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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Auditorii » Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:40 am

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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 18, 2019 8:52 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 14th 4517
Deltaria retaliates, IBS arrests 300 suspected right wing activists
The governmental police force called the Interní Bezpečnostní Síla or Internal Security Force has retaliated following arrests of alledged socialists in Trigunia and proceeded to arrest 300 right wing activists

The IBS was set up shortly after President Hošek took office. Its goal, to protect the state from internal threats, today its first major operation was conducted.
In a big operation taking over 2.000 IBS officers across the country a estimated 300 former czarist supporters and right wing activists have been arrested and imprisoned in what many call a retaliatory action against the Trigunian governments recent arrest of left wing militants. Following that action earlier this year president Hošek was outraged and even threatened to expell all trigunian diplomats from Deltarian soil. This didnt happen, instead he chose the current actions as his response.

The 300 that have been arrested by the IBS will be brought before court early next year. They will likely face sentences of up to 20 years in prison for threatening the state and suspected terrorism. It is unclear if the IBS is planning any other actions.

IBS Officers arresting a right wing activist
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:55 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 18th 4517
VALCRY Dynamics releases first drawings of the G1 project
After getting the necessary funds for their multirole fighter project VALCRY has released the first concrete drawings of their new aircraft to the public

It has been nearly one year since VALCRY gained the necessary funding to start full development on their G1 multirole figter project. The company immediately started working and today the first drawings of the multirole fighter were released. No technical details have been released because of them being confidential but the drawings give us a idea on what the new jet will look like.

According to VALCRY the new jet will be a "heavily modified" version of a already existing multirole fighter. The company is developing a entirely new jet engine for the aircraft that is focussed on speed above all. The new engine will also be specifically designed to have a faster startup time so the jet itself will be quickly deployable. The jet will also be fitted with a smaller version of the UP-1 missiles developed by VALCRY and will feature "advanced software compatibility" developed by the Cildanian-Deltarian company RedLock. The software in the fighter will make it possible to communicate better with ground control and will give the pilots the ability to use their helmets to track enemy fighters and make use of the software through their helmets as well.

VALCRY is classifying their multirole fighter as a "4++ generation" multirole fighter making it comparable in strength to a 5th generation fighter.
The project is still in a preparation fase and actual construction of the different parts of the aircraft will start within the next two years.

The first rough drawing of the "G1 Project" multirole fighter
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Fri Jan 18, 2019 11:03 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

October 9th 4517
DOF starts construction on 5 new destroyers, aircraft carrier uncertain
The Deltarian government has ordered the DOF to contruct 5 new destroyers for the fleet

A year after expressing the intention of expanding the naval forces the defense ministry has finally ordered the contruction of 5 new destroyers. This will be the first project for the state owned Deltarian Defense Federation company and a test for its capabilities. The ministry of defense wants the DOF to become Deltaria's main producer of military hardware to make deltaria "self sufficient" in terms of weaponry and equipment. The DOF has hired advisors from companies like VALCRY and many other smaller companies on the world stage to guide this first project and finish it succesfully.

While the navy is getting 5 of the new destroyers that they hoped for they will still have to wait for a Aircraft Carrier. According to the ministry several delays have caused the project in search of a Aircraft Carrier to be halted until further notice. The defense ministry is desperately looking to find a suitable blueprint, rumours have even started to arise that the ministry is prepared to simply buy the first aircraft carrier for the fleet from a foreign power instead of contructing it themselves. The Minister of Defense refused to comment on the rumours.

The Destroyer class that will be constructed by the DOF, originally coming from trigunia it has seen several versions and construction will now be attempted by the DOF in cooperation with advisors from other companies
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Jan 19, 2019 11:55 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

January 19th 4518
FKA Space Agency prepares manned mission into space
After several unmanned space probes send into orbit by the FKA to observe terra the agency is now preparing a manned mission in earths orbit

During the golden years of the FKA it had billions in funding and managed to send several probes into orbit and gather significant data about terra. After the former first FDSR was abolished in favour of another czarist regime the FKA was reduced to only millions in its funding and was able to only hold lab tests and limited space sample tests. The agency now regained most of its former funding with the reinstallment of the socialist regime and with the knowledge of their previous unmanned missions the agency is now preparing its first manned mission into orbit.

The goal of the mission will be to gather even more data about the composition of Terra in an effort to discover natural resources in specifically Dovani. The FKA believes that space is one of the areas where both Deltaria as terra as a whole can make great strives.
According to the Ministry of Science and Technology and the FKA the manned mission will officially commence in early 4520 and will take a total of 2 years to complete.

The HQ of the FKA
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:21 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

February 2nd 4518
Presidential Decree order ministry of infrastructure to launch new projects, 300 billion made available
In a attempt to increase the economic output of Deltaria the president has ordered the ministry of infrastructure to start new projects for highway development

While Deltarian companies are slowly recovering from the decades of uncertainty and instability the government is keen on opening up Deltaria for investment and increase the countries economic output.
Even though the new deltarian regime has the intention of keeping big parts of the economy in government hands it has been suprisingly open to private enterprise and has opted for a "mixed economy" approach, acknowledging the fact that a full state run economy would not suit the nations ambitions.
The government has most of the important industry and the healthcare system in their hands but education and other big sectors are mostly private with some minor exceptions. In an attempt to open up the country for investment the government is trying to fascilitate private companies arriving in Deltaria as much as possible, starting a campaign called "Deltaria makes you Grow" it has pledged investing over 300 billion in the Deltarian infrastructure to better connect economic centers and create new ones.

