
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:44 pm


The popularity of Coconuts, a gift from Kaniu, goddess of coconuts.

Tropical deities discovery program lives again, always present to make the world aware of the diverse gods of the Tropical Religion. Today, we will explain why the Native Tropican loves Coconuts. When Tropica's economy was dead, it was described as the Coconut trading posts. Once upon a time, Coconuts could have very well become money. The real is that Tropican has enough Coconuts farm to supply its entire population, 7 millions, with coconuts. But how can we explain the popularity of coconuts in Tropican, Today Coconut-milk has managed to take the place of dairy products. Religion explain the popularity of Coconuts. The Tropican believe that coconuts a gift Kaniu, nickname the goddess of coconuts.

According to the legends, Kaniu is not known for any achievement, She was supposed to be the wife of Kumalu'hele, the god of forest. The God was an hard workers who was preoccupied with the forests of Tropica, he was busy guarding the forest, he would eliminate any living that would try to approach the tree. And at night, when he came home, he would take his frustration on Kaniu. Then, he would force himself on her. However, it said that some humans heard Kaniu cries for help and were able to kill the god of forest. Not wanting to higher gods to know that humans have killed a god. Kaniu severed the head of Kumalu'hele, and buried it. from this head, would grow the first coconut tree ever. Hence why Kaniu became the goddess of Coconuts. Because the god of forest was dead, animals and insects took over the tropican forests.

Recently, the Tribe Union, the Native Satanailist and the friends of animals, have allied themselves to pass legislation that would ban all dairy products. saying it would better to lives from the gifts of a goddess, instead of exploiting the animals.

the leader of the Tribe Union, even criticize nearly all countries on their immorality
People in the world should feel ashamed that they transformed a noble animals into slavery. They are all corrupt. We are going to ban all dairy-Product to protect Tropica from such corruption, we got gift from a goddess, it would better to use it, then some dairy products.
Cynkia Opiu.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:39 pm

14 february 4491

Tropican Census, the gain of the Satanailism Church

Under the first administration of Mark Edward, Satanailists where given the permission to open a church and to convert others to their religion. Today, the Satanailist church of Tropica City is finally open for business, their first move will be to register and build religious rituals of the Tropica. The main goal of the church is to transform oral traditions into written traditions. However, there is resistance. The Luthoran pastor are protesting against a church who appear to worship the devil, according to their info, and multiple tribe leaders, the Matai do not want to change their oral traditions, but multiple Matai have supported the implementation of the Satanailist church.

The government also released a first census of religious affilations. However, we must remain prudent with the results. According to the census realized by the government, 40% of the tropican are irreligious, 30% belong to the Tropican religion, 20% to the Luthoran church and 10% to the Satanailism movement.

Milana Metua targetted by Terrorists
Another terrible events has occured today, Milana Metua, representative of the New Democratic Party was targetted by a terrorist action that belong to the True Real Libertarians. Around 6 Pm, the office of Milana Metua exploded. However, it seem she has survived the attentat, but several of her employee where killed by the bomb.
The True Real Libertarians immediatly claimed responsability of the attacks, claiming they have targetted a communist leader.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Nov 27, 2018 6:57 pm

29 august 4491

4th terrorist act in Tropica, Baltusian and Istalian Citizen Face death penalty.

Today was supposed to be a great celebration, the first time a movie a presented in a Tropican Cinema. the events took place in Liamderson, A city extremely to the capital, Tropica City. The suggested movie was about a police-woman who struggle to catch a serial-killer in Luthori. However the meeting turn to a real-life terror when 4 men erupted in the place and start shooting at the audience, crying (True Freedom, death to communists). The police quickly intervene to stop the terrorists, but also took major damage, 7 agents where killed in actions, 12 were wounded. Among the spectators, 17 people were killed and multiple were wounded. The Police was neverless about to kill 2 of the shooters and to arrest the others two. The events caused widespread manifestation in front of the Office of the communist party, deemed as incapable to protect Tropican citizen. The People demanded modernization of the polices forces and more funds for the polices.

