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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:47 am

Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Bundespolizei conducts successful raid on the nation's largest alleged extremist cell
Fuchstal, 14 November 4521

Elite members of the Bundespolizei are seen converging on a suspected extremist cell in Fuchstal this morning.

In the early hours of the morning, nearly a year after the nation was put into a state of prolonged martial law in the face of extremism, elite units of the Kronstein branch of the Bundespolizei launched a successful raid against an alleged leading nationalist cell. After some time, along with scattered gunfire, according to eyewitness reports, several members of the ultra-nationalist Dundorfische Nationale Union were bound by handcuffs and escorted to local police precincts. Law enforcement has confirmed that some members of the DNU were killed by police in the operation.

While certainly not the end to the ongoing extremism, the movement is expected to have suffered a considerable morale loss with the DNU's dissolution at the hands of local law enforcement. Obermeister Jonas Schricker stated to reporters "While this is certainly not the end to the nation's extremism, we expect splinter groups to be much more disorganized, and frankly, easier to apprehend." Many have praised the efforts of the Bundespolizei, calling it the beginning of the end of the nation's military junta.

Still unaccounted for are the largely smaller in number monarchist and fascist groups, who were suspected to be collaborating with the DNU. At the time of this publication, the Bundespolizei has stated that although the headquarters and ringleaders of these movements are unknown, they are expected to be much weaker in numbers and not likely to pose a massive threat, although apprehension of these groups is still paramount to national law enforcement.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:23 am

Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Nationaler Stabilitätsrat moves to ban extremist parties
Dunburg, 13 May 4522

General Marko Drache, Chairman of the National Stability Council, and Generalmajor Jürgen Mucke, Minister of Internal Affairs, socialize at a military ceremony last year.
The two have been instrumental in drafting the Sicherheitsgesetz, which is a blanket ban of extremist parties.

After frequent talks with the junta's Interior Minister, Generalmajor Jürgen Mucke, the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat has unanimously approved a blanket ban of extremist parties under a law entitled Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz, which is set to be presented before the Bundestag in the coming weeks. This comes just a year after a successful raid on one of Dundorf's largest nationalist extremist cells, and the apparent headquarters of the ultra-nationalist Dundorfische Nationale Union.

The Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz includes in it's blanket ban nationalist, monarchist, and fascist parties to be completely stripped of any and all allowance to form a political association in the national legislature, along with forbidding public campaigns to be conducted by subscribers of said ideologies. The law also greatly expands the powers of the police to deal with such a matter, if such laws are to be violated. Under the legislation, Bundespolizei officers with probable cause that a citizen or politician is practicing extremism can, with the establishment of a warrant, detain said persons for questioning. The person in question would then be subject to the above regulations already outlined.

Once again praised by fellow members of the Bundestag, both from the PDS's ruling social democratic faction to most of its communists, the proposed law is yet another step in the right direction to ensuring a speedy return to democracy in Dundorf. Speaking before the Bundestag, General Drache commended the efforts of Kronstein's Bundespolizei units in apprehending the ringleader of the DNU and stressed that more work is on the way, an end to the military junta is quickly becoming a possibility.

After the capitulation of the DNU, according to data released by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, extremist activity fell sharply at about 43%. Such numbers are expected to rise with the implementation of the bill. An already expanded Bundespolizei with the implementation of martial law over two years ago may have even more tools at its disposal. Despite the overly authoritarian nature of a considerably powerful police force, the move has been met with little criticism, both within the NSC and the Bundestag.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:55 am

Neues Dundorf is a largely left-wing newspaper that covers mostly left-wing ideologies, from social democracy to communism.
Founded in Vögelberg, it is the nation's longest-running left-wing news organization.

In rare move, the PDS's communist faction chairman breaks with junta over disagreements on the "Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz"
Dunburg, 24 May 4522

"It is not enough to limit the blanket ban to that of the extremists who seem to be finally retreating into the shadows.
Conservatives and capitalists alike were complicit in the calm before the storm of instability in the nation.
In my mind, instability shall not end until the complicit bystanders are laid to rest as well!"

