23rd General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:28 pm

Aldo Marino, Istalian Ambassador

Istalia wishes the best of luck to the Canrillaise Federation and good work to its first President. If the will of the Peoples of the federated nations is to be unite under a common Government, the international community can only respect this desire.
We are confident, and the recent events in Alduria can only confirm this, that the Canrillaise Federation will be a democratic and free nation for its citizens and that will assure that in each federated nations the human rights and the democratic principles will be always respected.

I profit of this occasion to invite the President of the Federation to visit Istalia with which the Canrillaise nations, being in the southermost of Seleya, facing Istalia through the Sea of Lost Souls, has always have naturally many relations and exchanges.

I think also that this could be an opportunity to increase also the reciprocal knowledge trying to reaffirm the common roots which links the Canrillaise peoples with the Istalian one and all the other neoselucian cultures.

Bonne chance aux amis de Canrille!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Wed Sep 19, 2018 7:33 pm

From the Istalian Delegation

Mr Kyle Mizzi is the President of the General Assembly. I think this was an issue solved already time ago. We will be forced to call the intervention of the security staff if Mr Julien, self proclaimed King of the lemurs, doesn't stop to act in a such manner. But... we would like also know who let him in here?
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Fri Sep 21, 2018 12:55 pm

Baron Rnúf Herlkasrmko Ashur, Vanukean Ambassador to the World Congress:

Mr Durand,

I would like to ask a question, please.

How does the Federation of Canrille work in terms of membership of supranational organisations. For instance, if Lourenne is a current member of the Northern Council or, say, Alduria a member of the Seleyan Union are these individual memberships revoked once the Federation is formed? And would your new united state then have to re-apply for membership for any of these bodies if it decided on this way forward?

The same question applies to all the individual treaties the individual member states have ratified?

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Re: General Assembly

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:19 pm

We have been over this, King Julien is not the President of the General Assembly and I request that he's kicked out.

~Kyle Mizzi President of the General Assembly

The United Badaran Front

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Sat Sep 22, 2018 8:56 pm

Jean-Baptiste Boutroux, Private Secretary to His Majesty King Norbert of Noumonde:

Noumonde would like to request the World Congress to extradite the so-called "King Julien XIII" from the Whale Island to Noumonde so he can face the criminal charges that have been laid against him.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:44 pm

Florian Baume, Ambassador from Noumonde:

Fellow delegates,

Without any authorisation from the World Congress, or any legality in international law, or even any political or moral justification whatsoever, the governments of Alduria, Kanjor, Lourenne and Rildanor are all deep in criminal preparations to wage an illegal and vicious war against the Noumon people and their legitimate government.

I am coming here to the General Assembly, on behalf of my country, to appeal to other nations to act quickly and decisively to halt this insane slide towards war before it is too late. Specifically, I am requesting other nations to commit to diplomatic, economic and possibly military action against these rogue states unless they come to their senses and agree to abide by international law like most of the rest of the planet.

As many will be aware, Noumonde faces difficult and complicated challenges, and we are doing our best to address and resolve these. This is a long and painstaking process, but we have all worked very hard and we believe progress is being made. We understand and respect the fact that the international community has its concerns, but it is absolutely vital that these should be expressed through peaceful dialogue, and not through violence.

It is difficult to under-estimate the harm which would be caused to Noumonde's development, socially, economically and politically, by an armed conflict and a foreign occupation. This would be the worst possible outcome, and I plead with the governments of the world and the World Congress to work to prevent this from happening at all costs.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:35 am

Aldo Marino, Istalian Ambassador

Ambassador Baume,
please, let to me know: it was part of a "peaceful dialogue" the coup d'etait by part of the Canrillaise-dominated Armed Forces in Noumonde? It is part of a "peaceful dialogue" the derailing of the land redistribution plan in favor of the Malgy? And also the "400 years of development for the Malgy" programmed by the new administration is part of "peaceful dialogue"? It is really a "legittime" government the one installed with the force of the arms and by a dominant minority? I don't think so.

The situation in Noumonde is critical. The efforts made until now to put an end to the discriminations against the Malgy and to develop a fragile democracy during the past years have been vanified by the act of the Military and the Canrillaise suprematist forces.

