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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Thu Feb 07, 2019 2:20 pm

Voice of the Free
July 4527

Ceaser Furhat shares thoughts,Grand Coalition reinstates institutions

The Grand Coalition formed with Sarah Furhat as the Head of Government has passed through the Assembly key issues that have troubled Kalistan for years,with the compromise by the Liberal Democratic Party the institutions of KALNAPECO,KALMILINCO and KALNAFERCO have been reformed and re-instated. Although hard-line Capitalists which have supported the LDP criticised the decision to compromise and allow these institutions to be re-instated and even the LDP Chairman Haytham Kennedy is said to be cold on the subject,Premier of the Republic Sarah Furhat defended the decision saying:”The Free Market is still in control of the economy,the State will only act as insurance of citizen’s interests however these industries are still within the Laissez-faire system.” We got in touch with the former President and LDP Founder Ceaser Furhat on his daughter’s performance so far and the current political climate:”I’m very proud of my daughter,She is doing a great job which is not a suprise,She takes after her father *laughs* I’m happy that tensions have been removed and the Assembly can cooperate once again,Kalistan needs stability and cooperation more then ever and we see that the Furhat’s are always the ones to provide stability and act as a bridge across the political parties,I did it when President and now my daughter is doing it as Premier.” When asked of the recent passing of Leon Steele:”Yes,He was an interesting individual to work with and an even more interesting opponent,didn’t make my job easy,but regardless i offer my condolences to his friends and family and ofcourse his supporters.” In other news,Haytham Kennedy is getting ready for his Presidential Campaign and first elections as LDP Chairman,with the slogan “Forward with Kalistan” Haytham is planning to secure support for the LDP with promising economic and industrial boom in Kalistan. The 4528 Elections are expected to be very tight and unpredictable as newly-formed Political Parties are expected to gain seats in the Assembly which may completely change the Political Balance in Kalistan.

Ceaser Furhat in his home in Ananto
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Thu Feb 07, 2019 8:04 pm


President hosts Unity Concert in Kaliburg
Unity Jam represents New Direction in Kalistani Music

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 7, 4527

Socialist MC's Daxtron and Big L of the Show Headliners Chronix

The One day minifestival, billed at the Unity Jam and headlined by Vrassan Hiphop group Chronix went off without a hitch last week in Downtown Kaliburg. The Unity Jam was held at the Kaliburg Amplitheater, and ran from 10am until 10pm. The event, promoted by the President of the Republic, as well as several political associations associated with various Parties across Kalistan, represented a dramatic departure from the predominant state of animosity which characterized Kalistani politics for most of the last quarter century. The Unity Jam featured mostly non-political groups, but the members all preached a message of Unity and cooperation from the stage.

The day began with a message from the President, who spoke about the need to support the efforts of the Government to mend the damaged relations between the Parties. "Our biggest effort, ya know, this term [has been to rebuild several of our national companies]. [People across Kalistan will be going back to work] and [and the Republic will rebuild its greatness] you know. Its a [major accomplishment, for the Parties who used to be at each other's throats to work together to restore some of the things we lost.] We still [have] a ton of work to do, though so let's [lock arms and work together]."

Conservative Folk Country Artists Greengrass included a "Speed country" cowpunk opus in their set

The President then introduced the bands throughout the day. The card was filled with 10 bands, who include punk, hard rock, jazz, country, hip hop and reggae. There was even a RF revival band who played at the jam. The event was partially sponsored by ODEN, but the National Product was not featured at the Jam. As the President explained, "Yeah, you know, beer's one thing, but [we're here to talk about politics.] Sometime [you want] a clear mind." Chronix was closely associated with Socialists in Vrassa, but other bands came from other areas in the Republic. The folk-country band Greengrass is closely associated with the National Conservative Party, while the hard rock band Kalifree is from Odufaray and says its members vote for the Patriotic League. A final medley which featured acts associated with each Party closed the show

The show was attended by more than 20,000 music lovers in Kaliburg. Tickets were free for all attendees. At the end of the show, leaflets explaining the purpose of Nationalization were passed out, and included a new call to National Service.

