23rd General Assembly Session

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:32 pm

Florian Baume, Ambassador from Noumonde:

Fellow delegates,

Noumonde welcomes the efforts Selucia is making to resume negotiations and resolve these issues in a peaceable way. We are more than willing to engage with the proposals they have made.

We plead again for the voice of reason to prevail. Valruzia and the Canrillaise Federation have commenced an illegal military assault on our poor, vulnerable country. This is completely unacceptable and violates international law and international norms. The aggressors did not even wait for a General Assembly resolution or Security Council authorisation before going ahead with this reckless, criminal and totally inexcusable project.

If the World Congress is to mean anything at all in the eyes of the world, then this behaviour must be condemned and must not be allowed to go on unpunished.

We call for an urgent military intervention to defend Noumonde from these international cowboys who imagine they have the sole right to take the law into their own hands.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Polites » Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:34 pm

Naenia Concordia, Selucian ambassador to the World Congress:

Bad faith negotiations and stalling tactics are by no means justification for war. Negotiating with the Noumonde government is not the only non-military option. The Federation and Valruzia do not even seem to have considered alternative non-military options, like targeted sanctions, travel bans, asset freezes, or indeed international condemnation and isolation. They jumped straight from failed negotiation to war. Our land reform proposal aims instead to provide a "carrot" as part of genuine negotiation that will restart the peace process and help create the material conditions necessary for the establishment of democracy. Regardless of the failure of Noumonde to genuinely negotiate, regime change cannot serve as the sole motivation for military intervention. This will not bring democracy and human rights, but more dictatorship and more violations of rights.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Wed Sep 26, 2018 2:33 pm

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:01 am

Message from the Istalian Foreign Ministry

now that General Blanchard is dead and Noumonde surrenders, it is time to talk about the future of that country. Istalia recognize to Selucia one thing: we cannot simply photocopy what it was called, it seemed with pejorative sense, a liberal democracy. It is clear to everyone that such system will fall in no time under the "dictature of the majority", namely the Malgys.

Istalia cannot agree with Selucia on the issue of the National Sovereignty and its position that provides National Sovereignty protected in any case. Who, so, should protect the Human Rights of millions of people? Who? Are not the Human Rights a solid and important part of the International Law? And this body, despite the oceanic ammount of words said in century, HAS THE RIGHT AND THE DUTY TO PROTECT AND SPREAD THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND TO CONTRAST THE CRIMES AGAINST IT.
The veritable first Resolution adopted by the World Congress, and most part of it, was a resolution to condemen and contrast violations of Human Rights (namely the Slavery in several nations). The Selucian Ambassador often talked about the "risk to set a precedent", right? Well, dear Ambassador, WE HAVE ALREADY A LOT OF PRECEDENTS THAT FULLY JUSTIFY THE DUTY, NOT THE RIGHT, BUT A VERITABLE DUTY AND MISSION OF THIS ORGANIZATION WHICH ALWAYS WORKED TO PROTECT THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND IF IT WAS NOT ABLE TO DO SO, IT WAS FOR THE OBSTRUCTION OF COUNTRIES FINDING ANY KIND OF JUSTIFICATION TO SLOW THE PROCESSUS OR WHICH WANTED TAKE TIME TO HELP ALLIES OR VARIOUS KIND OF PERSONAL INTEREST.

Now, returning on the Noumonde topic, we could not accept any form of negotiation until also only one Malgy have not the same rights of any other citizens of Noumone. This was a point for us foundamental, but we accepted to give a possibility to an illegal government to negotiate. I think that the international community gave all the time and the space possible to the regime of Blanchard to adopt solutions to solve the crisis but, any kind of solution proposed by this regime has been a way to make fun of this organization, of millions of Malgy and all the international community.

Did you notice the last "solution" proposed by Blanchard, Ambassador Concordia? The creation of a Malgyland in Valruzia. But... how Selucia dares only give a 1 cm of space to this racist idiots?
Did you see all the other proposals made by this regime? And did you consider it acceptable? I don't think! I want not believe it!

There ware no space of dialogue on one points: we would have not wait 400 years, not 375 years, not 100, not 50, not 10 years but we demanded right now, immediatly, equal and fair legal status for the Malgy.
How Selucia and its Government could every night go to sleep thinking that millions of people still were considered and treated like subhumans? How Ambassador? How Selucia dares to not think to these people?
Did you talk about the sufference of the civilians, right? Well... Mr Ambassador, you "line of action" would have left millions of Malgy to continue to suffer for years! Not for the bombs, but still for the regime, a regime led by a ethnicity with which it is futile use your ridicolous "cultural relativism": they are Canrillaise, the same civilization and the same culture of those that first of all rejected their regime!
Don't dare to come here talking about "their culture", "their social system", and so on! The true, the only reality we see it's a bounch of white people that enrich themself exploiting the millions of Malgys and that were trying in any way to maintain intact this unfair and inqual social, political and economical system, a system that they know very well it was unfair and favorable only for them and just for this reason they would have never proposed a solution that could satisfy our demand or those of the Malgy. It is mathematic, and if someone here believed that there was such a possibility, well... sorry but you were in the word of the dreams.
And your current government, Ambassador Concordia, so close to the cause of the workers and of the most weak of the society, with your... communist tendencies...

