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Re: The Bekenial Dispatch

Postby RileyHP » Sat Sep 15, 2018 5:50 pm

Jourdain To Retire At End Of Term

Jourdain gives a speech thanking everyone who has supported him over the years

First Minister Dylan Jourdain has announced he will retire at the end of this term. This year marks 50 years since he was first elected as the MP for Fairview Prosperity, a role he would hold for 47 consecutive years. During that time he served in both Government and Opposition front bench roles including both Shadow Minister and Minister of Finance, Opposition Leader and Chancellor. He was elected leader of the Royalist Party in 4442 and became Hutori's 2nd First Minister in 4452. He lead the Royalists through a time where the future of the monarchy did not look very bright, but ensured that it would live on.

Jourdain will remain leader of the Royalist Party until a new leader is chosen after the 4456 elections.

"Hello everyone, thank you all for coming. 50 years ago, I was first elected as the MP for Fairview Prosperity. In my 50 years, I have seen Hutori go through a lot. From a constitutional crisis, to years of socialist rule that dismantled our economy, and even a decade of uncertainty about the future of the Hutorian Throne. Our nation would not have made it through those tough times, if it were not for the hardworking and resiliant Hutorians who put me in the position I am in right now, as your First Minister. My career has been one hell of a ride, however, all good things must come to an end, and at the end of my term, I will be retiring from politics. I want to thank everyone who supported me over the years, and everyone I had the honour of serving beside. There was a time where the Royalist Party was not a powerhouse in Hutorian politics, however, over the last few years, together we have brought pur party back to the top by putting forward common sense policy and truly being the party that works for the people. I know whoever succeeds me will continue working for the people and will bring forward great common sense policies of their own."
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Student Protests Become Sutton Nationalist Party

Postby Sovak111 » Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:08 pm

SUTTON - Today the Student National Protest Movement, also known as the SNP, announced its intention to form a new political party to be based in Sutton. The Sutton Nationalist Party will contest elections at the provincial and national levels and focus on a platform of greater devolution for localities and left-leaning, pacifist, social democratic policy interventions. The SNP today released the following statement:

For far too long politicians in Kincardine and Bekennial have held back the people of Sutton. It is time for Suttonites to rise up and take what is theirs. Therefore, we hereby announce the formation of the Sutton Nationalist Party, which we intend to stand up for the rights of Suttonites on the Isle and those who have to go to to Roccato and throughout the Commonwealth for work and education. In the coming days and weeks we will release our party manifesto and a slate of candidates for Legislative Assembly and Parliamentary seats in Sutton and the rest of Roccato. We hope the people of Sutton will support us in this endeavour.

While their manifesto and slate of candidates at this junction are unclear, the party is rumoured to be asking Andrew Macalester, one of the students leading the protest, to run against conservative stalwart and Independent MP Richard Sloane. Sloane was in hot water last year for comments he made about the student protesters while being recorded (unbeknownst to him). The HBC could reach neither Sloane nor Macalester for comment.

Andrew Macalester (Above), an Economics PhD candidate and leader of the Student National Protest movement - now Sutton Nationalist Party - is widely believed to be considering a challenge to first-time independent MP Richard Sloane (Below).

The party has also put out requests to former New Liberal MPs and current Independent MPs based in Sutton to determine if any existing politicians would be willing to run for re-election under the Sutton National Party banner. As of yet no current office holders have announced their intention to run.
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Macalester Vows to Defeat Sloane in SNP's First MP Race

Postby Sovak111 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:12 pm

SUTTON CITY - The worst kept secret in Suttonite Politics is now public knowledge - Andrew Macalester, the Economics PhD student-turned-protest-leader is running for a seat in Parliament against the wildly unpopular Richard Sloane. Said Macalester:
Sloane has tried to limited freedom of assembly. He has tried to limit freedom of religion. We cannot let either stand. It is time for the Sutton Nationalist Party to stand up for the rights of all Suttonites. I hereby announce my candidacy for MP serving the Sutton East constituency.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:25 pm

MacDougall Announces First Minister Run; Promises to Build Tunnel between Roccato & Sutton

Royalist MP Neil MacDougall Announces his Candidacy for First Minister in his hometown of Throne

Royalist Progressive House Leader, and silent powerbroker, Neil MacDougall, has officially announced his candidacy for the nation's top job, stating he was running for First Minister of Hutori, having quietly recieved the Royalist's support earlier in the month.

