
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:15 am


Kigami, August 2823 - Nora Karuso is Indrala's new president. Karuso defeated incumbent president Sin-Chu Lee, who was aiming for a re-ekection. She won the presidential elections Karuso with 50,29% in the first round, so there was no need for a second voting round. With Karuso Indrala now have a female president after more then a century. Ona Menzies was the last woman to be elected president, in 2701. Karuso was already named new president long before the elections. She was very popular, especially among the low-class Indralans. She became the second president from the Nationalista Party, after Diosdado Hortal, who was president from 2808-2812 and 2816-2819.

Nora Karuso after her historical election victory

The parliamentary elections weren't very exciting: Karuso's party, the Nationalista Party, gained a slightly increase in seats. They've won 7 seats, giving them a total of 371 seats in the National Assembly. The LAN Party lost 34 seats. The Liberal Democrats, who had known huge losses in the recent years, have won 27 seats this round, but they remain the smallest party. So nothing much changed in the National Assembly.


The relatively peaceful manner by which Karuso assumed the presidency won her widespread international acclaim as an icon of democracy. She was selected as Indralan Daily's Woman of the Year in 2822. Karuso's comment and critisism on the Hortál presidency made her popular among the other party's. In her innaugural speech, she promised more jobs, less poverty and an immediate action against corruption, which still is very high in Indrala.
Last edited by Duke on Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:04 pm


Dangalesh, October 2824

A leak at a factory near Dangalesh, in the province of Luratha, has caused thousands of litres of poisonous chemicals to be released into an important river. Environmentalists predict that the aquatic life in the river will be wiped out and it will take years to recover. The company responsible, TPW Inc., is a major member in the aerospace sector of Indrala and there are worries that a similar incident could happen in their other plants that exist throughout Indrala. The company has refused to comment on the issue.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:10 pm


Qombai, 30 July 2829 - At least 12 people were killed and dozens injured when a powerful car bomb exploded outside an office centre just in front of the Qombai police station, in the busy centre of Qombai, as commuters arrived for work today, officials said. At least 44 people were wounded in the attack, said Health Ministry spokeswoman Alisa Rao.


The blast hit shortly after 8.30am, just as residents were arriving for work. It shattered glass and rattled buildings more than a mile away. A huge black plume of smoke was visible in the air as ambulances raced to the scene and carried away the wounded.

"I believe the suicide bomb was directed at the embassy since the suicide bomber came up to the outer perimeter wall of the police station in a car loaded with explosives," Ms Rao told reporters. She said the intensity of the blast was similar to the one that occurred outside the Hulstrian embassy in Kigami in September, 2827 which killed also dozens of civilians. The explosion hit a few days after the Indralan police arrested 12 islamic terrorists. According to the government, this was a planned "counter attack" from the maoist in response of the arrests.

The cities in central Indrala, especially in Luratha, has been hit numerous times by suicide bombers and roadside bombs. The attacks usually target government installations, but Indralan businesses and civilians are also often killed or injured.
Last edited by Duke on Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:35 pm


Kigami, 22 August 2829 - Klaus Merkel, a journalist from the Greater Hulstrian Chronicle, was believed to have been abducted by members of the islamic militant group ILAI, officials said Tuesday. Masked gunmen have kidnapped the Hulstrian reporter from his hire car near the city of Shui in central Indrala, according to Indralan police.

Four gunmen are believed to have followed Klaus Merkel from his office in the city to his apartment, when he was intercepted on Sunday by armed men just outside Shui, a city in the west central highlands where ILAI, the Islamic Liberation Army of Indrala , is known to operate, the police said. ILAI is fighting for a separate Muslim state in the central area of Indrala. Mr Merkel's vehicle and his business card were found nearby. Albrecht König, the Hulstrian Chronicle 's bureau chief in Kigami said they had lost contact with Merkel but could not confirm he had been kidnapped.

ILAI is notorious for its kidnap-for-ransom activities and has victimized not only Indralans but also foreigners. The militants have been blamed for several major terrorist attacks across Indrala in recent decades and are the target of a sustained military campaign being supported by the Hulstrians. Although Hulstria and Indrala officials say this campaign has considerably weakened the group during the past ten years, analysts say the militants remain a high security threat.

