The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

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Re: The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Maxington » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:24 pm

Bortnem-Pomerleau steering Dovani's paradigm shift
The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative is shifting rivers and moving mountains in Dovani.
Construction of the Three Kings Dam in New Alduria, apart of the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative.
11th September, 4453

The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative is the driving force for postwar reconstruction and development within Dovani. Introduced to the region through Kazulian, Hutorian, Dorvish and Lourennais investment, the initiative has made the holistic development of Dovani its principle objective. It sees no region/nation within Dovani as uncontested or "unworthy" to benefit from the initiative itself and thus opens the initiative to nations within Dovani and the wider Eastern Hemisphere. Kazulia has been spearheading the initiative since its conceptualisation and has already begun major infrastructural projects in various nations including New Alduria, Utembo, Statrica, Ntoto, Temania, Northern Dovani, Hanzen, Xsampa and Degalogesa. Whilst the major undertaking that is steering Dovani's reconstruction and development spells increased Kazulian involvement in the region (citing prior rumours of the nation wanting to withdraw entirely from the region), it also means that Kazulia intends on steering Dovani's paradigm shift through the initiative. To move the region away from "third world" classifications and the champion the sentiment of holistic development seeing that many politicians within Kazulia's political spectrum have stated that Kazulia cannot leave Dovani behind. The infrastructural projects launched by Kazulian companies underneath the Initiative and the Critical Investment and Stabilisation Fund are below.

The Emperor's Corridor.
Figure 1: The Trans-Dovani Railway.

With Dovani inching towards complete postwar cleanup, the reconstruction process is set to begin within the coming years. Although many projects will be focused on restoring damaged historic and religious sites, others will be focused on introducing new concepts to the region; concepts with a stringent focus on regional cooperation. Under the "Emperor's Corridor", Kazulia, Hutori, Dorvik, Lourenne, Luthori and in some cases New Endralon will construct a Trans-Dovani Railway with the intention of re-imagining trade within Dovani proper. The railway will start from Noumonde and will span as far north as Northern Dovani and will end at the Temania linking with several underwater passages. Thousands of miles of railroads do not need to be constructed as in some nations the infrastructure is already laid down, the principle issue comes in linking them together to fit the needs of the project. Although the benefactor nations, new public works will be required. In-order to see the undertaking come into fruition, Skalm will share the major engineering and construction projects associated with the railway with other nations. Currently there are negotiations with the Indralan, Dorvish, Hutorian, Lourennais, Hulstrian and Kalistani Governments on their involvement with the project. Daxton, Kazulia's largest construction firm and the company responsible for spearheading the railway's construction has stated that the project is open to the inclusion and participation of local/regional infrastructure companies, citing that their inclusion is extremely important to the project's success.

The Shija Valley Hydroelectric Plant.
Figure 2: The Count Hansen Dam in Kazulia, a run-of-the-river station.

The Hispat River in Dovani — one of the two largest rivers in Terra, — is the latest focus of the rush to harness the continent’s rivers for generating electricity. Alternex PowerGen announced in an official press statement that it proposed the construction of what could be the world’s largest hydroelectric scheme. The first phase of the proposed project will generate more power than the Nord Katla Dam in Kazulia, which has been dubbed the largest Hydroelectric electric plant in the eastern hemisphere. If the project is considered, construction could be begin in the early 4500s and will cost at least $200 billion. The energy is mostly destined for the nations of southern Dovani, who do not benefit from linkages from Kazulian power generation plans. The Hispat River’s flow is so strong and so constant that its enormous power can be extracted without a large dam to store water. With no large reservoir, the “run-of-river” scheme will not flood large portions of land, thus saving rain-forests and removing the need to relocate civilians. Coined the Shija Valley Hydroelectric Plant, the project is massive undertaking which needs to inclusion of international partners. Thus, Alternex PowerGen has called on various local and international construction and power-generation firms to assist in the project. The Kazulian Hydroelectric Company and Eastern Hydro, the two world leading Hydroelectric companies have answered the call for assistance and have also called on local companies to assist in the project. The Hydroelectric Plant is expected to be built in Northern Dovani with major substations to be built downstream in Ostland, New Verham and Bianjie.