It has been a great many year since a politician not from the south inhabited 24 Orange Avenue and I think it is more then past time for that reality. For too long we have let the politicians of Bekenial tell us what we can do with our lives; I plan on changing that by giving more powers back to the Provinces to handle their own affairs. The Royalists will continue to balance the budget and further reduce taxes to bring Hutorian businesses home and international business in. We will unite Hutori under a common banner, from all corners with projects of national unity with one in particular I'm very proud of; for too long the good people of the Isle of Sutton have been removed from Hutori, a connection kept only by a bridge that must be closed three months of the year in a bad winter. No more of that now; if I am elected I pledge that the Federal Government will partner with Roccato and the Isle of Sutton in constructing an underwater tunnel, that will remain open year round, so that Sutton is neer cut off from the mainland ever again. Let's bring our work ethic, drive and vigour to the House of Parliament and to 24 Orange!

Neil MacDougall was a darkhorse candidate for First Minister with many expecting either Tristan Shaw to make a play, but the powerful endorsements of Premier Richard Banfield, and two of the Cabinet Ministers inside of Jourdain's government thoroughly convinced the delegates at the Royalist Annual General Meeting that the fireeating and extremely charismatic MacDougall was the man to keep 24 Orange Royalist.
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SNP Announce Platform, Endorse MacDougall

Postby Sovak111 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 11:47 pm

SUTTON CITY - Today the Sutton National Party announced its full platform, slate of candidates, and endorsement of Royalist First Minister Candidate Neil MacDougall. "We believe we have the right ideas, and right slate of candidates to really make a difference in Sutton," said Andrew Macalester, candidate for the Sutton City East constituency and presumptive party leader. Opinion Polls suggest that Macalester and the SNP might win as many as 7 parliamentary seats in Sutton in the upcoming election, which would immediately make the party the largest on the island.

Andrew Macalester is all smiles after polls showed the SNP leading in several constituencies.

In addition to a manifesto, the party debuted a new logo featuring a cross reminiscent of the one on Sir Robert Sutton's Coat of Arms

The party's manifesto leans clearly to the social and governmental left - emphasizing big government and a secular approach to social issues. However, as the party is based locally in Sutton, it also calls for greater devolution and federalism of powers to the island. The manifesto reads as follows:

Key policies:
- A plan for an increase in public spending on the Isle of Sutton, including but not limited to the building of a new postsecondary education institution, a new tunnel connecting Sutton with the rest of Roccato, and enlargement of the provicial social safety net.
- An end to the cost of
- Balancing the federal budget, with a recognition that increased spending in Sutton means decreased spending elsewhere.
- More devolved powers for Sutton within the greater provincial infrastructure.
- Increase Suttonite trade both domestically and abroad.
- A living wage with built-in cost-of-living adjustments, by the end of the next Parliament.
- A call on the Hutori government to increase health spending per head of population across the country.
- Support for tax reform that would lower taxes on the lowest income earners and increase taxes on the wealthiest while allowing for simplicity.
- A call for Sutton to have control over immigration to the island.
- Increase public sector pay.
- Ensure the solvency of retirment benefits, even if it means increasing the age of retirement.
- The elimination of Hutori's nuclear arsenal, and any military presence on the Isle of Sutton.
- Ensure free childcare for all.
- The creation of a post-study visa for students from Sutton to work for up to a year in another country before attending college.
- The establishment of a political, labour market, and trade union of member nations.

