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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby TheUnicorn. » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:07 pm


The BF's leadership has already announced the most basic points of their program before the 91' elections. Although over a year and a half into the future, after the consultations with the possible future voters of the party a "skeleton program" has been adopted by the leadership of the Citizens' Rally. The current main four proposals were revealed, as revealed during a big conference held in Skalp, headed by Julius Dall and Sigrid Asp, with Weinberg noticeably missing, himself ending the consultations this year with a meeting summarizing them so far.

Julius Dall during the consultations in a small town near the capital

Those main four proposals of the BF will be:

-Direct elections of the mayors
-Exemption of all concious objectors for military service
-Allowing the purchase and consumption of alcoholic beverages everywhere by adults
-Allowing everyone to buy fireworks

Those are the main, or at least some of the main issues supposedly raised during the consultations, which the BF will adopt as their legislative agenda before the elections.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:48 pm

Nordvik announces State visit to Istalia
Statsminister Elisabeth Nordvik during a debate yesterday

Today, Prime Minister Elisabeth Nordvik announced via a press release that she will travel in January on an official state visit to Istalia. This will be the first official visit between Istalia and Kazulia.

Meeting is about improving relations with each other, Prime Minister is announcing his press secretary during today's press conference. He will not comment on any deals that will be made while they are there.

He announced that it is only the Foreign Minister from the government to join the Prime Minister of Istalia, but there will be a lot of people from all ministries to Istalia.

Nordvik's husband will also be joining Istalia.

This could mean the beginning of a better and warmer relationship between Kazulia and Istalia
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Fri Nov 23, 2018 11:28 pm

BREAKING NEWS: Former King Henrik dead
The former king at his 90th birthday celberation that would become his last public apperance

Early today morning, the message from the royal palace came about that King Henrik II of Kazulia has passed away. King Henrik, who abdicated after being diagnosed with lung cancer has worn the disease in recent years.

The 90-year-old former king ended 2 years ago to attend official appointments following the doctor's recommendation and earlier this year had a seizure during a private visit with his daughter in Lourenne. The king gave a small interview during his 90th birthday a few weeks ago. Where he said he had recovered and that he could end with chemotherapy within one year. He never got it and his 90th birthday became his last public appearance.

He was born into the royal house of Rongstad and was crowned as king after a people's voice spoke for the return of the monarchy to Kazulia.

The king ruled for several years before he abdicated. He has later said that he is proud of how his immediate family tackled his cancer diagnosis and his departure as a king.

The king was hospitalized at night and his closest family was around him when he died. The king died at 2 o'clock in the night. He had 5 children and 10 grandchildren.

King Edvard and Queen Alexandra together with their two children, crown princess Marie and Prince Haakon met all those who appeared before the castle square when they returned to the palace at 12 noon this morning.

Prince Harald and his wife princess Ingrid remained in the royal royal residence in Kelvon together with Queen Mother Therese.

Both his daughters have been informed of his death and Princess Ruth released a message on social media that she and Henri and their 3 children wanted to go to Kazulia next week and arrive at the funeral.

Count Knut and his husband Sir. William Fitzroy was on holiday in Dankuk when the king died but will travel home now during the day.

Prime Minister Elisabeth Nordvik held a press conference where she said:
It was today morning I received the phone from His Majesty that our King Kong had gone away. King Henrik was a man we all had a relationship with he was loved by the people and it is on my ground that I notice that an official mourning period of one week will be held.

The king will lain in state for about 2 weeks before the funeral will be held in December.

Invitations have been sent to most countries' heads of state to attend the funeral.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby The Young Pope » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:13 am

"He has now departed to the House of the Father..." - Patriarch Prestegard
Josefina Ernman, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Einar Hermansson, husband and Party leader of the DNK, showed their respects during high mass. The latter is known to be string advocate for the current monarchy and was said to have a great relationship with the former King.
22nd October, 4489.

As former King Henry passed away at the age of 90 after a decade of struggling with cancer, tributes from all four corners of the realm was uttered, paying respects to what many considered to be a beloved and respectable monarch; a high mass held in honor of the former King in the Grand Cathedral by Patriarch Prestegard of the local Patriarchical Church was conducted, which saw the attendance of a high range of commoners and personalities known to have had a good relationship with him, including Josefina Ernman, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Einar Hermansson, husband, former Minister of Interior and DNK Party Leader.