[[disgusted expression]]

well... how you dare to continue to see these people exploited by that corrupt Canrillaise minority? How only to immagine to deal with people that as only objective had the maintainment of their dominion on the Malgys?

Do you know of reports about Sex Turism in Noumonde? Do you known that exist a lot of brothels owned by Canrillaise that exploit, almost like slave, thousands and thousands of Malgys and that these Canrillaises have all the legal protection to continue to exploit such activities? Do you know this? We would not have accepted to continue to sleep in our safe beds for other days, months, years, knowing that any kind of negotiation with such regime would have been a waste of time and would have been just a way to take time and continue to gain thorugh abuse and on the skin of millions of Malgy.
They had a condition to which comply first of all: equal rights. They respected it? No, well... they infringed the International Law about the Human Rights, so, they had no right to appeal the International Law to defend their right to the National Sovereignty.
Or you respect all the International Law, or you pay the conseguences as a criminal that you are!

Now, we will impose this and we will impose them to respect it. They forced us to do so. But, now we have to deal also with the Malgys to whom we cannot simply give the reins of Noumonde.

Due to the ethnic, social and economic situation in noumonde, any kind of Democracy should be... very rigid and should graant something to the Canrillaise minority so that it will have tools to protect them from the possibility of a dictature of the majority of the Malgys.
We are disponible, in fact, to let the Canrillaise Royal Dynasty on the Throne of Noumonde, probably we need to change King and give space to a new generation, maybe we should also put a veto on the current heir to the throne. The King should have the right to present something like a Veto but with a precise set of conditions which must clarify when the King has the right to apply such Veto (obviously on ethnic affairs first of all). A Veto which, however, shall be approved or rejected by a Supreme Court, formed of equal number of Malgys and Canrillais judges, withing... 6 months maybe.

Furthermore, the Parliament shall recognize a qualified number of seats to be reserved for the Canrillaise minority, the President of the Parliament shall have a Canrillaise Vice-President (or viceversa, a Malgy Vice-President in case the President is Canrillaise, but we consider this as unlikely).
The Government and the Cabinet also should work on this system, with a Canrillaise Vice-Head of Government and at least one fourth of the Ministry assigned to Canrillaise.

Finally, Istalia think, however, that for a period of at least 20 years the country should be first of all administrated by a Mandate of the World Congress which will have to develop progressively the new political system, which will have to put in place the Land Reform proposed by the Selucians and that should work first of all on a re-education program for all Noumonde.

I think that all these are proposals that someone could consider also too much excessively favorable for the Canrillaise, but, as said many times, we don't persue and we don't sponsorize form of vengeance or persecution against the minority once at the power.
Of course, demand to the Canrillaise to leave Noumonde it is not a solution. Despite all the debate on the Colonial period, today this is the reality and both the ethnicities have the right to continue to live in Noumonde without abuses or fear.

But now, the Military have to totally sourrender, all the armaments shall be put under the control of the Federal Forces. We ask also that the rebelling Malgy groups give their armaments to the Federal Forces.

We have exposed our thought and our proposals.

Now, to you collegues.

We have to add just one thing: Congratulation to the Canrillaise Federation and to Valruzia and we can say that the time of the liberation for the Malgy is finally come! Now, today!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Polites » Thu Sep 27, 2018 11:37 am

Naenia Concordia, Selucian ambassador to the World Congress:

We will ignore the Istalian representative's outbursts and baseless accusations, except to say this: rights are socially constructed and do not exist in a vacuum, but rather require a political community within which they can be enforced. Rights are not granted or recognized, they are created through the praxis of citizens who insist on these rights and are prepared to back them through political means. Domestic political freedom cannot exist without international self-determination, and domestic legitimacy is not the same as international legitimacy. To conflate the two is to commit a category error. The sovereign nation state is the only arena we have available where democratic self-government can be achieved. A state is self-determining even if its citizens fail to establish free institutions, but it has been deprived of self-determination if these institutions are imposed by foreign powers. A people can only become free through its own efforts, just as an individual must cultivate her own virtue. They cannot be set free by an external force. National sovereignty is a people's right to become free through their own efforts, and non-intervention and respect for national sovereignty, even for dictatorships, guarantees that a people's struggle for freedom will not be impeded or its failure prevented by the intrusions of an external power. Reckless intervention is harmful not only because it fails on its own terms, as it almost always fails to deliver democracy and rights, but it is also normatively wrong. The freedom of a community can only be gained by members of that community themselves. Which is why we find that the Canrillaise intervention in Noumonde sets a new and potentially devastating precedent. Tyranny is not good grounds for intervention, and even if it were, intervention threatens to make matters worse. If Noumonde can be invaded, without serious consideration of other options, for the mere fact that it is not democratic, then every other non-democratic nation can be freely invaded at any point. If we can invade Noumonde with the express purpose of installing democracy, then why not invade Deltaria, or Kalopia, or Narikaton? Why stop at one small Third World nation when there are countless larger dictatorships we can bring down with the force of arms and spread the message of democracy with our bombs?

