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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Sat Sep 22, 2018 9:53 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
September 27th 4458
NPR concludes election campaign, calls out Reforma on their "disrespect towards our democracy"
NPR Campaign operations are slowly coming to an end as the election is just one month away

While the country is coming closer to its important elections next month the NPR is rounding up its last campaign stops which will officially end one day before the elections in the capital of the country. In one of his last speeches to an excited crowd Cisek, leader of the NPR, called out the ruling Reforma party for their "disrespect to Valruzian democracy"

A political party that has all the power in a nation and calls a strong democracy "fucking democracy" is a party that has no place in a society like ours. The Reforma party keeps shouting about the freedoms they give our citizens while they themselves are now threatening Valruzian democracy with their idiotic comments. The people of Valruzia are not stupid, we, as a people, know our responsibilities and our right and will fight for it. Our democracy is the center of our freedom and Reforma seems to have forgotten that fact. Let us elect a party to power that knows the ACTUAL problems of this nation. A party that respect the democracy and does what is best for its people. Thank You!

Said Cisek during one of his last rallies.
The NPR is still rising in polls and with elections only half a month away the party could see a very good election unfolding. With rumours of the Patriots Time party alligning to the NPR for a possible coalition we could see one of the first right leaning governments in some time in Valruzia.

A young conservative crowd during a NPR rally in Brzańsk, Ruzyjskie region
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Reddy » Sun Sep 23, 2018 7:15 am

The Coastal Announcer
The Coastal Announcer is a centrist broadsheet weekly

Razem Victory
Party Might Struggle To Capitalise On Victory
October 12, 4458

Valruzia's new Razem (Together) party has scored victory in a tight six-horse race which saw leftists, liberals, libertarians and nationalists view for power. Razem won 23% of the vote in the Sejm elections while its presidential candidate managed to reach the run-off where he lost to garnering just over 40% of the vote. Party leader Mikolaj Sikorski celebrated the victory calling it "an affirmation of Valruzia's long burning passion for liberalism, cooperation and togetherness." The visibly stunned Sikorski said he had expected a much lower tally and it is here some political analysts identify a problem for the social liberal party.


There was a late surge to the party which saw a number of leftwing voters opting for Razem, viewing it as the best chance to stop a rightwing government. An exit poll shows that some 46% of left-leaning voters picked the party over its poorly established but more leftwing rivals in the Syndicalists and the Social Democrats. This, according to analysts, which complicate coalition negotiations. The four rightwing parties ranging from the centrist NPR to the libertarian LM won about two thirds of all seats. Any coalition involving Razem will have to involve at least two rightwing parties.

An informal poll on Razem's website showed that 61% of Razem party members are opposed to working with the libertarian parties Reforma and LM while 68% oppose working with the rightwing populist Patriots' Time. At the same time, 89% of party members support reversing the libertarian small state "by any legal means". The party leadership has so far refused to indicate its coalition preferences, only stating that it will work to "establish a stable government dedicated to the welfare of the weakest in society."
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:33 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
February 10th 4459
Election ends with mixed feelings for NPR, coalition underway, stock market crash
The NPR has mixed feelings about the recent elections that saw the party become the 5th party in the Sejm

As the election night came to a close the NPR supporters went home with cautious optimism. With their party obtaining 67 seats in the Sejm NPR supporters felt slightly dissapointed as they had high hopes for the center-right party.
But despite some minor dissapointment most supporters also saw the chances ahead for the party. With the hyper liberal parties likely to be out of the government the NPR has, according to its press office, started negotiations with several parties in the Sejm to "establish a strong coalition that can reverse the deadly spiral of the previous government and create a strong domestic and foreign policy agenda"

The NPR candidate Walenty Batko had also won the presidency with a comfortable margin, paving the way for the party to take leadership in coalition negotiations. The NPR has proposed a minority government to the Sejm already after managing to get a confidence and supply deal with the Razem party who became the number one party in parliament.
In this deal the NPR and CP would form a government with the confidence and supply from Razem. Making this one of the first right leaning governments in decades. The NPR will take the lead in this proposed coalition by taking the position of Prime Minister for the party leader Cisek, who has been seen on the campaign trail multiple times before the elections. With the NPR leading the coalition will be moderate enough for Razem to support it.
Even with this deal with Razem its a very delicate coalition that could shift or fall at any time. Cisek has voiced his optimism however and sees this as a deal that is "serving the valruzian people and will bring back responsible leadership to the nation"

The coalition deal will likely pass within 4 months.

