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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:42 pm

Arise, Dorvik!
December 4541

Haldor, Kordusia - The arrival of the All-Dorvish League back on the political scene in Dorvik brought back much fire and fury that previously been missing from domestic elections, the Dorvish opened with a flurry of rallies and programs at re-igniting their base, mostly successful in Largonia, Dorvan, Miktar and in parts of Westmark and Kordusia. While the collapse of the "New Democratic" party was seen as unceremonious and devoid of any true feelings towards Dorvik, the fierce campaign lead by former Dorvish Landwehr Colonel Burkhard Tanzer and former Dorvish Air Force Major Detlev Hering was seen as nothing short of a triumph. At the rapidly held inauguration of the incoming President and soon-to-be State Chancellor, the two discussed their plans for a "Dorvish Century" and the fact that Dorvik had failed in its quest to protect "Sacred Dorvik" and failed to uphold its policy of intervention against radical, militant ideologies that has grown ten-fold since the Dorvish governments of the past have bowed off the scene. While President Tanzer and State Chancellor Hering have monumental tasks at hand, the true task falls to incoming Minister of Defense and Inspector-General Generaladmiral Joachim Karlis von Rohr-Mauss, one of the few von Rohr-Mauss to serve in the Dorvish Navy.

The task facing the incoming Minister of Defense and Inspector-General were eased by the approval of the President, State Chancellor and State Council in the firing of nearly all former operational and staff commanders and rise of several dozen prominent, vocal activist of Dorvish intervention and strength in the world. When elections were completed on December 5th, the government sworn in on December 9th and the positions of the government and military announced on December 10th, many former "military" officers found themselves in front of court martials for their actions which have been nothing short of treason, according to supporters of the All-Dorvish League and the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association which has continued to operate in Ostland following the collapse of the Dorvish Republic into a weak and ineffective, corrupt "Federal Republic of Dorvik". Immediately on the election of the All-Dorvish League the calls came flooding in, looking to the Dorvish to restore balance to a world that had teetered with powers that once stood as stable pillars, Kazulia, Hutori and bowing out from internal pressure and Vanuku standing alone with Lourenne potentially touting a future as a global power.

Within the first several months of being in government, the All-Dorvish League have passed landmark legislation, including the restoration of the Dorvish Republic and keeping with tradition, have approved several dozen sets of wargames meant to stretch the legs of the long-awaiting military. Investment, calls for investment, stock exchanges and economics have come to the forefront of political discussion and the stage is set for Dorvik to arise from the ashes, a winged phoenix of vengeance and justice.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:04 pm

Dorvik begins to rise from the ashes
August, 4543

Haldor, Kordusia - Minister of Foreign Adelger Gruber and State Secretary Aleksandr Joachim von Bahr announced earlier last month that Dorvik would be reaching out to Vanuku and Lourenne. It is the first time in several years that Dorvik has made overtures in international diplomacy; it is likely that Dorvik will further its attempts to build a diplomatic coalition with reaching out to Selucia and support their sovereignty. Dorvik, which has been a dormant eagle, has remained a regional power and a strong economic power despite some glaring deficiencies. The new government lead by President Tanzer, who was elected and serves as the Chairman of the All-Dorvish League is joined by his Deputy Chairman Volker Regismund von Rohr-Mauss, brother of the Minister of Defense and Inspector-General.

The Foreign Economic Council lead by Minister of Trade and Industry Ludwig Alexander von Desidier has announced both Lourenne and Vanuku have aimed to re-invest in Dorvik; mostly in the growing Dorvish oil, gas and nuclear power. The Dorvish economy has been bolstered by the return of the All Dorvish League which has been lead by generally younger, nationalist and free market conservatives who are more eager to see Dorvik return to a pillar of stability. One of their central tenants it rebuilding the Dorvish Armed Forces since the return of the ADV in 4541 the DAF has held a total of 25 war games, mostly large-scale focused war games. These training exercises are aimed to restoring a wide number of officers to operational status. The tax policy has been kept in place but the Dorvish government has moved to increase spending in a number of fields.

