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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Oct 24, 2018 2:32 am


Reiley-Carrangus is elected President of the Republic
Institutionalist Coalition takes majority on second ballot

Kaliburg, Ananto
April 5, 4474

President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus earned votes from across the spectrum

Representing a win for Institutionalism in Kalistan, Raymond Reiley-Carrangus was elected President of the Republic in January's general Elections. Reiley sought and obtained endorsements on the first ballot from the Agramontian League and the United Kalistani Workers' Front, and SP's longtime electoral partners the NCP endorsed on the second ballot. The new President's first act was to nominate a new Cabinet based on the principles of Divided Powers and Presidential Prerogative.

"We've kept our first campaign promise by nominating a new Government," Reiley said. "We named the winning coalition to the Government, giving each party as coherent a portfolio as possible. We've put the Angramontians a role in foreign policy, offering them the Ministry of Defense as well as environment and transport, for the purpose of building new defense highways and bases. We put the NCP in the primary Legislative and Executive slots, in the Premiership and in the Ministry of Justice, as well as Science and Technology. And we gave the Workers Front the primarily Social programs to administer, including the Interior Minister, Food and Ag and Education and Culture. The SP were named to Foreign Affairs, Trade and Industry, Finance and Health and Social Services. The goal was to allow each Party to focus on one area."

The Speaker of the SP proposed the President's cabinet request, and promptly explained that more votes would likely be needed than just the Parties named in the cabinet. Bennots explained, "Well, a Government is meant to be a majority coalition. We advised the President that this proposal was a Minority government, and Parties who were not named in the proposal would need to vote for it to pass, but he informed me that he understood this, but had pledged during the campaign to name a government composed of those who offered an endorsement. We will likely need to redo the proposal when this one fails."

The President is wasting no time. "I am already looking into ways to revitalize the flagging institutions of Kalistan. We will be focused on ODEN and will ask the Agramontians to work on defense modernization, even before the Government bill passes, eventually. Additionally, we'd like the NCP to work with the Finance Minister to come up with a budget that reflects Kalistani National Priorities: It takes voices from both sides to develop a policy which will be long standing. Finally, I'd like to see modernization in the National Service Program, to make it more efficient and to expand it. This job will fall to the Workers Front. I'd ideally like to see bills on these programs within the year."

A new era of multipartisanship has begun, and this is a far cry from the last time the SP held the presidency, at the end of the "Ephemeral Party" special period. The President is optimistic for cooperation. "Together, we will build a new Kalistan which reflects the ideas and input of all Institutionalist Parties, who wish to build Kalistan, rather than tear it down. Varied ideas and varied ideologies will make the final solution much better."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Oct 27, 2018 1:54 am


Kalistani Pizza Chain wins major award
"Best all around menu" award commends Kalistani cuisine

Vrassa City, Vrassa
July 15, 4475

Owner and Managers of Vrassa City's Kali Pizza celebrate "Best Menu Award"

Vrassa City's very own Kali Pizza, which operates a chain across Vrassa and Neveras, has won the prestigious Vincenzo Award in the category of "Best All-Around Menu". Kali Pizza beat out 16 finalists from around Terra, including restaurants located in Lourenne, Baltusia, Istalia and Hutori.

Judge Grzegorz Kowalski commented, "Kali Pizza is not only the only Kalistani restaurant on the finalist list, it is also the only pizza restaurant. Most of the finalists were upscale restaurants which feature local food, and while delicious and intriguing in their own way, Kali Pizza featured the menu where every single item was simply fantastic. The fresh food on the menu was what put Kali Pizza over the competition: The cooks buy their days supplies daily and also feature ample fruits and vegetables as part of all their meal offerings. Other restaurants simply couldn't compare, or if they did offer comparable food, their prices generally excluded the vast majority of their respective populations. Kali Pizza had a good mix of quality and accessibility to their restaurant."

Night manager at the Vrassa City ship, Deanna Stephanson said she was amazed at the victory. "I can't begin to tell you how awesome this award is. I mean, we're a pizza joint. And apparently, we are one of the best in the world. The best of everything."

Kali Pizza is an institution in Vrassa. "Well, we always stop in for a slice of pizza after school," said local patron Darcy Phillips. "I mean, its good pizza, but you know, I can make better. Its kind of greasy, and they always do things like mixing in broccoli. Some people like it. I just like cheese and pepperoni."

