
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Klavian News Service

Postby LesRouges » Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:04 am

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:02 pm

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
Keymon Defense Forces Purchase Over 1.1 Billion VAN Worth of Aircraft m

July 4537(Backdated)
The Keymon Defense Forces have purchased 1.1 Bilion VAN worth of military aircraft.

The aircraft will include the Su-25 Close Air Support Aircraft, RC-135 Surveillance Aircraft, and the Z-35 FTRs.

The Keymon Defense Forces purchased the following:

15 x CAS


35 x Z-35 FTRs

The Keymon Defense Forces have reaffirmed there commitment to Vanuku-Keymon win-win cooperation.

The Keymon Defense Forces stand by there commitment to defend the Keymon people and to guarantee there safety and security against foreign threats.

The Keymon Defense Forces released a press statement on the matter:
This purchase of aerial vehicles was necessary to guarantee our sovereignty from hostile foreign powers like Kanjor and Lourenne, both of whom are lying about a “hostile message” from our government. No such message was sent nor was it intended to be sent.

Lourenne and Kanjor are obsessing about Keymon so much they have forgotten about themselves.

These aircraft will show our seriousness to our sovereignty and to our independence.

These aircraft were great purchases. These aircraft are some of the best in the world and can defeat any military out against them.

It seems as though Lourenne and Kanjor are continuously lying about our great nation. This is not a surprise but it is a threat. If Lourenne and Kanjor continue to lie and threaten our nation with naval exercises, there will be consequences.

We will continue to update you
Other Stories:

Keymon Defense Forces Announce Aerial Exercise

Ministry of Defense Announces Military Raise of 7.5%

Ministry of Trade announces 75% tariffs on Kanjor and Lourenne
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:37 pm

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
Keymon Joins the Hutorian Commonwealth!

May 4357(Backdated)
The Keymon Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that Keymon has joined the Hutorian Commonwealth.

President Quintu Ciriaccu has already announced that a ceremony celebrating the event will be held in the capital.

President Quintu Ciriaccu released a press statement about the new decision:
Today we culturally and symbolically reunite with an old ally. Hutori and Keymon have been divided due to the turn to a failed democracy by Keymon. From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to Hutori and the Keymonite people because that “democratic” nation failed both Hutori and the Keymonite people.

Now I must reiterate that the monarchy will have no federal power nor any government power. It is merely a ceremonial position. Yet this ceremonial position will guarantee the good will between our two nations and people.

Our great nation shall ally with Hosianism and become the protector of the faith. Any attack against the faith will result in consequences from the Keymon isle and government.

The Presidents speech sparked mass celebrations throughout Keymon and has caused the Hosian Church in Keymon to deem the President as the defender of the faith on the island.

The President has shown himself to be the protector of not only the people of Keymon but also the church.

We will continue to update you
Other Stories:

President Announces Intention to Defend Hosianism Internationally

Socialist Terrorists Pretend to Stand by “Democracy”

Lourenne is Attempting to Undermine Keymon, According to Independent Data Source
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Fri Mar 01, 2019 9:11 pm

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
Ministry of Defense Sets Up Military Exercise

September 4538
The Ministry of Defense has announced a new military exercise in the Mad Dog Ocean.

The exercise, called Blue Raven, will take place around 700 Nautical miles off the coast of Keymon.

The exercise will feature 15 OPV’s, 3 Submarines, 3 Corvettes, and 2 Refueling Ships.

The soon to be retired Long Range Intercepter will be the main OPV in the exercise, making up 9 of the OPV’s featured.

The 3 Gotland-class Submarines will attack simulated aircraft carriers and destroyers, attempting to significantly damage them or destroy them. In an attempt to maintain accuracy and flexibility, multiple aircraft carrier types will be simulated and recreated.

The Peacock corvette will be doing multiple tasks, including electronic warfare, close combat, and intelligence gathering.

The refueling ships main tasks will be to refuel submarines, corvettes, and OPV’s so that the continued assault on the enemy fleet continues.