The new Valruzian president Walenty Batko

Economy crashes as the caretaker government waits for a new government to take its place

While for over half a year the effects of the Reforma decentralizations and deregulations were not noticable they are now starting to appear.
The Valruzian Stock Market opened with a loss of over 230 points today as investors had gambled with their money and taken to many chances when investing it in stocks. This sudden influx of private cash caused a money bubble to develop resulting in the current crisis. With todays loss on the stock market analists suggest a domino effect could occur and we may even see bigger losses on the market in the coming days.

As the Reforma deregulations caused massive amounts of opportunity for private investors they started to take more risks. While billions of cash flooded the stock market, investing in all kinds of stocks from industry to agriculture a large bubble started to develop. While at first this influx of money and the bubble it created caused a strong growth rate for the Reforma government this bubble of private money on the stock market is now bursting and we could very well see a big economic crisis for the government that will take over from Reforma. Investors will likely pull even more stocks causing even bigger losses on the market in coming days

Said Dobrosław Stencel, economic specialist at the Nowogard university.
Will reforma leave a crumbling economy to the new government? And if so, will the new government be able to stabilize the situation?

A Stock Market worker watching in unbelieve as the market crashed this morning
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby diepotato » Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:06 pm

Walruzja Codziennie | | Valruzia Daily
Reforma's economic advisor: the crash caused by the risk of NPR in power; "now it's only going to get worse"
Nowogard, 21 March, 4459
Andrzej Mężydło argues that the truth about the crash is different than what the ruling coalition presents

NOWOGARD - An economic recovery is yet to come as the new coalition has started to work on the problem of recent stock market crash. The reason behind the stock trouble is not a consensus among the economists. One of them - Andrzej Mężydło, previously the vicepresident of the Civic Institute, now newly hired by the Reforma to preside over the party's economic policy board - states that what caused the crash was the prospect of NPR taking control of the government.

The investors in Valruzia were used to friendly economic pursuit conditions, pro-market law, pro-market administration. Despite what some populists say: a firm majority of recent investments in our country was highly reasonable. We cannot talk about a bubble here, it is a different kind of broken expectations. After the election, the investors recognized that the NPR-ruled Valruzia would no longer be a country good for business, friendly for entrepreneuers, a country of strong, free economy - that's why they started to withdraw their assets, which caused the crash. Now, when the Cabinet is formed and settled to be a fully populist-right-wing Cabinet, the situation is only going to get worse.

Mężydło has filled the party political position previously held by Zbigniew Orzeł - who had been deemed the main reason of the Reforma's electoral loss.
The future plans of the Reforma, as announced by Łukasz Zaworny, are to begin a close cooperation with the Ruch Libertariański. While the two-party libertarian bloc, having won 34,2% of the Sejm seats, is not able to fully block reversals of Zaworny's strongly liberal reforms, they "will do their best and try", as the Reforma's leader says, "to save as many civic freedoms as possible, in these sad days of NPR-CP governance".
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Reddy » Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:11 am

The Kampanian Songbird
The Kampanian Songbird is a regional newsmagazine which is considered to exhibit a centre to centre-left attitude on economic issues.

Sikorski Blames Libertarians For Economic Downturn
February 14, 4459

Sikorski addressing party delegates in Nowogard

Razem leader Mikolaj Sikorski has joined his NPR allies in laying blame for the economic crisis on the outgoing libertarian Reforma government

Reforma's commitment to liberty is admirable. Its failure however to balance negative and positive liberty has caused this economic mess. On the altar of negative liberty, Reforma sacrificed the nation's economic stability and cut investment in all sectors. They basically chained us in unregulated risk and the whims of a few very wealthy individuals. Razem will work to fix that and end this era of anarchy and inaugurate a new one of a balanced social-market economy where the needs of the many come before the whims of the few.