The Vinfengi Pipeline.
Figure 3: The Twelve Tongues Pipeline

Kazulia's relationship with the nations of Northern and Central Dovani revolves mainly around oil and natural gas. 35% of Kazulia's oil and natural gas exports are destined to Northern and Central Dovani. Oil and natural gas is pumped into 1,000 mile long-pipelines from Kazulia through the nations of the western Dovanian coast and into southern Dovani. The Midstream Company, a Luthorian-based stakeholder in the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative has proposed a massive pipeline project which would see oil and natural gas be pumped directly from Kazulia to "third world" nations through what it calls the Twelve Tongues Pipeline. With Gasstrien, the largest oil and natural gas company in Kazulia and the wider Eastern Hemisphere, set to establish major stakes in the Shuja Field oil and natural gas companies from across the region are pouring into the region. CEO of The Midstream Company, Elliot Hunt has stated that similar the most projects associated with the Initiative, the $20 Billion cost would be divided over the next 10-15 year period. Hunt has partnered with the Valruzian Pipeline Corporation and Northern Pipelines in created cost effective solutions to reduce the cost of the venture seeing that Hunt has expressed no intention of loans from other stakeholders including major financial institutions such as BSCU (Bekenial and Skalm Credit Union), Cognate Bancshares, the Small Holding Company and Institution Financière Réconfort.
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Re: The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Aquinas » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:04 am

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Re: The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Maxington » Thu Sep 13, 2018 2:52 am

Kazulian Railway Companies confused by tribal claims
Railway Companies confused by statements of railway project cutting through tribal lands.
12th November, 4453.

Various Railway Companies originating from Kazulia and Luthori are expected to meet with Prime Minister of Noumonde, Tombovelo Tsitohery on finalising plans for the much anticipated "Noumonde Quarter" of the Trans-Dovanian Railway, despite concerns of the possible impact on the environment. Currently a general map of the Railway's routes have been displayed to Prime Minister Tsitohery, with the 600 km railway through Noumonde being the beginning of the route. The railway is apart of a series of projects underneath the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative, which would include agricultural investment opportunities.

Prime Minister Tombovelo Tsitohery came under fire for being willing to discuss the project's eventual commencing, citing that the railway would cut through various burial and religious cites. Instability rocks Noumonde as the nation's predominantly Esinsundu population are locked in a power struggle with the nation's white minority. Representatives from various railway companies involved in the project expressed extreme confusion, citing the sentiments of the protesters as being uninformed and misunderstood. CEO of the Eastern Railway Company, Ingvar Underdahl explained:
Before any work can be done, an environmental impact assessment must be conducted in-order to determine the environmental impacts of laying train tracks in various areas across Noumonde. That is to be conducted jointly by the local environmental protection agency and NGOs from Kazulia who will liaise with the Environmental Management Authority in Skalm to ensure that our companies maintain safety standards abroad as we operate under constant scrutiny from the government at home. Comments talking about the railway cutting through burial sites and destruction of religious/cultural cites confuse me because (1) the environmental impact assessment hasn't been conducted as of yet, (2) If the EIA designates a region as culturally protected we cannot operate in said area(s) as our companies can receive severe punishments at home for corruption and (3) Negotiations on finalising the plans for the project have not started, thus the project can still be canned.
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Re: The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Aquinas » Thu Sep 13, 2018 3:39 pm

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Re: The Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative

Postby Maxington » Fri Oct 19, 2018 8:03 am

Development in Perspective | Rebuilding Dovani
Implementing the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative in Ntoto.
A report on the progress of the Bortnem-Pomerleau Initiative in the partner nations.
Ntoto workmen in front of new housing made with funds from the B/P Initiative.

