
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Wed Dec 19, 2018 5:57 pm

Corruption in the WoC government
The government of Wind of Change has been involved in a network of tax fraud where both the president and the industry minister kept their money, but also where WoC diverted loans, grants and donations so as not to have to pay taxes on their projects. of the electoral campaign. In addition it is investigated if WoC could be saving in addition the salaries of his public positions to gain to increase his gains and that the party will take a percentage. The police have arrested several WoC leaders in the province of Washebar, being involved in a corrupt plot based on bribes and misappropriation of public money, even using various institutions to pursue other political parties such as the HNP, the PCA or the MNP -S.
At the moment there are no reactions from the rest of the political formations, but it is expected that the 'Reformist' training is working on presenting a commission of inquiry to the government.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Wind of Change » Wed Dec 19, 2018 7:16 pm

Minister Kimun resigns and WoC votes for the motion against their own Government
These were Mrs. Kimun words:

Resigning is the only thing I can do so as not to damage the image of Malivia and my party. There are many thing that has been said about our party that are not true but I have to admit that I've commited tax fraud during the year 4500 for a value of 450.000 MCR. The money I should have paid that year will be paid back to Malivian people next week.

President Mr. Mirhijond has denied the accusation of fraud but he will cooperate with the Malivian legal system. He has said that WoC has always fought against corruption and this time will not be less. He has made public his decision of refusing to participate in the next elections but Mr President has also said that new elections won't take place until the proper year to give Malivia some stability.

Kimun and Mirhijond in a visit to Walkaunar electric cars factory MaliviaMovElectric.

The General Secretary of WoC , Ms. Lilian Grewake has announced that a primary election will take place next month to choose the new candidates and has confirmed that all the politicians from WoC that the Police is investigating has been ejected from the party this morning.
As you can see our party is not tolerant towards corrupts, thing that other parties cannot say
Wind of Change
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:33 pm

Police register the national headquarters of Wind of Change


The police register the headquarters of WoC in Hitam and the judge declares secret the operation 'partreo' since it sees signs of crime in the candidacy of Wind of Change for the municipal elections of the capital by manipulation of the voting.
The police have requisitioned numerous ballots at the headquarters, money in envelopes, messages, emails, security recordings, ballot boxes with double bottom and material that they have not yet revealed.
No doubt this government is not going through its best and there are already sectors calling for a complete renovation.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Wed Dec 19, 2018 9:40 pm

They arrest the husband of Lilian Grewake

Lilian Grewake's husband was arrested for embezzling public funds to pay for his wife's primary campaign with public money, and to pay for electoral fraud that is now being blamed on the government.
The electoral board values disabling WoC's future candidacies for the next municipal and provincial elections.
The most radical sector of WoC gains momentum and proposes a complete renovation, and has already requested that the more moderate candidacies be disqualified because they are related to cases of corruption.
There have already been polls that indicate a strong decline of WoC and an unstoppable rise of the reformists. In addition, they also point to a rise in PCA and HDP that could result in a majority of PCA + #R + WoC but with a government of the HNP.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Thu Dec 20, 2018 7:42 pm

The anarchist Amir Batalló wins the PCA primaries in Idhagra, putting the national executive and the stability of Malivia in check.

The anarchist candidate of the most radical faction wins the primaries to lead the PCA in Idhagra despite having faced the national leadership of the party. From Hitam they consider the possibility of not supporting him in the municipal elections.


Even if he wins the elections (something that all the polls take for granted) he will have a hard time governing if he does not get an absolute majority since the centrist Reforma movement and several WoC leaders refuse to give him the government because of his promise to "organize resistance" of the people "and of making massive expropriations to all the means of production to distribute them among the workers.

It has made its way mainly in the more rural areas with the promise of dividing the land and distributing it among the farmers who work it.

Several organizations claim to have evidence that they are organizing militias to carry out a coup d'état and establish a "dictatorship of the proletariat".