The crisis has helped Sikorski persuade his party to support the centre-right nationalist minority government. In appeals to his party, Sikorski framed the question as one of pro-normalcy parties vs radical destabilisation parties like the libertarians. He pleaded with party members that the creation of a stable government was paramount and the new government could hardly be worse than the outgoing libertarian one. Party delegates agreed and in a special conference in the capital, approved the support deal by a margin of three to one.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:49 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
July 15th 4459
Prime Minister Cisek and his government sworn in
The government has already proposed several reforms to the sejm and president Blatco is becoming active on the international stage

Earlier this month the new NPR-CP government was sworn in at the Ministerial palace in nowogard where from now on Prime Minister Cisek will be residing. After the Prime Minister got appointed by the sejm he quickly got to work in creating a cabinet. The NPR received posts like the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Defense ministry while the CP would gain the Health Ministry amongst others.
As the cabinet was assembled it got installed quickly after. Creating the first centre-right nationalist government in quite some time. The Cabinet immediately went to work with Prime Minister Cisek presenting the first reforms to stabilize the economy and bring back some state authorities in the process. The Prime Minister also had several meetings with executives of major valruzian banks last week, these banks are experiencing cash shortages following the stock market crash and are asking the government for help in creating a stable environment once more. Prime Minister Cisek told the executives that "the government is barred from intervention until our new law passes, if it does we will look into ways to help you with subsidies and possibly help with budget cuts and financial management"

The new Prime Minister of Valruzia, Veljko Cisek, during the day of his appointment

While the new government is trying to pass legislation and push through executive decisions in an effort to stabilize the economy the stock market is still going down with a significant margin. While the legislation to counter this hasnt passed yet it is only a matter of time before the government has to announce budget cuts according to economic experts.

Several sectors continue to make significant losses and government revenue is also suffering under the current crisis. The government will likely have to cut off subsidies and decrease budget sizes in order to maintain at least a minimum deficit spending. We will likely see big budget cuts in the upcoming months and this will be feld by the normal low income citizens for sure

Said one such expert.


While the government is extremely focussed on saving the economy the new president of the Republic, President Blatco, has publicly condemned the "unnecessary escalation of the federation against numounde"
The president stated that
"a diplomatic solution is not unthinkable and the federation should first exhaust every single diplomatic option before moving in with force, the Republic of Valruzia is more then willing to host a summit between the two sides in our capital to lower tensions and come to a peacefull solution to this situation"

According to sources within the presidential office the president has already approached numounde in regards to such a summit and numounde authorities responded positively to it.
What the Federation will do with this invitation is still unclear.

The president is the face of Valruzia and for the first time in years he is actively pursuing the foreign policy of the country. Will Blatko be of importance as president?

President Blatko condemning the "unnecessary escalation of the federation" and calling for a summit to be held in Nowogard
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Reddy » Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:26 pm

The Kampanian Songbird
The Kampanian Songbird is a regional newsmagazine which is considered to exhibit a centre to centre-left attitude on economic issues.

Razem Rejects Austerity Program, Threatens To Withdraw Government Support
August 19, 4459

In what may prove a cabinet crisis, Razem has refused to back a government budgetary plan to reduce spending. Party leader Mikolaj Sikorski denounced the plan as "deflationary" and dangerous for an economy which remain mired in recession. He threatened to withdraw Razem's support and called for robust public sector investment as part of the recovery effort. The coalition leadership is now believed to be in intense negotiations with Sikorski which may or may not see a u-turn on the Government's part.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:09 pm

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
August 9th 4459
Government announces withdrawal of budgetary cuts
After the prospect of the government collapsing the Prime Minister ordered his cabinet to withdraw the budget cuts from the floor of the Sejm

As the government desperately tries to stabilize the economy they proposed several budget cuts to counter the rising debt of the state. However, Razem, the driving power behind the minority government, threatened with leaving the government of Cisek dead on the political stage because of the austerity plans of the government.

While we disagreed on this important matter the government and their partner Razem have come to a concensus and will fully work together to establish a proper response to the mounting crisis in our nation

Said Prime Minister Cisek.
Sources within the finance ministry say the minister is working on a bill to save 2 large valruzian banks from bancruptcy. The two banks called "Nowogard National Bank" and the "Valruzian Distribution Bank" are in heavy weather following the stock market crashes of the recent months. Both banks had requested aid from the Valruzian government but the government could not aid them because of restrictions on government aid to the private sector. However, with the likely passing of several government reforms, the government will be able to subsidize the two banks and the finance ministry is writing plans to restructure both banks to become substainable again.