Mr. Hermansson was among those who held short sermons in order to pay tribute to former King Henry, citing that "(Now) he belongs to the Angels..." and giving a recount of the past when they used to see each other often, and how much respect and Mutual understanding which existed between them both. Finally, he once more reminded everyone who were gathered on the importance of traditional institutions such as the monarchy and why it was still relevant in this modern day of age, Before giving a promise that the 'Alliansen' would defend the very existence of the monarchy, despite the knowledge about the Teknokratiska Partiet's official stance on it being 'undemocratic'.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 6:49 pm

OOC: Postdated
Funeral of King Henrik II
King Henriks casket laying in the Trondsmo Cathedral in front are the orders the king was given after his abdication

A crowded Trondsmo cathedral in Skalm was the place where King Henrik II of Kazulia was sent to his last resting place.
The Funeral started with a funeral procession where his chest was brought with from the royal castle in Skalm down to Trondsmo Cathedral. The 4 officers of the various degrees in the Royal Kazulian millitary and all the guests followed the coffin. Several thousand people met up to follow the beloved monarch's last journey.


The funeral was conducted by Patrarch Prestegard. Big screens was set up around the country so that all Kazulians could be part of the funeral.
King Edvard did hold a very lovely speech to honor his father. There where no dry eyes when the queen dowager said her last goodbye to her beloved husband. Prime minister Elisabeth Nordvik also gave a speech during the funeral

Many Domenstic and international guest was attending the funeral

Queen Dowager Therese

King Edvard and Queen Alexandra

Prince Harald and Princess Ingrid

Crown Princess Marie of Hutori seeing her father to his last rest. Her husband was not attending the funeral.

Princess Ruth and husband Prince Henri of Lourenne

Count Knut and his husband attended the funeral but did not walk in funeral procession

PM Elisabeth Nordvik
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 7:03 pm

OOC: Postdated
King Edvard and Queen Alexandra visit Lourenne
The kong and queen during the statevisit

King Edward and Queen Alexandra were this week on a 4-day state visit to Lourenne.

The state visit started with welcome at the Palais des Lumieres with King Herbert and Queen Viktoria.

In the evening, a great gala dinner was held for the Kazulian king and queen.

The next day, Chancellor Alicia Hauet invited King Edward and Queen Alexandra on a visit to a local school in Eroncourt where he spoke to the teenagers who went to school.

It was only the first 2 days that were official since the other 2 days they spent spending time with their family in Lourenne.

Queen Alexandra and Queen Viktoria are sisters while King Edvard's sister is married to King Herbert's brother.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:32 pm

Nordvik in Istalia
Statsminister Elisabeth Nordvik arrving in Istalia

The first day of Nordviks 5 day state visit begin with a repcetion at Quattroregni Palace the istalian presidental palace. Where the historic meeting between the Kazulian PM and Istalaian President. Both national anthems played during the reception before they went back into the palace. Later the same evening there was a offical Banquet hosted by the president

PM during the banqueet

On the second day the Elisabeth Nordvik enjoyed a tour to see both the Archbasilica of St. Matthias and the Royal Palace of Haxons with residente del Consiglio dei Ministri Vittoria Bronzi.

On the third day the delagations had meetings.

On the fourth day the meetings countinued but Statsminister Nordvik also talked to both chambers of the Istalian Parliament.


On the fifth and last day Statsminister Nordvik and President Hadan Al-Maktum hold a joint press conference.

The PM said this

After many years of arguing and big discussions, Kazulia and Istalia have finally had talks together. What I and the President have talked about are some journalists very curious about.

We have agreed on a trade agreement that will be signed at a later notice once we have all the details in place.

We have also talked a lot about how we can both help on the international level.

Both Istalia and Kazulia are great powers here in the world both millitatively and economically and then we must be able to work together to help those nations who are not as good as we have.

And this is part of the President and I have talked about and we are planning to work with this together through the World Congress where we are both members of the Security Council.

Finally, I would like to thank you for the wonderful and warm welcome and hospitality I have experienced here in Istalia.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:17 pm

KRK is the Kazulian state-owned public broadcasting company responsible for current affairs and information.
Intelligence report reveals Barmenistani use of chemical weapons.
Report by Intelligence community reveals unwarranted use of chemical weapons by Barmenistani Government.
The Headquarters of the Central Committee for Intelligence and Special Operations (SESO) in Asvald.
12th March, 4491.

