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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Wed Oct 03, 2018 5:55 pm

Domestic Terrorism Overshadows Election Results

Above: The Bhadhaya Building was deliberately set on fire in the culmination of a series of covert terrorist acts.

Karam Vaknis was re-elected as the President of the Confederated League of Vascania, but his and his socialist party's electoral success has been overshadowed by monarchist terrorist incidents occurring in the Bhapor region of Kalkalistan. While Vaknis celebrated a 123-of-200 seat victory nationally and a litany of more regional victories - as well as Vakni's reelection to the presidency - the nation has had to mourn the deaths of upwards of 200 people in a series of religiously and politically motivated attacks by so-called "Disciples of the Empress (DotE)". The small group of radical traditionalists believe that the extremely feared and vicious Lakshmi "the Black", Vascania's most wanted criminal, who was responsible for the human rights abuses and war crimes of the pro-Imperial forces in the Vascania War, is in fact a personification of the Gods' rage come to return the world to the old ways.

The Empress' followers believe that the wicked and cruel actions of Lakshmi were done out of necessity for her - the perceived Avatar of the archetypal Death Goddess - to achieve victory in her holy crusade against western imperialism. She, in their minds, is fighting to bring the people of Dovani back to their old gods and to end the scourge of western influence on the continent. They have so far set on fire the famous Bhadhaya Building in Bhapor City, killing 87 people, and committed many random 'sacrifices', totalling over one hundred total victims so far from said activities. Other extra-judicial killings of those considered sinful have also occurred, though these were less sacrifices and more acts of vengeance in the name of the Empress. Authorities within the nation continue to try to crack down on the extremists, but with growing admiration of Lakshmi as a protector of the old ways in Vascania and now in Noumonde among the Malgy people, there are concerns she could actually take on the title of Queen of the Malgy and then wage wars of terror across the continent with her followers at her side.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:39 pm

Tambethra Dyshini's Daughter Elected New Leader Of Republican Alliance, Announced Presidential Bid

Tambethra Dyshini, the former head of the World Congress, has passed on her political legacy to Tambethra Asharika, her daughter. Tambethra Asharika recently won a ballot to elect the next leader of the centre-right Republican Alliance, who has been out of power since the creation of the Confederated League of Vascania and has never won a presidential race. It only held power for the first parliamentary term, but now has lost support everywhere even in its heartlands of northern Vanakalam and southern Kalkalistan. Tambethra is probably the most reputable and well-known candidate they've yet to put up as their leader, and the recognition of the political dynasty "Tambethra" carries significant weight on the ballot papers and in the polls. Already, the RA and its allies have jumped from 31% in the polls to a whopping 51%, a massive increase that puts them for the first time in decades ahead of the left.

Asharika has announced that she will be running for President against incumbent Karam Vaknis who will be seeking yet another term, his third in total. 69-year-old Karam and 42-year-old Tambethra are probably as far apart as you can get in the society of Vanakalam. One born into a wealthy family of political significance and one growing up as a peasant farmer and a war veteran. However, Karam's inspiring and brave backstory will have to go up against a great amount of charisma and a lot of big ideas. For example, Tambethra has really tapped into the religious and traditional roots of many of the left's supporters, who are left mainly on economic issues. Knowing that she cannot win the fight on liberal economics alone, which has usually been the Tambethra playbook, she has now taken to praying openly and even entertaining ideas of a monarchy. How this refutation of her family's traditionally socially liberal ideology is yet to be seen in government, but perhaps it will be soon.
Last edited by Pragma on Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:17 am

Tambethra Asharika Wins Landslide Victory On Promises Of Religious Revival And Theocratic Monarchy

Above: Tambethra Asharika.

Tambethra Asharika won the largest margin in the history of the Confederated League of Vascania, winning 72% of the vote as her right-wing alliance took two-thirds-majorities in both devolved and the unitary legislatures. All but three of the nation's dozens of governorships and 60% of the local governments also went to the right in what has been dubbed the "Blue Ambush", after the blue colour scheme of Tambethra Asharika's Vascanian Alliance party. The victory itself was predicted, but the average of polls has shown Asharika at around 55%, not at over seven-in-ten votes. The Vascanian Alliance - a merger of the two former right-wing parties - was predicted to be looking at a slim majority; in what turned out to be yet another wrong assumption.

This victory will mean that the Vascanian Alliance will have free reign to institute major constitutional and social reforms. While the right has failed to take government since the creation of the CLV, by appealing to the population's very traditionalist social politics she created a winning alliance. Among her promises were to make the nation (which is officially secular) officially subject to the laws of the predominant faith of the land in modern times. Over centuries, the predominant faiths - of: Daenism, both Mazdâyanâ and Upayanâ; Geraja; Eastern Hosianism - have generally merged into one belief system called "Sundarata", a spin-off of mainstream Geraja. Worshipped by 70% of the country, Sundarata contains lifestyle teachings of Daenism while preserving the deistic and mythological beliefs of the Geraja faith. Also mixed in are teachings of Eliyahu and some of the practices of Charismatic Hosianism.

