Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

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Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Luis1p » Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:25 am

The Governments of Indrala and Dankuk have agreed to attend a peace summit in Avienne-les-Baines in Lourenne. Both governments have been cleared and allowed to bring their own security to the conference. The Lourennais Royal Interior Guard will also be present at the summit for extra security.

The summit is being held at the Avienne resort, which has been closed to the public until the end of the summit. The summit will take place at a large conference hall in the five-star Hotel Sur les Rastens. All accommodation in the hotel is ready for both the governments of Indrala and Dankuk. The use of all property and services in the hotel and resort are open to Indrala and Dankuk as well.

Mediating the summit will be 29 year old Keegan Hebert, a prestigious Lourennais Diplomat, and Melanie Veranche a 45 year old ex-Ambassadress to the World Congress.

L'Hotel Sur les Rastens (Below)
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Wu Han » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:46 am

Tentative Indralan Delegation (subject to change):

• Mr. Zhang Han, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
⠀⠀ ↳ Mr. Zhao Qiping, Secretary to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Ms. Yang Ni'ao, Co-Chairwoman of the Lotus Party National Security Committee
• Mr. Feng Bai, Assemblyman from Jiaozhi Province, Social Democratic Party
• Dr. Fan Shengmei, Assemblywoman from Anle Province, Lotus Party
• Ms. Chu Yuxun, Secretary to Lady Wang Feihung

• An undisclosed number of agents, bodyguards and special operatives from the Ministry of State Security and the National Police Agency
• A small number of support staff and aids
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Nasania » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:09 am

Tentative Dankukin Delegation (subject to change):

• Mr. Seol Dae-Kwan Minister of Foreign Affairs
⠀⠀ ↳ Miss Te Young Mi , Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Mr. Kim Park-Un, Head of Security/Nine Tail Agency
• Mr. Sung Hyong-il, Head of Police

• An undisclosed number of agents, bodyguards and special operatives from the Nine Tail Agency and the Dankuk National Police Agency
• A small number of support staff and aids
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 12:47 pm

As the new government of Dankuk, we shall take over planning for our nation's delegation.

Tentative Dranian Delegation:

• Ms. Hana Pastora de Santiago, Prime Minister of Dankuk
• Mr. Nicolas Yulin, Minister of Foreign Affairs
• Mr. Valentin Trujillo, Minister of Trade & Industry
• Mr. Jo Haneul, Head of the Acting State Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Defense

• An undisclosed number of agents and bodyguards
• A small number of support staff and aids
Last edited by Zongxian on Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Wu Han » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:53 pm

Observing the change in government in Dankuk, the Indralan delegation has been modified. The State of Indrala is committed to participating in this summit, regardless of the composition of the government in Gongmangdo.

Tentative Indralan Delegation (subject to change):

• Ms. Shi Yiguang, Chief Minister
• Mr. Jiang Chen, Foreign Minister
• Mr. Phan Quang Đông, Trade and Industry Minister
• Mr. Park Jinyoung, President of the Lotus Party
• Ms. Wei Zhenya, Leader of the Social Democratic Party
• Her Grace, Lady Wang Feihung, Foreign Liaison to the Imperial Clan of Indrala

• An undisclosed number of agents, bodyguards and special operatives from the Ministry of State Security and the National Police Agency
• A small number of support staff and aids
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Wu Han » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:23 pm

(1, February 4455)
In front of the media, Chief Minister Shi Yiguang of Indrala and Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago of Dankuk shook hands and embraced one another, before entering a private meeting room at L'Hotel Sur les Rastens. Inside...

Chief Minister Shi Yiguang
Delegates, friends,

Allow me to begin by sincerely congratulating your party on its massive electoral victory. This meeting has special significance as it represents the first time members from my party and the Federalist Party have met since the Hwangje regime violently came to power. We will recall the close friendship shared between our leader, Chief Counselor Huang Zitao, and Federalist President Alfredo de la Cruz, who worked desperately to save persecuted Dranian democrats from oppression and persecution. Today, we meet in much different circumstances, and that is a cause for great jubilation.

Our parties were both born from the struggle against authoritarianism, though it is fair to say that no group on this planet has sacrificed more for the advancement of human rights and democracy than the Federalist Party. Though, as you are all too well aware, the struggle is far from over.

Hwangje regime aligned forces are working to destabalize the country and obfuscate the government by any means, no matter the suffering caused to civilians. This is most evident by the heartless decision to cease all operations of the country's only electrical provider, the regime-owned Taeyang Electric Power Company. Luckily, independent corporations have stepped up to fill the shoes of this merciless and tyrannical decision. Why was the decision made? Because the people of Dankuk did not endorse the regime. Allow me to extend every assurance that Indrala is prepared to assist the free people of Dankuk in restoring the power to their homes, particularly as the New Year and Spring Festivals are upon us.

The tentacles of the monstrous regime are far-reaching, and the Hwangje's have threatened to inflict further economic damage on the people of Dankuk. This necessitates the construction of the Lourennian-designed Dovani Highway.

Further, my government is committed to repealing and replacing the Dankuk Act to allow for imports and exports between our nations once again, for the first time in nearly two centuries. Most importantly, however, the repeal of the Dankuk Act shall lift the travel restrictions that have divided families for so long, allowing for Kyo-Indralan refugees to reunite with their relatives, and vice versa.

