
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Hinn » Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:08 pm

Sultan Crowned
January 4451

Sultan Yusuf was crowned as the monarch of the new Muanid Sultanate of Kafuristan in a gliterring ceremony held at the Prophet's Mosque in the Holy City of Helem. The Sultan vowed to continue on his enlightened path and promised once again to liberalise the economy and society. He has already pushed through some fairly radical reforms such as lifting a longstanding ban on foreign investment, privatisation of KafOil the state owned energy company and removal of several business subsidies. The Sultan announced that he intends to marry his longtime girlfriend Miss Yasmin al-Najd later this year, making her Sultana. al-Najd already has a role as the country's informal First Lady, serving as the Sultan's constant companion. The Kafuri populace has welcomed the new Sultan and appear to believe his sincerity.

Kafuri refinery in southern Abi'nadi

Kafuristan Explores Cooperation Options With Majatran Powers

The Sultanate has become involved in a number of delicate negotiations with Majatran powers Istalia and Vanuku. In a bid to re-open the country's economy and encourage foreign investment, Sultan Yusuf has engaged the premier economic and military powers on the continent, encouraging them to invest in various economic ventures in the Sultanate. The Sultan is set to visit Wiel, Vanuku on an extended state visit to meet the country's political and business leaders in the coming weeks.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Hinn » Sun Sep 09, 2018 7:31 am

Sultan: Kafuristan Is Open For Business
December 4451

Kafuristan's leader Sultan Yusuf has declared his country to be "free, ready and open to investment." The oil-rich nation whose economy has traditionally rested on the petrochemical industry and rarely encouraged the development of much else, is now focused on diversifying its economy and taking advantage of other energy sources such as solar (he expressed his approval of a hugely ambitious solar energy plan presented by Green Energy, a renewable energy giant in alliance with a number of Istalian investment funds). The Sultan says he was heavily inspired by his recent state visit to Vanuku which only served to reinforce his beliefs in a free enterprise economy.

al-Qoralus Investors Conference

At an investors conference with 30 global business leaders which was held in the eastern seaside city of al-Qoralus, the Sultan said his government would pick no winners nor aid any losers but would create an atmosphere which would welcome enterprise of all kinds. This atmosphere according to him, includes the country's new "universal flat tax" regimen of 15% income, corporate and sales tax rates.

There has been speculation that the Sultanate might even abolish corporate and possibly income taxes in the coming years, something the Sultan did not address directly, only hinting that tax reform was not at its end yet.

Even wilder speculation concerns the Sultan's recent online exchange with a group of libertarian "settlers". The Sultan appeared sympathetic to their query on the possibility of migrating to build a "private city" in Kafuristan devoid of most national government regulation and taxation. The Sultan replied that such a venture would be treated like any other form of business incorporation and the relevant and light regulations would apply.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Uhtred » Thu Oct 18, 2018 10:42 pm


Uprising sees Workers' Party seize power
11th October 4471

Revolutionary Workers' Party announces it will form a "Workers' State"

What began as protests to overturn a ban on organised labour quickly turned into violent clashes, which then turned into weeks of urban warfare in Kafuristan's capital. Makeshift soldiers fighting government forces street by street, district by district. And then the guns fell silent. The government in al-Kasraj had melted away, to be replaced by a revolutionary workers' party which had only months earlier been on the margins of Kafuri politics.

An elderly couple, escorted by a rebel gunman, flee their home in al-Kasraj

Hizb al-'Amal al-Thawriy had been accused of exploiting public anger for their own ends, of using violence to destabilise the government. Now they are the government.

Proposed flag of the Workers' Republic of Kafuristan

After announcing their intention to form a "Workers' State" and to socialise the means of production, the new government hastily held an election to determine a new Head of State. Hizb al-'Amal al-Thawriy Leader Sufyan Saïss, a former dissident who was not even living in Kafuristan up until two months ago, was duly elected. No international observers were permitted to monitor the poll.

The government must now set to the task of uniting the country before embarking on a path towards socialism.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Uhtred » Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:33 pm


Insurgents Promise Summer Offensive as Revolutionary Workers' Government Presses on with Reforms
27th March 4473

Anti-communist rebels have promised to launch a summer of resistance from their stronghold in Jerze'har, in a bid to halt the advance of Kafuristan's workers' revolution.

Anti-communist forces muster in rural Jerze'har

Following the capture of the capital and the formation of the Workers' Republic 18 months ago, many anti-communists and smallholders, angry at the expropriation of farmland, fled to the conservative provinces of Jerze'har and Pabeus where underground resistance forces had been founded during 4471 uprising.

In the past 6 months however rebel forces have been forced out of Pabeus by the combined force of the Workers' Revolutionary Army, under the direction of the Ministry of Defence, and by revolutionary guerrilla forces known as Alrifaq Lildifae ean Althawra (Comrades for the Defence of the Revolution). These small bands of soldiers, under the leadership of "Al-Muharib", hero of the 4471 uprising, have been hugely successful in clearing insurgents from poorly accessible mountainous terrain.