Terrorists on the loose, that's what became of country. We ask the prime minister Mark Edwards to redeem himself and boosts the funds and the equipment of the police, it is unacceptable that the tropican citizen have to live in fear because of a few terrorists that the government could not catch. We must modernize our police force, so it can protect our citizen. We have right to live a country without terrorist.
Nohea Nawahine, a Tropican citizen who saw her boyfriend killed in the the Cinema

Moments laters, Mark confirmed he would use money he received from Kanjor to modernize the police force, but refused to comments. The police have revealed the identity of the 4 mens. Patrick Jackson, a citizen of Baltusia, Ranolfo Furia a citizen of Istalia, Hone Kawaha and Bernard Marchand, a Kanjor Citizen. Hone Kawaha and Bernard Marchand where killed in action. Meanwhile, Patrick Jackson and Ranolfo face charges for Possession of Weapon, Blackmail, Obstruction of Justice, Manslaughter, Murder, Assault, terrorism and Conspiracy. As they are accused of terrorism, they face death penalty. The True Real Libertarian have claimed responsibility of the events

Poll specialist Speak about troubles for multiples parties.

According to Matthew Bush, a poll expert, it will become a very hard time for multiples parties, to be more specifics, the tourism coalition, the tropican science party, the people's coalition, the freedom alliance, and the feminist life. The expert say all theses parties should expected a decreased in electoral, which could lead to a lost of seats. Other Party are stable. The Democratic Forum was ignored due to their recents decision of disbanding the party.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Nov 28, 2018 8:26 pm


13 March 4492
End of an era. Mark Edwards announce his retirement from the political world

Today mark the end of an Era, Mark edwards, who was elected as prime minister in the last 4 elections will retire from the political world, because of his advanced age of 75. His son, Sebastian Edwards, 43 years old, has refused to enter the political world, leaving only his grandson, Luke Edwards-Thunder, 17, as the only candidate of his family who could carry out the Edwards name in Tropican politics. However, at the moment, Luke Edwards-Thunder is too young to present himself as a political candidate. Which leave the post of leader of the Communist Party of Tropica totally open to anyone who is a members of the Communist Party of Tropica, and who get recognization of 75% of the tropican assemble. We know that multiple person declared their candidacy, but we are unable to confirm anyone.

it is difficult to predict who is going to be leader of a communist and if this person will be accepted by 75% of the representatives, which mean by a majority of the representatives who belong to a non-communist party. Rumors say the Next Tropica Prime Minister could be a woman.

In Tropica, Mark Edwards is respected by the vast majority of the population, and the man who began the construction of the Tropica's economy.

Update : multiple Rumours say Maya Darklight could become the Next Prime minister of Tropica. For our Auditors, before coming to Tropica and working for the Communist party of Tropica, Maya Darklight was a Member of the Pro-life communist alliance or Pro-life Liberal alliance in Baltusia. For a time, She was secretary of environment and she developped a public recycling corporation. However, she became the target of all political, and a disgrace to her party, when she was convicted of 2nd degree Murder and obstruction of justice, because the police found the Body of her daughter in her house. Later, it was discovered that her boyfriend Patrick Longfield actually killed her daughter, so her sentence was reduced from life emprisonment to 15 years in jail. Contrary to Baltusia, Tropica does not have law that prevent ex-convicts from voting or from presenting themselves in the elections. However, multiple Citizen of Liamderson have already began a Campaign to elect Maya Darklight as prime minister because they view her as the reincarnation of Nihama.


Kahe, God of Flood.
Today's Deities Discovery present you a god people do not pray, and even a god people dislike. The God of Flood, Kahe. Micia is worshipped a great goddess of life. A being who bring sweet rain and allow the fertilization of the Tropican farms. Kahe is a also a god associated with Rain, but he does not bring sweet rain, he bring heavy Rain that can flood an house. When he comes to Tropica, the any farm would ended up flooded, resulting in heavy losts for the farmers. for exemple, it would become impossible to cultivate any kind of vegetable or to let the animals out of the staple. Kahe is associated with heavy rains and deluges. The Tropica tend to make offerings to Kahe, because they want to avoid his retribution. It is said that Kahe, tend to be unpredictable and likes to to take his angers on those who not respect him. He would make the rivers leave their nest to floor nearby stores. In order to avoid this, Tropica tend to despite pearls on a altar dedicated to the god of flood, close to a river.