Many of those in attendance favorably reviewed the concert. "I really liked the eclectic lineup," said Dione Roberts from Suldanor. "I heard a bunch of stuff that I would never listen to. Some of the stuff was really pretty radical." Jorge El Pato added, "I was surprised at how few of these bands talked about politics IN the the songs though a lot of them talked about politics between the songs. And the Parties were all invited to set up booths to basically tell us what their Party was about. I got pamphlets from all the Parties. I usually vote for the Patriots but I might take a look at the Imperialist Party now..." Derek Evens, a supporter of the UKWF, said, "This is what we needed after Steele died. Its a chance just to party with everyone else in Kaliburg. The Jam was neutral ground. It felt good to be there. And the music wasn't bad either."

The President of the Republic lauds unity during a set break during the Unity Jam

The President of the Republic said that if the cooperative feelings can continue in the Republic for another year, he'll put another Unity Jam on. "We might make [this an annual] event," he said.
Last edited by Doc on Mon Jun 19, 2023 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Fri Feb 08, 2019 2:14 pm

Voice of the Free
January 4528

Election Analysis Special

The 4528 Elections are just 4 months away and Political Parties are preparing their campaigns and candidates,slogans and mottos,all aimed at persuading the electorate to vote their way. Both Presidential and Parliamentary Elections will as always take place at the same time and as polls show,the Presidential Elections will definitely go to the Second Round. Pollsters and Political Analysts believe that it is highly-likely that We will have a very tight race for the Presidential Elections and the National Assembly would see atleast 7 Parties having representatives after this Election Cycle. Ofcourse the Assembly currently holds 6 Parties within it’s walls however the recently formed İmperial Republican Crown Coalition is expected to be the seventh party to enter the Parliament. The İRCC is expected to gain a large amount of seats and have a very effective role in Decision-making after the elections,whether it be in Government or Opposition. President Guntersnipe has already declared his run for re-election,while the Patriotic League has elected Mr.Koehler as new Chairman and Presidential hopeful for the Patriotic League,He is described as a religious fundamentalist by some pundits and may steer the PL into a different direction from the Nationalist Authoritarian path they have followed so far. The Liberal Democratic Party has started the Election Campaign with the Slogan “Forward with Kalistan” and their Presidential Candidate.the former Premier Haytham Kennedy,has campaigned on a promise of “Stable and Sane” Foreign and İnternal Politics.
The UKWF and NCP have yet to declare a candidate and it is very likely that they would endorse President Guntersnipe for a second-term. While the National Liberal Party has made an agreement with the LDP of “mutual endorsement” in the second round of Presidential Elections. The İRCC is expected to also put forth a Candidate and it will be very interesting to see what it will result in,come Election time,however one thing is for certain,Nothing is guaranteed in these elections,We are in for a very tight race and hung parliament. Which means the current “Grand Coalition”s future is not certain,nor is Premier Sarah Furhat’s future as Head of Government.

Haytham Kennedy
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:25 am


A Brief Bright Interlude in a Generation of Darkness Ends
Guttersnipe Kneecapped by allies and unceremoniously Voted Out

Kaliburg, Ananto
May, 31, 4528

President Guttersnipe a private Citizen once more, has harsh words for the returning Patriot regime

History will view him as one of the most capable Presidents of the Century, but that isn't saying much. From one largely do-nothing administration to another, which has blessed our Nation since the Patriot Regime was swept into power following the largely questionable ouster of President Ewart in May of 4519 over a failed Government bill due to boycotts by Liberals and Patriots, and the previous generation of destruction under the Liberal regime led by Furhat, Kalistan has either seen destruction by edict of a narrow majority, or anarchy by atrophy under Liberals and Patriots. Such sclerosis from non-use led to a brief period of large scale uprising which ended as suddenly as it began when local Street Busker, and social scientist Oleg Guttersnipe of the Socialist Party was elected on a technical win.

Guttersnipe, now a private citizen once more, commented on his recent term and his loss in the election. "Well, we did get the endorsement of our comrades in arms, the National Conservatives, who have worked arm in arm with the Party to rebuild some of the institutions which were destroyed by malicious legislation from the other side. But I suppose the Workers had turned their back on my unity message come election time. I guess they decided to jump in, and so I was just outvoted on the First ballot. No big deal, right? Good on the Patriot lass, whatever her name is. I hope she don't revert to form, and just do nothing, because, we just got something started before being voted out and if we get more of the same for the next twenty years, a lot of money and time is going to be absolutely wasted for nothing."

