Narikaton and Darnussia

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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:18 am


Second Term for Trauerstein

Melissa von Thaller at the election-party.

After the first uneventful Trauerstein Presidency which was considered to be very controversial, the voters have decided to give the now apparently reconciled Melissa von Thaller a second term, her administration was very stable with no sudden radical changes. She also expanded the spectrum of the Patriotic Alliance ideologies which was seemingly popular. Not only has she won the presidency for the second time, she also managed to gain the first Patriotic Alliance house majority in the history of the thallerist republic. Patriotic Alliance officials never dare to criticise her, especially the new generation that some refer to as 'post-thallerists' seem to be her most fanatic supporters.

Other/Older Headlines
  • Scandalous Presidential Election: Trauerstein returns (4501)
  • Economy back on track (4501)
  • Reform-party new wing obstructs internal harmony (4502)
  • GRP House majority not safe in 4504 election (4503)
  • P.A.N Post Thallerists 'aye' centrist bills (4503)
Last edited by Mbites on Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:27 pm


Melissa von Thaller presents successor

Bruderkrieg, Narikaton, the Patriotic Alliance has presented it's next presidential candidate which is inteded to be Melissa von Thallers successor. After the unexpected success of Melissa, she has gained a lot of influence behind the scenes, rumors state that she almost chose her successor without any further consultation. The party leadership entrusted her with the decision because of her recent victories. Even though Melissa is popular many celebrate as this controversial political individual leaves the stage. Mostly though conservative and liberal voters are favourable towards her because during her leadership the Patriotic Alliance made further step in an post-thallerist direction as well as a shift to centrism in general. These steps were necessary to reform the country from a corrupt corporate oligarchy to a democratic republic.


Her successor is going to be Henrietta Leonie von Thaller, her party groomling and a post-thallerist ideologist. Similarly to Melissa she is very young for such an office and this decision has faced a lot of critic during the party assembly, resulting in only 70,21% of the delegates affirming Melissa's decision.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Mbites » Sun Dec 30, 2018 1:30 pm

Patriotic Landslide Victory

Bruderkrieg, Narikaton, the newly elected president Henrietta Leonie von Thaller, has managed to win a landslide victory; taking four governorships as well as the house majority. Some political experts attribute this to the centrist shift in the Reformparty, other's think that it might as well be that large parts of the Patriotic Alliance have drifted towards more centrist economic ideas. Under Melissa von Thaller and Jakob zum Freiheitsberg, the party has passed and agreed to a lot of reforms, it has probably shown the public that the P.A.N is not just a party of grey old men following an orthodox thallerist agenda, it's the contrary the P.A.N is a young party full of reformers who want radical change. Additionally it also orchestrates the influence Melissa von Thaller still has inside the Patriotic Alliance, this election put the new patriotic generation in power. We're should anticipate change.
"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Auditorii » Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:16 pm

National Union formed, calls for recognition of "Thaller Genocide"
September, 4533

Östermark, Narikaton - Newly elected Chairman of the National Union Floris-Jan Raadsveld and Deputy Chairman Ernst Saxer spoke today at a campaign rally after the interim government lead by former Chancellor Florentin Auch announced early elections. The National Union unites a rally of nationalist, conservative and traditionalist political parties and groups in both Narikaton and mainland Darnussia. Chairman Raadsveld called for the recognition of the "Thaller Genocide" and announced that if the National Union wins they will establish a state committee to investigate the Thaller family that has plagued the world and has caused an insurmountable number of deaths. Saxer called for greater cooperation throughout the world to re-populate the devastated Narik population, but it will largely be helped by the returning of ethnic Nariks from throughout the globe, including Dundorf, Dorvik, Ostland, Hulstria and Gao-Soto as well as other enclaves around Artania that housed the nearly destroyed ethnic Nariks.

The National Union has called for the continued preservation of the Imperial Commonwealth and actively seeks to rebuild what it considers to be lost prestige for Narikaton and Darnussia, a former regional powers. Narik nationalist have slowly encroached on local governments with the collapse of the Thaller regime; mostly in the Östermark region of Narikaton. Information related to the rebuilding efforts that the National Union are going to undertake are relatively unknown but the vast mineral wealth, strong shipping and shipbuilding industries of Narikaton and Darnussia are likely to be the focus. Narikaton and Darnussia also serves as a vital port of goods for Dovani and sometimes was known as the "Gateway to Dovani" only followed by the west coast of the Dorvish islands.