The condemnation and the demands by part of the Canrillaise Federation are more than legitime. Istalia fully support the Federation on this issue. The Sovereignty of a nation cannot be used to justify the right to discriminate part of its citizens. The Human Rights are universal and don't depend by the sovereignty, the constitution or the law of this or that nation.

We are sure that no war could worsen the situation for the millions of Malgy which live today in Noumonde and that for too much time lived in scandalous conditions, socially, economically and politically.
To avoid a war, Istalia "suggest" to the new military-led administration of Noumonde to fully satisfy the demand of the Canrillaise Federation and to put an end NOW, not in 400 years, of any form of discrimination against the Malgy.

Furthermore, I would like invite the Monarchical nations of the Canrillaise Federation and so their Royal Family to cut any link with the Royal Family in Noumonde. To the Monarch of Noumonde, we invite the King to contrast the coup d'etait and to act to graant the democracy in Noumonde. If not, Istalia will be the first to call the installation of an International Tribunal for Noumonde and will be the first to call the Royal Family to respond of its act toward the Justice.

A last thing, Mr Baume, the only Rogue nation that we see is Noumonde, a nation that persues racial discrimination, governed by a military regime installed after a coup d'etait and that dare call the nations of the world hidding its crimes behind the justification of the "Sovereignty".
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:34 pm

Ctislav Bohatec, Foreign Minister of Valruzia

Dear members of the Assembly, why do some members of the international community talk in such a warmongering fashion? Isnt the purpose of this assembly to find peacefull solutions to potentially dangerous situations? During this conflict between Noumonde and the Federation there has been no attempt at diplomacy and instead the Federation sends their warships without exploring any of the diplomatic options.

It also saddens Valruzia that the example of peace and patience, Istalia, is talking in a escalating way without considering both sides of a story or attempting for a diplomatic option.

To respond to the call of mr Baume. Valruzia hereby offers the Federation and Noumonde to attend a peace summit in Nowogard and try to resolve this issue diplomatically. In no way is Valruzia supporting the illegal and disgracefull acts by the Noumonde authorities however a war is not necessary in this regard. I call upon the General Assembly and both parties to accept this proposal of peace for this issue.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:30 pm

Florian Baume, Ambassador from Noumonde:

Fellow delegates,

It is disappointing to see how blind Istalia is to the real difficulties the Noumon government is grappling with. I would like to remind Istalia that Noumonde is on the front line in the fight against international terrorism, and there is the strongest connection between extremists and terrorists internationally, and extremists and terrorists here in Noumonde. They are all part of the same thing. We saw a tragic example of this recently, when Istalian anarchists helped Malgy fanatics to bomb the Canrillaise Heritage Museum, slaughtering 27 people, wounding 86 and causing hideous and inexcuable carnage.

Perhaps Istalia could consider facing up to its own responsibilities, and focusing more on dealing with its own internal problems, as opposed to encouraging the bullying warmongers who are trying to seize control of an innocent and vulnerable third world country purely for their own ends?

Turning to a more positive note, the Noumon government is enormously grateful to Valruzia for their sensible words and their efforts to achieve a peaceable solution. Noumonde would be more than happy to meet the representatives of other concerned nations at the proposed summit in Nowagard. However, we must insist that Malgy terrorists must under no circumstances and in no form whatsoever be present at the summit.

Also, I have prepared a policy document entitled Malgy and Canrillaise Working Together for a New Noumonde, outlining General Remy Blanchard's plan to move Noumonde towards Malgy Majority Rule through incremental steps over a 400 year framework. Copies of this will be made available to all delegates here, and to anyone else who is interested. We believe this document can form the basis for an agreed international settlement on the Noumonde issue.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby IsleofSalkuo » Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:07 pm

Fellow Delegates of the General Assembly,

It looks like negotiation is needed. We endorse Valruzia's move and I'm highly willing to help both sides find a peaceful solution. The General Assembly is quite dedicated and experienced to this task after all. We'd also like to remind everyone that war is an unnecessary option and that it never benefits any side.

~Kyle Mizzi, President of the General Assembly

The United Badaran Front

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