25th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:35 am

Ibrahim El Salefi, President of the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ret. Lt. Col Petr Aga,
I think that Barmenistan doesn't need of Vanuku to blacken Barmenistan's name and reputation. I think that these news from Barmenistan: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4293&p=142525#p142399, viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4293&p=142525#p142517, viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4293&p=142525#p142525 are enough serious, drammatic, inhuman and shameless to blacken the reputation of your nation without the "intervention" of other countries on this topic.

The reality is that the regime established by your leader, your party and your ideology show that the only veritable "imperialists" are you Mr Aga, on a domestic point of view of the word "imperialist": using in an luthoranized form an istalian verb related to "imperialism", namely the verb "imperare", which means "to prevail, dominate, reign", you and your regime are the ones that are "imperating" in your nation and that are doing everything to impose your ideology and protect it through the persecution and the fisical elimination of any one which doesn't agree with the regime, eliminations applied also in the most cruel and inhuman forms, executions persued in public places clearly to instill fear and terror to any other kind of opponent.

Your words are the same expressed by many other regimes which tried, as usual, to hidden your veritable ultimate goal and sole interest: the supreme domination in your country.
We are not even facing a temporary suspension of some civil, political or social rights to face or prevent serious internal crisis, it is clear it is not your goal which, instead, is to establish a durable reign of terror and fear in name of your ideology. But... let me say also that at this point the justification of the ideology doesn't work any more: any regime reach a point where those at the power are more interested to remain at the power than persue their ideology. The problem with you in Barmenistan and the other socialist/communist regime is that at least in far-right or military or any other kind of authoritarian regime, the dominion of the leader and his inner circle is not hidden, while in many socialist/communist regimes the élites of the only legal or hegemonic party at the power hidden their will of supreme dominion behind lies (the "democracies of the workers", "the popular tribunals", and so on... like if the people really has the opportunity to detain the sovereignty). The socialist/communist regime are the most hypocrities just right for this reason I alwyas thought.

To conclude, I already know that I will be attacked in any way by you Mr Aga and by your government, I will be accused of imperialism, to be the "pet" of the imperialist powers, and so on... I will be not surprised, what is sure is that I formally condemn the inhuman and cruel actions perpetruated in Barmenistan and I will talk personally toward the Security Council to adopt immediate actions against your regime of terror.

I have no hope to be able to talk with reasonable people from the current regime of Barmenistan, so, as last words, I invite the current Government to put an end to the persecutions and the reign of terror established in Barmenistan. Without any positive response I will have no other possibilities if not demand to withdraw any recognition to the current Government, expelling all the representatives of Barmenistan from this organizations and demand heavy sactions against the regime.

Thank you
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby cm9777 » Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:36 am

Erik Fierstovo, Deltarian Ambassador to the World Congress

Let us dispense with the fancy language. Vanuku is sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. Bermenian affairs are Barmenian business. Therefore Vanuku is imperialist and you would all note it is on King Manosindus's Blacklist
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:53 am

Ibrahim El Salefi

Mr Fierstovo,
I would like just to ask you something: if the Barmenian affairs are Barmenian business, why the Narikatonish affairs are indeed Deltarian Business?
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:27 pm

Ret. Lt. Col Petr Aga, Barmenistan's Ambassador to the World Congress

This Ahmadist GA President's threats are alarming. That is not presidential demeanor at all. The supremacy of the Barnenian Social Nationalist Party is indeed our goal - only the party can save the revolution from imperialists like Vanuku and Ahmadi radicals like WA President El Salefi. He no doubt is very upset to see his fellow Ahmadists disposessed, the rights of Barmenistani women preserved and secularism win in my country.

We maintain that any reports of mass killings in Barmenistan are fake news generated by the Vanukuian - "Human Rights Office" imperialist cartel in order to humiliate the Social Revolution.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:55 pm

Merlkai Hzar, Vanuku's Permanent Representative to World Congress:

It is clear the Barmenistani government will say and do anything to attempt to falsify the truth. The news of the executions is a terrible reality and leaves a dark smear on the regime and its intentions for all who stand in its way.

Perhaps the Barmenistani government will also try and deny the reports we have received of troops beginning to mass in the south of their country near to our border or the reports of genocidal attacks carried out against predominantly Ahmadi peasant populations in their country for refusal to bend to the will of the government?

Perhaps the Lieutenant Colonel will be glad to know we are stepping up land and air patrols along our adjacent border in response to his nation's provocations and that if called on, will, if necessary, help liberate the hapless peasants and ostracised religious communities who have fallen under the shadow of his government and fear for their lives.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aethan » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:23 pm

Valeria Laetitia, Selucian Ambassador to the World Congress

Neither the actions of Barmenia nor those of Vanuku should be applauded by the other nations of Terra. As long as Vanuku maintains its policy of a one-party nation, without democratic elections in sight, it is the least indicated nation to give lessons of democracy. If your citizens are not allowed to freely express their opinion through elections, they will find other methods, which surely will not end up receiving the approval of the government of the nation. The politics of fear and oppression never works, and the same could apply to the path that the government of Barmenia has decided to follow.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:33 pm

Merlkai Hzar, Vanuku's Permanent Representative to World Congress:

In other words, Ambassador Laetitia, Selucia is sitting firmly on the fence as always. I hope the blood of genocide sits well with your apathy.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:44 pm

Ret. Lt. Col Petr Aga, Barmenistan's Ambassador to the World Congress

I am mystified as to what Rep. Hzar's referring to.The Barmenistani government would never attack peasants who are the base of the ruling party. WE would of course defend ourselves from enemies of the Revolution who parade as peasants, Ahmadi or otherwise.

It seems to me that Vanuku is trying to distract everyone from its slide back to single party fascism. Its threats are very worrisome and we will consider looking around for friends to help protect us from fascist violence. All who loathe fascism must denounce this unwarranted aggression!
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aethan » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:46 pm

Valeria Laetitia, Selucian Ambassador to the World Congress

We condemn the actions taken by the Barmenian government, and we will support measures taken to return civil rights to citizens and end the regime of terror that has been implemented in the nation. However, as we have defended on many occasions, embargoes, for example, harm the citizens themselves more than the government. It is about returning to Barmenia its democratic dignity and protecting its citizens, but what are the solutions that the Vanukean government proposes? Enter to shoot shots to a foreign country? Is not that what many in this House like to call "imperialism"?
It is sad that you, Mr. Hzar, think that Selucia defends the genocide. The doors of our nation are and have been open for centuries to welcome all those who flee the wars while there are no other solutions for them to return to their places of origin, and we want to give them a solution. But here I have seen nothing but a cross of accusations, without really providing any solution to offer to the citizens of Barmenia. Of course we condemn the executions carried out by that dictatorial regime established in Barmenia. There is no doubt about that, and our nation is available to the rest of the nations here to discuss solutions. But do not come here giving moral lessons when your own party is implementing anti-democratic measures in your own nation that should also be discussed here.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Sisyphus » Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:56 pm

Merlkai Hzar, Vanuku's Permanent Representative to World Congress:

We welcome Selucia's full, if somewhat late, condemnation of the situation in Barmenistan and look forward to hearing their peaceful resolution to the mass executions, genocide and revolutionary aggression taking place in that nation.
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