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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Guga17 » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:44 pm

President Miguel Mansilha reelected to third-term, surprising results keep far-right party as the biggest in the National Assembly
SANGON - It's a result many didn't expect to come but it came. The National Conservative Union of Tukarali only lost 2 seats and the People's Socialist Party was the biggest loser of the night with fewer 55 seats. This comes as surprise after the party being the most active one in the National Assembly since the last election. The Democratic SocioLiberal Party, despite its abstentions, got more 45 seats than it had before. Both the Tukarese Democratic Union and the Left Patriotic Front had small gains. This election maintains the majority of the current government however it doesn't guarantee political stability.
Sofia Henriques, the spokesperson of the People's Socialist Party, said the party isn't guaranteed to stay in the government and work with the Tukarese Democratic Union. She has opened herself to the possibility of early elections. Other parties are skeptic to that idea and have shown satisfaction with the results. In the streets, the reactions are mixed but many agree the country may not be in a stable political situation. The formation of a new government won't be an easy task but the President Miguel Mansilha, who got reelected for a third-term and holds high approval ratings, has said he'll try to do the best he can to avoid having the country in a bad political situation. He also said it's essential to keep the National Conservative Union out of power. Thousands of people have gone to the streets of Sangon to ask for a fast government formation and to oppose any political instability.
Protests in the capital Sangon
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Guga17 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:07 am

Crisis invades People's Socialist Party, Leader Gonçalo Baldaia resigns
SANGON - The People's Socialist Party worst fears have come to life. Its leader, Gonçalo Baldaia, has resigned, sparking a crisis in the heart of the party. Gonçalo Baldaia has given a speech to the media saying:
Good evening, like you already should know we didn't get the results we expected to get. We lost many seats and I take full responsibility for that. As a result of these results, despite reelecting Miguel Mansilha as the President of this great nation, I shall lay down my functions as leader of this party. I resign for this party and for this country. In the meantime, our spokesperson, Sofia Henriques, will take charge of the party. This isn't an easy decision but it's the best one I could make. I hope a strong and stable government that works for the people can be formed however I believe that can only happen with a left-wing government. As such, I don't believe the current composition of the National Assembly allows the necessary government to be formed and I ask for early elections as soon as possible to make sure a real political solution can be found. Thank you!

Gonçalo Baldaia refused to answer our questions but Sofia Henriques let us know the party is going to hold elections soon to elect a new leader. The race for the leadership of the party may show the party's internal fractures with the far-left facing the center-left. Some candidates are rumoured to be trying to aim for the highest-ranking role in the party including Nicolas Sodré, who lost his race to become the party's spokesperson against the incumbent Sofia Henriques. Nicolas Sodré is part of the most left-wing part of the party and has criticized before the government coalition including the Tukarese Democratic Union. He's the most rebel member in the National Assembly and is one of the best positioned to replace Gonçalo Baldaia and if that happens, well, early elections may be the most predictable scenario. For now, despite resigning from his role as leader of the People's Socialist Party, Gonçalo Baldaia stays as the Chancellor of Tukarali until a new one is chosen by the National Assembly.
Gonçalo Baldaia announcing his resignation as the leader of the People's Socialist Party
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Guga17 » Tue Jun 12, 2018 5:56 pm

Nicolas Sodré elected as the People's Socialist Party new leader
SANGON - The elections held by the People's Socialist Party among its members to choose the new leader revealed overwhelming support for a move to the left. Despite a strong challenge from the current party's spokesperson and provisory leader, Sofia Henriques, the leader of the party's parliamentary group, Joana Vaz, and the current minister of finance, Belmiro Mota, Nicolas Sodré won the leadership race. There were other 4 candidates however with no substantial amount of support. The party once again used a ranked-choice voting system however only first-preference votes were needed as Nicolas Sodré got an absolute majority, 56%. Sofia Henriques, with 21% of the votes, ended up in second place.
After the election as the new leader of the People's Socialist Party, following the resignation of Gonçalo Baldaia, Nicolas Sodré spoke to the national media:
Around 400 thousand people voted and they decided this party should move to the left. That's the result of this election, we must move to the left and guarantee the rights of the people aren't put in jeopardy for the benefit of some in the top. We must also make sure our slogan comes to life. A Revolution on the Heart of Tukarali. It's time we truly do that, it's time we start a revolution in this country. A revolution that starts on the streets, on the houses of the poor and the middle-class and finally gets to the National Assembly. This isn't just a political revolution, this is a revolution of mentalities too. For politics change, society must also change. We are going door to door talking with people, hearing their concerns, knowing the problems they face and discussing solutions. Politics isn't done in closed doors, politics is done with the people who face the consequences of its decisions. People's Socialist Party has no interest in appealing to those who have done nothing for us, only for themselves, our only interet is to appeal to people's interests and make sure their lives improve substantially. From now on, we are the face of the revolution that must happen on the heart of this country. Thank you!