The arrival of the Lourenne delegation to Haldor was started at Rohr-Mauss International Airport and proceeded to Staatsplatz where the Dorvish Armed Forces Honor Guard, a elite unit of the DAF that provides security to Staatsplatz and ceremonial duties to the DAF. While neither the Dorvish government or the Lourenne government has commented explicitly on the details discussed, the general consensus was the discussion of economic cooperation, preventing the spread of communism and socialism as well as cooperation between the two militarily. Dorvik is eager to build a group aiming to assist in rebuilding their stagnant economy; mostly through mutual investment.

Dorvik has reportedly also stated that they have sent a new delegation to Ostland to discuss a wide variety of other Dovani issues with what is reported to be the most stable Dovani state.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Mar 13, 2019 2:45 am

Dorvish continue to focus outward but it promotes inward.
March, 4544

Haldor, Kordusia - Dorvish Finance Minister Per Treich is eager for Vanukuean and Lourennian investment in Dorvik. The Finance Minister, whose ministry is largely responsible for domestic economics, has stated that a re-written and enforced tax code has enhanced Dorvik's ability to compete in the international market. While the Minister of Trade and Industry Ludwig Alexander von Desidier stated that increased foreign investment in Dorvik has investors throwing large sums of capital at domestic and international companies. For reference, Artanian Defense Group, one of the worlds largest defense corporations, has announced large profits and increased foreign interest. Dorvik has re-built its energy sector, mostly through gas and oil which is dominates on Artania. North of Kordusia and Westmark, Dorvik holds a moderate oil supply and as such as rationed its production, despite this rationing, the gas and oil sector in Dorvik has remained profitable. The Natural Resources Technical Management Company has be re-invigorated with new leadership and increased capital to restore aging wells, bolstered by increased foreign interest, the Dorvish government has made rebuilding the offshore pipelines as a priority.

Despite the outward foreign posturing, the Dorvish Republic has taken to cleaning up its own house internally. Dorvish Police arrested several dozen suspected radical communist and socialist, including leaders of movements that were plotting terrorist attacks. In a rare move, the Dorvish Special Forces conducted a raid on an alpine outpost of the Alliance of Red Frontline Fighters. This was due to the alleged arms and munitions that had been stored during the Federal Republic period where internal security was sacrificed for alleged freedoms for radical, militant communist and socialist.

It is rumored that State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Aleksandr Joachim von Bahr will be going to Wiel, Vanuku while Foreign Minister Adelger Gruber attends diplomatic conferences in Ostland with the Grand Duchy of Ostland. While this is not news that Ostland and Vanuku are on the trip, representatives from Bredemegen Motor Works (BMW; OOC: BMW real-life counter-part) have also attended the diplomatic conferences hailing a victory for the domestic automobile industry in Dorvik.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:59 am

Heralds of Change
September, 4544

Haldor, Kordusia - The Octobrist Association, a rising faction within the ADV, has continued to impress and is reported to capture internal party leadership at the General Council next year. Lead by ambitious Deputy Chairman of the ADV Volker Regismund von Rohr-Mauss and drawing on the traditional liberal conservative base of the party, the Octobrist have been a dormant power within the party. It is unknown if they will continue to support the less traditional base of the party but several prominent Octobrist politicians have been elected to positions of power locally from within the ADV.

One notably component is that most if not all OkV (sometimes known as the OKV) are members of the Volksdundorfische Cultural Association, one of the worlds largest and most powerful ethnic-based organizations. The tan-brown uniforms of the Political Leadership Corps are prominent in ADV meetings as the presence of OkV members grow larger and larger, no one can deny that internal party politics plays a role in the ADV despite the usual party lines that are voted on or are used in the presence of other political parties.

The rise of the OkV can be tied to the prominent return of the many noble families back to Dorvik. While some critique Dorvik for their continued noble heritage, none can state that the Dorvish nobles don’t contribute to Dorvik. I’m Dorvik titles of nobility aren’t forbidden but grant no authority over people, they are, quite simply, titles to recognize the contributions families have made historically. While many former noble families have returned, some have expanded and planted roots elsewhere such as Ostland.