The President spoke about how his brief term in office has changed him. "First things first, I suppose: I got tired of the papers not being able to translate what I said, so I took some of those lessons on elocution. At least my accent don't trip up you chaps in the papers anymore. That's good. It's always good, to be understood, I always say. It was nice sleeping in the President's house, but after a while, I got a bit tired of those digs, so I moved back into my flat, where I feel more at home. I'm still the same bloke you saw before when I took office. You can meet me in the same pub at night. Drinking the same lager in my same pint."

But the President did note one lesson he picked up from his time as President. "I do have a better understanding, I think, of the sheer force of obstinate inertia. I point at the anarchists on the other side, who want to destroy. So, we nationalized the industries, and we got these things on a paying basis once more. The whole government voted for the nationalization bills. And then what do they do with them? Nothing. While I was in office they did nothing with them. And I bet they are going to do even more of nothing now that I am not in office. We got the Finance Ministry to allocate more money for them. That's ALL we got out of anyone: votes and more money. The SP did all the heavy lifting on putting those acts together, and for what? So nothing will happen with them. I think maybe Miss Starry made an error by putting a 20 year limit in those bills. The Liberals and the Patties are just going to f--king sit on those bills for a generation, and do nothing. And by then, our ships and tanks and aircraft will be rust buckets. Just like they want. Just like they have always wanted. I don't know why they don't put that in what they stand for in their Party Literature: It's all they have accomplished is to let our country go to sh-t since they started their respective Parties. At least then, I'd respect them for being honest. As it is right now, I can't even say that."

Asked if he misses the Office now that he is out of it, Guttersnipe was sanguine. "Ah, yeah, you know, its a pain in the ass some days, but for the most part, I was myself the entire time. We got the Unity Concert to go off, with all the bands and all. It really chilled a lot of people out, music does that. I take credit for that. But for the most part, when I wasn't trying to work out a deal with a foreign government or helping the new folks in the Party with nationalization acts, I still got to go out on the street in the afternoons and play music for people. You know: I know these people had a hard day. Everyone has a hard day, and some times it's just nice to be walking and having a hard day, and then hear someone on the corner singing a song, and you think that song was writ just for me. You know? I would try to do that, and now that I am on pension, I can do that everyday. Just bring a little songshine--that's what I call it--into some bloke or some bird's life, who has just had the worst day of their life, and I tell them, Pick up your chin, and I play them a song and send them on their way, and I know it makes them just a bit happier. We all need that sometimes."

We asked the now Former President if he will stay involved in Politics. "I know there are some folks who don't like me all that much. But like it or not, I am still the leader of the Party, and so like it or not, I'll still throw my name in the hat come convention time. If someone wants to contest it, I'm down. Because unlike any socialist in the last generation, I actually have experience in the Office. Meanwhile, I'll just be out here smoking and playing music, and doing what I know everyone I meet likes me to do. And if others want to let the country rust into nothing, well, f--k them."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Sun Feb 10, 2019 11:57 am

Voice of the Free
January 4529

LDP getting ready for mass inner-party reform as drastic loss in Elections shocks Party

The May elections have resulted in a shock result especially for the LDP,the Assembly now has the Extremist Patriots and somewhat monarchist İmperialists as the new government and also two largest parties,the Presidency has also been won by the Patriotic League. The Former President suprisingly only managed to get the endorsement of the Conservatives and thr UKWF decided to run alone with no endorsement in a suprising decision. The Liberal Democratic Party’s candidate Haytham Kennedy not only failed in his Presidential Run with only 9 million votes,but the LDP under Haytham’s chairmanship became the fourth party in the Assembly,falling for the first time to just 37 Seats in the Assembly. Pundits point to the concessions given by the LDP to the leftists as a factor of ailenation of the LDP to the capitalists and rightists which opted to the Patriots or the İRCC,also the splitting of the moderate Liberal vote between the LDP and the NLP also was another factor. Meanwhile the LDP is now split between two-blocs,the traditionalists which now believe in holding the status-quo and therefore Haytham Kennedy as Chairman,while the bloc of Reformists believe in reforming and re-energising the LDP to a staunch Libertarian stand-point with Sarah Furhat in charge. This power-struggle will clearly go on until new Primaries are held,which Kennedy denied any intentions of holding. Meanwhile Sarah Furhat has also made an announcement,The former Premier has engaged Jason Kenway,a diplomat of Kalistan who has served in Hutori in the name of the Kalistani government.
The couple are planning a wedding pretty soon and Jason might find a path into the LDP with Sarah should she manage to take over power

Sarah Furhat and Jason Kenway
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Luis1p » Sun Feb 10, 2019 8:11 pm

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:33 pm

Voice of the Free
September 4529

İmperialists arrested/Political Party dissoluted,Re-election booms LDP !