The National Union announced that they would continue to support Emperor and King Leopold; a point of contention for Narik nationalist who have called for a traditional Narik to sit on the united throne. Leopold is from a cadet branch of the Darntus-Raux family; known as Darntus-Raux-Röthke which has primary roots in Darnussia. Narikaton and Darnussia are looking at a very interesting future as the continent has lost its traditional power bases of Dorvik and Luthori; both of which have fallen into total disarray, nationally and internationally.
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Auditorii » Wed Feb 20, 2019 10:15 pm

A New Dawn for the Imperial Commonwealth
December, 4533

Östermark, Narikaton - Chancellor Floris-Jan Raadsveld announced the formation of the Central Bank of Narikaton and Darnussia, known also as the Imperial Commonwealth Central Bank. It will be headed by an appointed Governor who will he assisted by 12 Deputy Governors; 2 for each region and an additional one representing the Narikonite Empire and the Kingdom of Darnussia. Chancellor Raadsveld also announced that he would be appointing two Vice Chancellors, one for Narikaton and one for Darnussia that would be responsible for the oversight of their respective areas. The Imperial Commonwealth is made up of two primary entities, the Narikonite Empire and the Kingdom of Darnussia. The compromise was made similar to older methods of keeping a distinction from the mainland and the islands of Narikaton.

The Economic Reconstruction Act aims to restore much of the economic dominance that Narikaton and Darnussia once held decades ago. Darnussia is primarily the breadbasket and mineral resource treasure trove of the Imperial Commonwealth, focusing mostly on agriculture, post-industrial services and mineral mining on the northern and southern portions of the country where vast, seemingly infinite, natural resources are held. Narikaton and it’s two islands are primarily a financial sector with a vast ship building industry and limited mineral mining and processing. Narikaton has a booming

The Imperial Commonwealth has toyed with removing the old ducal administration which would be replaced largely by a civil administration. This however will likely be met by the returning nobility in Narikaton who have often succeeded in capturing ducal leadership spots and winning elections for their respective families. Chancellor Raadsveld and reportedly King and Emperor Leopold is supportive of the new civil focused administrative changes. The Secretariat-General of the Interior however has been tight lipped and Secretary-General Saxer has made no public information available.

The Secretary-General of the Interior has announced however the reformation of the National Police, General Investigative Service and the National Anti-Terrorism Task Force all meant to solidify control over the the internal security and law enforcement structure within Narikaton and Darnussia. Secretariat-General of Finance and the Secretariat-General of Trade and Industry will form their own respective police forces to investigate financial and trade crimes. The Secretary-General of Trade and Industry will also be responsible for the Customs and Border Police which will be the de facto customs and border authority in Narikaton and Darnussia.

Perhaps more importantly is the Secretariat-General of Defense and the newly crowned Secretary-General of Defense Andre Stäbler, a former advisor to the Ostland Armed Forces and a former staff officer in the transition armed forces. Secretary-General Stäbler announced the Imperial Commonwealth Armed Forces would be the de facto name of the armed forces and would comprise the Commonwealth Land Forces, Commonwealth Naval Forces, Commonwealth Air Forces, Commonwealth Gendarmerie and the Commonwealth Special Forces. The Commonwealth Navy will also have an attached “Marine Corps”. The Secretary-General announced that the Commonwealth Armed Forces will be focused on procuring and advancing the Artanian Defense Group which will open a major second headquarters in Merënburg and a major office in Redstadt.

The primary concern of the incoming Secretary-General of Defense will be the restoration of the Commonwealth Navy, which Secretary-General Stäbler believes will serves as the “foremost” component of the Commonwealth Armed Forces.
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:35 am

De Volkskrant
De Volkskrant, or the People's Paper, is a center-leftist newspaper that reports on Narik minority politics, along with general news.

13 April 4548
Narikatonisch Arbeiderspartij formed in Grel
Formed out of various Narik minority parties and associations, the party has expressed its bitter hatred of the Thaller family and their ideologies.

Gert-Jan Gregersen, the NAP's founder, speaks before a crowd in the city of Grel.

Today various left-wing minority parties and organizations met today to eventually form the Narikatonisch Arbeiderspartij. Formed by those who had held an intense and bitter hatred of the Thaller family and the ideologies it supported, the party has already committed to publishing its manifesto before the national legislature. Believing in the principles of left-wing nationalism and fostering a strong social democracy for the people, it's leader has also explicitly expressed that it does not blame the Dundorfian people for the atrocities of the Thaller family. In fact, Gregersen actively promotes reconciliation with the Dundorfian peoples, but persecution for the Thaller family with the highest levels of prejudice. Giving a passionate speech that struck deep into the hearts of Narik people not just in the nation but the world over, it seems that Narikaton-Darnussia may finally see the light of democracy once again. De Volkskrant has provided a transcript of Gregersen's speech below.

