And don't get me started with the abomination that is the Majatran Free Trade Association! We hear how free trade has benefited nation's economically, but the evidence shows the opposite! Free trade kills vital new businesses and spells disaster for any nation that truly cares for its citizens.

Tribonianido's statements have been the driving force behind this economic policy. Tariffs on the various nations (notably Jelbania, Deltaria, Jakania, Cobura) have raised the price of ship imports roughly 15% and this is projected to grow in the following years. The Imperial Assembly also is overseeing the possibility of raising tariffs on MUN members as well.

"This is no longer just a corporate battle for control, but a struggle between nations. If we are to win this Economic War, we must be the first to strike!" ---Venecia Teodorido

Representative Zeno Tribonianido listening to reporters, April 28th, 4449
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby November » Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:17 pm

SHARBA - The Coburan Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday imposed sanctions on the Zardic Government for "widespread" human rights abuses throughout the country. The sanctions include both financial and judicial measures.

The department accused the service members of ethnic cleansing in the Kalvario region of Zardugal, and other human rights abuses in the cities of Beleco and Réspubliko Megalopolis. A release said security forces have taken part in massacres, sexual assault and extrajudicial killings. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is sanctioning units and leaders overseeing this horrific behavior as part of a broader Coburan government strategy to hold accountable those responsible for such wide scale human suffering," said Minister of Foreign Affairs Feyza Hadire. "There must be justice for the victims and those who work to uncover these atrocities, with those responsible held to account for these abhorrent crimes." The sanctions target not only Zardic army officers, who can now be arrested when on Coburan territory (in the name of ‘International Justice’), but also damages the image of the Zardic government.

Last month, international human rights group Fortify Rights accused the Zardic government of genocide against the Mallan minority living in the country. Thousands fled violence and attempted to enter neighboring Coburan, leading to a refugee crisis there. The Mallans, largely living in Zardugal’s Kalvario state, are an ethnic minority in Zardugal, but are currently prosecuted and see their citizenship taken. The majority of Zardugal’s population is Augustan, as is its government. Within a few weeks of the reports, conservative estimates from CobAid showed at least 6,700 Mallans were killed in the violence, including at least 730 children under the age of 5, and hundreds of thousands of Mallans had fled.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Sidhom stated that ‘’the Zardic Mallan has become a victim of its own governments’ atrocities. When we thought we’ve had the worst with the nasty Stelara government, the people of Zardugal have yet again failed to elect a decent cabinet that is not violating human rights’’.

As a result, the Coburan Central Bank has announced it will update its transaction system for Zardo-Coburan international transactions, so Coburan Mallans can better financially support their Zardic families. Also, the State Secretariate of Immigration has announced to look at possibilities for green card regulations for Zardic Mallans and Zardic political refugees.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby EDominus » Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:54 am

Luthori Edition:
Augustine National Tribune
May 2nd, 4449

Letter to the People of United Governorates of Cobura:
To the citizens of Cobura,
I, Holy Emperor Fenikso of the Augustine Empire, appeal to you.
Many within Cobura have questioned the recent disappearances of Mallan citizens within our borders. People you deem worthy of being protected by human rights. But answer me this: do you care for the human rights of our citizens & your own? The Communist Uprising of 4447 was not a random occurrence, but the ideology of the Mallans within Zardugal going to Cobura. Many Mallans hold the oppressive ideology of the Zardic Communist Dictator Stelara, so these human rights abuses are used as a deterrent against these radical ideologues.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby November » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:35 pm


NEWS UPDATE: The Coburan Government, led by Prime Minister Sidhom, had announced that it will send 15,000 troops to the Coburan-Zardic border in order to ''protect it from Zardic agressors entering the nation and possibly harming the Mallan population''.

The Coburan Prime Minister spoke: ''The risk of Zardic emperialists crossing the border, where they could kidnap more Mallans, is simply too big. Therefore, it is necessary that the Coburan Armed Forces step in and help the Coburan Customs and Border Patrol (CoCuBoP) protect and secure our borders against the terrible government of Zardugal. Its a big step, but also one we must take if we want to protect our national sovereignty and values''.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby EDominus » Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:45 pm

August 7th, 4451
Istalian Ambassador Is Arrested, The Empire Makes Plans To Leave Majatran Alliance

As the Imperial Assembly debates whether to declare war on the rogue state of Cobura. Some nations in Majatra have opposed this because it is against the globalist narrative. One of the biggest critics of this was Istalian Ambassador, Nazario Albagoza, who called for the Zardic government to adhere to international law, and the Majatran Alliance.

Last Sunday, Albagoza was arrested after documents were found with pleads for the Istalian government and the Majatran Alliance to intervene against the Empire. Currently there is debate if Albagoza should be put on trial or released back to Istalia, but it seems the former is the more popular of the options. Albagoza will be held in Kostandia until further notice.

Albagoza being arrested. August 5th, 4451

Even thought the debate of Albagoza fate remains uncertain, one thing remains clear: The Augustine Empire will no longer remain a puppet of the Majatran Alliance.
The Imperial Assembly, under the leadership of Grozdano Theodorido, has added the proposal of leaving the MA as a part of the declaration of war. According First Emissary of the Treasury, Konstantino Ordorido this is the clear path that the Empire should take.