The İmperialist Republican Crown Congress has been found guilty of corruption and “acts against the Republic” by the Constitutional Court of Kalistan,the leader of the Party and Deputies of the İRCC have been detained and the Party has been banned from politics. Because of the large amount of seats the Party held in the National Assembly,re-elections were held in Kalistan and major changes took place. The Socialist Party is now the largest party in the Assembly and the former largest,(the Patriotic League) is now the smallest party in the assembly while the Liberal Democratic Party now with 53 seats is the second-largest in the Assembly and Haytham Kennedy has now been elected as the new President of the Republic. Pundits view the results as “clear evidence” that the extremist parties are no longer upheld by the general population and the people prefer the moderate and established parties to guarantee stable politics. Haytham Kennedy in his victory speech promised more cooperation and “across-the-aisle” politics in the future. Rumors from the Presidential side claim that the President has prepared a cabinet which would include both the Socialists and the National Liberals along with the Liberal Democrats in a coalition. Meanwhile many eyes were at Sarah Furhat’s wedding with her new Husband Jason Kenway,Ceaser Furhat was seen very happy and shed a tear of pride for her daughter,The former diplomat is expected to join the LDP soon.
Sarah has decided to keep her last name and Jason was reported to be “fine with that”.

Jason Kenway and Sarah Furhat in their Wedding
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Wed Feb 13, 2019 5:42 am


PROFILE: Starry Godiva, Kalistan's New Premier
Ambitious Agenda includes Modernization, Restoration of Social System

Kaliburg, Ananto
May 18, 4530

Incoming Premier Starry Godiva, at Socialist Watching Celebration following 4529 Special Elections with supporters

The incoming Premier of the Republic, 28 year old former host for the KRTVN6 Saturday Morning childrens' television show "Starry's World," and leader of the SP since 4526, Starry Godiva, assumed her role as Premier following the 4529 Special Elections which saw Socialists sweep into the Plurality for the first time in a Generation and Institutionalist allies making major gains on the heels of the ICRP's disqualification.

Godiva is a representative of a new Generation of Socialists: One who has come into political consciousness under Capitalist domination in Kalistan. In her trademark "vacant" voice, which some find grating, but others find intellectually diminutive, Premier Godiva explained the tension involved with espousing Kalistani socialism in an era dominated by largely Laissz Faire economic policy. "It's, you know, very difficult to hold the two ideas in the same head at the same time, you know? On the one hand, like, I remember teachers in my high school fighting over whether or not to teach socialism. I saw one teacher, who was like this big so-called Liberal supporter, interrupting my teacher who was trying to tell us about how the Dual System was supposed to work in my high school? And she was telling us that this is how it used to work, and he just threw a literal stapler at her face and then like, immediately tried to like attack her. Some of the football players just stood around while this guy was like, attacking her? And then this one guy in my class, he was a nerd, well we thought so, but like he just got up and went over and grabbed Mr. Stuart, and like literally flung him across the room. And he totally saved Mrs. Davidson, but then he got expelled for putting his hands on a teacher, and Mrs. Davidson was like fired on the spot for even talking about Socialism."

These early experiences led Starry to become active in politics. Her grandfather Eddie Godiva-Bjorksdottir was a fairly high profile Socialist in the Ananto District Government and taught her about the ideology of the Party outside of school. "Yeah, in school it was only like supposed to be 'Oh, Capitalism is sooo good. Look at all this capitalism: Oh, you get to starve. Oh, you get to work until you die and your kids get to go hungry, oh, you get student loans that you can never pay back, what fun. You're SOOOO free. And like one person in 10,000, its like Oh you get to be so rich, and you get all the power. Congratulations, you just, like won the lottery. Totally lucky but we're just going to say that you worked so hard to get there and you took all this like risk, and you like earned the right to be as rich as 50,000 regular workers combined. The Market The Market, blah blah blah...' Thank god we had old people still around who remembered what it was like from before then and would tell us the Truth. I got all my friends to take civics tutoring from my Grandpa, and he undid a lot of that garbage the Liberals were pushing in class." In fact, Godiva was elected to Class Representative to the Student Senate in her Senior year and ran as a Socialist. "I got like, death threats from some of the jocks, but even worse were their dumb girlfriends, who stuck up for their idiotic pro-fascism boyfriends. Can you believe it?"

