Kizenia and New Endralon

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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:16 pm


The government advances the destruction of public services


While in Camera Unită to Deputaţilor reigns the silence, doubts and complaints are increasingly strong in society. The government bills on the closure of hospitals, universities, primary schools, museums and the entire public system, generate heaviness and bewilderment.

Several human rights organizations have condemned the situation. In, IAER, for example, released a statement
"It is worrying to know what will happen in situations that the market can not, do not want or even have the opportunity to absover their new users. There are many schools or hospitals that are not profitable due to geographical circumstances. However, its inhabitants are users of the public system and have the right to continue preferring it. Before the last reform, the system was private and the state subsidized users who can not access. Today, it is more extreme, the private system will not be able to absorb many users "

Public employee associations are even more concerned. The closure and liquidation of the entire system would leave hundreds of thousands of new unemployed. The lack of response and explanation from the government does not convince those who have an employment contract. Some unions calculate that severance payments are billionaires and exceed the total budget of the government.

The closings or liquidations of agencies reach the military level. Kizaki Military, the public company dedicated to the production of capital ships and high technology, will close its doors. The government has not yet declared what will happen with military project 2-3, which included the development and production of two aircraft carriers (with approved budget) and three amphibious assault ships in 10 years, aircraft and supplies in partnership with private companies.

According to the military analysts consulted, private investors will not be able to take over the project. "The cost of the company itself is already intimidating (the initial capital stock was 10 billions), plus many employees are military service or retirees." declares a military adviser. "The projects are ambitious but require many billions" he added. With this panorama, the modernization of the armed forces must be postponed.

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Euphoria in the markets after the announcement about closing hospitals

Analysts expect increases of 50% in university tuition fees

"Educating children at home" The alternative for low-income families due to the closure of schools
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:36 pm


The new deputați of LeE, Militarist and nationalist


The name of Pálffi Marton was very little known in Camera Unită a Deputaților a few weeks ago. However, this retired general achieved not only a seat in the last elections. Also, he managed to make a name for himself thanks to his militaristic and aggressive proposals.

Until last year, Pálffi Marton stood out in the academy, being a professor of goeopolitics in the Deltavaros school of government and economy. As a professor, he wrote two books on the subject defending "Hegemonic stability theory" or "Realist Theory" and critical of "Democratic peace theory" in international relations. His students remember his passionate lessons about sovereignty and independence.

Among the proposals that he presented as a deputy, is the "Civil Defense Act". A bill that establishes the construction of defense shelters across the nation. In addition, it gives the State the right to attack with weapons of mass destruction, i.e. nuclear, "for any reason"

"A State that limits itself with its own tools, is losing sovereignty" He said in defense of his bill in front of his Parlamentary Group. His interventions as an advisor led him to be the leader of the defense commission of Liberte et Igualite. His other bill, establishes the return of national military service in times of war. "The citizens of the country have the right to arm themselves to defend their own homeland" he said in the face of the astonished deputies of the ruling party and his own "troop". Even so, it does not seem to have the guaranteed votes.

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"Museum closings" seek private investors for the network of museums in the country.

The government defines the future of 3000 public schools in the country.

Private clinics are overcrowded while the government does not define the situation of public hospitals
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:45 pm


For The new finance minister the problem is the "capacity"


The young activist and businesswoman, Horváth Ildikó Olívia, surprised at a conference in her hometown, West Portul. In the Keris forum, series of conferences about economy and development, she expressed her ideas.

"We are one of the countries with the most individual freedoms on terra. However, today in this same republici (Tilarnia), there is unemployment close to two digits. It is the 3rd highest in Keris. Meanwhile, the Gini index is the most unequal of the entire continent. The problem does not arise from the absence of civil rights, it arises from the lack of a capacity to achieve effective rights. "

"Today in Tilarnia we can express ourselves freely, we can travel without barriers and we have more civil liberties than many countries in the world. In this republic the lowest incomes are perceived, in comparison to the whole confederation, thorught. "

"We must turn the page. We must advance on an agenda that prioritizes capacities, well-being and human development. Why does this inequality exist? Is it natural or a lack of opportunities? Is it a "lack of capacity" to "benefit from the opportunities"?   Is it a lack of capacity to achieve real and effective rights? What can a person do? What rights can a person access? What is a person capable of being or doing? Until today we measure the degree of satisfaction of people or the amount of resources they have to carry one type of life or another and now we must ask ourselves what these people are capable of doing or really being. Are people able to satisfy their needs? Those questions must answer policies in Tilarnia. "

"It is not about blaming people for their own situation, it is about visualizing what actions they achieve and what policy proposal can help them improve their situation of achieving rights."