Istalia, the originator of the Black Thursday Crisis, and most other economic problems in Majatra threatens us with sanctions? How about Istalia gets its own house in order before trying to threaten us with the so-called united force of the Majatra Alliance. Our brothers in Selucia had the right idea when leaving this sinking ship when they did, now it's the Empire's turn. We cannot live under the rules of a failing international organization. And we cannot allow the Mallans to continue to pervert our glorious nation with crime, poverty, and wasteful spending. This was the coarse of our destiny since the Empire's inception, we must become our own great nation without beginning limited by Istalian globalist agenda.
--- Konstantino Ordorido, Emissary of the Treasury

The Holy Party does not seem divided on this issue as well: Expansionist leaders have even meet with the Civic Nationalists to discuss plans after the Empire leaves the MA. Many members of the Imperial Assembly seem optimistic about the next step for the Empire. Political analysis, Doctor Vilhelmo Rozabela, has described these events as such:

The Holy Party has throughout its history has taken several forms. Originally it was a party of Orderists, it expanded to became Imperialist, it secularized and today it is Augustan Nationalist. The Majatran Alliance has always been accepted as the a beneficiary of the Zardic people, but will tensions now rising it is likely we will see a new face of the Holy Party. The uniting of Expansionist & Civic Nationalist has seen profound popularity among the Citizenry. By leaving the Majatran Alliance a political renaissance may be the next step for the Empire.
--- Dr. Vilhelmo Rozabela

As the elections for Imperial Major approach, many believe this unity against the MA will be the binding force within the Holy Party, and ultimately keep the Empire united against any foreign force.

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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby EDominus » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:35 pm

January 18th, 4452
Breaking News: Augustine Military Begins Crusade in Cobura, The War Has Begun

"It began with an idea. That idea was of a Third Augustan Empire, one that would revive the spirit and ideals of the Imperial Age. This idea was the dream of all Augustans since the founding of Augustine Empire. Today, friends. Members of the Assembly, we now begin that dream."
This was the statement made by Imperial Major Abebo Zoranido when the Declaration of War on Cobura began the process of voting. But the war it seems, has already started.

Augustine troops in training, December 2nd, 4451

Twenty hours ago the Augustine National Military (NM) deployed three offensive battalions into Egato, along with twelve GA-45 and fifteen AZ-12. From live reports it seems that the Augustine Military has broken through the front lines of the Coburan forces and captured the town of Ezra. It seems that NM has taken refuge in several towns throughout northern parts of Egato preparing the next phase. According to General Mateo Tolkendio, "...if we continue at this rate, hopefully we will have Cezareo by May and Augusta by September."

We haven been able to report exactly what the NM's plans are but there aim is clear: Augusta will be a part of the Empire.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 09, 2018 3:01 pm

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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby November » Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:16 pm

A couple minutes before midnight, he Coburan House of Representatives declared war on Zardugal yesterday. The declaration was the result of a twelve hour long debate requested by the Social-Democratic wing of the ruling Prosperity and Justice party.

In the debate, both representatives and experts shared their views on the latest developments regarding the Zardic situation. Zardugal, a founding member of the Majatran Alliance and former key nation in West Majatra, fell under Augustan supremacist rule after the collapse of communism in the country. Following the change of government there, the Augustan government started ethnic cleansing of the Mallan population. This led to international criticism, with neighbouring Cobura being its loudest voice due to the large Mallan population there. Recently, the Zardic Imperial Assembly claimed the Coburan governorate of Egato belonged to Zardugal, thus denying Coburan sovereignty there. Next, Kostandia sent a declaration of war to the Coburan Prime Minister in Sharba. As a result, the Coburan House of Representatives initiated a long debate that finally led to a quick vote that issued the declaration of war addressed to the Zardic Government.

The declaration puts in motion the Defence of the Coburan Nation (DEFCON) protocol. The military branches are now expected to be in full equipment and ready to strike at all times. This means all staff of the Coburan Armed Forces (CAF) must be present at their stationed army base and should be available at all times. The CAF now also possesses the mandate from the House to take military measures to ensure the safety of Coburan citizens by all means. The use of lethal force is permitted, provided that there is reasonable grounds to suspect the danger of Coburan citizens and assets.

Together with the declaration, a state of emergency is declared. After quick consultation by the Prime Minister, His Majesty Emperor Sebek- em- Saf X declared a State of Emergency that will be effective until further notice from the government. This grants Prime Minister Sidhom exceptional powers in combination with the supreme command over the CAF. After the vote, he spoke:

Today is a difficult day. Not only for Coburans, but also for Majatra and Terra. We call upon our Majatran Allies to aid the Coburan Government with military equipment for the sake Coburan citizens, and the preservation of democracy and fundamental freedoms in West-Majatra.

Now, Cobura calls upon its allies of the Majatran Union for support against the Zardic threat.
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Re: Nacia Tribuno de Augustina (Zardugal)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:48 pm

List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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