Godiva studied Political Science at the University of High Bong in Neveras, and graduated right before the recent Crisis. "I immediately knew, like I would go into Politics. I went back to Ananto, did some campaigning, and was lucky enough to get to represent my home town of Eveari. I've been a Deputy from Eveari literally ever since." Godiva ascended to the top of the Party ranks when President Guttersnipe cleaned house and forced the old leadership to resign. The President said he supported Godiva for Speaker of the Party not because she was particularly eloquent-- The President admitted that he was not either. But she attracted his attention because she was, in his words, "...singleminded in her focus to restore the Dual Economy and the Social Structure," of Kalistan. Godiva confirmed this, "However we can make it happen."

Godiva accomplished her first victories with the Nationalization Bill, and the three National Industries Charters. "We like worked with all the Parties, and they gave us their input, and we got bills which got everyone on board. The Nationalization Bill was symbolically opposed by the Patriots, but this was not unexpected, nor out of character for them, you know? But they helped us with passing the charters, so I don't hold any grudges, you know?"

When asked how the Nationalization has progressed since the Bill was passed, Godiva answered, "Well, We quickly bought out the NDC's holdings. We got them very inexpensively, seeing as they were so depreciated when the NDC acquired them. Since then, we have acquired schematics from Vanuku for ships and tanks and aircraft. With the help of Vanukean technical experts who have been like working closely with our folks in the KALMILINCO and such, we're reopened the foundries and the National Shipyards at Port Devon and at Bozo River and are about to begin building our first new naval units in decades. We also are reworking the multi-role fighter designs we received from Vanuku and will begin testing prototype aircraft this year, starting with testing of the thrusters and afterburners themselves. The goal is to build a highly maneuverable craft for home defense and defense of our adjacent seas. As our national defense doctrine focuses specifically on home defense, specifically defense against, like, sea bourne invasion, it is important that we be able to at least match the speed and agility of carrier based planes, and to create variants designed to sink enemy surface craft. Most of our modern jet designs can like get close to the most modern carrier based aircraft, you know? But we are working on methods to beat their capabilities. And finally, our submarine fleet needs an overhaul, but for now, we just need to make sure we have replacements for the ones we do have because something is better than nothing."

Premier Godiva with her mentor, her grandfather Eddie Godiva-Bjorksdottir

The Premier acknowledged an offer from Lourenne to invest heavily in the Kalistani Defense Plant. "Yes, we welcome ALL interested parties to Kalistan, even Lourenne. You know, Kalistan constantly seems to be hot and cold toward our neighbor. Of course it is easy for us to make fun of their penchants to wear berets, and eat long loaves of bread and smoke incessantly, but I will insist that the Deputies in the Assembly finally start taking them seriously. We can," The premier cut her self off in mid sentence. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm like, having a difficult time keeping a straight face from what I just said... But no, seriously. I am like totally serious. Lourenne must be seen by Kalistani Deputies as our equals and our neighbors, and we want them to come to Kalistan and invest here. Its time we had a different attitude toward them, and I guess that like, starts with me."

The incoming Defense Minister, Regular General Calvin Golardo, confirmed that Lourenne has indeed agreed to invest in Kalistan shipping and defense programs with heavy investments already made in capitalization of the National Industries by Lourennais interests. "Lourennais investment in the National Firms, but much more significantly the nationalization with compensation under the Nationalization Effort allows the legal remnants of the NDC to make its final payments to Vanuku for the transfer of technology which occurred around the basing of the 4th Fleet at Bozo River two and a half years ago. Modernization of the Kalistani Forces are expected to begin by October of this year and are scheduled to continue for the next Decade, at most."

Besides military modernization, the Socialist Leader looks to use this period of Institutionalist Majority rule to undo some of the damage of the previous quarter century. "Most important is the restoration of the UBI," said Godiva. "The UBI is important because, while it is not enough to make a person rich and completely replace work, it nonetheless frees a worker to take a job he or she is like suited to, rather than one she is literally forced to take to keep from starving to death. Yes, it costs, but yes it also eases burdens elsewhere in our social safety net. A person who has a UBI doesn't have to choose between working for wages and going to the hospital. If he or she is sick, they can miss a frickin day of work to get better rather than spreading their sickness to all their co-workers. Like, ewwww."