Our expert explain that this belief can be explained by the fact that many cities in Tropica are located close to rivers.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Nov 29, 2018 5:33 am


Patrick Jackson Executed

Patrick Jackson, one of the two terrorists arrested by the police of the Tropica in shootings of Liamderson, was recently executed, after being judged guilty by the Tribunal of Tropica City, the defense did not appeal the verdict.

Before, his execution, Patrick Johnson demanded the protection of the Baltusian Government, but the foreign minister of Baltusia, Marisa Woodbury denied his requests. Before being executed, Patrick Jackson was allowed some last words. Which he use to accuse Baltusia of being a (oppressive communist state)

I get it, I'll die, and its fine. I am a fighter of true freedom, a true real libertarian. I will die for true freedom. I was left to die by communists of Baltusia. True Libertarian, may you honor my sacrifice. We must keep fighting until we defeated communists. We true real Libertarian, even if I die, we will keep fighting communists dictatorship like Baltusia and Tropica, and we shall bring True Real Freedom to Terra.
.... Last words of Patrick Jacksons

The other terrorist, Ronalfo Furia is waiting his trials, the police say they have enough proof to convict him for terrorist and 1st degree murders. However, he has demanded the protection of the Istalian Government.

Tropica got too much money

Mark Edwards confirmed his government has recently received 60 billion Kanjor Rupies in foreign aids, that's a lot of money, but he did not say how he was going to spend them.

I really don't know, we could use it to open almond farm near all tropica cities, to build new energy project, to complete the Tropican internet Project. I really don't know what to do, so many options.
Mark Edwards.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Nov 29, 2018 11:04 pm


Tropica's 5th General elections, Communist party gain seats, Heavy Question for multiple parties.

5 October 4492

The results of the 5th Tropican Elections are now Public, The New democratic was able to establish themselves as a party, but multiple parties losts seats, including the Tourism coalition, the feminist league and the People's coalition. The Pro-life Guild and The Democratic Forum disbanded before the elections. Representatives from the Democratic Forum, joined the NPD and the CPT, meanwhile, Representative of the Pro-life Life Guilds, joined the CPT, the Green and The FoA. Maya Darklight, presented her candidate as Prime Minister which was approved by 199 representatives out of 237. A new Party, the coalition for Security was able to elect 2 representative and pressed the government to present adequate measure to fight back agaisnt the Threat poser by the True Real Libertarians. Ha'aheo Kamaka, a election expert, believe the party who lost seats will end up disbanding before the next elections, as those party as hit with heavy question.

For exemple, the feminist league got no purpose, as the Communist party and the green party are both feminists.
Ha'aheo Kamaka

Here are the results of the 5th Tropican generals elections.
Communist Party of Tropica = 43 Seats
Tribe Union = 32 Seats
Native Satanailist Alliance = 31 Seats
Tropican Green Party = 28 Seats
Luthoran Assemble = 27 Seats
New Democratic Party = 17
Labor Party = 16 Seats
Liberal Club = 15 Seats
Friends of animal = 7 Seats
Feminist league = 6 Seats
People's Coalition = 4 Seats
Freedom Alliance = 4 seats
Tourism Coalition = 3 seats
Tropican Science Party = 2 Seats
Coalition for Security = 2 Seats

Bill Graham Denounced election of Maya Darklight, his comments drew heavy Backlash, among the Tropican electors, even among the members of Luthoran Church.
its unacceptable, that a former convict, a killer is elected to be the most important post of our nation. its even worst when she's a dirty foreigner. She should have simply be executed in Baltusia, And now that monsters is going to lead our nation. Everyone voted for her will be send to hell by the hand of the lord.
Bill Graham
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:34 pm


Maya Darklight Present her government. Vows to continue the development of Tropica energy projects

When we'll be done, Tropica will have a super offshore wind farm. We'll continue the maintenance of our solar project and we'll develop Hydro-Plants..