Tonight, Horváth Ildikó Olívia accepted invitation of LeE to be the new finance minister.

Related News

The parliament approves the new cabinet.

Nobiliary titles, in the agenda of the government.

The government stop the closures and privatization of schools and hospitals
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:43 am


"Public schools generate capacities" The finance minister bets heavily on the budget


Surprise visit of finance ministers, Horváth Ildikó Olívia, and education, Borbás Keleman, to a primary school in a rural area of Tiania. The school, which was temporarily closed until finding an investor, was "taken over" by an NGO that operates it, with self-managed funds from the local government, businesses and the community.

The institution is attended by 20 students from the nearby town, and although the state tried to privatize it, it did not get a good offer because it was not considered "profitable". 80% of its students are Kizenians and the remaining 20% is mixed. The ministers toured the school with the few students and the 4 teachers / volunteers in charge of the entire organization.

In their tour, the ministers thanked the teachers for "their selfless work" for "a quality school" even in remote areas of the confederation. They warned that "without this NGO, the children would be in homeschooling or several hundred kilometers from their home." They took the case of the adolescents of the town who must reside in Săteni, the fourth largest city in the republici, "uprooted from their family at an early age".

Upon leaving, the finance minister said, "The public school teaches and accessing it is a right of children, many say that" the public system generates dependency. "Ok, do they expect children to pay for their own educational expenses? The right is not the father's, it's the child's. " Then, she added, "This right is one of the most basic, if children do not have access to the right, even though they have the right to vote, they will not be able to choose the best option.
   They will not be able to understand the information that surrounds them or generate knowledge.
This is what I want to say with ability. Our citizens have rights on paper. Right. Can they be able to exercise and achieve those rights? "

"We hope that with the approved budget can recover this and other schools, including urban, that not being" profitable "were marginalized in the system."

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The Freedom of the Press for international media Act, one step away from its promulgation.

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All ready for the great presentation of the new destroyers

Noble titles allowed, but not hereditary.

30% of people agree with the Democratic Workers' Councils and their support through subsidies according to a survey.

The Kizaki bank launches new line of credit for the purchase of homes with a fund of 100 billion NED at a soft rate

The defense ministry retires 5 military officers for being elected "corruptly"
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:54 pm


15 September 4472

Conference on Kizenian Genetics and History Organized at University of Cetatea Albă


Above: Kizenian bio-cultural anthropologist and geneticist Mircea Extremadreaptolescu, PhD., speaking at Universitatea din Cetatea Albă

A conference entitled "New Endralonians and Kizenians: Who Are We Really?" was held at the University of Cetatea Albă today. The keynote speaker was noted anthropologist Mircea Extremadreaptolescu, PhD., who spoke about the ethnic identity of the peoples of the Confederacy of New Endralon, Kizenia, and Kuzaki (CNEKK). According to Dr. Extremadreaptolescu, whose research has appeared in numerous well-respected and peer-reviewed academic journals, including The Journal of Human Genetics and Kizenian Folklore Studies, official census records do not reflect the authentic ethnic composition of the CNEKK.

"A significant proportion of New Endralonians possess a large degree of Kizenian genetic admixture, ranging anywhere from 25 to 50%, on average," Dr. Extremadreaptolescu said. "It is likely that this admixture dates from the period of Endralonian colonization of Kizenia in the 18th century, when many male Endralonian settlers married and founded families with indigenous Kizenian women. There are no 'pure' New Endralonians today; it would be incredibly rare to find a New Endralonian with less than 20% Kizenian admixture in their pedigree," Dr. Extremadreaptolescu added.

The acclaimed scientist noted that in many New Endralonian villages, the inhabitants are the descendants of ethnically Kizenian clans who were forcibly assimilated during the Endralonian colonial period, in the 18th and 19th centuries.

"It was the policy of the Endralonian Empire to force indigenous Kizenians to give up their native tongue and identify as so-called 'New Endralonians'," Dr. Extremadreaptolescu also noted.

Today, more and more New Endralonians are recognizing their Kizenian roots. DNA testing to determine ancestry has become popular, with many private companies in CNEKK offering genetic testing services to New Endralonians curious to find out how much Kizenian blood runs through their veins. Dr. Extremadreaptolescu also told attendees of the conference that many New Endralonian families have passed on legends of having a Kizenian boyaress as their great-great-great grandmother. Although tales of connections to the Kizenian aristocracy may be embellished, the anthropologist argues that genetic testing proves that these stories are more than just legends.