Her friend Sunny Dearborn was more enthusiastic. "Yeah, but when they put the vegetables in, they do it in a way that don't distract you. There's still plenty of salt and grease. But I like the salads and the like dinners too. The pizza is just one part."

Kali Pizza is riding high. Copies of the award have been put in all branches of the company, and the owners have said that the award has driven business. "This last week has been bonkers. People from Kaliburg came in here earlier, and up from Sulari. We've made a lot of money, I'll just say this."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Oct 31, 2018 3:58 am


Reiley-Carrangus welcomes Trigunia to Kalistan
"Square of Deterrence Idea restores old relationship"

Kaliburg, Ananto
June 17, 4477

President Reiley takes questions following high level meetings with Trigunia

This week, Kalistan was visited by the President Milorad Petrovich, who is the President of the Trigunian Federation. Meetings between the two Heads of State lasted for a day and a half, before the Petrovich departed. The meetings were scheduled well in advance of the previous elections, and Petrovich and his small entourage visited the country without much fanfare.

Following the meeting, President of the Republic Reiley-Carrangus took questions from reporters.

K[alistani Republic]: Is it true that President Pterovich came to Kalistan to seek a military alliance.

R[eley-Carrangus]: No, we did not talk specifically about the details of a military alliance. We are just in opening meetings right now, and any details and final agreements need to be worked out. Of course, we expressed our interest in closer relations with the country [of Trigunia]: After all, many years ago, we had very close ties with them and so we were naturally very welcoming to the President and his team.

K: What was the visiting President's itinerary in Kalistan?

R: Comrade Petrovich was here simply to lay out his plan for a new relationship between our two countries. During the day we talked about several areas of interest, including increased economic and diplomatic cooperation as well as the need to outflank the NC, and then during the evening, we went to see a Demolition Derby bout at the Republican Stadium in Eveari. The President loved it: Apparently, Demolition Derby is not as big a sport in Trigunia as it is here. I'm not sure he's seen one before, but he loved the spectacle. On Day two, we finished up the plenary and set in motion talks between the Foreign Ministries. Allen will be headed to Trigunia within the year to meet with his counterparts there and plans can be made and fleshed out.

K: Were members of the Government briefed on the meetings?

R: The Foreign Minister and the Minister of Trade and Industry were both in attendance. I plan to brief the rest of the cabinet with regard to our discussions just as soon as I am done talking to y'all.

K: We understand that Petrovich brought an idea of a "square of deterrence" designed to contain the Northern Council. How does this idea "square" with the Non-Aligned Movement?

R: Well, as the sole founding member left in the Treaty, we want to revise that treaty, and update it, make it a bit simpler, and so forth. Comrade [Foreign Minister] Allen is working with the Agramontians to develop a new NAM, called NAM II which would not be corrupted by the competing interests of signatories, and which would permit, to some degree, cooperation with great power states for the purpose of promotion of National Sovereignty over all else.

K: What are the President's feelings on the Square of Deterrence?

R: We are interested in the idea. If you will recall, the thing which kept Kalistan from moving closer to Selucia was an idiotic outburst by their foreign minister while we were debating a bill, and their ejection from the country on charges of espionage. They have been miffed by this ever since, but if this idea brings Kalistan, Selucia, and Trigunia closer, it will represent the restoration of an old relationship, one which Kalistan will benefit from, given the NC's encirclement of Kalistan. In addition, most of our navy is currently based on Vanukean designs. We built a base to host Vanuku's fleet: We should be closer to them too. It makes sense that the main powers opposed to the NC should work together.

K: Has the President's agenda moved forward since being re-elected?

R: Progress is much slower than we would like. I would hope the Head of Government would get the Ministers working on their respective projects. I'd like to see a new budget, which addresses spending and revenue levels. They move together, so we maintain our surplus, but of course, everyone will make a case for more rather than less. Ideally, we would slightly reduce taxes, and slightly reduce spending, which has not been touched since the Recession. But meanwhile, we can still work on the NAM, we can still conduct the cultural census, and I am still meeting with Presidents from other nations.

K: Thank you Comrade President.