This creole religion dwarfs the other religious groups: other Geraja at 17%, pure Daenism at 8%, pure Hosianism at 3%, Ahmadism at 1% and other/atheism at 1% also. This means that there is very strong support for changing the country's constitution in a way that advantages this predominant religion, in a move that is also acceptable to those 28% who have purer strains of the religions inputted into Sundarata. The High Priest of the Sundarata faith, Jadoge Gurupitu, has welcomed the move as a "correct manifestation of the will of the heavens". Alongside this proposal, Asharika had announced that if elected she would push for the creation of a Monarch selected by the Sundarata church so as to formally and forever unite the nation under the reign of faith. This move, however, is more controversial and will require a lot of unity among the VA to institute.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:06 pm

Long Live Emperor Satyaketu!
Vascania Selects First Emperor, Vascanian Alliance Wins Landslide

After years of careful planning, the Church of Sundarata - the national religion of Vascania, mixing Daenism, Geraja and Hosianism - internally selected the first Emperor of Vascania. Emperor Satyaketu can trace his ancestry to the head general of the Kalkalistani rebellion in the south, national hero Prince Tarun of Vatavana, and to President Takarana Sagana - first leader of the united Vascanian nation. He has relations to the Tambethra, Takarana and numerous Kalkalistani princely families and so became the unity candidate among the priesthood. He has lived his life so far on a relatively low key wavelength considering his aristocratic pedigree, but he has lived much of his life contributing to charitable causes alongside the Sundarata church. He is extremely popular, despite having low name recognition before his selection, and has promised to marry soon. His children will not necessarily get the throne if one more pious appears.

On the front of the election in the newly reformed 350-seat unitary assembly, Tambethra Asharika's Vascanian Alliance won 278 seats - the left and centre parties between them won just 71 seats and there was one independent. T. Asharika herself won 79% of the vote in the election for His Majesty's Premier, beating two other candidates in the first round. Devolved governments across the nation retained right-wing majorities, though some ground was lost in northern Kalkalistan and southern Vanakalam. Over two-thirds of the nation's state assemblies and governorships went to the right too. Mayoralties in Sangora, Bhapor and Kamalata stayed in the Alliance's column, however the left was able to net its biggest prize of the night by winning the position of Mayor in the nation's capital and largest city, Thikkonagama - in Vanakalam - with energetic young candidate Pramatha Ajnati who is only 29.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Tue Nov 20, 2018 7:30 pm


Election '89: A Preview
January 4488

Left: Union candidate Amandara Adwani.
Right: Alliance candidate Samarpreet Bedi.

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - Election '89 promises to be a change election, regardless of the result. With incumbent Governor-General Tambethra Asharika not going for a fifth term due to advancing age, the election is clearly between two very different candidates. In Vascania, elections are now held every 5 years after a change in the constitution several years ago. The two main factions fighting it out are the leftist Union and conservative Alliance, which are made up of smaller, more diverse parties. There are 500 seats in the unitary parliament up for grabs, with 200 in the assemblies of Vanakalam and Kalkalistan. Thousands of local, municipal, state and regional officials will also be elected - with 334 million eligible voters. Voter turnout in Vascania tends to be between 65% and 80%.

Most interesting of the races is for the position of Governor-General. The leftist Union has selected Amandara Adwani of Kayal, Kalkalistan, to go up against the Alliance's candidate - Samarpreet Bedi of Ananti Pradesh, Kalkalistan. This will mark the first election in the history of the united Vascania that both major candidates will be from Kalkalistan, with the incumbent T. Asharika originating from Vanakalam. Adwani hopes to unite a coalition of young people, first-time voters, the urban working class and unmarried women to overcome the 35 million gap in party registration. Bedi seeks to hold onto the party's existing mix of religious Vascanians, ardent monarchists, the rural poor, farmers, suburban parents and the wealthy. Due to the massive size of Vascania, these necessary winning combinations are equally as fragile and complex. Adwani's coalition is smaller, but polls suggest she has been doing a better job of holding hers together than Bedi.

The current Governor-General is widely popular, and has been seen as a competent leader of the country and its economy. However, Bedi has made a number of disparaging comments about women, saying they have no place in leading businesses and condemned some women for having better-payed jobs than their husbands. He has refused to apologise, which has taken him from a 30% lead to a 5% one. As stated, suburban women and the many religious women of the Empire are very important to the Alliance keeping its long-standing streak in government. While Bedi has been hammering home conservative social positions, Adwani has been talking economics and policing. She proposes increasing taxes on big businesses, and increasing inheritance tax. She's also for criminal justice reform and for abolishing the death penalty. Whether Adwani can overcome a massive disadvantage in the electoral fundamentals is yet to be seen.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: வஸகானா செய்திகள் / वास्काना समाचार (Vascania News)

Postby Pragma » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:33 pm


Adwani Wins Upset Victory

Above: Governor-General to His Majesty, Amandara Adwani.

Thikkonagama, Vanakalam - Few expected the centre-left candidate of the failing 'Union' alliance of parties to defeat her opponent, of the popular governing party. Amandara Adwani was selected as an experienced member of the shadow cabinet, on a number of key committees, who was seen as perhaps a face-saver who could focus on upholding national and state infrastructure. In the minds of pundits and political analysts, nobody would be popular enough to overcome the hand-picked successor of Tambethra Asharika - an incumbent with an approval rating in the high 60s. Polls showed her behind consistently behind by double-digits, all the way up until Bedi's fateful comments about women's roles in the economy and state religion. What came next was a major upset.

Adwani trounced Bedi by a 10-point-margin. She won 148.4 million votes to Bedi's 120.5 million, with turnout over 80%. This means Adwani has probably received the most votes of any one person in modern history. Exit polls showed a 5-point advantage for Adwani, which was far beyond the polling average of Bedi +5%. Now, Adwani has committed to cracking down on the fraud and tax evasion of the nation's rapidly growing economy. Under her government, she plans to reform the inheritance and corporate tax rates to increase revenue to pay for investments in judicial, infrastructural and educational initiatives. Bedi conceded, invoking the spirit of national hero Takarana Sagana as he swore to respect the election's results. In the parliament, Adwani's party captured a very slim majority, and her and the new PM will soon be visiting the palace to be confirmed.
Last edited by Pragma on Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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