Questioned if the People's Socialist Party would accept to be part of a new cabinet including the Tukarese Democratic Union, Sodré answered with a clear no. On early elections, Sodré said "they may become inevitable". They won't be that inevitable however if the Left Patriotic Front and the Tukarese Democratic Union accept to join the National Conservative Union of Tukarali in a government coalition, what has been proposed by them. For now that scenario looks life a far-fetched idea. Something that the new People's Socialist Party leadership is also accused of supporting. The new leader has chosen the people who will be with him during the next months or years. The new party's spokesperson is Carlos De Santis, of Istalian ancestry, the policy advisor is Maria da Luz Soares, the elections manager is Elisa Duval, of Canrillian ancestry, and the party's parliamentary leader is Fred Rashid, of Watembo ancestry. Beatriz Dorje stays as the leader of the party's youth wing, Young Socialists. This is already the most diverse party leadership ever in the history of Tukarali.
Nicolas Sodré, the new leader of the People's Socialist Party, speaking to the media
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Guga17 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:40 pm

People's Socialist Party dissolves itself, early elections may be on the way
SANGON - Nicolas Sodré, the newly elected leader of the People's Socialist Party, has announced the sudden dissolution of the party leaving 27 empty seats in the National Assembly. Sodré has spoken to TNA saying:
I'm sad to announce the official dissolution of the People's Socialist Party, at least for now. We'll give our support to the Democratic SocioLiberal Party and hope they can form a government with the Left Patriotic Front and the Tukarese Democratic Union. We believe we have no chances of winning and of getting our full agenda done. We will dissolve as a party but we won't shut up and retire from politics. We'll stay as a voice for the voiceless wherever it is! Thank you all and good luck for everything that may be coming!

Now, the Tukarese Democratic Union has showed its support for early elections due to the empty seats in the National Assembly and hopes they can have a majority or at least form a majority government with the two left-leaning parties there is.
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby darkGreenParty » Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:45 am

Dark Green Party Foundation

SANGON - Today, October 4434, the Dark Green Party (Partido Verde Sombrio - PVS) is founded by Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, an eccentric free-lance philosopher and small business owner from Sangon. According to Oliveira Garcia, "there is no proper voice in the political environment to pro-nature right-wing people", the view he calls Dark Green. An excerpt of the party foundation manifesto follows:

Many conservatives and capitalists reject actual and sensible environmental concerns because the current environmentalist movement only offers solutions unpalatable to them, solutions which depend of a non-realistic view of human nature and the imposition of values in total discord of traditional Tukarese values. On the other hand, many people who want to save the environmental are ideologically blinded by their own commitment to the left, through the dogmatic view of academy and NGOs with ties to big government and globalist organizations. Instead, we want to show how to restore the grace and purity of nature, a grace and purity which resonate with traditional values, by more sensible and rational policies.

The few PVS supporters reunited in a small rented hall will compete in the April 4437 for the Assembléia Nacional. Oliveira Garcia said "it's too early" to launch a major candidature to President or Chanceler and, "for the moment", there is no talk with other political parties for ministries in the next cabinet or any electoral alliance.
-Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of the Dark Green Party of Tukarali
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby darkGreenParty » Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:31 pm

Political Turmoil in Tukarali

SANGON - With the dismissal of the Verdes, Progressistas, Socialistas (Greens, Progressives and Socialists - VPS) party, the far-right National Conservative Union of Tukarali (UCNdT) obtained majority in the Assembléia Nacional (the Tukarese house of representatives), and so formed a new cabinet, composed exclusively by their members. After that, the party proposed a series of controversial reforms, which were approved soon before the April 4437 election. These reforms occasioned criticisms from members of the international community, as for example the left-wing Volks Sozialistische Partei from Dundorf, who accused the reforms of "undemocratic" and stated that "Tukarali will be recognized by Dundorf a authoritarian far-right dictatorship".