The announce was made this Morning by Maya Darklight, Unlike Mark Edwards, Maya Darklight seem very open to the construction of Hydro-plant in Tropica. As she presented her new government to the media, she confirmed her intention to expend the offshore wind farms, to install more offshore wind farm, as well as her intention to install Hydro-Plants in order to directly supply the most important cities of Tropica, Tropica City, Liamderson, New Kosmos as well as north cities of Keahiahi and Okekaiwai.

Maya Darklight confirmed Milana Metua (f) would serve as minister of Energy, Maleia Nalanie (f) would serve as minister of foreign affairs, Sarah-Rafaelle Darklight (f) would serve as minister of Healthcare, Lono Ailani would be minister of security (m), Cynkia Opiu (f) would serve as minister of Tropican Affairs, Nakoa Kalea (m) would be minister of environment and Kapule Ailani (m) would be minister of education, among others.

The current plan did not really develop Tropica, it simply allowed us to increase our consommation to the point we would not suffer back-outs so often. But it was not executed perfectly, Electricity is being transported over large distances we need a better plan to supply Tropica, A while ago, we received 10 billion LOD in foreign aid from Kanjor, its time, we use this money, to improve Tropica's energy capacity.
Milana Metua, minister of Energy

Tropica Deities Discovery Program present Kalani, God of Mirage.

Similar to how Kufio was described as a trickster god by the Native tropican, Kalani is known to be a trickster, with the difference that he apparently trick bad humans, instead of tricking other gods. He make mortels see what they to see, make unreal dog appears in front of people. Famous stories about him speak about he learned about the taste for meat of a particular Matai named Uamutu, and how was able to trick this chieftain, into pursuing a beautifull woman, until he fell into a underground lake full of leeches who ended killing him. However, Kalani is also known to pull non-deadly pranks on everyone for fun. The 1st April, named Kalani's day by Tropican, is known to be day where everyone tries to pull pranks on their neighbour.

Our expert believe that this god, was originally created by a Tropican Tribe, to explain the fact that their Matai died following cannabis or alcohol intoxication, causing him to fall into a lake and drowning. The most illogical point of this story is that there is no blood-sucking leeches in Tropica, their main food are insect larvas and worms.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Tue Dec 04, 2018 1:44 am


Tropica-Keymon Trade deal, start in crime

A few week agos the Tropican National Assemble vote in Favor of Trade deal with Keymon. The trade deal contained some conditions, described belong.
First, Nether Tropican or Keymon shall cancel the trade deal. Second, Nether Tropican nor keymon shall impose Tariff on legal products. Tropica has assured Keymon, that the country shall not nationalize businesses as long as they respect the 33% rules, who mandate that the companies gives 33% of the VOTING stocks to the government and 33% of the voting stocks to the workers themselves.

One of the first Keyman companies to install themselves was recently stopped by the police, All employees and patrons were arrested because a police agent discover human meat in the basement of Revolu-Gaming, a companies specialized in developing and selling video games. Yet, 1 week after their installation, one of the employee went missing, 3 day later another employee went missing. 3 more day and the police had another case. Lately, a agent police found their bodies, or what remain of their bodies and decided to arrest everyone. Mohala Kale, explainthis sort of reaction for cannibalism affairs are normal.

Cannibalism is very serious in Tropica, we have a sad history associated with this. Even if it is illegal since 100 years, we believe there are still some Poya worshipping cult who practice it. And we believe one of them was recently linked to this company. Everyone are suspect, so we are going question them all. We are also going to investigate this company thoroughly.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:36 pm


True libertarian 5th acts, 5 deaths, Kaliko Metua killed.

The True Real Libertarian made another acts in the last. Kaliko Metua, the former leader of the new democratic party, brought a gun inside a tropican school and began shooting at the student. He was killed by the police, but he was to kill 5 victims, including Jonathan Kinney-Darklight, one of the Nephews of prime minister, Maya Darklight. However, the police is not certain if this means the end of the True Real libertarians. Also, the Police is still investigating the case of the Cannibalism Cult, it may be possible that both the True Real Libertarian and the Cult are linked somehow.

The announce of Kaliko Metua death brought heavy reaction in the political worlds, with election in just 1 year.
How could he become a terrorist and think about shooting people. My brother just made our great family the shame of Tropica.
Milana Metua

I feel so sorry for my brother, I know how it is painful to lose your child. I hope I can help him get over this tragedy.