Whilst previously generally agreeing with most of the moves of the nation's ruling military junta, the PDS's communist faction chairman, Franz Ehrler, has broke with the junta's decision of a blanket ban of purely extremist parties. Voicing his great displeasure at the articles outlined in the bill, he states that the country's instability shall only end if those who were complicit in the rise of extremist ideologies before the junta's ascent to power—conservative and capitalist movements respectively, were to also be subjected to the ban.

In another controversial move, he also stated that the party's ruling social democratic faction be admitted into the ranks of the list of banned ideologies as well, remarking that those who wish to merely reform capitalism rather than abolish it cannot affix socialist doctrine into their party platform, causing a great many arguments within the party's headquarters. Boldly proclaiming to both the Alliance of Social Democrats and the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat that he would halt cooperation between the PDS and the junta at every corner, by staging massive protests across the country by fellow Metzists.

Seemingly not a man to cease the creation of controversy, in a fiery speech within the party's headquarters, Ehrler demanded that snap party elections be called, stating that a reshuffling of party leadership is in dire need.

"For too long this party has been about pure cooperativeness, rather than actively contributing to a speedy resolution to our nation's instability. They would rather sit and leave the NSC to their own devices to formulate a solution to the problem. Whilst they have done so, it has been heavy handed and no nonsense, something we can agree on, but rather slow. Extremism has been waning in recent months, but I am almost certain that it would've been solved much quicker if WE, the party, in a collective effort, contributed some solutions of our own, rather than essentially being a lame duck parliament.

And so it is in this hour that I call upon Parteipräsident Krauß to arrange snap elections for the party as soon as the moment presents itself. A reshuffling of party leadership is in dire need in these trying times. If not, I will hold a vote of no confidence and pledge a break in cooperation with the junta, by way of several protests across the nation."

The pressure heaped on by Ehrler has once again flared up tensions between party factions of the PDS, and with no clear positive end in sight, it is largely expected that the social democrats will cave to communist pressure and hold snap elections. If a communist victory is secured, it will likely mean a quicker recovery process, but albeit at the pressure of Ehrler to convince the junta to ban more ideologies.

When asked about what a communist victory for the PDS might entail, Ehrler stated "Either they submit to my request of an extension of the ban outlined in Article I of the Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz, or we refuse to cooperate with them from then onwards. It's as simple as that."
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jan 29, 2019 5:25 am

Neues Dundorf is a largely left-wing newspaper that covers mostly left-wing ideologies, from social democracy to communism.
Founded in Vögelberg, it is the nation's longest-running left-wing news organization.

After several months of deliberations, the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat agrees to Franz Ehrler's demands of an extension of the Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz
Dunburg, 5 November 4522

General Marko Drache, Chairman of the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat meets with the Speaker of the Bundestag, Samantha Böckler this month over the Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz.

For several months, tensions seemed as tight as a piano wire between the PDS and the junta, with fears of a break in cooperation by communists being all too common. But finally, to the relief of many, after a drawn out process of deliberations since Franz Erhler's declaration that the provisions outlined in Article I of the NSG be extended to include movements that were complicit in the rise of extremism, namely capitalist and conservative groups, has been formally accepted by the NSC.

After a lengthy talk with the Speaker of the Bundestag, Samantha Böckler, General Marko Drache received Ehrler's complaints full force and gradually folded to his demands. Soon to be written into Article I of the NSG, is an additional provision that extends the ban of extremist movements to include conservative and capitalist ideologies also be subjected to it, with full force. Evidently torn by his decision but understanding, General Drache stated "It was either we agree with this to continue our agreement of mutual cooperation to aid the nation, or we face more instability, this time from our own allies."

Members of the PDS's communist faction apparently triumphed at the news, with the PDS's communist faction leader Franz Ehrler praising the actions of the NSC for their acceptance of his proposal. "Finally General Drache has seen that true recovery and the healing of this nation's deep wounds can only begin with the banning of not just the extremist movements, but those who stood by and watched it all transpire. I commend him for his decision, for it was certainly a difficult one to make."

The additional provisions are set to be written into Article I after a session of the NSC sometime this week.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jan 30, 2019 4:13 am

Neues Dundorf is a largely left-wing newspaper that covers mostly left-wing ideologies, from social democracy to communism.
Founded in Vögelberg, it is the nation's longest-running left-wing news organization.