In response to the National Conservative Union proposals, the other Tukarese parties, the Tukarese Democratic Union (UDT) and the newly-founded Dark Green Party (PVS) formed an alliance against the far right cabinet.

Despite our ideological differences, we can't allow Tukarali to be dominate by an anti-green, anti-freedom party as the so-called National Conservative Union of Tukarali!
- Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of Dark Green Party

April 4437 Elections Results

Given the troubled political scenery, it's no surprise that this election showed a huge turnover of 84.87%, and citizens were bitterly divided between the UDT-PVS and UCNdT sides. Sangon streets were occupied by lots of political pamphlet, flags, banners, party newspapers and militants. The Dark Green Party won a surprising 89 seats (of 255) on their first election ever, while the Tukarese Democratic Union won 61 and the National Conservative Union, the most voted party, 105 - but not enough to overcome the 150 combined seats of the UDT-PVS alliance.

We are thankful to Tukarese citizens to have put their trust on our coalition. The Dark Green Party is eager to work together with the Tukarese Democratic Union to restore a more normal political environment, while respecting the differences between us - after all, the world would be very boring if all people think the same.
- Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of Dark Green Party

However, the presidential elections were won by the National Conservative Téo Simões. Both the UDT and PVS candidates, Edu Alvares and Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, were unable to surpass Simões in the two rounds of the election.

Adding to the already tense political environment, there was a visible difference on regional voting preferences - while the central Prefeituras of Lago Kwantu and Morata Valley voted heavily for the National Conservative Union - winning single majorities in both regions -, the coastal Prefeituras of Boruska and Dhataan the Dark Green Party won. Dhataan particulary showed to be an anti-UCNdT stronghold, since the national conservative party ended third in this Prefeitura. Dhataan was also the Prefeitura where the Tukarese Democratic Union, represented in the region by the Movimento para a Defesa da Revolução Democrática em Dhataan (UDT-MDRDD), got the better result, obtaining almost the same amount of votes as the Dark Greens.

A joint cabinet, together with bills to revert the reforms of UCNdT, was already proposed and wait approval in the Assembléia Nacional.
-Francisco Salazar de Oliveira Garcia, Chairman of the Dark Green Party of Tukarali
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Fri Sep 14, 2018 1:22 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

July 20th 4454
New Tukarese party established, first left leaning party in years
The Libertarian Party (Partido Libertário) has been created as one of the first left leaning parties in years

It was a sunny thursday afternoon when Aurélio Peres, founder of the PL, walked up on a stage in the city of Tukedo where he was born. He announced the creation of the Libertarian Party and outlined its ideology and the things it stands for.
The PL will fight for a "free and modern tukarese state that cares for itself and its people and delivers strong leadership that can drag this nation out of stagnation" according to Aurélio Peres.

Peres, 60 years old, was a former journalist and well known news anchor. He was tired of the "right wing domination" that has been present in his country for the past years and saw the stagnation of Tukarali as a problem that could only be solved by a responsible center left voice.

The PL is not just a center-left party. We will be a responsible party that, if voted into office, will govern this nation towards a bright future. We will not overspend or get this nation into immense debt to achieve our goals. The PL will deliver strong, steadfast, responsible leadership to drag this nation out of its stagnant era. This nation deserves to be free, modern and strong and the PL will deliver all three!

said Peres during the announcement in Tukedo.
If this new center left voice will gain any traction in our traditionally right leaning country is to be questioned. However when asked what people thought about Peres most feeled like he was charismatic and showed conviction in his way of speaking. Could this be a change in the political landscape of Tukarali?

PL Founder Aurélio Peres during his time as a news anchor
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:27 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

March 21st 4455
Aurélio Peres announces his presidential bid
As its founder Peres has automatically gained his party's nomination for president

While other parties focus on legislative elections for the National Assembly PL leader Aurélio Peres is focussed on something else entirely. His party, Partido Libertário, has made on of its key issues the strength of the presidential office. Currently the office of president holds little to no power and is merely there as a symbolic gesture for the people. The PL wants to change this and make the president both HOS and HOG and create a presidential executive that can lead the country.