Citizens of this nation, fellow Nariks,

It truly does not give justice to describe how monumental this moment is. If the Thallerist parties still existed, then I am almost certain that we would still be in hiding, wary that our people would be persecuted, then executed. But now they are gone, and we are free to speak our own opinions. Hatred for the Thaller family is not enough to describe our collective feelings towards those bastards. For centuries, our people have been murdered under the shifting regimes of the former Thallerist Republic of Narikaton-Darnussia. And the international community was silent for all those years! Possibly because the Thallers suppressed information of their atrocities from ever reaching the international community.

Well I can say no more! It is time that the world over know of the repugnant actions of that family. I've lost members of my own family due to their genocides! Many of us share the same stories of pain, and bitter anger. Nariks, both in this nation of ours and abroad, we are free! Truly and completely free! To those same Nariks who fled years ago, you can safely return! We shall work with the also newly-formed LDP in forming a unity coalition to enact reforms to erase the awful policies of the regimes of old.

Today, it is all of you I say: "Ik zal handhaven—I will uphold!"
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Rogue » Fri Mar 22, 2019 10:15 pm

Het Rijk
Het Rijk is a Narik newspaper based in Narikaton dedicated to bring the news from accross the union

February 16th 4549
LDP forms and wins, announces massive constitutional reform
With the creation of the Liberal Democratic Party and its subsequent win in the recent elections the party has announced major constitutional changes are being drafted in cooperation with the opposition

In a suprise election the recently formed center-right Liberal Democratic Party had won the most seats, quickly forming a cabinet and announcing "common sense" reform for the people of Narikaton and Darnussia. The party leader and now chancellor Jochum Leeftink stated in his victory speech that "it is time for Narikaton and Darnussia to truly come together, no more division, no more violence, but a union of true equalls"

Shortly after this speech the new chancellor stood together with many new government ministers and party members, announcing a major change in the constitution to ensure "a democratic society that takes in consideration both the concerns of the Narik and Darnussian people"
In the soon to be voted on constitutional revision a "dual monarchy" will be established, with the narik Alexander the 1st of the house of Blaauwenoord being the Narik king and serving as "King of Narikaton" while the Darnussian Gregor the 1st of the house of Lustenberger will become the "King of Darnussia" and be the symbolic head of state of the Kingdom of Darnussia. Both the Kingdom of Narikaton and the Kingdom of Darnussia will be unified under a single democratically elected government and state named the "Rijksunie van Narikaton en Darnussien" (Imperial Union of Narikaton and Darnussia)

With this new system the parties hope to establish a "health union between two proud people's" and bring stability to the nation. Many have responded with enthusiasm on the constitutional revision. Some raised eyebrows after the choices for the two monarchs were announced, many not even knowing anything about the two royal houses picked to deliver a king. But according to chancellor Lieftink the government picked these two houses "on purpose" believing that both are capable of fullfilling the duties a head of state needs to fullfill while being new enough to ensure no old rivalries will come up along the way.

The constitutional revision is expected to be supported by the opposition and will enter voting phase within the next few months.

Now chancellor Lieftink (middle) during election night
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:26 am

De Volkskrant
De Volkskrant, or the People's Paper, is a center-leftist newspaper that reports on Narik minority politics, along with general news.

14 April 4550
House of Lustenberger returns to Darnussia for first time in decades
With the passage of the Constitutional Revision bill this year, the long-exiled House of Lustenberger has returned to Darnussia.

Gregor I along with his wife, Helena, and their children wave to large crowds in Dallorstadt, the Kingdom of Darnussia's capital.

The little-known House of Lustenberger, a royal house that has existed for nearly four centuries fled from the Thallerist regime after repression of other smaller houses was seen by them has finally returned to their native lands, after living in various nations around the world. Reportedly visibly weeping upon exiting his plane, Gregor I gave his most generous of thanks to Prime Minister Leeftink on the emergency reforms of his unity government with the NAP, along with the NAP's own "Homecoming Act", which allowed for the resettlement of Narik peoples to rebuild their long-repressed culture.

In a lavish parade down the streets of Dallorstadt, the capital of Darnussia, with a splendid military display by the Darnussian Kaiserliche Landtruppen the King and his family made their way down to the Darnussischer Stadtschloß, the former residence of various royal families before the ascension of Thallers. Entering the Darnussischer Stadtschloß and walking out onto its balcony, Gregor I then gave an address that was televised to most networks, reaching millions of Nariks and Darnussians across the country. Evidently emotional, he stated that he was grateful to experience something that his numerous forefathers were never able to achieve.