After allowing snap elections on behalf of Ehrler, the Neukommunistische Fraktion secures a party majority
Dunburg, 9 May 4523

Franz Ehrler, now Parteipräsident of the PDS, speaks before the Bundestag last month.
Ehrler has already proposed a broad group of reforms aimed at shifting the party's focus towards Metzism.

The demand has gnawed at the social democratic leadership for the longest time—Snap elections. Avoiding several close calls of a vote of no confidence by Erhler, now the nation's most firebrand communist within current Dundorfian politics, the party had circumvented a snap election by several cleverly timed delays. Such delays were the consultation period of the National Security Law proposed by Marko Drache, which recently had its list of banned ideologies expanded under pressure from Ehrler also. Seen as a massive ideological win for the communists and a considerable weakening of morale of the social democrats, Parteipräsident Krauß eventually relented and allowed snap elections to take place.

It was a surprise to practically no one to see a considerable win for the Neukommunistische Fraktion. Winning over 27% of the Allianz der Sozialdemokratischen's share, the NkF now holds a stable majority within the PDS. Commencing a victory speech before his constituents, Franz Erhler congratulated the efforts of his fellow comrades and ensured that the party would work towards a solution to the end of the nation's instability. While seeming like a tired phrase, an exhausted Bundestag has long wished for a conclusion to the nation's state of limbo and to finally emerge out of it's current status and into the world once more.

Ehrler's first major move is to work towards a full withdrawal of the state of martial law that was declared over three years ago, and to pass the Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz with a full majority in the national legislature, with his provisions included. When asked about the future of the PDS, Erhler stated that a "complete restructuring" was in order, with a shunning of the Allianz der Sozialdemokratischen being paramount, and more far-left factions to be admitted into the party.

The AdSd has already begun voicing its concerns with Erhler's vision, but their qualms have mostly been muted by an overwhelming wave of support for far-leftism within the party, viewing the Social Democrats as capitulating to extremism by not taking a tougher stance on it.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 2:23 am

Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Bundestag and NSR move to dissolve the state of martial law
Dunburg, 27 October 4523

Members of the Bundestag give unanimous approval for General Marko Drache's formal dissolution of martial law within the nation.

Today by a unanimous vote, the nation has agreed to dissolve the state of martial law that was enacted upon the nation over three years ago. In the time since its implementation, via a series of strategic arrests and raids, extremist movements have all but vanished into the shadows. Coupled with a successful implementation of the National Security Law, the various forces causing bouts of instability for the nation have practically been successfully vanquished.

Political discussions within the halls of government have shifted from constant questions about the completion rate of the junta's goals to what new reforms would be enacted, with the PDS being transformed into the Metzistische Volkspartei after a snap party election, which saw Franz Erhler's faction triumph, raising their popularity to 78%. To the newly elected Metzists, the National Stability Council is effectively in its home stretch, evidenced by General Drache's decision to suspend the election of Verwaltungskommandant Höss, leaving him as Acting Verwaltungskommandant for the rest of the junta's duration.

"Essentially the only role that these men serve is babysitting the nation until the next election. I expect more gradual reforms to a civilian government to be doled out in the coming weeks," stated Ehrler, now the party's First Secretary. "We should expect a return to normalcy very soon." Rumors are also circulating about the dissolution of the National Stability Council, which has been the nation's cabinet for nearly a decade, consisting of military officers under the Chairmanship of General Marko Drache. The General gave no comment as to the validity of the rumors, but assured the public that a return to a normal government was within reach.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 6:49 pm

Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Nationaler Stabilitätsrat dissolved by direct order of General Drache
Dunburg, 24 February 4524

General Marko Drache, now ex-Chairman of the National Stability Council, is seen leaving the Bundestag after successful negotiations.
He is expected to continue to operate his duties until a new civilian government is sworn in.

Largely expected but still managing to draw surprise reactions from members of government, the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat, or National Stability Council, the nation's highest ruling body for nearly a decade, consisting of military officers and Drache himself as it's Chairman, has been dissolved by direct order of the General himself. However, said military officers will retain their current duties until the swearing in of a civilian cabinet, which is set to occur sometime next month. Fellow politicians have once again praised the move as a gradual return to power being restored to the people.