The HQ of the NNB bank in Nowogard
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Wilderberg III » Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:27 pm

Our Tribune
Our Tribune is a left wing newspaper published across Valruzia
September 15th 4458
Weißberg wins Nowogard's Mayoral Election!
The de facto leader of the Social Democrats of Valruzia won a narrow victory.

Andrzej Weißberg, speaking to the media day after the election

NOWOGARD - Andrzej Weißberg has been elected in one of the biggest upsets in recent political history. The Social Democratic candidate was widely seen as the underdog compared to every other candidate.
But thanks to strong ground game and appealing to values left unrepresented for a long time in both Nowogardian and national politics, Andrzej Weißberg managed to narrowly qualify to the second round of voting where he managed to recieve support from a wide range of voters dissappointed with his opponent's ideas for the city. Challenging the status quo and promoting left wing ideas for the city such as the expansion of public housing and bigger investments in public transportation and education. Moreover SDW candidate pledged to introduce funding for abortions and legilize the procedure in his jurisdiction.

Our Tribune
Our Tribune is a left wing newspaper published across Valruzia
October 12th 4458
Weißberg elected leader of the SDW!
The de facto leader of the Social Democrats of Valruzia is given his de jure title.

Conference center where the convention took place.

NOWOGARD - During the first ever SDW National Convention hundreds of members gathered in a conference center near the city hall to elect Andrzej Weißberg as their official leader.
Wiesberg who was widely viewed as the de facto leader of the party for quite a while now was recently victorious in Nowogard Mayoral election where he managed to secure a very narrow victory against his unpopular opponent.
In his acceptance speech Weißberg once again reaffirmed his commitement to the values of social democracy promising to support them as President of Nowogard.

Our Tribune
Our Tribune is a left wing newspaper published across Valruzia
3 January 4459
Coalition talks begin in Nowogard.
Newly sworn-in President seeks support among the members of the city council.

Nowogard City Hall, seat of the President and the City Council.

NOWOGARD - As the President of the nation's capital city takes an oath of office coalition talks begin. Andrzej Weißberg is trying his best to secure a working majority in the City Council. Hoping to expand public housing and public transportation among other things the new President is most likely to forge an alliance with the Syndicalists. However, this would not secure him a working majority. The next couple of months might provide a valuable lesson for the freshly made politician.
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Re: Valruzian Press Agency (Walruzyjska Agencja Prasowa)

Postby Rogue » Tue Sep 25, 2018 7:54 am

Valruzian Times
The Valruzian Times is a broadly distributed newspaper accros Valruzia
December 17th 4459
BREAKING NEWS: Nowogard peace Summit ends in failure, Valruzia sends 1 aircraft carrier strike group towards Noumonde
Prime Minister Cisek gave his approval to the defense minister in sending a aircraft carrier strike group towards the noumonde coast, Cisek has send a ultimatum to the Noumonde government

There were high hopes before the Nowogard Peace Summit commenced. Many believed it could mean a peacefull solution to a increasingly volatile situation.
Today those hopes have been destroyed, the Summit has failed after "repeated undermining of proper negotiations and putting up unmaintainable demands that cannot be taken seriously"

In response to the collapsing talks Prime Minister Cisek has ordered a AC strike group to move towards the Noumonde coast in coordination with federation vessels.
The Valruzian government has also send a ultimatum of 48 hours (OOC: Will be when Aquinas responds) to the Noumonde government. In this ultimatum the Valruzian government demands the arrest of general Blachard and asks his regime to hand him over to the World Congress. The ultimatum also demands free elections to be held in the country with international observers to observe them.

If these demands are not met within the ultimatum timeline the joint Valruzian-Federation force will intervene in Noumonde and "free the nation from tyranny and oppression"

The Aircraft Carrier Strike Group from Valruzia will link up with Federation navies and go on standby at the Noumonde coast until the deadline is complied with or has expired.
The Noumonde government has not yet responded.

The Valruzian Aircraft Carrier preparing to leave for Noumonde
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