The suspected abduction once again highlighted the security problems in Indrala. Mallorie Aureon, a spokesperson for President Nora Karuso, said the kidnapping could raise questions about the authorities’ control of the security situation. She said the president had already ordered the police force to do its best to find the abductees. Karuso, who is aiming for a second re-election in 2831, is very popular, but her popularity is declining over the recent years after many terrorist attacks and kidnappings by the muslim rebellions. Many politicians, even within her own Nationalista Party, are questioning Karuso's authority and power to fight the terrorists. Many consider her as a weak leader in this situation.

The Indralan News Network and the Greater Hulstrian Chronicle, in a short statement on Tuesday, confirmed that its crew was missing but stopped short of calling it a kidnapping. “All efforts are under way to find them and bring them home,” the network said.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:01 pm



On March 26, at approximately 9:30 a.m., a bomb exploded in front of a car dealership in northeastern Kigami. The explosion injured 56 people with 12 casualties. The Islamic liberation Army of Indrala (ILAI) separatist group reportedly called in a warning to the newspaper "Kigami Today" 45 minutes before the explosion, claiming responsibility for the attack. According to initial press reports, Indralan police cordoned off the area before the explosion but were unable to evacuate all of the dealership employees. Indralan news sources report that the explosives were contained in two backpacks that had been placed in a stolen vehicle at the scene. The bomb detonated near a gas station and a metro station entrance. Although the nation of Indrala has to deal with heavy terrorist attacks for over decades now, this is the first ILAI terrorist bombing in the Indralan capital.

The ILAI bombing comes just days after the Karuso government, with the backing of the other political parties, offered to open negotiations with ILAI if the group agreed to abandon the armed struggle. Since that March 20 announcement by the Government of Indrala, ILAI has executed a series of small bombings within the central region, widely regarded as being related to the "revolutionary tax" that it extorts from central businesses. However, this incident marks the first attack outside of the highlands since Karuso's overture.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Tue Oct 13, 2009 8:19 pm


Dark times for President Karuso, as her popularity is dropping dramatically

Kigami, April 2832 - With the recent terrorist attack of the ILAI in downtown Kigami, president Nora Karuso is facing another disaster in her reign. The seperatistic group ILAI, the Islamic Liberation Army of Indrala, is executing more and more terrorist attacks over the past few years. Many Indralans, even within her own government, had lost faith in the President. she is blaimed for not acting well against the terrorist, and for being a weak leader.

Although she was re-elected for a third term only one-and-a-half year ago, her popularity is now dropped to an all time low. in her early years, she was one of the most popular Indralan presidents in history, but today just 22,8% of the Indralans have faith in her. Nearly 78% of the Indralans had spoken out against their President. Worst of all: even her own party, the Nationalista Party, has giving up support for her. The majority of the NP members want her to step down. They want a new and stronger leader, who is able to deal with the ILAI and the terrorist attacks.

General Ran Pan, Army Chief of Staff, give up support to his President

General Ran Pan, Army Chief of Staff and a prominent member of the Nationalista Party, is blaiming Karuso for acting to slow and to weak towards the terrorist attacks. "She is a weak president. Her kindness and her naivity only makes this government talk, talk, talk with the terrorists, but doesn't make this government acting hard and effective. This seperatists don't want to talk, so why shall we talk? We must show those terrorist who is the boss in this country, by destroying them and by gaining full government control over the central regions again. Mrs. Karuso is deffinetly not the boss in this country, and she isn't able to regain full control on this regions. I rather see her go, then contineuing watching her make a fool out of herself!", Ran Pan said in a television interview earlier this week.

Indrala, a country with a long history of coups and army interuptions, is close to another military coup to overthrow the president. Ran Pan has already said that if Karuso doesn't take harsh measures soon, the army will depose her and take over the country's control themselve.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:46 am



KIGAMI, 4 January 2833 — In the dead of night and without firing a shot, Indrala's military overthrew popularly elected President Nora Karuso on Tuesday after mounting criticism that she did too less to stop the terrorist actions and the seperatism in the Central Highlands. The sudden, well-orchestrated coup — a throwback to an unsettled era in Indrala — was likely to spark both enthusiasm and criticism at home and abroad. The military said it would soon return power to a democratic government but did not say when.


Striking when Karuso returned to the Presidential Palace after meeting the National Assembly, army commander Gen. Bhumipol Ran Pan sent tanks and troops into the drizzly, nighttime streets of Kigami. The military ringed the Presidential Palace and Karuso's office, seized control of television stations and declared a provisional authority loyal to the army. President Karuso was put under house arrest later that night.