Fellow Darnussians—Meine Leute,

I am extremely thankful to have experienced something that my forefathers in the nearly 400 years since their voluntary exile from our proud nation at the hands of the first Thaller regime. For so long, we lived in exile, shifting from nation to nation, being only a little known House. Well, with all my thanks to Prime Minister Leeftink, that changes today. Not only our family has been restored to the Darnussian throne, but a non-Thallerist family has been restored on the Narik throne, establishing an Imperial Union between our two Kingdoms. Finally our nation is free of royal families that serve only themselves, and not the people. Narikaton and Darnussia shall return to the worldstage once more, and expose these Thallers for their heinous crimes against our own peoples!
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 26, 2019 10:14 am

Het Rijk
Het Rijk is a Narik newspaper based in Narikaton dedicated to bring the news from accross the union

November 21st 4550
Government proposes major taxcut and budget changes, announces investment into infrastructure
As the new Rijksunie is official the LDP government reshifts focus from constitutional reform to economic development

As the new government gets comfortable in its seat and both the king of Narikaton and the king of Darnussia ascend to their respective thrones the LDP government under the leadership of Prime Minister Leeftink has announced the new budget as well as a massive tax reform cutting millions in taxes as a incentive for the purchasing power to increase. The new budget will cut over 50 billion DAR from defense as the government looks to create a small but effective armed force. The 50 billion DAR saved will partially be used for the increase in the budgets of the Finance department, infrastructure department, education department, and trade department.

The reason for the increase in budget for these mostly economic sectors is the government's renewed focus on reviving the economy of Narikaton and Darnussia and make it competitive on the world market once more. Especially the decaying infrastructure of the country is, according to the government, in need of great investment, repair and expansion. With the increase in the infrastructure budget the ministry of infrastructure and transport Arnoud Hoekstra has already announced a comprehensive plan for major repairs to the highway and overall roadsystem in both Narikaton and Darnussia and is currently drawing up plans with his staff for the possible creation of a new international airport in Darnussia that would serve as both a passenger and cargo airport. Most details on this latter project have yet to be released to the public however.

The LDP has also proposed a initial reform of the military and with the cuts in defense spending the party will likely release a plan on the future of the armed forces rather soon.

One of the many decaying roads in Narikaton. In Darnussia the situation is similar, the government hopes to repair the roadsystem in both members of the union with a comprehensive plan
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Re: Voice of Narikaton

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:30 pm

Het Rijk
Het Rijk is a Narik newspaper based in Narikaton dedicated to bring the news from accross the union

December 22nd 4551
LDP proposes the abolishment of the army, announces full focus on "harmony and progress"
In a stunning move the LDP government has proposed the abolishment of the army and a full focus on "harmony and progress"

While everyone expected a major change in the armed forces following a decrease in defense budget earlier last year no one expected the move made by the LDP government. In a stunning twist the government has announced its intention of abolishing the ground component of the Armed Forces and instead only rely on a small paramilitary force to maintain order and small protection of the country while also maintaining a small airforce and navy for the same purpose. When asked for a response on the stunning decision by the government the minister of defense, Marnix ten Holte, stated the following.

It is this government's intention to close the divide between the Narik and Darnussian people. For to long our people have lived in a divided nation, resented eachother, the former regime played in on this division to maintain power, but the era of division and violence is over. In order for this new union of people's to thrive and succeed it is of the utmost importance that the military, which has played a key role in previous civil conflicts between Narik and Darnussian people's is limited to the absolute minimum in its size and power. This does not only allow us to rebuild the relationship between the islands and mainland. But also allows us to use the budget that we would have used for the military for economic development and social reform instead. It is time for our union to succeed and focus on harmony, progress and prosperity

Prime Minister Leeftink stated that his government will soon release a plan on further economic stimulation and development once a new budget has been drafted as a result of this news. The government also proceeded to set up a national paramilitary group loyal to the government named the National Defense Association (Nationale Defensie Vereniging/Nationale Verteidigungsvereinigung) or NDV/NVV which will swear loyality to the government and shall be funded by the new to be drafted military budget. This paramilitary force will likely be small and only used to maintain order, help during disasters or try to defend the nation in times of war.

The government has stated that it will allow other non government funded paramilitaries to exist but only if they swear loyalty to the government and vow to act in the best interest of the Rijksunie. The government will likely sell most of its heavy ground equipment, including its tanks and heavy artillery while offering most small equipment like infantry weaponry, mortars, medium artillery and other infantry equipment to the new NDV/NVV paramilitary.

The navy and airforce will likely also be reduced in size, a concrete plan on this has yet to be revealed.

Narik soldiers marching with their weapons for probably the last time, later this month the army will officially be disbanded
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