Maritime patrol and military aircraft will participate in the exercise, including the newly purchased Su-25 Close Air Support Aircraft

The Ministry of Defense has been accused of increasing tension with Lourenne and Kanjor, which some have claimed the exercise was intended as a threat towards those nations.

However the Minister of Defense has dissuaded that claim.
Let me reiterate that this is exercise is not directed at any nation. Although our relations with some Canrailles nation’s have been damaged rapidly, the goal in this exercise is not to threaten them. This is an exercise to guarantee the top condition of our men and equipment.

We would like to reiterate to Keymon and Lourenne that we want nothing more than peace. However that cannot occur unless they stop attacking us.

We will continue to update you
Other Stories:

Ministry of Trade Announces Trade Embargo on Lourenne, Minister of Trade States Hope of Peace

Minister of Foreign Affairs confirms Lourenne shut down direct communications

Minister of Internal Affairs Releases Memo on Canrailles Terrorists in Keymon
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:24 am

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
Military Drone Finishes Research & Development Process, Set to Build 35

April 4539
The Ministry of Defense has announced that its domestic drone program has created it’s first successful domestic drone.

The Elbit Hermes 450 has successfully completed its R&D phase, and will now be shipped into production, with the government stating around 35 will be produced, with more coming once field operations have proven there abilities.

Elbit Hermes 450 on Display

The program, whilst being almost a year over schedule, has successfully made a surveillance, reconnaissance, and possible armed drone.

Minister of Defense Antone Roccu held a public press conference, that included international media, about the development of a domestic UAV program.

Our domestic unmanned aerial vehicle of UAV project has turned out a successful, fully fledged UAV. This UAV, called the Elbit Hermes 450, has successfully been developed and tested. It will soon enter production and we are hoping for a production rate of 35 by the end of its production cycle.

The Elbit Hermes 450 is a reconnaissance, surveillance and communications relay UAV. Its main objective is to focus on surveillance of Keymon’s Exclusive Economic Zone.

We are hoping that the Elbit Hermes 450 will be able to take off of the Samuel Beckett Class Offshore Patrol Vessel, which has a aviation facility fit for UAV’s.

We hope to create a major defense industry in Keymon, which would increases Keymon’s military supplies.

Blueprint of the Samuel Beckett OPV

We will continue to update you
Other Stories:

National Arms Conglomerate Announces Construction of Factories to ‘Mass Produce Armaments for the Government’

Keymon Condemns Malivian Murders of Cow Venders, Promises Protection to Maldivian Hosians

Reports of Piracy Increase in the Mad Dog Ocean as Kazulia Leaves Power Vaccum
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Leo Basu » Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:53 am

Keymon Qualified For The UAFA CUP of 4539
In a surprising match Keymon defeated Narikaton to Qualify for the UAFA Cup the Match was surprisingly jaw drooping specially for the fans as no one expected that Keymon will win like that against such strong opponent Narikton dominated the match for almost an hour but Keymon made an extra ordinary comeback when their star player Luigi Batzella scored back to back 3 goals which led to Keymon wining by 3-0
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:19 am

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
National Arms Conglemorate Gets 100 Million KED Modernization Package

October 4539
The National Arms Conglomerate, the nationalized arms company charged with producing and developing Keymon’s weapons, has been given a 100 Million KED assistance package to modernize it’s factories and production plants.

The modernization package came out of the government’s Industry budgets and has seen a major increase in its budget.

The package included 80 million KED towards automation of assembly lines, 10 million KED for Research and Development, and another 10 million KED for multiple other initiatives.

The National Arms Conglomerate announced it would open over 35 factories in Turtle Bay and Leighstown, where all the assembly lines are planned to be fully automated.

Modern Military Assembly Line in Turtle Bay

This major initiative has been pushed forward by President Quintu Ciriaccu, who has continuously pushed for military equipment independence. President Ciriaccu has published a paper called the ‘Military Defense Self Renovation Initiative Plan’ has laid out plans to completely make Keymon self sufficient when producing small arms, making the threat of blockades or restrictions on arms trade less powerful.