R: Thank you, Comrade Reporter.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Aquinas » Sat Nov 03, 2018 1:16 am

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby jamescfm » Sun Nov 04, 2018 10:54 pm

Agramontian League Make A Stand
Defence Minister among those threatening to resign over lack of foreign outreach

Sulari, Suldanor
February 8, 4480

Members of the Agramontian League serving in government have publicly threatened to resign this morning if they're legislative priorities are not addressed. In a surprise move designed to pile pressure on the League's chief allies the Socialist Party and the National Conservative Party, four prominent cabinet ministers proposed legislation which they described as a confidence motion. Alongside party speaker Arianna Pasquali, the national leader of the League Guillermo Berrocal told reporters "he was tired of governing partners dragging their heels, they can address our concerns or govern without us".

Arianna Pasquali, who leads the legislative section of the Agramontian League

These latest developments reflect ongoing differences which exist within the self-described "institutionalist coalition", composed of the League, the Socialists, the National Conservatives and the Worker’s Front. Unlike the other parties in the coalition, the League favour an internationalist foreign policy which seeks to expand Kalistani influence by developing relations with partners globally while at the same time increasing conventional military forces to re-establish Kalistan's historic position as the most powerful nation in northern Seleya.

In various press appearances over the past few months, Pasquali has delineated the party's agenda. Speaking to the national radio show Morning Report, she said "the government- and in particular the Socialists- are too concerned with protecting Kalistan's economic behemoths and in doing so, they are reducing our international position. Historic allies such as Indrala and Baltusia are being turned off by our economic policies, which discourage any potential partner from investing in our economy. In a world increasingly dominated by hostile powers, we need these allies more than ever".
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:06 am


Reiley mulls Retirement
"Centrist Course doesn't seem to be yielding results"

Kaliburg Ananto
April 12, 4480

President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus reflects on nearly 6 full years of tenure

The President of the Republic, Raymond Reiley-Carrangus was elected promising to build a grand coalition. And he eventually did, assembling a supposed all star team of all the major institutionalist Parties. He also presented an ambitious agenda for the ministers of the Government to work on.

Now, more than 5 years later, Reiley has a different attitude. "Well, Kalistan is a chaotic mess. Two Conservative Parties, a number of Parties who simply show up once in a while to vote. The Centrist course that I was elected on doesn't seem to be yielding any results."

Reiley added, "I think at the end of this term, I will not seek re-election. I am not sure what the SP intends to do, but they had better do something else, because Kalistan's government is in worse shape than before I came into office."

Reiley mused on the era of single Party rule. "You know, when I was a kid, the SP was the only game in town. This was the period that people called the anti-ephemeral Party period. My parents used to complain that the SP was anti-democratic, and they inculcated me with the ideals of accommodating other Parties. That was behind my approach. But being in this office, I can really understand the impulse behind Reina's move to squash these Parties that appear out of nowhere, and then fade away just as quickly a few years later. I have sympathy for the abandonment of the hard democratic stance of her predecessors. It took a lot of courage. But unfortunately, her reforms did not last beyond the end of her tenure. She had to reverse them to protect the ability of the SP to remain competitive as long forgotten Parties rose from the dust."

The President turned to his own term. "Our term has turn into a caretaker administration. We can't keep herding cats. Having to put a government together of four or five Parties, some of which hate us, some of which won't work with one another, some of which only show up once a year to vote and cause the government bills to fail, this is a real challenge for our government. It would be much easier for us if we just had one or two Parties with a majority, but there are something like 6 or 7 active Parties depending on how you count them in Kalistan. Ain't no way they're getting a majority out of one or two of them."

If Reiley does not run for office in the next elections, he makes it clear that he will not stay on the sidelines. "I hope the SP doesn't run another Candidate this time around. The SP is more Left than it has been with John and I at the helm. Our voters are not too happy with the hard tack to the right that they perceive from us. We have to work with Parties to our right to get anything done, but of course, this upsets the base. I would hope someone more suitable for the current state of the Republic would run, someone from the Agramontian League for example. I'd push for endorsement of their candidate if they ran. A center Leftist is better than a Rightist, and a Socialist is not suitable for Kalistan's current mood."

The President of the Republic laid out his goals for his current term. "I'd like to see a new government put in but it looks like the AL is going to balk. I'd like to see those treaties passed and I'd like to see relations with Trigunia, Indrala and Istalia improved. I'd like to see more cooperation with Lourenne. Its all very ambitious. I hope we can do it in the next three years."