The first sign of the coup came when army-owned TV channel 6 interrupted regular broadcasts with patriotic music and showed pictures of general Ran Pan. The INN and IBC signals into indrala were cut off, preventing the networks from being seen, said Laurie Tiramusu, INN spokeswoman. Later, several hundred soldiers were deployed at government installations and major intersections in Kigami. The coup leaders declared martial law, revoked the constitution and ordered all troops not to leave duty stations without permission from their commanders. The stock exchange was to be closed Wednesday, along with schools, banks and government offices.

Across the capital, Indralans who trickled out onto barren streets welcomed the surprise turn of events as a necessary climax to months of demands for Karuso to act and reduce the worsening Muslim insurgency in the central regions. Many people were surprised, but few in Kigami seemed disappointed. The bloodless coup was the first overt military intervention in the Indralan political scene since 2800.
Last edited by Duke on Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:46 am



KIGAMI, 5 January 2833 - General Ran Pan will serve as acting President, army spokesman Col. Akarat Sitkah said. Ironical is that Ran Pan, well-regarded within the military, is also a well-known member of the Nationalista Party, the party of the deposed President Karuso. Ran Pan will be interim-president until there will be new elections. When these elections will occure, is not yet decided.

Ran Pan, 43, was selected two years ago to head the army partly because it was felt he could better deal with a Muslim insurgency in central Indrala, where 2,700 people have been killed since 2825. Recently, Ran Pan urged a hard-fisted approach with the separatists in contrast to Karuso's weak policy of negotiations. Many analysts have said that with Karuso in power, peace in the central regions was unlikely.

Government spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee, who was with Karuso, said the coup leaders "cannot succeed" and was confident they would fail "because democracy in Indrala has developed to some ... measure of maturity." However, Ran Pan's troops appeared to be in full control and clearly enjoyed the support of many Indralans.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:41 am



Kigami, 21 July 2833 - Amidst the rising wave of lawlessness and the threat of a Muslim and maoist insurgency, President Ran Pan declared martial law, by virtue of Proclamation No. 86. This was brought to public in a two hour during INN television appearance of the President in the early evening of 21 July. Ran Pan, ruling by decree, curtailed press freedom and other civil liberties, closed down the National Assembly and media establishments, and ordered the arrest of opposition leaders and militant activists.


Listed below are the general orders promulgated by President Ran Pan following the declaration of martial law:

General Order No. 1 – The President directed the Secretary of National Defense to arrest or cause the arrest and take into his custody the individuals named in the attached list and to hold them until otherwise so ordered by the President or by his duly designated representative, as well as to arrest or cause the arrest and take into his custody and to hold them otherwise ordered released by him or by his duly authorized representative such persons who may have committed crimes described in the Order.

General Order No.2 – The President ordered that all executive departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the National Government, government owned or controlled corporations, as well all governments of all the provinces, cities, municipalities and barrios should continue to function under their present officers and employees, until otherwise ordered by the President or by his duly designated representatives. The President further ordered that the Judiciary should continue to function in accordance with its present organization and personnel, and should try to decide in accordance with existing laws all criminal and civil cases, except certain cases enumerated in the Order.

General Order No. 3 – The President ordered that a curfew be maintained and enforced throughout Indrala from twelve o’clock midnight until four o’clock in the morning.

General Order No. 4 – All rallies, demonstrations and other forms of group actions including strikes and picketing in vital industries such as in companies engaged in manufacture or processing as well as in production or processing of essential commodities or products for exports, and in companies engaged in banking of any kind, as well as in hospitals and in schools and colleges are prohibited.

General Order No. 5 – No person shall keep, possess or carry outside of his residence any firearm unless such person is duly authorized to keep, possess or carry any such Indralans except to those who are being sent abroad in the service of the Indralans.
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Re: Indralan News Network

Postby Duke » Sat Oct 17, 2009 2:55 pm


The Ran Pan administration established special military courts that had the power to impose death penalties against suspected guerrillas. Reza Barangha, one of the leaders of the ILAI, was arrested on 28 November 2833 and executed in a military camp near Dangalesh on 28 December, in a "military ceremony" presided by Minister of Defense General Takiro Chulalongkorn. Between December 2833 and January 2834, a total of 8,000 Muslim and Maoist "extremists" were arrested. In late January and early february 2834, some 2,000 of these prisoners were executed, as they formed a "threath to the security and freedom of Indrala", according to government officials.

Indrala is still under Martial Law, which was installed in July 2833. According to the military regime's spokesmen, there will be no elections untill "the safety in Indrala is guaranteed" and "the Muslims and leftist extremist "have given up their agressive and ridiculous struggle".
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