General Drache has also suspended the formal appointment of Marcel Höss as the nation's Verwaltungskommandant, leaving him as acting leader of his office well into the dissolution of the junta entirely. "With the increasing rate at which we are returning to a civilian government, Herr Höss's appointment as head of state is not really needed anymore. As such, I leave him as acting leader of the position." Drache has also stated that a renaming of both the head of state and head of government was in order, and that he was cooperating with First Secretary Franz Erhler on the matter.

With the dissolution of the National Stability Council, effectively the junta has been reduced to a temporary caretaker role until formal elections take place, which are slated for October of next year. Analysts are already predicting a victory for the newly formed Metzist People's Party, as neither extremist movements, nor the movements Ehrler claimed were complicit in their violence are legally allowed to exist, as per the Nationaler Sicherheitsgesetz.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 31, 2019 7:44 pm

Neues Dundorf is a largely left-wing newspaper that covers mostly left-wing ideologies, from social democracy to communism.
Founded in Vögelberg, it is the nation's longest-running left-wing news organization.

By near unanimous vote, the Metzistische Volkspartei completely removes moderate leftism from it's platform
Dunburg, 5 March 4524

The newly restored party chamber of the Volkspalast, which has sat in abandonment since the PDS's dissolution two centuries ago, holds its first Parteitag under new leadership.
Featured prominently in the center are Karlstein Metz, Frederick Ehrenpreis, and Vladimir Leonid, flanked by a flurry of red flags, boldly representing the party's return to Metzism.

Proclaimed by First Secretary Ehrler himself shortly after his landslide victory in the PDS's snap elections, the move to drop moderate leftist ideology from the party platform has been finalized by a unanimous vote within the Parteikammer with the commencement of its first Parteitag. The event itself was noted to not be particularly of note, being merely a readout of the list of reforms the party wished to dole out with its majority within the legislature. Among them are economic and social reforms aimed at bettering the working class, and the final implementation of some much needed regulations which were stalled by the PDS's capitulation to a military junta.

Now having formally expelled moderate ideologies from within the new party, the MVP's First Secretary, Franz Ehrler in a historic speech announced that the Metzistische Befreiungsfront (Metzist Liberation Front), a broad coalition of mostly Metzists along with other fellow far-left ideologies, would allow the other ideologies to break from the coalition and form their own factions. Mere moments after the proclamation, several new factions were established, but Metzism remains as the dominant force guiding party doctrine.

Among the new factions, an interesting one of note is that of the Radikal Armbrüsteristischen (Radical Armbrüsterists), who are also Metzists, but believe in an extremely technocratic state and fervent globalism. The ideology had been formed by the PDS's (and former VKPD's) Deputy General Secretary, Magnus Armbrüster. Led by Verena Klotz, a former biologist turned politician, the faction already commands a significant following. Other newly formed factions include the Syndikalistische Front (Syndicalist Front), made up of ancestors of the VKPD's predecessor, the FDGB, and the Verenigte Leonidistische Koalition (United Leonidist Coalition), who are allegedly in cohorts with left-wing nationalists to achieve a popularity.

With the newfound popularity of far-leftist ideologies across the board within the former PDS, it seems moderate leftism has all but capitulated within the collective minds of party members. The newly formed far-left organization is set to experience its first elections come next year, and has already at the time of this publication begun proposing reforms before the Bundestag to hasten the return of a civilian government.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Feb 04, 2019 4:44 am

Dundorfer Tageszeitung is the largest continuously-running newspaper in the nation, headquartered in Dunburg, in Oderveld.
Available in both print and digital, the paper averages 4.3 million readers a year.

Military junta dissolved—Civilian government returns
Dunburg, 11 November 4525

For the first time since 4517, a civilian government is now back in power in the nation. The first session of the newly formed Volksrat is shown.

As the first session of the Volksrat introduces with a flurry of reforms aimed at introducing a strong worker's state, the formal dissolution of the Nationaler Stabilitätsrat comes to fruition. Originally planned last year but stalled due to the absence of a permanent head of state, the NSR ruled with de jure status until the October 4525 elections were concluded and a de facto civilian cabinet be sworn in.