Ambitious indeed.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby JamesPeters » Mon Nov 05, 2018 10:33 am

The Freedom Press (CPK)
CPK Returns to the Assembly
The 7 Month Reign of Scott Morrisen
Vrassa City, Vrassa
June 4480

After more than 100 years of being inactive the CPK made a surprise to the Assembly, all because of one man, Scott Morrisen. Mr Morrisen was proud of the achievements the CPK made in Kalistan when they first were elected and wanted to return that glory to Kalistan. With a few thousands members still remaining in the party, Mr Morrisen set out to rebuild, reorganise and rebrand the CPK. This resulted is a surprise victory go 62 seats which gave them the highest amount of seats of in the Assembly as well as a working majority with the NCP and KF when needed. Mr Morrisen was then elected as the party leader in the Assembly and as the party candidate for President.

Mr Morrisen speaking at CPK Rally in Vrassa City

Once Elected Mr Morrisen's Glory Days quickly diminished.

Mr Morrisen proposed 9 Bills to the assembly on what he believed were traditional CPK values from more than 100 years ago, ones which he believed represented a true Kalsitan even though the people of Kalistan disagreed. Mr Morrisen continual proposal of bills that nearly used the entire party qouta in 7 months made for growing anger inside his own party which he had rebuilt. Fellow parties in the house, especially from Kalistan First continued to mount more pressure of Mr Morrisen to clean up his leadership. Kalistan First (Kalistan Radical Front) was a key partner in the CPK's original days and although they relied heavily on the CPK's support to win elections and pass bills, Mr Morrisen was unable to win back that support to seek endorsement for president.

This continual mounting pressure within lead to a rising face within the party, Mr Taylor Marten to approach Mr Morrisen to call a leadership spill. Mr Marten informed Mr Morrisen that he would seek the leadership of the CPK if he held a party room meeting and called the leadership for the party open. He also informed Mr Morrisen that he believed he had majority support within the party room and would be able to deliver on a stable government.

Mr Taylor Marten (Left) and Mr Scott Morrison (Right) at a CPK Event.

According to the current CPK constitution, only elected CPK members in the National Assembly would be able to vote on the leadership the CPK and the Leader then elects the candidates for ministerial positions.

After speaking with Mr Marten, Scott Morrisen call a party room meeting at 9Am for the next day, All parliamentary members are required to attend. Mr Morrisen resigned as leader until the party room meeting and Ms Julia Priest took control as interim leader until the party room meeting.

According to internal sources, say Ms Priest opened the meeting by saying:
Fellow Members, This party room meeting today was called open by the former leader Mr Scott Morrisen for the sole purpose of conducting a leadership ballot. I will now hand control of the ballot to the party Whip.

The whip then called the leadership ballot open and requested all those who want to contest to please raise there cards now. Mr Morrisen, Mr Marten and Ms Priest all raised their cards. The Surprise entry of Ms Priest shock members of the party room. Members were given the ability to have a 2 minute speech before voting.

Mr Morrisen focused on providing stability and not throwing out a leader in the first term of parliament, he continued to talk about the achievements he has made in allowing all members to be elected as he rebuilt the party. Mr Marten talked about a new future which focuses on 'Conservative Policies for Modern Society' he also touched on being a fresh face to a new brand and would provide stability. Ms Priest finished the presentations by focusing on how she has had clean hands throughout the entire situation and would be the best person to lead.

After 25 Minutes in the party room, the whip came to the media and said:
I opened the leadership ballot today at 9:15am and it is now 9:45am. Throughout this time Mr Scott Morrisen, Mr Taylor Marten and Ms Julia Priest all contested the leadership spill.

The First Ballot:
-Mr Marten 30 Votes
-Mr Morrisen 19 Votes
-Ms Priest 13 Votes

Ms Priest was removed from the ballot and second vote was taken between Mr Marten and Mr Morrisen, the results are as followed:
The Second Ballot:
- Mr Marten 44 Votes
- Mr Morrisen 18 Votes

Mr Marten is the new leader of the Conservative Party of Kalistan and is currently working on a statement.

Mr Marten Speaking to the media after the leadership ballot.