A reason the PL wants this drastic change is that they see the "stagnant era" (the last 20 years of stagnation) as a result from a weak executive system that hasnt been able to progress the nations agenda in any meaningfull way.
By scrapping the office of chancellor and putting its responsibilities in the presidential office the PL hopes to create a executive branch that has both the support of the people as well as the leverage to introduce meaningfull policy to propell the nation forward.

By introducing a executive president we can take the great leap forward that our nation has been waiting for. The era of stagnation is over. We need strong and popular leadership and enacting the constitutional reforms we propose will result in that. A directly elected president supported by the people, a strong executive to make strong decisions, and a legislative branch that can do its job in coherence with the executive instead of seperated from it.

Said Aurélio Peres

This is mostly why the PL is mostly campaigning for the presidential election rather then the legislative one, however the PL has announced nationwide campaigning for the National Assembly will also start relatively soon.
Can the new left leaning party turn the tides in Tukarali and enact real change?

Aurélio Peres while accepting his nomination
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:06 pm

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

March 21st 4455
The Tukarese petroleum company "PetroTuk" discovers oil in Morata Valley
After 6 years of searching and near bancruptcy PetroTuk has announced the discovery of a massive oil reserve in Morata Valley

6 years ago the PetroTuk company was founded under the optimistic believe that large oil reserves were present on Tukarali territory. For 5 years the private company searched territory accros the island and spend millions drilling potential oil field sights. But even with the strong believe that oil would be present in the country the company ended up empty handed after every drill test. It was running out of money fast with the government even buying 10% of its shares in order for it to stay affloat for a little while longer. In the last drilling mission it was able to fund they desperately hoped for good news, and news came.....

At the second drill site (5 in total) in Morata Valley a large quantity of oil was discovered. The other 2 drill sites in the area also reported the discovery of oil. PetroTuk immediately proceeded to send a ground observation team to analyze the amount of oil that would be in the Valley grounds. Luckily for the company they had hit the jackpot. According to the ground investigation a large area in Morata Valley holds a total of around 15 to 20 billion barrels of oil, a very big amount making it one of the biggest oilfields in Seleya and making it in the top 20 of Terra.

The discovered oil field marked in Red

After discovering the oilfield PetroTuk immediately requested a permit from the government of Tukarali to retrieve the oil. After negotiations they agreed upon a deal in which 30% of the profit from the oil would go to the Tukarali government while 70% could be kept by PetroTuk. PetroTuk would also have to pay their shareholders (which includes the Tukarali government) a small fee on the profit made each year.

With PetroTuk getting ready to extract the oil it is believed it is already looking for potential importers with Lourenne being amongst the top interested nations...
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Re: Tukarese News Agency (TNA)

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:17 am

Tukarali Daily
Tukarali Daily is a newspaper distributed on the national level and provides you with the most accurate news on the web

January 4th 4456
PetroTuk makes deal with Beiteynu authorities
While the first oil is being pumped out of the valley PetroTuk has struck a deal with the Beiteynu government

PetroTuk is finishing its oil pumps in the Morata Valley at a fast rate. With the first pumps operational the company has already been in contact with several interested buyers for the oil. One of these potential buyers has now struck a deal with the company.
Beiteynu will buy refined PetroTuk oil amounting to around 450.000 barrels a year, this is half of the Beiteynu oil consumption and will cover a significant part of their needs. PetroTuk will also construct 2 refineries in Beiteynu to refine the oil locally before selling it to the Beiteynu government.

In exchange for exploration rights to search for fossil fuels in Beiteynu PetroTuk will also cut the price of the oil to 2/3rds the normal price. The total worth of the contract under this deal would amount to 2.2 billion LOD a year giving PetroTuk a substantial amount of funds to operate with and giving the Tukarese government more funds as well. With the exploration rights granted in the agreement PetroTuk hopes to finds more resources to exploit and produce. The company announced that the 2 refineries are already being constructed at this moment and will be ready by the end of next year.

The construction site of one of the oil refineries in Beiteynu
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