Tropica Discovery Problem, the Star God Rivia

Tropica deity discovery on the airs once again, we are getting closer to have discovered the entire Tropica Pantheon. Our next discovery is the star Rivia, A god who is said to have powers to heal and to revive people. It is said, that Because he lives, in a place so high in the Sky, Rivia is unaffected by Poya, is able to contain her, to prevent people from falling in her real, as well as to heal any disease. An Old Tropica Ritual say, Offer a sacred plant to the Gods, and pray to him, and he would heal your wounds. Another common story speak of how he tried to introduce multiples birds in the forests protected by Kumalu'hele, but each time he would send them, until the forest's god death, the bird would come back to the star god heavily wounded. The star god Rivia, is also credited for being able to prevent Poya from eating the spirits of good citizen, allowing them to wander our world, while evil citizen are consumed by the goddess of death, because they cannot be saved.

In Tropica, the New years, is often considered to be a ritual to Honor to star god Rivia
Last edited by Darkylightytwo on Sat Dec 08, 2018 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tropican Daily Dispatch

Postby Darkylightytwo » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:57 pm


14 February 4496
Tropica welcome 3 refugees from Utar Mosir

just before the next Tropican general elections, the prime minister of Tropica, Maya Darklight, has confirmed she have given political assylum, to three Kunikatans from Utar Mosir, who have decided to join their family, instead of fleeing to Ostland. Miyoshi Yoshiko, Her Daughter, Chihaya Yoshito and Her husband, Hirose Yoshiko. The Yoshiko familly claim that if they did not fled from Utar Mosir like they did, their lone daughter and themselves might have been killed in the training camps created by the government of Utar Mosir.

They want to killed every last Kunikatans, its a genocide. We had choice to flee. Originally, we planned for our familly in Tropica to join us, in Stralkamp. Ever since we heard of the terrorists activities in Tropica, we believed that it had to be us who had to welcome the refugee. We did not expected becoming refugee to Tropica.
. Hirose Yoshiko

The prime minister of Tropica has also commented the affairs.
I am quite horrified by the events that happen in Utar Mosir. The simple execution of people because they are differents from the majority is unacceptable. This is type of government is even then the Baltusia, who convicted me for apparently killing my own daughter. The enslavement and the mass execution of the Kunikitan people is a crimes against mankind. That's the act of an Evil government. We encourage all decent countries to condemn this government and place international sanction on Utar Mosir.

Police say they have identified all members of the True Real Libertarians.

the Speaker of the police forces, Julio Fulio, said that the Tropica police has managed to identify all members of the True Real Libertarians following the death of Kaliko Metua, who was suspected to have been the leader of the organisations.

I am glad to announce to the population of Tropica, that the terrorists who called themselves, the True Real Libertarians are nearly done for. We know, they are a group of 5 males and we know who they are. Its only a matter of time before they are stopped. We were able to identify them, thanks to the datas we found in Metua's computers. We apolegize for our incapacity to protect you. but Today. I can tell you this crisis is nearly over.

Maya Darklight, Prime Minister of Tropica.
Other news.
The assistant director of Revolu-Gaming, a company from Keymon, Lewi Kamaka, is formelly accused of Cannibalism. The Police said they found sufficient evidence to accuse him of the murder of 5 people. Mr Mamaka face the death penalty.

Maleia Nalanie, Minister of Foreign affairs, presented a resolution, stating the government would accept the aid of Krugari, in its fight against the Cults of Poya. The resolutions has to be accepted by 75% of the members of national assembly. Two parties, the Coalition for Security and the Luthoran Assemble has said they are going to vote against, and they will pressure the Tribe Union and the Native Satanailist Alliance. Hoverer netheir Kelii Mahoe, new leader of the Tribe Union, or Okiara Topia, leader of the Native Satanailist Alliance who has taken the place of Whiro Rata, as indicted their intention, but if any of these parties oppose the resolution, it would fail to get 75% of the votes. The New Democratic party Leader, Atua Tereiti, the leader of the Green Party, Isabell Matte and the leader of the Labor Party, Neina Arono, all said they are going to vote in favor.
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