One defense analyst called this initiative-“important and possibly necessary”.

We will continue to update you
Other Stories:

Keymon Dragonflies Are Victorious!!!

Keymon Greatest Nation On Terra, States President Ciriaccu

Canrailles Spy Executed, Spied for Lourenne and Kanjor
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Aquinas » Mon Mar 04, 2019 1:56 am

October 4539

Malivian cow vigilantes threaten Keymon


Dear President Quintu Ciriaccu,

This is an important message from Gau Raksha Paltan, the Cow Protection Army.

We have declared your country a Cow Cruelty-Free Zone. People in your country are no longer to slaughter Holy Mother Cow or eat cow meat products.

If they continue to do so, they will die. We have infiltrated the food production process your country relies on to provide beef to your citizens. The beef is being injected with slow-acting poison. Any of your citizens who continue to eat beef will die long, painful and agonising deaths, although they will show no symptoms for the first 6 months.

We urge you to order the withdrawal of all cow meat products on sale in Keymon. If you do not do so, you will be 100% responsible for the unspeakably terrible deaths of your own citizens. This will be your responsibility now, not ours.


Gau Raksha Paltan

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Re: Klavian News Service

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:50 pm

Keymon National News is the largest newspaper in Keymon, covering all major issues in the nation
Ministry of Defense, Agriculture Declares All Beef “Unsafe and Deadly”, Issues An Official Ban on Buying Beef

October 4539
After the Cow Protection Army made the threat to poison all of Keymon’s beef or cow meat products, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture has issued an official emergency status alert to all Keymonites that read as the follows:
The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture has determined that a substantial risk exists in the consumption of beef and/or any cow meat products that are in Keymon markets.

An immediate ban on selling cow meat has occurred and will stay in place until the threat has been deemed ended.

Do not panic. The government shall reimburse any cow meat purchases for 50% of there original value.

Any cow meat farmers and vendors, report your shops name, location, and the number of and name of your employees to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Cow Liberation Army has threatened to attacks cow farmer and cow vendors. Report your shops location, name, and the number of and the names of your employees.

If you are attacked by the Cow Liberation Army and it is discovered that you did not register your shop, we will not give you economic compensation and will not assist you in any way.

Again, do not panic. This is merely an attack on our great island by an enemy that tries to kill civilians. It will not work.

If you have any information on these malicious terrorists, inform the Ministry of Defense by calling or by requesting the Minister of Defense

Alongside this, the Ministry of Agriculture has implemented three major initiatives that will guarantee the security of beef and cow meat products.

First, the government has put a temporary blanket ban on all Rajuttis and Gerajans from working in the meat industry.

Secondly, the government has initiated an immediate security check on all meat workers, including farmers, packagers, and managers.

Third and lastly, the government will initiate a ban on all travel between Keymon and Malivia. All Keymonites in Malivia are being ordered to return to Keymon, do to the fear of attacks against Keymonites by the Cow Liberation Army.

All Keymonites will be searched if entering a supermarket or any area where meat is stored.

If you are caught working with the Cow Liberation Army, you will be executed for treason.

If you have previously worked for the Cow Liberation Army in poisoning the nation’s meat supplies, come forward and admit your guilt. If you do so, you shall be spared from the death penalty and will receive a lower sentencing.

The SSG has already arrested several of the terrorists who committed this attack against our nation. One of the attackers has admitted the names of his accomplices throughout Keymon. Turn yourself in, or else you’ll be executed.

People of Keymon, we shall pull through this together and shall rise above terrorists and radicals. Our God shall guarantee that we defeat these terrorist scum.

We will continue to update you.
Other Stories:

President Reassures People That-“We shall overcome terrorism”.

Terrorists Set to Be Executed for Poisoning Beef

Supermarkets Prepare Kosher Meats For Purchase, Offers Ability to Trade Poisoned Beef for Other Meats
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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