Mr Maren was first out of the party room approached the camera's and made the following statement:
Hello All,
Well what a new day today is. Kalistans largest party has a new leader after 7 Months of being elected.

Now I don't want you to think this is going to be the way the CPK runs, one thing goes bad and we then change leader. We changed leader because we didn't want to change you. We have conservative policies but not radical policies which date back more then 100 years. We want to lead you in a modern conservative way.

And I can confirm today that we are currently in the works of creating a coalition which supports conservative ideas and future proofing policies in Kalistan. I will deliver more on that in the coming months.

However I do want to thank Mr Morrisen for his support in rebuilding the party and for that I have given him the position as candidate for Internal Affairs due to his strong beliefs and hope he can bring his world of knowledge to us.

Finally, I want to thank you, the people for entrusting my party with your support in May 4480, I know we may. have let you. down but we will currently try our very best to get back on track. At then end of the day the CPK is on your side and will always be on your side.

Thankyou, no questions.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Tue Nov 06, 2018 5:35 am


Reiley-Carrangus Orders Deportation of Indralan Ambassador
Violation of the Espionage Act was supposed to be a "fait accompli"

Kaliburg, Ananto
November 18, 4480

In a dramatic international dust-up, the President of the Republic has ordered the arrest and deportation of the Indralan Ambassador, Elizabeth Feng, for violation of the Kalistani Espionage Act. The violation was registered on a contentious bill to open Kalistani capital markets to Indralan investment.

The events of the violation are fairly clear. The sponsors of the bill, the Agramontian League, apparently invited the Ambassador to speak on the bill from the floor of the National Assembly. The Speaker of the Socialist Party reminded the Agramontians that the Espionage Act prevented foreign agents from speaking on the floor of the Assembly without explicit prior permission from the President, the Head of Government or the Foreign Minister. No such permission had been granted before the Ambassador moved to the Podium and delivered an extensive lobbying effort on behalf of the Government and Economy of Indrala from the floor of the National Assembly. The Socialist Speaker then called for the Sergeant At Arms to arrest the Ambassador, and the President of the Republic, upon being notified, informed the Ambassador the reasons for deportation.

The President will launch an official protest with the Indralan Government, and has informed the Ambassador that they are effectively persona non grata in Kalistan, but Indrala would be welcomed to send a new Ambassador to the Republic.

It is unclear what the deportation will do for Kalistani-Indralan relations, but the President's spokesperson said "We hope it doesn't negatively affect relations, but the law is the law, and this is a blatant and obvious violation of the Law. It interferes with the legitimate practice of legislation, which is the job of Kalistani Deputies, and they should be allowed to do so freely, without influence of agents in the service of foreign governments."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:32 pm


Socialist Party of Kalistan begins plans to dissolve
"Kalistan is virtually unrecognizable", says John Henry Bennots

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 15, 4481

Speaker Bennots addresses Convention last Month

Speaker of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, John Henry Bennots, addressed the annual gathering of Socialist activists in Kaliburg last month. His comments stunned many of the attendees.

"There is no place for us in Kalistan," he began. "When you look at the political landscape, and see the damage that these Conservatives are doing to the state, and then you realize that the future is simply more of the same, things begin to look pretty grim. Kalistan, as we know it, as the Socialist Party proudly had a hand in building, is unrecognizable today."

The comments came after the disappearance of the Agramontian League from the Assembly. The League had been one of the few Parties in Kalistan actively interested in helping the Left defend Kalistani institutions from the onslaught of Conservative factions that Kalistan has seen in recent years. But their withdrawal from Kalistani Politics leaves a hole in the defenses, through which anti-institutionalist, Right Wing reactionary forces are now expected to flood. "Those who seek to wipe out hundreds of years of Kalistani Stability are now in the determined Majority. We will limp along, splitting votes with the Workers Front, and being unable to accomplish much, if anything at all to keep Kalistan intact. The forces currently working on our institutions and our traditions today will shred the Constitution tomorrow."

Bennots proposed that the Socialist Party throw its support to the United Workers Front, the only other Leftist Party in Kalistan. "As of today, we will be deactivating our Militia, storing our weaponry in the Armory, and we will begin winding down Party operations. The SP is an institution in Kalistan. Perhaps someday, when the conservative mania which has swept Kalistan in recent years has subsided, there will be a place for the SP once more, but as it is right now, we are being squeezed to death, and as a result, are incapable of opposing any of the changes that the Right are forcing down all of our throats."