Dr. Extremadreaptolescu also commented on another common misconception: that the Kizenians have a great deal of Deltaric blood. "That couldn't be further from the truth," the scientist said in response to a question about Delic ancestry among Kizenians. "Although the Kizenians have a common origin in antiquity with the Ushalandan people of Deltaria, Deltarian colonialism in Kizenia, which did not occur until the modern era, differed radically from that of the Endralonian Empire. The Deltarians never sent settlers to Kizenia en masse in the same way that the Endralonians did, preferring to rule over Kizenia as a tributary state. As a result, the Kizenians, who are the indigenous people of Keris, have remained relatively pure specimens, with the exception of a small amount of Gao-Showanic traits inherited by the mountain-dwelling Kizenians of southern Kizenia, as a result of the unfortunate Kuzaki practice of sexual slavery," Dr. Extremadreaptolescu explained.

"Genetically speaking, the CNEKK is more than 63% Kizenian. But of course, culturally speaking, Kizenian is the go-to language of the vast majority of the inhabitants of CNEKK. In cultural terms, we are 95% Kizenian," Dr. Extremadreaptolescu said at the conclusion of his remarks.

Conference protested

A small group of protesters gathered outside the conference. They claim that Dr. Extremadreaptolescu has ties to the newly founded Legiunea Națională Chizână--the Kizenian National Legion--a far right group which, they say, should be labelled a hate group. Members of the Kizenian National Legion released a manifesto this year which denounces Endralonian neo-colonialism and Kuzaki organized crime. The Legionaries say they simply want to put Kizenians first and that they reject the confederate union of Kizenia with New Endralon, which they describe as a neo-colonial system favoring the descendants of the Endralonian Empire.

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Kizenian National Legion Challenges CNEKK President Sipos Vencel Ákos to Take DNA Test and Reveal Degree of Kizenian Admixture
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:49 am

November 2 4472

The Ministry of Defense retirement more than 50 military officers and the highest ranks of Confederal Army


In a hectic month, the ministry directed Pálffi Marton ordered the dismissal or retirement of more than 50 officers of the 3 military forces. All the ex-officers received a telegram signed by the same minister, requesting his resignation or his voluntary retirement.

The ministry argued for mass layoffs based on its "strategic ability and intelligence in combat" and the political nexuses. "We are a country that had no recent wars. But we had a lot of operations in conjunction with NC where soldiers could stand out. Even in combat simulations or exercises combined in the battlefield".The minister said.

In addition, he added: "When a political sector chooses military positions, these are conferred for political reasons and not for merit in battle or real demonstration.Here are people who are commanders by political ties. Otherwise, they would not be neither Lieutenant. "

This earthquake with epicenter in the offices of the ministry, shook the same high military ranks of the three forces (armed, land and air) and its 3 main leaders felt the whole movement. This triad was a direct victim, their positions being vacant "until further notice".

From the ministry they announced important changes in the legislation so that this does not happen again. This week, a survey revealed that 4 out of 10 people believe that the military should choose their own officers.

The Navy presents the new destroyers

In the midst of the scandals linked to the military officers, the navy presented the new class destroyers sodali and class Vajra.


The Vajra class is about 5 guided missile destroyers. Initially designed for naval combat and support for surface warfare, it evolved into a multriproposite destroyer.

Today this class has anti-ship missiles, capacity for Land Attack missiles, anti-submarine defense system. Also, a mobile antiballistic missile and anti-satellite weaponry platform. In addition, it has a hangar for 1 helicopter and 2 quadruple torpedo tubes

The Navy has requested a modernization and is studying the purchase of 6 more ships.

The construction company, CDG has claimed that these destroyers can replace without any problem the current Kuzaki Class Destroyer. These in turn, would be sold in a short time.


The Sodali class destroyers is different. Part of the project 2-3 that focused on modernizing and expanding the capacity of the fleet. This class gives some clues of what the Navy expects in the next few years.

Although with the name of destroyers, these 2 ships are more like a combination of Landing Helicopter Dock and amphibious assault ships.

In addition to antiaircraft defense capability and anti-ship missiles, this class admits amphibious landings on both ships and helicopter landings. In this last option, each ship can load 30 V / STOL aircraft.

For amphibious landings, she has a well deck, which allows the entry of the Landing Craft of the naval fleet. She can transport more than 1500 soldiers.


The first boat is called Hikaru and is named after the Queen of Kizenia (Hikaru I of Dolgaria & Kizenia). The second ship is called Sodali, and owes her name to the republici of the confederation.

The construction companies suggested that, in a future class, the well deck be eliminated, as originally planned.