Regardless, what is done is done. We hope this failure will remain confined to this one case and trigger-happy warmongers will be more restrained in the future. Now we face the hard task of reconstructing Noumonde and making sure it does not fall back into chaos or tyranny. On this, we largely support the Istalian proposals. A World Congress peacekeeping force should be immediately established and take over the civilian and political administration of Noumonde, empowered to deliver extensive redistribution and establish self-governance institutions from the ground up. Enduring democracy is an organic creation emerging from the bottom up, so we suggest that small towns and cities and villages be allowed to implement autonomous self-governance structures. At the same time we must make sure that a peace settlement does not become a humiliation ceremony for the elites of the previous regime, nor an opportunity for vengeance for its opposition. We will strongly oppose establishing a war crimes trial to administer victor's justice to the scapegoats, and instead we propose the establishment of a truth and reconciliation commission, empowered to bring to light abuses committed by the previous regime, non-state actors, and intervention forces, allowing for the integrative shaming of wrongdoers and replacing domestic politics of ethnic division with a domestic politics of unity. The truth and reconciliation commission should also be empowered to grant amnesties, so long as those that benefit from amnesties are willing to show public remorse and commit to repairing some of the harm they have caused. A commission that grants amnesties along these terms may not offer equal punishment for equal wrongs, but it will persuade elites to accept a peace deal that will not lead to their punishment while providing justice to the victims. Equally important is to force the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of all armed factions in Noumonde and grant the World Congress peacekeeping force the monopoly of violence. And lastly, electoral democracy at the national level must be implemented gradually, only after a firm establishment of good governance and a separation of powers; otherwise electoral competition will widen cleavages and political parties will enroll violent groups to intimidate voters and opponents.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:41 pm

Daniel Durand, Canrille Ambassador to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Gentlemen, we must demonstrate calm concerning this matter. This is not a complicated procedure in the general scheme of things and as such does not require such vitriolic debating.
The Federal Armed Forces of Canrille are currently the sole force within Noumonde with a monopoly on violence, excluding minor bands of Malgy insurgents. The Noumonde Armed Forces have been disarmed and are currently relegated to their bunkers for the process of reintegration into a new armed force. I genuinely can't think of a more perfect situation in which we could find ourselves. The implementation of a World Congress Peacekeeping Force, including both local forces and Security Council members, would effectively maintain peace throughout the democratic transition. Reconciliation has to be the most prominent force in these processes. Hence Federal President Chéron intends to travel to Noumonde to enter negotiations with leaders of the Nationalist Party and the Malgy Liberation Front in order to organize the move towards peaceful coexistence between the two groups.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aquinas » Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:48 pm

Éléonore Gérin-Lajoie, Secretary of Action Canrillaise International

Fellow delegates,

I respectfully propose the General Assembly holds 2 minutes silence in honour of Noumonde's fallen hero and martyr, General Remy Blanchard, who died defending his country from foreign oppression and tyranny.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:52 pm

Message from the Istalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

What is done, is done. This is true and we have to go ahead. About the all the other dictatures all around the world... well... we would have an idea on how to solve such a problem...

As you can see, Istalia has not a compulsory obsession to establish liberal "istalian" democracy all over the world, also if we are MORE THAN SURE that it would be really a BETTER, WELL ORDERED AND HEALTHY WORLD, a World of facts, not sterile negotiations to give the opportunity to all these dictators and rougue regimes to make fun of the international comunity. You know... the only thing that such people understand is the iron fist, the same that they use against the millions of innocent people that daily have to live in the fear of the repression, the persecution, of the extermination. We don't think that it would be so terrible if also those that abuse daily of their power have to live in the terror of a superior force and authority ready to make fall on them the spotless cleaver of the Justice.

You are talking of what? We don't want even to know about you are talking about, and we don't want even know what push you to push this agenda based on... what? A sterile principle already dying in this globalized and interconnected world? No, we don't even want to know what there is behind this cold insensibility towards millions of Malgy and your stubborness about "national sovereignty", "national sovereignty"... "we have to defend the National Sovereignty"... with what kind of objectives? Fear of a "precedent"?