Given that the party will almost certainly not have enough members of Parliament to be a party necessary for government, Macalester noted that the party would seek to work with the government, whoever leads it. "We will partner with any party and any government that wants to make the lives of the people of Sutton better," said Macalester. The 24-year-old leader has suggested his party will focus mostly on issues dealing with Sutton specifically, but will seek to caucus with Independents and lend party support for local issues in other provinces. "We are a local party, we will contest elections only in Sutton," said the young, ginger Economics PhD Candidate who once led the student protests that evolved into the SNP, "but should any independent candidates win office in other provinces and wish to caucus with us, we will gladly welcome you into the fold and support your policies in your provinces should they align with ours in Sutton."

The SNP has endorsed Neil MacDougall for First Minister, shown here campaigning in Sutton.

The party's willingness to work with all others, however, does not outweigh its willingness to see Neil MacDougall in 24 Orange Avenue. "Mister MacDougall has made it clear he wants to spend quite a bit of money in Sutton and plans on supporting our call for a tunnel between Sutton and Roccato. He has made it clear that he wants greater sovereignty for the Island he once called home. It is our turn to make it clear that the SNP supports Mr. MacDougall."
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Luis1p » Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:23 am

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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Sep 19, 2018 6:37 pm

MacDougall and Royalists Seize the Night

Newly Elected First Minister Neil MacDougall Celebrating in his home Province of Roccato & Sutton

The Royalist Party of Hutori is celebrating as it's secured a second mandate and delievered another First Minister to 24 Orange Avenue as Royalist Candidate Neil MacDougall won the First Ministerial race, defeating the Ultrackians on the second ballot, while the Royalist Party of Hutori retained their lead in the House of Parliament by a slim 2 seats, though enough for the governing Coalition to retain their hold on office.

MacDougall campaigned on a concept known as Hutori Works, a long term project to drive the Hutorian economy by creating mega-projects in each province that will drive the local economy, create a sense of unity and bring forward the Hutorian economy by greasing all the individual provinces. MacDougall also promised a robust foreign policy, with Hutori taking further leads in the Northern Council, solidifying ties between Bekenial and Wiel and combating extremism in whatever form it takes.

In his first announcement after his Cabinet was confirmed by the newly sitting Parliament, First Minister MacDougall announced that he and Emperor William VII would first travel to Wiel for the long awaited visit between the Emperor and the Vanukean Monarch Queen Mrjmai while newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Emily Steuart, travelled to Skalm to begin laying the groundwork for an official state visit to see the newly crowned King and the Kazullian Royal Family; Emperor William VII and the newly crowned King of Kazullia Henry II are cousins through their grandmother, Queen Alexandra, the long time matriarch and Queen of Kazullia prior to the collapse of the last Kingdom, and already rumors have begun swirlling that the Emperor is eyeing a match between his own Crown Prince Henry and Princess Ruth while it's no secret that Crown Prince Edvard has his eyes on Princess Alexandra, the Grand Duchess of Kenai.

More as it develops.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:40 am



Emperor Arrives in Wiel for State Visit

Emperor's Motorcade Arrives at the Royal Palace in Wiel

His Imperial and Most Excellent Royal Majesty Arrived in Wiel earlier today for his first official state visit with his cousin, Queen Mrjmai, a long awaited meeting that has been expected for months if not years, as apart of Hutori's concentrated efforts at restoring relations between Wiel and Bekenial, and as part of an overall diplomatic blitz launched by leading nation of the Imperial Commonwealth to emerge back on the international scene.

Emperor William VII and First Minister Neil MacDougall was met at the airport by the outgoing Prefect of Vanuku before the Emperor gave a formal inspection of a Jelbek Honour Guard that escorted him, on horseback, into the city. While the Emperor, his wife Empress Consort Rosalind, and their eldest child and heir, Crown Prince Henry, left for the Royal Palace to be present before Queen Mrjmai and their family, MacDougall sat down with Dr. Trmékez to iron our further details or a renewed agreement between Hutori and Vanuku, including bringing the Prefect and Queen to Bekenial and Fort William when they had the chance, renewing a free trade agreement between their two nations, ongoing issues with Imperialist Zardugal and Communist Deltaria, and increased cooperation to stop extremist states from obtaining weapons of mass destruction. Hutori and Vanuku are considered two of the most powerful nations in Terra, with Hutori specifically known to have the largest nuclear stockpile in the world.