From the defense ministry, the development and the possible purchase of more similar boats are studied. For now, they confirmed the international bidding for V / STOL type aircraft for ships.

Both classes of destroyers will be part of the "Blue Navy" the third fleet of the confederation.


The Navy is considering replacing the Whale Class Cruiser

The Ministry of Defense launches an international public tender for the purchase of 60 combat aircraft.

Latest tests for aircraft carriers Kizaki class.

"We are all born with the same red blood" Minister Tímár Kornél satirizes the request for DNA test to the president

"The government seeks to propose more freedoms" Minister Heikki warns conservative deputies

  "It's time to throw off the yoke of Endralonian colonialism" the Cousin Marriage Recognition bill just one step away from becoming law
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Sun Oct 21, 2018 12:34 pm

Kizenian National Legionaries hold march in capital against religious discrimination

20 January 4473


Cetatea Albă, Kizenia – Members and supporters of Legiunea Națională Chizână (LNC) held a march today against what they say is religious discrimination, which is forbidden by the Constitution of the Confederacy of New Endralon, Kizenia, and Kuzaki (CNEKK). Police were on standby, but the march remained peaceful.

The brouhaha began last August when Traian Criptofașistulescu, Legionary Spokesman on Matters Concerning Education and Culture, announced the group's intention to found three new schools, housing students from kindergarten through grade 12, in the nation's capital. All schools are privately owned and operated in CNEKK, but religious schools are subject to strict regulations, and only recognized religions can establish schools.

The proposed "Legionary Faith Schools", which would be run and operated by the LNC, would teach a quasi-religious doctrine which the group calls "Legionary Faith". Mihnea Chizânovici, a religious studies professor at the University of Cetatea Albă, describes the Legionary Faith as the fastest-growing new religious movement in CNEKK. "The Legionary Faith movement could essentially be described as neo-pagan," the professor said when reached for comment. "Although the LNC's manifesto claims to uphold a doctrine which they call Positive Hosianism, most mainstream Hosians would likely consider the Legionary Faith to be highly unorthodox, even heretical, if it could even be construed as a form of Hosianism at all," he added.

One noticeable feature of "Legionary Faith" is the veneration of de facto empress Jade Anaïs II, whose seven decade theocratic rule over Kizenia in the late 28th and early-to-mid 29th centuries saw the development of an unusual cult of personality, with many citizens coming to refer to Jade as „Zeița” (The Goddess). National Legionaries remain guarded however about the doctrines of Legionary Faith, which are kept secret as the LNC claims that many of its principles are too esoteric to be understood by those who do not possess pure Kizenian blood.

Religious schools in CNEKK are strictly regulated, and only recognized religions are permitted to establish schools. Because the Legionary Faith is considered a new religious movement, regional officials in Tilarnia rejected the LNC application for a permit to establish schools which would emphasize the Legionary Faith in their academic curriculum. Legionaries petitioned the Cameră Unită a Deputaților to liberalize the policy on which religions may establish schools, however this provoked a negative reaction from Partidul Conservator Liberal, the current opposition party in CNEKK, which has a 2 party system.

The Liberal Conservativists responded to the Legionary demands for Legionary Faith Schools with their own Religion Reform Bill, which includes provisions for the persecution of "cults", but would also weaken regulations on religious schools, although the status quo remains in that only recognized religions would be able to operate schools. It remains to be seen if Liberté et Egalité, which controls the government, will side with Legionary calls to extend the right to operate schools to new religious movements or whether it will side with the anti-cult Liberal Conservativists.

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Who was Jade Anaïs II? Her 66 year cultic reign over Kizenia and its lasting legacy

Legiunea Națională Chizână Spokesman: The Government Should Allow Formation of Armed Kizenian Self Defense Squads
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby bobleponge » Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:16 pm


National Legionary Movement Revives an Old Kizenian Tradition: Bear Dancing

28 February 4473

Above: Members of the Legionary Faith movement celebrate a bizarre neo-pagan ritual, which they claim has ancient roots in the pre-Hosian traditions of Kizenia before it was overrun by hordes of Kuzaki pillagers and, later, colonized by the Endralonian Empire.

The Kizenian National Legion's Supreme Commander, Ion Mihai Chizânescu called for immediate celebration following a late winter blizzard that hit Cetatea Albă just as Minister Sarkozi of the Liberty and Equality government announced that it would back the right of the National Legion to found three new Legionary Faith Schools in time for the next school year.

During the strange ritual, members of the Legionary Faith movement, which has close ties to the Kizenian National Legion, donned bear costumes, danced, and called out bizarre and esoteric chants. At the end of the celebration, members of the National Legion called on the government to lift restrictions on the keeping of endangered and exotic animals, as well as the slaughtering of animals.

