
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby meritocracy » Mon Oct 19, 2009 5:13 pm


Praetor Levi Cohen-Goldundsilverburgstein has announced he will not run for reelection, having found the office insufferably dull. He has announced the cabinet can do "Whatever the hell it wants." and has taken a long vacation to some islands as a semblance of official state visits. He did assure the nation that he has his cell phone, and will return calls if needed. His philosophy has always been "The government that does best, does least." He is going to attempt to put that aphorism to its logical conclusion.

(a confused Praetor Cohen-Goldundsilverburgstein)

He has nominated his favorite boxer, former WBC heavyweight champion, Gil "Elbows" Malloy, to run in his stead. Party One is not actually expected to nominate anyone for a few more years.

Elbows Malloy displays his fab ring.

Party One changed sponsorship, ends patched uniforms for Delegates.

Party one, which two years ago switched corporate sponsorship from Supermart to Ion Automotive, has received a new overall bid of sponsorship from General Pharmaco. A counter bid from Consumers for Christ was not enough.

(official patched uniform for delegates of Party One, last three years)
After much objection and disapproval on behalf of Party One's delegates, the patch overalls are history. Delegates will be receiving bespoke outfits courtesy of Granger and Aaronson: High Street, a leading clothier in Golema.
The News in Photos:

Golemian Oligarchy supporters protest something or other near a building they believe is the Praetor's residence, but which in fact is a multi-level car park.
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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby meritocracy » Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:23 pm

Party One's chairman Michael Faustson has reportedly made a 33% buy in Wombat News Network. Womabat News recently spun of from 29th Century Wombat, and was on uncertain financial footing.

Saridan's 3rd largest cable news provider is already a sponsor of Party One activities, and its journalistic certifications have been removed in many other nations as well as in some Saridani localities.

In other Party One news, the party broke with its standard of not running a Praetorial candidate, which they have avoided for the past two elections, and have nominated Gertrude Goya, famed chef and star of Womat Net Presents: Extreme Cookoff, as their candidate. Party chairman Michael Faustson states that the party is still in coalition and on good terms with the NRPP.

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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby meisme » Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:05 pm


Saridan leaders are planning to go to "The Commonwealth" for a government argeement.

OOC: Adding more when we come :roll:
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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby meismeotheraccount » Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:27 am

The Canton of Moshiran, in the Saridani Union, was shocked by a terrorist attack on Janurary 15, 2965. There were 73 dead and 177 wounded. The government thinks that Gao-Showa extremists causes the bombing of a Mall in the city of Classi. Now the government is asking for help to fix the destroyed buildings from the bombings. Money will come from the government for the family and friends of the killed. Rumors of Saridan going to war with Sekowo, with 4 other nations, now they may go to war for real. More will come after a news conference with Chancellor Ivy Hunter.
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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby meismeotheraccount » Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:39 pm

Former Chancellor passes away

Today on November 18, 2970 at 1:52, Awuip Hikopla dies at the age of 89. Awuip know for making the current flag of Saridan, starting the great friendship with Rutania, and the 3rd longest term of Chanellor in Saridan's history. People all over will miss this great man. He will be buried at his hometown of Little Guma. Later Roberto Hikopla make a statement about him. "He is and forever be the most kindest, most caring, and most loving person of the Federilist Party. Everybody like the guy, even when they don't vote for him. I will never forget what my Grandfather did for the Union. After that, he walk away, with tears in his eye. Nobody think bad about him, even when he made bad decsions. He will be remember for the things he did for this Union. Good-bye, and god bless you.
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Saridani Nationalist News Agency (SNNA)

Postby Shadow_Congress » Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:52 am

Saridani Nationalist Party loses Intern Government to Capitalist Party

In a recent election held by the Intern Government ruled by the SNP a pro Imperial Nationalist Government that changed the terms from 5 years to every two years until a more stable Government could be sat up recently loss its re-elections to a party called Capitalist NOW Party. The SNP Administrative Committee which currently leads all decisions within the SNP stated that while it lost the majority of the seats it still held power as the SNP retained its Chancellor and is expect to also retain its seats in the the Assembly.

The recent loss has said to been caused by the recent passing of a questionable Tax Act and Spending Act that increased the amount of taxes imposed on Companies from 15% to 50% causing many Corporations to threaten to close their doors. However despite the threats the SNP ensured that the bill passed through and with the newly founded funds not just from the Corporate Tax and the National Income Tax which the Saridani Government is said to be bolstering a GDP of over $15trillion.

Despite the loss however the SNP Administrative Committee announced plans to continue its work and establish itself as the true party and voice for the people. It is said that they have gained much support from the Military, Labor Unions, and the advocates for Health and Safety.

Saridani begins CDF Services

As part of the new funding of the Military by the SNP the complete integration of the National Police Force as well as Local Police Enforcement across the nation into the newly formed Civil Defense Forces has begun with overwhelming results. Coupled with the new Mandatory Service Requirements for every High School Graduate the option to server in the National Military or the CDF has given rise to many choosing the lesser term of the Civil Defense Forces which has caused a dramatic spike in the available numbers of Police out in the townships and Cities.

One bystander stated that, "there seems to be almost a cop on every street corner and because of that I have noticed that there has been little to no crime." Which the numbers are slowly proving as crime rates in the past few months have went down due to the overwhelming presence of the Civil Defense Forces. The CDF despite being mainly a Civilian Police it is equipped and trained in Urban Combat and Military Tactics. This as well as being armed with the latest of military weapons and vehicles has allowed the CDF to take shape as a Civilian Military Force devoted strictly to stopping crime and should the nation ever be invaded would act as a defensive force.