As part of this massive extra budget the president has issued an order to the ministry of infrastructure to start the construction of 200 miles of highway mostly in Darali and to launch a big campaign to renovate already existing roads so they are in optimal condition for traffic to drive on. In addition to the 300 billion for the deltarian infrastructure the president also announced the full privitization of the automobile industry, until now PRIME and other companies were subject to, for their standard, restrictive regulation. But after consulting with the economic office and economic planners of the government the president has agreed on privatizing the entire industry with only minor regulations. PRIME reacted positively to the announcement and said that this "will enable us to expand our ventures in Deltaria and help the company to grow further and create new jobs for the Majatran people"

A early 3D image of a possible intersection near Cahtice, to be funded with the 300 billion made available for infrastructure
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:54 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 11th 4518
President bans all other parties, IBS arrests hundreds
In the final act of the president to solidify the power of the Socialist People's Party he has formally banned all other political parties as the IBS has arrested hundreds that were alledgedly part of a party

It is his final act for trying to solidify the grip of power of the SPP. While different parties where already not fully allowed the president has now formally banned any party besides the SPP and has ordered the IBS to launch "Operation Cleanup", arresting hundreds of suspected members of different parties and basically paralyzing the right wing voices in the country in one sweep. Within half a day around 500 people were arrested, with some send to normal prisons while others being send to unspecified locations accros the country.

The SPP is now the unquestionable ruling party of the country, and with the president having more power then ever it has become clear that the FDSR is here to stay.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Jan 20, 2019 3:54 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

August 2nd 4518
Ministry of Defense finds possibility to contruct carriers, starts contruction on 2
after a full year the ministry of defence finds the blueprints for Yegorovich-class aircraft carriers in old deal with Trigunia, orders contruction of 2

In a weird twist of events the ministry of defense today released a public statement announcing that they have found the blueprints to build Yegorovich-class carriers. After looking for ways to obtain or build aircraft carriers the ministry finally stumbled upon a old dossier about a deal with Trigunia to share the designs for the Yegorovich-class carriers. In this dossier the blueprints themselves where also located.

The ministry additionally announced that it will construct 2 of the Yegorovich carriers and that they will be slightly modified so they can carry both existing deltarian jets as well as the upcoming jets from the G1 project.
With the blueprints just being discovered the ministry estimates that the completion of construction will take some while. The initial preparation fase will take about a year to complete with the ministry hoping to start construction on both carriers simultaniously. If everything goes to plan both carriers should be done 2 to 3 years from the start of contruction which would have them finished at around 4522.

The Ministry of Defense also gave an update on the new destroyers and has stated that 2 of the planned 5 have been completed. The two destroyers will be called the Spravedlivý and the Ochránce and have already started their sea trials.

The ministry hopes to expand the navy further but has stated that the budget is tight as of now and more expansions can only be considered once the budget for the two carriers is available once more for other projects.

The Trigunian Yegorovich class carriers that the Deltarian ministry of Defense has ordered to construct
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Mon Jan 21, 2019 10:44 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 29th 4518
VALCRY Starts construction on the "G1 project" now known as the R-37 Multirole fighter
After a lengthy preparation fase the new multirole fighter the R-37 is finally being constructed

After over 2 years of heavy preparation and the construction of new engines and UP-1 missiles the R-37 Multirole fighter as the G1 project is now known as is now being constructed in the construction fase. According to VALCRY Dynamics the first prototype of the R-37 will be ready within a year with another 10 being ready just months after if the trial flights of the first are succesfull.

As stated before the new R-37 multirole fighter will feature new software designed by RedLock as well as extra advanced systems tied in to that software. VALCRY will also outfit the R-37 with their own UP-1 missiles and the jet will feature a entirely new designed and created twin engine which is faster in starting up then any other engine out there and can reach maximum speed within just 50 seconds with the top speed being 2,640 km/h

Cildania and Deltaria have both pledged full financial support for the G1 (R-37) project and with the adequite funding VALCRY expects to produce over 200 R-37 jets within the first 2 years after the prototype test flights. 140 of them will likely be ordered by the Deltarian government.

The new engines specifically designed for the new R-37
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Jan 22, 2019 9:49 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 11th 4519
All 5 destroyers done, defense ministry orders 4 more, aircraft carriers being constructed
After some years of construction the DOF has finalized construction on the 5 destroyers for the deltarian navy and has started contruction on 4 more in addition to the 2 carriers now entering construction.

The defense ministry can look back at the first success of the state owned DOF company after they finished the contruction on 5 new destroyers for the Federal People's Navy. After succesfull sea trials of the new ships the ministry of defense has ordered another 4 destroyers from the company, DOF immediately started construction following the order and is expected to finish them faster then the 5 before with their current experience. In addition to these additional destroyers the DOF has also officially started construction on both ordered aircraft carriers. With the limited experience of the relatively young company a few delays are expected in carrier construction. The DOF has also asked companies like RedLock and smaller electrical companies to assist in electronic wiring of the carriers which should help construction efforts significantly.

The names of the new carriers have also been released with one of the carriers being named after the former FDSR president Vàlek and another will be named the Dobyvatel. If everything goes to plan the two carriers should be ready within 3 years from now.

The 4 newly ordered destroyers will be ready within 2 years from now, with the growing tension between Deltaria and the other powers it seems all the more pressing to expand deltarian influence and military power. The government is looking for more ways to ensure the safety of the Deltarian people according to the minister of Defense

The shipyard in Ushalande where the new carriers will be constructed
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