Since then, the junta released the MVP from its grip and parted ways amicably—With General Marko Drache returning to holding his title of General of the Dundorfian Armed Forces. The MVP then introduced before the Volksrat said reforms, aimed at rendering control of the media, museums, libraries, and various other institutions back into the hands of the government. Newly sworn in Staatsminister Kunz Hitzig stated "These reforms are aimed at giving control of what has been in the hands of capitalists back to those rank-and-file workers who had their wages squandered by those same pencil-pushers. It also ensures a pure, unbiased perception of various information away from corporations who bend it to their will to satisfy their ratings."

Other reforms announced by the ruling MVP yet still to receive implementation are the formation of national television, radio, and internet providers, with their rates either being heavily subsidized or outright given free of charge. The government has also floated around various reforms to transportation networks, along with the forming of national transportation agencies as well.

When asked by the Dundorfer Tageszeitung about the MVP's prospects regarding foreign affairs, Franz Ehrler, the party's First Secretary strongly promoted international trade cooperation along with speaking with the party's Foreign Affairs nominee about drawing closer ties to the continent of Majatra, specifically with Deltaria, once his nominee is elected.

"It is vital we hold true to our values of cooperativism in regards to foreign affairs. We can only excel economically and diplomatically if we hold friendly but neutral relations with nations across the world, unless they have drawn the ire of the international community, or commit crimes against humanity. We are all for free economic investment by all nations of Terra, but we ask that they abide by our regulations enacted on the mainland."

With the nation's limbo state finally lifted and the country finally regaining consciousness, it is certain that the Metzistische Volkspartei will bring Dundorf back onto the world stage—But their direction, as of this publication, is largely unknown.
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Re: Dundorf Heute (Dundorf Today)

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:12 pm

Neues Dundorf is a largely left-wing newspaper that covers mostly left-wing ideologies, from social democracy to communism.
Founded in Vögelberg, it is the nation's longest-running left-wing news organization.

Foreign Minister Oliver Riesz commences state visit to Deltaria on status of Dundorfian membership into CARSS
Čachtice, 26 August 4527

Foreign Minister Riesz observes Deltaria's own Foreign Minister give his delegation not long after his arrival.

Announcing his leave just yesterday to Majatra, Foreign Minister Riesz commenced the first diplomatic tour of the new Dundorfian government by way of a state visit to Deltaria, on the prospect of membership talks into the Coalition of Revolutionary Socialist States, or CARSS. An article by the Dundorfer Tageszeitung three years ago spoke of promises by the ruling MVP to at some point draw closer to the socialist nation. In it's current state, the alliance is only two nations strong, with Deltaria being the dominant member, with the only other one being New Deltaria, otherwise known as Vorona. With Dundorfian membership, the alliance would certainly be strengthened.

Landing today in the capital, Čachtice to much fanfare from the Deltarian delegation, Mr. Riesz enjoyed a tour of historic sites across the city, flanked by Deltaria's own foreign minister, Radoslav Fišer. Throughout the day, various small discussions regarding Dundorfian membership into CARSS were spoken, however a formal meeting is yet to be arranged by the Deltarian government. Among other things of Riesz state visit was a tour of the nation's prosperous economic sector, in the capital's financial district. Marveling at the skyscrapers of some state-run companies, he called their success a "Triumph of Socialism".

Riesz also toured an automotive plant of one of the nation's privately owned automobile manufacturers, PRIME. Speaking before workers of the plant, he congratulated them in building cars for a thriving people and a strong nation. "You are building the machines that drive everything in this nation—Commerce, business, and work. Be accomplished and proud that your automobiles guide a thriving populace and help connect a strong nation." The foreign minister also held a stop at one of Deltaria's two domestic nuclear power plants, and once again was taken aback by the sheer efficiency of nuclear power.

Speaking to fellow Deltarian reporters back in Čachtice after his lengthy tour of the nation, he stated that the Deltarian nation is one of a thriving mixed economy, though he somewhat hinted for greater centralization. Riesz also commented at the efficiency of the nation's expansion into nuclear power, remarking that Dundorf should adopt such a method of power as well. He also stated that his trip was far from over, and that he would be staying in Čachtice, in a hotel provided by the Dundorfian embassy, until formal meetings regarding membership into CARSS commence.
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