Steuart Arrives in Skalm

Minister Emily Steuart Answering Questions Upon Arrival in Kazullia

Newly minted Minister of Foreign Affairs Emily Steaurt has arrived in Skalm for a visit with Statsminister Egland. Hutori and Kazullia are considered Terra's closest allies and partners, who usually through the Northern Council, have often times walked lockstep in almost every diplomatic, military and economic move over the past century, though they have differed in some areas, with Bekenial almost exclusively ignoring the Southern hemisphere until recently and focusing the bulk of it's diplomatic efforts in Artania, Keris and Macon, though Steuart and her boss, First Minister Neil MacDougall, have made it clear they intend on changing that.

Steuart's visit, while to discuss continuing the tight bond between Skalm and Bekenial, is also rumored to be laying the groundwork for an official state visit by Hutori's Royal Family to visit their distant relatives, the newly enthroned Royal Family of Kazullia. Rumors have circulated for months that a double engagement is being planned between Hutorian Crown Prince Henry, the Prince of Adelia, and Kazullian Princess Marie, along with Kazullian Crown Prince Edvald and Hutorian Princess Alexandra, the Grand Duchess of Kenai, interlinking the two Royal Familes into a tight web; made all the tighter from increased rumors of a relationship between Emperor William's youngest daughter, Princess Victoria the Grand Duchess of Lagard, and Lourenne Monarch King Herbert.
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Re: Hutorian Broadcasting Corporation

Postby Luis1p » Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:46 am

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SNP to Partner with Regional Candidates, Support McDougall

Postby Sovak111 » Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:11 pm

SUTTON CITY - Sutton Nationalist Party Leader and MP for Sutton East Andrew Macalester today announced the intentions of the SNP to lend their HR and fundraising expertise to independent candidates and those from regional parties during this election cycle. Said Macalester, "We believe that Sutton should be given the right to govern itself and are convinced there are others in Kenai, Roccato, Adelia, Lagard, and Falristan who have the same feelings about their own provinces. Therefore, we pledge SNP logistical support for any independent and regionalist parties that agree to caucus with the SNP in Parliament."

Andrew Macalester, Ph.D. is the leader of the Sutton Nationalist Party. He defended his Dissertation in August.

Macalester also announced that the SNP would again not run a candidate as First Minister for the upcoming elections. "We just don't think the time is right for a First Minister run," said the newly-minted Ph.D. in Economics,"Right now we are focused on supporting the needs of Suttonites. We can't effectively lead Hutori without supporting Sutton first."

The SNP will again endorse the Royalist candidate for First Minister. When asked if Macalester and the SNP planned to renew its support of current First Minister Neil MacDougall in the First Minister election, Macalester responded, "How could we not? The Royalists have invested a lot of time and money into Sutton. We will support any government that supports Sutton." The SNP partnered with the Royalist Party, Socialist Coalition, and Liberals to pass a public works project that will deliver HLR 20 Billion in investment to the island for the purposes of constructing an underground tunnel between Throne and Altar, which should alleviate congestion on the Commonwealth Bridge.

Macalester and the SNP were quite successful in their first terms in office. The party's LODESTAR and GUIDESTAR legislation received broad support in Parliament, and the Party's support was instrumental in securing a co-operation treaty with Vanuku. When asked for the party's platform for 4460, Macalester was quick to answer, "I want to see the University we were promised by the last administration come in to being, I want greater autonomy for Sutton from the provincial government in Kincardine, and I want to see greater global investment on the Isle. We will be introducing legislation that makes all three of these goals attainable in the next Parliament."
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