She also notes that the Socialists are fighting for universalization of some programs that have been means tested. "So, like, when only the poor benefit from some program, but like they got rid of the 1 Ruble tax bracket, like the rich have a reason to claim that they are getting ripped off by paying for something they can't use, while making it so the only ones who can use it, never paid anything for the services. And since the only lobbyists that the Poor have are currently in the Majority, while the lobbyists for the Rich have been running this country for a generation, and hacking poverty relief to the literal bone, we need to make sure that everyone at least has a stake in the maintenance of the system, or we're going to get the same thing we just had back again as soon as these people get the majority again."

The Social Reform Act is expected to pass, and modernization of the Armed forces is expected to begin, at long last, and we will see how long Starry Godiva can hold on to her office. In the meanwhile, the young Socialist leader informs us that she also likes to hang out with her friends, and especially someone named Hashtag Bonzob--ch, who is her bestie from way back, and drink iced tall mochachinos, and that she would like to take some time to go visit the ODEN plantations in the Dah Delta before leaving office. She also expressed her congratulations for the LDP Leader's recent marriage. "They're such a cute couple. They will like literally have good looking kids," said Godiva.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Doc » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:25 am


Kalistani Military Modernization begins in Earnest
First new Frigates and AFV's roll off Assembly lines

Sulari, Suldanor
April 30, 4531

Premier Godiva announces arrival of first weapons under Modernization plan

The Republican Premier and the Defense Minister have welcomed the first weapons produced by the Modernization programs. Premier Godiva was on hand at the National Shipyards in Port Davon to watch the launch of the first Vrassa Class Frigates (OOC: RL Karl Doorman), built from recently purchased Vanutech in Vanuku, while Defense Minister Golardo oversaw the production of the first modern Armored Fighting Vehicles, nicknamed the "Leopard" AFV (OOC: RL Boxer Armored Fighting Vehicle) at the KALMILINCO Sulari Plant. These weapons systems were deemed priority systems for Modernization, and the lots produced will be welcomed additions to the Regular Forces.

The first new Vrassa Class Frigate launches from the National Shipyards at Port Davon last March

In the near future, more Vanutech designs will be implemented in the newly operational KALMILINCO factories and shipyards across the Republic. Badly needed replacements for existing weaponry is rapidly being deployed to Kalistani lines, as the new designs are tested and phased in. Though modernization is only in its most earliest phases, replacements for small arms and crew served weaponry for the Infantry have already been delivered to Arsenals across the Republic and munitions have been replaced and resupplied.

The J-12 Jet prototype is tested at the Republican Proving Grounds in Odufaray

Most importantly, in the earliest stages of a new jet engine for the Vanutech Z35 multipurpose fighter is being tested with the aim of improving performance over this already well designed aircraft. The new Engine, called the J-12, is intended to improve performance and efficiency by altering the powerplant and fuel delivery system. So far, engineers have improved fuel efficiency by 8.2 percent, and are working on a heat recapture system that will power many of the electrical systems and avionics on the redesigned jet. This will considerably lighten the weight of the craft, which will further increase efficiency and maneuverability. Test pilots working for the proving Grounds are reportedly "quite excited" for the new design. "Well, I've flown some comparable jets to the one they are designing. And I can tell you, a heavier plane requires, as you can imagine, more of a turning radius in the air, which gives the enemy more time to lock on to the plane. But a lighter plane would whip around up there and would allow us to gain advantage. The draw back, of course, is if you make some of those turns too tightly, you get super G turns, and too many of those will take a toll on the pilots over an extended period. Its why we don't fly stunt planes in combat. So its gotta be a balance."

The first of the modified Z-35 Jets is expected to enter service within 7 years.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Fri Feb 15, 2019 3:22 pm

Voice of the Free
August 4531

Former President of the Republic Ceaser Furhat has passed away !

Deputy Sarah Furhat delivered the sad news after Ceaser was hospitalized later last night. According to Sarah his father passed away from a fatal heart attack. With teary eyes Sarah Furhat and Jason Kenway along with rest of the Furhat family was seen outside the hospital delivering the sad news. President Haytham Kennedy declared a Week of National Mourning where flags shall be lowered at half-mast and Celebrations and Events shall be cancelled. He also said that a State-Funeral will take place. Leaders of all Political Parties and especially alot of the LDP members and supporters are expected to be present.

Jason Kenway and Sarah Furhat leaving the Assembly last night after finding out that Ceaser was hospitalized
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