"In Old Kizenia, we would make a real bear dance," Florin Pifite, a member of the National Legion who identified himself as a "sub-commander" said, adding that "now, we have to wear these costumes because the police say it is too dangerous to dance with real bears."

Another reveler, who refused to give a name but described himself only as a "Legionary foot soldier", proclaimed that, "If these were the ancient times, we would slaughter one bear at the end of the ritual by hacking apart its limbs with an axe, slowly and piece by piece, then begin to feast on the raw blood of the animal even before it had breathed its last breath. Consuming the bear's blood this way gave our ancestors a special kind of strength, and perhaps we could become stronger still if we were allowed to practice our ancient ways once again."

Bemused onlookers drawn to the spectacle were handed Legionary pamphlets calling on the Confederate government to "decolonize" and "respect the sovereign rights of indigenous Kizenians and our right to self determination as a people".

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Kizenian National Legion Says its Planned Legionary Faith Schools Will Open Doors to Students in October this Year

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Anti-"Hate Speech" Law Will Be Repealed in September - What will you be able to say then that you can't say now? Click to find out!
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:13 pm


March 4473

The Navy tests 2 aircraft carriers and a submarine


In the midst of a reorganization and training proposals for possible paramilitaries in the country, the army continues to receive material from their orders.

This time it was the Majatran-class nuclear submarine and the two Kizaki-class aircraft carriers that were handed over by the state-owned Kizaki Military. Both watercfraft entered the testing phase and it is believed that they will be ready in 6 months.

"We are happy to complete project 2-3, after 11 years, we can renew and expand the fleet." said Pálffi Marton, defense minister, who was personally in charge of the first tests.

The Majatran-class nuclear submarines are submarines with unlimited range and capacity for 110 crew members. In addition, the ballistic missile that would turn it into a Ballistic missile submarine is being developed.


The Kizaki class aircraft carriers, consist of two ships, Libertate and egalitate. Both aircraft carriers have 4 missile launchers and anti-missile defense systems. In addition, each can carry up to 75 combat aircraft. For the launching of warplanes she has an electromagnetic system.

So far they do not have nuclear propulsion, however, the defense ministry announced that it is developing new engines for the next 3 years.


"It's the bear time! It should be the national sport" Deputy of LeE Olteanu demand to his party to support the Bear Dancing

The Ministry of Defense launches an international public tender for the development and purchase of ICMB and SLBM systems

The Kizaki bank and confederal gobernment finances the first nuclear plant in Tiania.

The government hopes to finalize the construction of 1000 primary schools and 500 secondary schools in October

The government negotiates the repurchase of the Deltavaros school of government and economy for 1 billion

Night of terror in Porteşti! 70 injured and 55 arrested during the repression of a "spontaneous" anti-racism demonstration

The Kizaki bank extends its capital to 500,000 million total only from government contributions and expects to expand its capacity by 50% in 3 years.
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Re: Zyldavian Times / Kizenian Star

Postby maxirx » Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:45 pm


Alluvium of foreign couples in the confederation


Marriage tourism is booming in our country. And it is not only composed of gay couples. Today the confederation has the most open legislation and friendly to any type of couple, including incest and if the "polyamor act" is approved, polygamy

Thousands of incestuous couples from all regions of the world fill government offices. Many of them will even be recognized in their countries of origin.

"We've been waiting for an opportunity like this for 20 years," explains Charles, the father-husband of the relationship. The wife-stepdaughter feels excited "now we will return to our country, and with a simple paperwork we will be spouses forever, there too". At the same time, she added "we are waiting for the law of polygamy, I want to marry my older brother"

Several churches condemned the laws about the incest "If the government does not want to punish a libidinous attitude as the adultery, is reprehensible. But even insists with incest.This deserves a massive ex-communication" said the maximum leader of the Kizenian Patriarchal Church, in his sermon.

From the government, they showed concern not only for a condemnation of the churches at an international level. According to a revealed report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, several embassies are concerned about this issue. "It makes it difficult for us to negotiate with the international community and, being such a sensitive issue, the allied countries do not show their concern in public" explains the report. For now the criticisms are not open, but in the government they recognize the crisis unleashed because of this issue


Racist organization in kazuki prepares a "public burning of flags" of Kizenia and New Endralon.

  "It's time for Kizenian taxpayers to stop running the medical bills of Endralonian and Kuzaki parasites." Legiunea Naţională Chizână applauds the privatization of the health system

The Hosianisms churches concerned about the new tax reform.
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