The Central Committee for Intelligence and Special Operations (SESO) has released a detailed report revealing the use of chemical weapons by the Barmenistani Government against the population in Kathuristan, in a recent attempt to "restore order to the island." The report by the agency concluded that what the Barmenistani Government described as "industrial pollution" was in fact (RS)-Propan-2-yl methylphosphonofluoridate also known as Sarin Gas. The report viewed the situation in Kathuristan and the government's use of chemical weapons as a clear indication of its inability to maintain order within the region. According to officials within SESO, "the use of chemical weapons as it pertains to the situation in Kathuristan as revealed by the report demonstrates extremely recklessness, lack of care for human life and a blatant and disrespectful regard for human rights." Analysts within SESO believe that the Barmenistani Government's control over Kathuristan is waning due to various geopolitical and domestic implications, mainly of protests against the increasingly totalitarian government. Prior to now, Shophet Levon Tawaryan issued an executive order declaring the Sacred Hosian Union to be a "front for the Apostolic Army and every other kind of counterrevolutionary force" citing "extensive election rigging on the part of the opposition. This has led to extreme restriction on opposition parties, which SESO officials have labelled as being "the gradual establishment of a one-party, totalitarian state" in Barmenistan.

The Vanukean Government recently launched an investigation into the production of chemical weapons in Barmenistan, basing their investigation on evidence gathered by Journalist Hedwk Hzar, prior to her execution in Barmenistan on charges of espionage. The Defence Intelligence Organisation has confirmed that the Barmenistani military had a major role in the situation evolving in Kathuristan as military aircraft were seen releasing a gas into the atmosphere (which is now identified as mustard gas). According to the report, cases of runny nose, tightness in the chest, complications in breathing, nausea, drooling and constriction of the pupils had been documented in medical records in hospitals in Kathuristan. Which led to SESO's conclusion that chemical weapons, more specifically Sarin Gas had been used against the population. When asked to comment on the physical origin of the chemical weapons used, officials familiar with the agency's assessment as it pertains to situations where chemical weapons are used against civilian populations, have stated that the agency does not know the physical origin of the gas used. The report states that although sarin gas was used, there is a large possibility that this more chemicals could have been potentially mixed/combined to expand the gas' lethality, thus leading to the agency's recommendations for a wider, World Congress investigation into chemical weapons production and use in Barmenistan.

SESO has stated that it supports the investigation currently being conducted by the Vanukean Government into chemical weapons production in Barmenistan but advises that the investigation be expanded to include a wholesale investigation into the situation in Kathuristan beyond the scope of the SESO report. Director-General of SESO, Søren Nedergaard stated that he intends on allowing SESO to continue its own investigation into the situation whereby, the Kazulian Ambassador to the World Congress will make a case against the Barmenistani Government and its use of chemical weapons against its civilian population, thus open the forum for a much wider investigation into matters pertaining to the Barmenistani Government and Chemical Weapons.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby TheUnicorn. » Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:39 pm



Official election results: Workers' Congress comes first, followed by Right Vote!, NPC at third

It appears that the Workers' Congress has won the latest elections with 118 seats, followed by Right Vote! not that far behind, with 99 seats. Both parties may wish to fight for the premiership, but neither have obvious allies with wihc they could form a cabinet, and it appears that discussion with members of the Alliance will be needed after a hard landing for both parties or, alternatively, the Borgersammenføring, which already announced that it is willing to discuss joining a potential coalition with any party, be it the Worker's Congress, National Purity Congress or Right Vote!.
Borgersammenføring - Citizens' Rally
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Alexak1209 » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:17 pm

After bad result at the election Elisabeth Nordvik resigns after pressure from DNK Leader
Elisabeth Nordvik resigning as both Prime Minister and Party Leader for DLK

After a bad defeat for DLK and Nordvik in the election, Nordvik finally chooses and resigns from the leadership of the party.

Elisabeth Nordvik had the hopes after the election and remained as prime minister but also party leader.

The talks between the parties now forming a new alliance called Sollidarity have shown that Nordvik will not continue as prime minister for the next 4 years.

Apparently, there must have been a lot of pressure from her alliance colleague and DLK's sister party DNK's leader Einar Herrmanson, who made Nordvik end the appeal to quit as a party leader and prime minister.

General Secretary Fredrik Meyer-Mecklenburg has said that there has been a lot of dissatisfaction about how Norvik led the party through the election and he and many others inside DLK had shown interest in getting a new leader.

Nordvik will be attending the party's national meeting in October, where a new leader will be elected but the candidates have already been known.

According to rules inside DLK there are a maximum of 4 candidates that can be chosen as leader and we now have 4 Candidates that have been declared.

Bilal Ali
Outgoing Minister of Education and Culture and a popular face among the youth party

Christina Skog
Outgoing Minister for Defence and incoming minister of Foreign Affairs and has been member of Stortinger for many years

Marie Nilsen
Minister of Justice, former leader of the youth party and Nordviks Opponent in last leadership election

Kristian Vedum
Longterm member of Stortinget
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