Several townships have had to increase the size of their former Police Stations to adequately provide services for all the new CDF Members and the equipment. Every CDF Local Office is given a detachment of CDF Officers as well as Anti-Riot and Personal Vehicles (ARPV's) and Advanced Recon Helicopters (ARH's) with larger cities getting several of these units.
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Re: Saridani Nationalist News Agency (SNNA)

Postby Shadow_Congress » Fri Jan 28, 2011 2:35 am

Chancellor Visits Greater Hulstria for Conference

The Chancellor was recently invited to the nation of Greater Hulstria where an international conference was being held. While there the Chancellor Domitri Reinmeister was cordially invited to several dinners in which he spent many nights speaking with the Greater Hulstria members of Government. While there the Chancellor also spent several days out about in the nations capital meeting with local officials and touring several great sites with in the nation. A citizen that met Chancellor Domitri stated to SNNA that, "he seemed very happy to be here and interested to learn about our culture and history."

The Chancellor spent time speaking with several members of the Faschistische Gewalt-Partei who had invited Domitri to the event. There was great talk about possible Economic and Scientific trade agreements to help both nations in an uncertain world. The two also spoke of a possible future Military Agreement that would ensure the safety and security of both nations. Chancellor Domitiri also spoke of the Saridani Nationalist Party looking for a noble bloodline within the nation of Saridani that it believes could provide the SNP with what it needs to become a powerful party as well as an attempt to restore a Monarch in power.

"The goal of such an initiative was mentioned over a simple cup of coffee and tea shared between I and Mr. Russell von Korneuschlag which as I explained would assist the SNP greatly as we are seeking a new type of government comprised of a Nationalist idea and a Monarchy ran system." Domitri however would not comment further stating that such would hinder the process and undermine the SNP's plans.

Saridani defeat in Assembly poses threat to new Bills

Recently the SNP received a small defeat by the Capitalist Now Party which is striving to create a Capitalist based system with in the nation of Saridani. The SNP lost enough seats to also lose majority however despite their loss the Chancellorship remained in the hands of Domitiri and the Cabinet is secured by the SNP currently as well. With this the SNP is struggling to pass its reform bills that range from Ecology to Education Reform and its largest Civil Rights Reform bill that has struck a nerve with the Capitalist NOW Party.

The Capitalist NOW Party spokesman denounced a recent bill on Ecology stating that it would, "harm the nations economy." However the SNP pointed out that its plan to force timber and paper companies to replant trees at the same level that they where being cut down was economically beneficial as it would ensure that in several years time that a forest would be there ready to be struck down again. However the Capitalist NOW Party has not responded after such comment.

The recent defeat has left many wondering if the SNP will again loose more seats in the upcoming election. Polls show that many are seeking an end to the 2 year Intern Government Declaration that was installed by the SNP to assist in creating a new government after several years of an almost stale Government. However people are now worried that the constant change in Governments may end up hurting the nation more then helping it.

Saridani Nationalist Party helps establish the Saridani National Church of Christ

At first many different denominations filled the religious corners of the nation however recently a push by several larger church finally gave way to a unified effort to bring about a new denomination that shows both belief in God and Patriotism to the nation of Saridani. The Saridani National Church of Christ was established by several priests who where members of the SNP and wanted to prove that Church and State can work together without stepping on one another. The Priests have stated that they where finally happy to have the full support of the SNP and hope for their continued support in the coming years. Currently the SNP passed a bill that made the Saridani National Church of Christ as the States religious belief however recently it has been stated that the law may be repealed as it has gathered disfavor by other denominations and other faiths.

"Despite our set backs caused by the Capitalist NOW Party and other non religious groups the SNCC is starting to spread like wildfire," stated Brother Samual Brigila a Missionary of the Saridani National Church of Christ. The church has stated that, "God has smiled on us as he always does even when he has to teach us a lesson he does so out of love and compassion like a Father would discipline his child."

Currently several key members in the SNP Committee's and even Chancellor Domitri himself is a member of the Saridani National Church of Christ.
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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby Hrafn » Sat Apr 09, 2011 12:10 pm

Archbishop Claims Power

After the sudden and unexpected collapse of the government and parliament composed by the now disbanded Anti-Revolutionary Party, Saridan was plunged into anarchy.
Now, half a decade later, order has been brought back by Quintinus I, born Quentin Gladstone, Archbishop of the Terran Catholic Church in Saridan, and now monarch of the Holy State of Saridan. Backed up by his ultra-right-wing party, the Holy Traditionalist Party, he intends to bring his country closer to being a foretaste of God's Kingdom on earth.

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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby Hrafn » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:14 pm

State Religion Established

The Holy Traditionalist Party has legally established Terran Catholicism as the official religion of Saridan. Membership in the Terran Catholic Church is mandatory for all citizens, all schools must teach Terran Catholicism as truth, and all officials must dress according to religious codes.

The establishment of the state religion is not meant to stamp out pagan holidays and cults for the general populace, but it will establish the Holy Trinity as supreme and lord of all gods. This has gained large acceptance across the myriad religions in Saridan, but has not been well received by the jewish and muslim minorities. Some christian denominations on the other hand have criticized the law for being too tolerant.

Many Saridans worship ancient pagan gods
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Re: Saridani Union Daily

Postby Hrafn » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:11 pm

Moralist Laws Passed

The two parties of the Debate Hall, the Holy Tradionalist Party and the (reformed christian) State Reformed Party, agreed to pass a number of laws for the preservation of sound morality in the nation. They include the prohibition of prostitution and pornography, any sexually implicit material in the mass media or in the public space, and what the HTP refered to as "promiscuity propaganda for schoolchildren". Also included in the package are enforced monogamy, a crackdown on adultery and limitations on divorce.

The new idol for Saridani youth?
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