Workers' Revolutionary Army seize back control of Lehaza, Pabeus

Speaking from an undisclosed location, a rebel commander identified only as al-Wali said,

This summer will see the start of the true resistance. We will fight and die for Kafuristan, and we have men, men in every town and in every city across the land willing to fight and die for Kafuristan.

Meanwhile in al-Kasraj, the government has increased its control over state apparatus and machinery, seizing control of all domestic television and radio stations and abolishing private healthcare. This process of aiftitah almustashfayat or "opening of the hospitals" has seen millions given access to free advanced healthcare. There were reports of queues lasting over 2 hours at clinics in O'mer on the first day of the new system.

Queue outside a clinic in al-Qoralus, O'mer
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Uhtred » Tue Oct 23, 2018 1:05 am

1st October 4473

Workers' Revolutionary Army crushes insurgents after Battle of al-Mamoun

-Heroic residents stave off rebel fighters
-Province of Jerze'har recaptured

The residents of al-Mamoun defend the city from attack

The Workers' Revolutionary Army has succeeded in routing counter-revolutionary forces in Jerze'har after a heroic victory at the Battle of al-Mamoun. Residents of the city, armed with whatever weaponry they could muster, successfully held at bay the full force of the rebel insurgents until support from the Army arrived to liberate the city. With the anti-communists broken and routing, government forces then swept through the cities of Zedin and Sathea ensuring an end to the conflict.

The government in al-Kasraj estimates that the over 3,500 civilians were killed in the attack, with 500+ rebels killed and 700 captured


A child soldier at the Battle of al-Mamoun

At 5.36am on 12th September rebel forces made an audacious dawn assault on a military outpost 3 miles east of al-Mamoun in the government controlled province of Nekkah, overwhelming a small force of local revolutionary militia. The attack was the first step in a plan to capture the port city, providing the rebels, whose supply lines have been severely disrupted, with a means of receiving military support.

At the same time, the rebels hoped the attack would instigate a mass uprising against the Communist government among the local population. Instead, on hearing the attack, local villagers raised the alarm and alerted the authorities in al-Mamoun who in turn reported the attack to the Workers' Revolutionary Army, the bulk of whose force was stationed over 70 miles away in the neighbouring province of Pabeus.

Mansour al-Faz, a local agricultural worker, was one of the first to raise the alarm.

I went out of the house and saw flames, like a candle, in the sky and heard gunfire. So I ran to tell my father and my brothers. We thought, 'This is the invasion! They are trying to invade.'

Every able bodied man in al-Mamoun was instructed to arm himself with any weapon at his disposal and defend the city.
Mustafa Hassey, one of those men, remembers
We had 11 rifles between us, my brothers, my cousins and I, and then at about 7.30am they started to enter the city so we opened fire.

Instead of a city rising up against communist rule, the rebel force, said to number around 2,500 men, found a city armed and determined to repel their advance. The battle marked the bloodiest conflict of the insurgency, with the residents of the city forced further and further back towards the sea and women and children forced to barricade themselves in their homes or shelters, or to flee to woodlands South of the city.

When units from the Workers' Revolutionary Army arrived 16 hours later to liberate the city they found a people devastated, but unbroken. Surrounded and demoralised, the bulk of the rebels surrendered or attempted to flee the city.

Maps showing the movements of rebels troops (white) and of the Workers' Revolutionary Army (black)
Last edited by Uhtred on Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Aquinas » Tue Oct 23, 2018 5:06 pm

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Re: Al-Haqq Al-Qalbiyyah (Kafuristan)

Postby Uhtred » Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:25 am


Foreign Minister condemns Aloria for 'shameful support of terrorism'

In an wide ranging and lengthy address on the state broadcaster of the Workers' Republic, Foreign Minister Mehdi Boutaïb condemned Alorian President Cefin Llyod for his support of the counter-revolutionary attack on the city of al-Mamoun during the anti-communist insurgency.

Minister Boutaïb first praised the residents of al-Mamoun,

The events of September 4473 in al-Mamoun and Jerze'har will live forever in our memories. The men and women who fought so bravely in defence of the revolution, who defended their city against a terrorist militia of unspeakable barbarity. Counter-revolutionaries who sold themselves to the highest bidder and committed unspeakable acts against their brothers and sisters, men who wished to turn back the pages of history and subjugate the working class once more.

But al-Mamoun shows us the power of socialism. Once people have heard this message and seen true socialism, their eyes have been opened and cannot be closed. Once the chains have been broken they cannot be reforged.

Addressing international reaction to events Minister Boutaïb said,
To hear that the President of Aloria condemned the defence of al-Mamoun is outrageous. This shameful support of terrorism cannot be allowed to stand. The role of Aloria in the conflict must now be analysed by the international community. How far does this support for terrorist attacks both in Kafuristan and elsewhere extend?

The government in Craigtref are 'considering their options' they say. More violence? It shows us what we already knew, that the exploiting class, the privileged global elite, will never accept a Terra of peace and equality, they will not rest until the masses have been sufficiently brought to heel.
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