The Speaker has called on the SP to refrain from running candidates in the next election and to endorse the UKWF as the main Leftist Party. The President of the Republic has already said he will not be seeking another term.

Following the Convention, the SP began closing its offices in the District, and within 6 months, only the Kaliburg HQ of the Party is expected to remain open.

"We'll return someday," said Bennots in closing. "But as for today, we've hit a dead end." Delegates left the convention in a somber mood. Before concluding the business, however, the delegates to the Convention endorsed the Speaker's resolution to dissolve the Party before the next elections by a slim majority. Many socialists have agreed to form a new pressure group to remain active in Kalistan: They have revived the old configuration, the Socialist Study Group, to attempt to keep Kalistani Socialism alive, and the offices of Izquierda will remain open even after the SP dissolves.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:50 am


IZQUIERDA Feature: Catching up with Raymond Reiley-Carrangus
Socialist Leader aims at a comeback

Kaliburg, Ananto
May 7, 4486

Former President of the Republic Raymond Reiley-Carrangus

We at IZQUIERDA sat down with the Former President of the Republic, Raymond Reiley-Carrangus, and asked what he's been up to for the last five years since leaving office early. Here is the Interview:

(Izquierda reporter) F(elicity) D(elgado): Greetings Comrade. It's great to see you.

R(aymond) R(eiley-Carrangus): Thanks. I was wondering when you all were gonna call. Hit me up once in a while, Girl.

FD: It's been a slow news month.

RR: Slow news half decade.

FD: First question. Now that the SP has reorganized in Kalistan, what are your plans?

RR: Bennots has already announced I'll be running for President again, so that's what's up. Hopefully we can get this early election through, but if not, Its alright. We don't really have a head of state at the moment, and the government isn't really doing anything, a third of it is gone. No worries. Same as it ever was, I suppose.

FD: What have you been up to since the SP left politics?

RR: I've been playing a lot of pool. Dating some. Catching up on my social life. The Socialist Party demanded so much time of its officials, there wasn't a lot of time to just live you know. But I'm ready to get back into it.

FD: There have been some controversial bills passed by the Assembly in the last few years. What's your take on these?

RR: Our comrades in the Workers' Front have done a good job representing for the Left, and I get the feeling that they could use some help pushing back these strange changes. We have to reverse this borders business. We have to reverse these anti-union policies passed in 81. We have to fight to protect the right to access abortions for women. And everything else the Socialist Party traditionally stands for.

FD: Is there anything you wish to do in your term if you are elected?

RR: I support the change that Bennots has proposed to the Presidential Prerogative. The object is for the Plurality Party to offer a slate to the President and the President name the Government. I don't think that is tenable, especially when Presidents keep belong to Parties which go defunct. So I think the SP would like to begin a discussion to change the prerogative, and give the right to the Plurality to name the Government. We should even go a little further. Perhaps the President's Party should also be in charge of Foreign Relations. It might be a decent compensation.

FD: What is your position on the Kalistani Brethren who moved to Gaduridos as the SP was going on hiatus?

RR: They did their thing. That happened in the last few days of my Presidency. And to be honest, moving to a tropical island to start a religious community seems quite utopian. I don't know the wisdom of starting a political Party. Gaduridos seems to be sufficiently weak that the Government probably didn't even know or care that they went. But like a lot of other Political Brethrenist movements, the one in Gaduridos ran into a brick wall, called Inertia. If we have another Socialist in FA, maybe we can check in on them from time to time, and do what we can to encourage them. But I think I understand that they have returned to just being a social movement, so they won't be needing political support.

FD: Is there any chance of the Brethrenists organizing an independent political movement here in Kalistan?

RR: Independent of the SP? That is unlikely. The Brethren here are so closely tied to the Socialist Party, and those who do not vote Socialist generally reject politics as a whole. The Brethren in Kalistan have other avenues for political involvement which were not open to the Brethren in Gaduridos, so we see strong Brethrenist influence in Kalistan within the SP even if the Brethren are not organized as an explicitly political force.

FD: Thanks for letting us catch up with you, Comrade President.

RR: It's no problem. I always got time for Izquierda
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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