We look forward to this summit as a way to move forward and begin a new chapter for Dankuk and for the bilateral relationship shared between our two nations.
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:45 pm

Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago
Thank you, Chief Minister, for your congratulations and, indeed, this is a monumental time for Dankuk and this is the closest the democratic movement has been to overcoming this tyrannical regime. As years passed I think many Dranians had growing doubts that this would be possible, especially as the dictatorship engaged in diplomatic campaigns and normalized its reputation through disinformation and propaganda. Nonetheless, we persisted and after a whole lot of work by many dedicated democrats, we mounted a successful campaign to win back control of the government. Still, many challenges remain and the forces aligned with the Hwangje are actively working against the democratically-elected government.

As we now gather here in Lourenne, we have yet another moment that seemed increasingly unlikely. A Dranian delegation is meeting with Indralan officials. Once our greatest ally, the Hwangje transformed the perceptions of Indrala into that of being an enemy. But that does not reflect reality, the only enemy has been the Hwangje stranglehold on power and their violent covert actions which have assassinated opposition figures and abducted Indralan nationals from their own soil. Spawned from negotiations of Trans-Dovani Highway and now with new leadership Dankuk, we have the opportunity to place a restart on Dranian-Indralan relations.

The embargo has had horrible economic effects on our nation and many sectors of the economy have gathered around Hwangje-aligned companies. The forces of democracy have changed government, the regime has panicked and is abusing its influence over these corporations in an attempt to create a total economic collapse. More than ever it is essential that we can open up economic relations with Indrala and expand upon our role in continental initiatives like the Dovanian highway. Once upon a time, Dankuk was an economic powerhouse in Northern Dovani and we hope that one day we can restore that standing. Until then, we must continue to fight for democracy and an end to the cult that has destroyed our nation.

Our delegation looks forward to having productive discussions with the Indralan representatives and we sincerely hope that we can find the beginnings of a new Dranian-Indralan alliance, in spite of continued attempts by the Hwangje to destabilize our nation and region. On a final point, thank you to Lourenne for facilitating this peace summit and enabling this dialogue.
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Luis1p » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:14 pm

Ex- Ambassadress Melanie Veranche

Greetings to all Delegates,

I'd like to start off by Welcoming you to Lourenne. We hope that you have found this location and all accommodations suitable for this summit.

We are glad to see both of your delegations quickly and peacefully come to terms on your past differences. As it is said here in Lourenne "The past holds our differences and the future our cooperation." The Lourennais delegation sees what caused tense relations between Dankuk and Indrala. We expect that these relations cease in replacement for better relations that promote peace, cooperation, and friendship.

I'd like to start with what each delegation hopes to accomplish from this summit and what would be required to finally achieve a long lasting relationship.
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Zongxian » Sat Sep 15, 2018 3:49 pm

Prime Minister Hana Pastora de Santiago
Without question, Dankuk is in a difficult position and ongoing events in our nation directly affect the ability for this summit to have lasting success. We want lasting success, that is for certain, but we must be transparent about the dangers posed by the Hwangje regime. For now, we have a government in Dankuk that has a real interest in peace but that could change if the Hwangje regain control.

For this reason, we see this peace summit as a moment to highlight the importance of putting pressure on the Hwangje and adding the support of the international community to their total ouster from power. We ask that not just Indrala, but Lourenne and other nations of Terra, join in condemning the Hwangje dictatorship and endorsing the public call for democratic reforms in Dankuk. This is essential to bringing stability to Northern Dovani. No more wall on the Kazulian border, no more embargos, no more domestic thought policing. Again, the biggest challenge in this summit is Dankuk's own internal struggle to overcome Hwangje power.

Aside from this deeper challenge, we see more readily available opportunities, such as the restoration of normal economic relations between Dankuk and Indrala. This relies chiefly upon Indrala's revocation of the Dankuk Act. Related to this piece, we would like for Indrala to renew its support for the Trans-Dovani Highway that has been proposed by Lourenne, linking Dankuk into the wider Dovani economy. As I have stated before, these economic aspects are of utmost importance in helping to overcome our domestic instability and rebuilding a strong Dranian economy that is based in independent and globally-integrated industry.
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Re: Peace Summit of Avienne-les-Baines

Postby Wu Han » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:26 pm

Chief Minister Shi Yiguang
Indeed, the Prime Minister is correct; while we want to achieve the best possible outcome in this summit, longterm success is contingent on whether or not the Hwangje are able to manipulate their way into power once more.

Our country was the first to put pressure on the Hwangje regime and support the democratic movement of Dankuk. We will continue this tradition. As I mentioned in my beginning statements, we do intend to repeal and replace the Dankuk Act. In the replacement legislation, the State of Indrala will ensure that economic pressure remains applied on the Conservative Party and the Imperial Tradition Party, in addition to all members of the Hwangje regime. We will continue, as we have for the past two centuries, to call upon the international community to support the dignity of the Dranian people.

The repeal and replace of the Dankuk Act will have a real effect on the restoration of normal economic relations between our two states, and should hopefully provide addition avenues for prosperity for the average Dranian. In addition, we do intend to support the Trans-Dovani highway project politically and economically, as need be, while Dankuk looks to break from its hermetic and oppressive chains.

We do have a request of the new government of Dankuk in these meetings, which is to withdraw from the Terran Cooperative Prosperity Trade Agreement. You all will recall that this agreement was ratified posterior to a summit in which the Hwangje regime called for the destruction of Indrala and of Kazulia. To withdraw from this agreement would be an important step in normalizing relations. We do hope that the new administration will launch an inquiry into all international agreements ratified during the Hwangje era and rectify their positions accordingly.
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