(laughs from the Istalian delagation)

Or maybe the Republicans, years after years even more criticized for their authoritarian and obscurantistic policies at home maybe fear that one day someone could intervene to put an end to a possible... Republican Nightmere in Selucia?

(mocking grin)

But probably we are talking about fanta-politics... and we really hope that this will always remain into the field of the fanta-politics.
To retourn on the topic, as said, we don't even want to know what pushes you in doesn't recognize the value of the Human Rights, but, what is sure it's that we are talking about of the most simple and the most important thing here: FAIR AND EQUAL JUSTICE.
Human Rights are something related to the Justice, we are talking about Rights in fact. The right to live a life without fear. A right that it's recognized in Selucia as well as in Istalia and that SHALL BE RECOGNIZED TO EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEINGS ON THIS PLANET. The political, social or economical system? We don't care of it, what we want is justice, freedom to express a thought without repercussion, freedom to express themself freely without repercussions. The only limit is one and only one: YOUR FREEDOM SHALL NOT LIMIT THE FREEDOM OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEINGS. It is a so simple concept...

We have to evolve and go ahead and overcome the diplomacy of the Realms and of the Dynasty! We overcomed this conception of the diplomacy already since the first Declaration of Human Rights was established! It was not the Declaration of the Istalian Human Rights, or of the Selucian Human Rights or of the Dundorfian Human Rights, it was of ALL THE WHOLE HUMANITY. Every single nation of this world, today, in this era, is and shall be responsable towards all the Humanity!

The Selucian approach is good only for one thing: waiting for another genocide or another aparthaid regime. Waiting for another suprematist Hulstria, for another slaver Saridan, for another one-party Deltaria. How many death these regime caused compared to the victime of a war against them? Do you known that in Hulstria the victime of the regime were four or five time more than the victime of the war itself? Do you know how many Goa-Showans died under the claws of the Hulstrian Regime? Reduced to mouse-pigs (OOC: guinea-pig) and forced to support any kind of inhumane abuse and used by the Hulstrian Regime to develop biological weapons. And I'm not talking about the thousands and thousands let to died infected by the Wolfesheim plague. And what we were doing at the time? We were hearing the lies and the ridicolous proposals of the regime that was trying to take time to find new tools to maintaint their power. If Hulstria was immediatly crushed like we did with Noumonde, today hundreds of thousands of Gao-Showans could be saved and today their children could partecipate in the democracy that Hulstria and Gao Soto is today.
Always talking about Dialogue? What kind of response do you believe to have if you demand to a dictator to recognize freedom and rights to the citizens of his state? We are more than pride for our support to the Federation and Valruzia and to have in someway contributed to free TODAY, NOW, the Malgys in Noumonde. We acted pushed by the need of JUSTICE for that people. You acted for what? To maintain in force a diplomatic approach that, ALL THE SINGLE TIME, produced the same results: a failure in negotiation started already has a joke, more wasted time during which the regime or dictator of the moment were able to persue further crimes and finally a nation freed with the force of the army!

We are convinced of this: no all the war are illegal or unrightfull! Indeed, commit themself in something like a war not fighting for you but to save another human beings, we think that this is the most honorable and the only veritable RIGHT WAR that we can persue.
We started a conquest war? An expansionistic war? We were searching to gain raw materials or to subjugate this or that economy or to persue our agenda and our interests? NOT AT ALL! Do you want call this "imperialism"? Ok, let call it imperialism of enlightment, imperialism of the reason, imperialism of the Rights, imperialism of the Humanity... imperialism of dignity... call it how do you want, but the history will remember who, vested of the most honorable and right motivations had the courage to fight, today, now, not another day, the abuses of this world and to SAVE millions of people!

The industries and the homes can be rebuilt, the infrastructures and the economies as well, the human loss? Enemy of the Liberty and Marthyr of the Liberty, the liberty of an entire people, the assurance of a veritable and dignitous life for millions. A dignitous life without fear. What are we asking of so terrible?

Absolutely nothing else if not this: let every human beings of this world beginning everyday without fear to express themself!
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:54 pm

Aquinas wrote:Éléonore Gérin-Lajoie, Secretary of Action Canrillaise International

Fellow delegates,

I respectfully propose the General Assembly holds 2 minutes silence in honour of Noumonde's fallen hero and martyr, General Remy Blanchard, who died defending his country from foreign oppression and tyranny.

Istalian Delegation left the General Assembly but not before to have, instead, opened a bottle of champagne to commomerate the fall of the Dictator Blanchard.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby cm9777 » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:22 pm

Deltarian Delegation observes the 2 minute silence

Deltarian Delegate Erik Zima speaks on the assembly floor
The Deltarian Delegation mourns the loss of General Blanchard, a man trying to govern his country but was killed by foreign imperialists. With the foundation of the consortium pact, may other endangered nations join hands with us and ensure this great crime against national sovereignty and humanity never be repeated again
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