The HNP has not been slow in requesting their immediate arrest since it represents, according to them, a danger to the progress of our nation.

The HDP currently only asks for its disabling until it is confirmed that the information is false.

Today the national executive of the PCA meets to see if they can suspend him from militancy and expel him from his candidacies, although this may sink them in the region, the general secretary of the party has said the following:

    "Democracy and the freedom of the people is above any partisan interest and in the PCA we are not going to lower ourselves so much as to consider the possibility of supporting this coup and ask for unity in the face of this danger to our rule of law" - Assumpta Ó Caside

The absolute vote of the political community has only served to boost Amir Batallò in the surveys that give him a high percentage of approval at the national level.

Some attribute this rise to the tiredness of the people before the policy, unemployment and economic stagnation, frustration and corruption.

In any case, this does not come at a good time for the left of Malivia, more divided, with centrist rivals, plagued by corruption and internal wars.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 5:50 pm

Millions of people demonstrate against the government

26 million people have demonstrated today around the country against the government, corruption, low taxes on the rich and the quality of public services.


The demonstrations have been supported by the Platform for Citizen Action and several minority unions. In addition, the protests have joined organizations of pensioners, unions of officials, student organizations, feminist platforms, neighborhood associations and civil society in its majority.

These protests had been boycotted by the main trade unions in Malivia and by several very strong political forces, and all this is added to the electoral whiplash suffered by the PCA + NPM-S + # R coalition, which has discouraged many people.

The summoners of the protests have been the following:


- SEWA - Association of Self-Employed Women.
- MFCU - Union of Malvinas Farmers and Cooperatives.
- NDUDPH - Union of Nurses and Doctors for the Defense of Public Health.
- AGW - Association for a greener world
- MAL - Malvinas Association of LGBT People.
- MSNW - Malivia says no to war


The protest against the government of WoC called for ending the institutional corruption of a party of "thieves, corrupt and arrogant", increase the quality of public services, prohibit private banks, raise taxes, a better fight against pollution and an increase in expenses of 28% to stimulate the economy.


These protests result in hundreds of injuries and 13 deaths in Idhagra, where farmers have poured milk and crops in the middle of the cities, covered with kilos of manure the roads of the entire region and released the livestock, and militants anti-system They have docked in large stores and have distributed the stolen material among the population.
In addition, to all this has been added the protest of truck drivers, who have rolled all the cars on the roads with armored trucks and set fire to the health department and the student protests where the police charges have been so strong that they have arrived to provoke an assault in the central police station where documents and material have been stolen.
At dusk, the military of the other territories that had begun to bring order, have found a revival of protests by a new sentence to a corrupt judge who had decreed freedom for a president of WoC which has caused people to leave to the street and burn everything in its path.


The official death toll is 13, but the summoners say they exceed 2,000.

Arriving at the end of the protests, Amir Batalló entered escorted by dozens of paramilitaries and militiamen in the regional congress of Idhaghra where he proclaimed the People's Republic of Malivia and the Unified Workers Committee of the People's Soviet of Idhaghra, which would be in charge of the management region of.

All the opposition asks the government to send reinforcements to this region urgently and the army asks to mobilize the reserves to face a "communist coup d'état".

Meanwhile, some voices within the HDP and the HNP and even within WoC are calling for the PCA to be banned for attempting to "take a coup", for "attempting to overthrow the government" and for "provoking a civil war".

The international community offers help and mediation to the government of Malivia while calling on the most radical sectors to pacify and liberate refugees.

The alternative government of Idhaghra has 114 reenes among which are 3 members of the PCA, 14 of WoC and more members of the HDP, Reforna and the HNP and says that they will release them if their leaders are released.

Several organizations are already being intervened by the institutions and this can undoubtedly trigger a national crisis.

The markets are already suffering, the Malian stock market has dropped 46% today, and 43 companies have declared bankruptcy and while the rest of the country is shielded or fled for fear of a civil war.