Throughout the developing third-world region it is not hard to see the B/P Initiative's footprint. Businesses underneath the world's largest infrastructure and development programme have worked towards rebuilding Ntoto after the devastating Dovanian conflict. Companies such as Daxton have worked towards rebuilding transport infrastructure including roads; train tracks; highways and pathways. But this is simply a small piece of the much larger Vision 4530, a Ntoto-born reconstruction and development programme born out of the B/P Initiative aimed at pulling Ntoto out of the "third world" category by 4530. Instead of seeking for mineral wealth and exploitation, the initiative encourages investment from private and public companies into property, telecommunication, manufacturing, agriculture and small business enterprise as a means of keeping the initiative out of the bedroom as some people have voiced. Opportunities gained from the B/P Initiative head off the first world macro-perspective that third world nations will never develop and that nothing good comes out from them.

A TransDovanian Hub
Ntoto has moved from being nation set in an eternal reverse to one which is looking forward. The nation is increasingly becoming one of the fastest growing economies in Central Dovani. Premier Kago Mũnene, the former army general turned politician has been steering the nation towards achieving Vision 4530. Mũnene wants Ntoto to establish itself as the business and agricultural hub of Dovani. With the cleanup from the conflict complete, construction begins on various infrastructure programmes underneath Mũnene's Vision 4530. He says that the conflict offered the nation a blank canvas by which they could paint a new future. In order to establish the nation as a business and environment hub, Mũnene travelled throughout the world in search for investment for the nation alongside his continued cooperation with the B/P Initiative. Currently, Ntoto's economy is extremely dependent on foreign aid as a means of sustaining the nation's currency, however Mũnene has made steps towards distancing the nation from foreign investment as a means of obtaining what he calls "pure independence". Various companies from across the world, the majority being Kazulian private companies including Alternex, Hylleolje, Rjustrand and Vorvex have established offices in the nation's rapidly expanding capital city of Kembele. Small-scale Kazulian businesses have focused their attention of meeting the needs of consumers in the nation. Whilst manufacturing facilities in Ntoto have not been built, Kazulian manufacturer have offered to manufacture products on demand from Ntoto. Kazulia aims to be the nation that "makes the thing that is used to do the thing." Hutorian businesses have also found themselves in the equation as Ntoto drives towards "Hub" status, with companies such as Decima launching various technological initiatives to assist Mũnene's government in its various infrastructure projects. Among the projects are the Adane Towers (Adane Nsanja), the Government Complex (Tata ya Serikali), the Kouabe Oil Refinery and the inter-city highway system (Kayendedwe Ka Misewu Yayitali)

A growing economy
With infrastructure programmes underway, Mũnene intends on working with economists from across the world as a means of paving a safe economic future for Ntoto. Currently, his main challenge comes in the form of inflation. Ntoto's Shilling has been devalued by 55%. If Mũnene intends on repaying the B/P Initiative after taking several loans to put Vision 4530 into action, he would need to reduce inflation. Whilst speaking on a soapbox in-front of the recently rebuilt parliament building, Mũnene outlined his "30-year plan." Under the 30-year plan's initial years banks will be required to hold a higher percentage of their assets as cash and to lend a lower percentage; the shilling will have to be abandoned and the economy switched to a temporary barter system. Jean-Pierre Tourneur of the Central Dovanian Bank stated that austerity measures will be needed well after Ntoto's economy takes off as a means of ensuring a wall against inflation before a new currency is introduced. Ntoto's Minister of Finance, Anterea Boammaruri, stated that amid the current times the nations had serious domestic issues as it pertained to corruption. A report published by Global Coalition Against Corruption ranked Ntoto among the top 10 nations in Dovani in terms of rampant corruption in the nation. Dankukin Economist, Hyon Seong-Ja stated that the B/P Initiative mandated stringent transparency on the flow of money from the initiative into Ntotiot programmes citing the corruption report. Premier Mũnene stated that his government will take a heavy handed approach to corruption citing the creation of the Ministry of National Security. Mũnene labelled corruption as a "quantifiable threat to Ntoto's national security". Whilst Ntoto consults the region and the wider world on reforming its economy, the corruption crackdown will most likely occur.
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