Reports Yelina Virkrivich for the voice of Durrakh-Râajh.
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby LaCasaDePapel_99 » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:35 pm

Assumpta Ó Caside leaves office and calls primaries in the middle of "the summer revolution"

Assumpta Ó Caside resigned a few months ago from the party after the electoral defeat because "I have neglected my NGOs for a long time" and because according to her "I am going to collaborate also with WoC and the HNP since I would love to be part of your team"

And after this, during the period of internal elections there have been protests of "the summer revolution" or "the hot August" which has literally given the political prisoner Amir Batalló a huge impulse who according to internal surveys could reach the 46% in the first round.

Internal survey of the PCA for internal elections:

Amir Batalló (Extreme left): 46%

Karín Iveta [candidate of Assumpta Ó Caside] (center-left): 24%

Hilda König (socialist): 11%

Suzanne Campo (ecologist, agrarist): 7%

Amir Khadir (progressive, liberal): 6%

Manon Massé (feminist): 5%
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Re: The Voice of Durrakh-Râajh - Informant to Malivia

Postby Aquinas » Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:49 pm

April 4526

Villagers demand right to shoot tigers and leopards

Leopard attack in eastern Washebar

Following a series of incidents in which remote villages have been terrified by wild tigers and leopards, a campaign has been mounted to change the law to allow villagers to defend themselves by shooting the animals.

Amish Padagavakar, leader of the newly-formed Rajutti National Party, has taken up this cause in Parliament, where he is presenting a Protection from Wild Animals Act which would permit licensed persons to shoot dangerous animals, even if they are endangered species, like tigers or leopards. "Our people need to be able to defend themselves against these attacks," he told MPs, "It is completely wrong that the current legislation gives more protection to the wild animals than to the human beings whose lives are being endangered".

Conservationists are furious at the proposal, which they say will further reduce tiger and leopard numbers and could see big cats go extinct in the wild in Malivia. Parvati Chadda of Friends of the Animals said:

A large part of the problem is that local and regional governments have not done enough to prevent the construction of housing in jungle areas. Frequently, they have either awarded licences for housing construction, or they have turned a blind eye when housing has been illegally constructed. What this means is that we now have more and more villages encroaching upon the natural habitat of tigers and leopards. Humans are moving into their territory, and when that happens, you are bound to have problems.

She called for the funding of more specialised teams to tranquilise and capture tigers who enter villages, and then release them back into the wild. However, this proposal is not popular with a large number of the villagers. Manas Choraghad, who survived a tiger bite in an incident last month, said:

We want to be able to deal with these situations ourselves, like we know how to, with our guns. We don't trust these outsiders. We've tried calling out the specialists before, but our experience is they take ages to arrive, by which time it is too later - the tiger has already killed somebody or destroyed somebody's property. And what's the point of sending them back to the jungle? All they will do is come back to terrorise us again. The only solution is to kill them. Why is it so hard for our political leaders to understand this? I bet you if the politicians were the ones being attacked by tigers, they would want to have the right to defend themselves. These beasts are our enemies. The only answer is to kill, kill, kill. It's us or them. Why do all these outsiders think tigers are more important than we are? Does nobody care about us, the human beings? Has the world gone insane?
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✔️Times OF Malivia

Postby Leo Basu » Thu Feb 07, 2019 5:26 am

When it comes to news no one is More trusted than the The Times Network The leading New agency now reporting Officially For Malivia

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✔️Times Network Chairman and CEO Leo Basu Opened Times offic

Postby Leo Basu » Thu Feb 07, 2019 6:12 am

A big day for Malivia
Staff clapped and cheered when Times Network CEO and chairman Leo Basu inogurated Their New Head Office In Capital city of Hitam
Later he gave a speech sayingThis is great for both Malivia and Our Times Network as Malivian will now be updated on what is happening in their nation and it will take our Network on step forward towards becoming global Network
Report by Mandy Ross
Times OF Malivia
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