While others have uprooted from Dundorf in the face an increasingly belligerent and anti-conservative Dundorf. Dorvik has remained tight lipped regarding its progenitors in the south, neglecting any comments on them. While this might be by design it might also be because Artania is in a state of passiveness, mostly regarding its own organization. Many within the OkV have called for a new organization to replaced the now failed Artanian Union, some have called for a union with Dundorf while others have called for a wholesale reunited Dundorfian Reich, but whatever the case maybe the OkV is looking to make waves over the next coming months.

Other headlines
— Dorvish Police, State Security Service and other intelligence agencies continue crackdown on militants and radicals;
— Dorvish economy continued to grow in face of growth in foreign and domestic investment;
— 45th series of war games kicks off with Westmark munitions testing, aiming to increase efficiency of air strikes at Westmark testing range
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:06 pm

Despite crash, ADG saves the day
March, 4544

Haldor, Kordusia - Artanian Defense Group’s Civil Air Division has dispatched engineerings and advisors to all facilities operating 320 airliners. Despite this, ADGs stock slightly rose after a sharp loss across Artanian stock markets. This was bolstered by increased influence from the Dorvish government which has signed several defense contracts with the company, including state of art missile systems. While this serves as a significant crash in the companies history, it is likely error on the part of the operators. Chief Safety Officer Alexander Rustham, a Luthorian, stated that sometimes companies skate safety standards in order to provide flights, it is likely the case in this instance. Regardless, the good faith effort by the ADG’s Civil Division has still dispatched engineers and safety advisors.

Dorvish Airways, now wholly owned by the Dorvish government again, will temporarily ground several of the aircraft that crashed though a limited number of them remain operational in light to the poor state Dorvish Airways was left in following years of neglect, mismanagement and unseen levels of corruption. Minister of Finance, whose responsible for government owned corporations, has asked the State Council to investigate and root out the corruption from previous ownership. Despite the bad news, the Dorvish government noted that the government continues to enforce high levels of airport, airline and plane safety. State Chancellor Detlev Hering noted that they would be cooperating with ADG’s Civil Air Division in any investigations that they undertake.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:08 pm

Dorvish Armed Forces conduct largest exercises in several decades
August 4545

Dorvish Republic - Minister of Defense and Inspector-General of the Armed Forces of Dorvik General-Admiral (Navy) Joachim Karlis von Rohr-Mauss was promoted to the rank of Grand Admiral (Großadmiral) by President Burkhard Tanzer. The move was meant to empower the veteran staff officer as a rebuilding focal point within the armed forces. Since the rise of the All-Dorvish League in December, 4541 the Armed Forces of Dorvik have undergone significant rebuilding efforts, notably in the realm of strategic and tactical operations. With the replacement of nearly several dozen senior officers, the Inspector-General and Minister of Defense has announced his formal appointments for the following leadership positions of the Dorvish Armed Forces. For Inspector of the Dorvish Army, Colonel-General Lothar Boettcher. For Inspector of the Dorvish Navy, General-Admiral Karl von Obst-Stassen. For Inspector of the Dorvish Air Force, Colonel-General Karsten von Asnacht. The appointment for Commander of Special Forces better known as the "Hunt Marshall" (Dundorfian: Jagdmarschall) is General (Army) Kaleb von Lÿndow-Sennhein. Commander of the Dorvish Military Police Admiral (Navy) Wilhelm Klaus von Göthaus. General-Director of the Military Security Service General (Air Force) Jörn Hirsch. The final appointment as State Secretary for the State Security and Defense Council was Admiral (Navy) Baldur von Schleskau.

These appointments were approved immediately by the President by his authority as Supreme Commander-in-Chief; they were also vetted by the Supreme General Staff. "Operation Judge" was started in May, 4545 and will conclude in September, 4545. These exercises are aimed at a combined arms, multi-prong assault attack on a variety of targets, both rural and urban targets. These exercises are aimed at putting the Dorvish soldiers, sailors and airmen's boots on the ground and starting up the "Excellence Initiative" that was announced a year earlier by then General-Admiral Joachim Karlis von Rohr-Mauss. The Dorvish Navy announced a few months prior to the start of the wargame that the two Kaiser-class aircraft carriers were re-fitted and put back into service, as were a number of Dorvish Navy ships that had been refitted, repaired and returned to active service.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:44 pm

Dorvish officials protest dangerous moves by Deltaria
August 4546

Haldor, Kordusia - Dorvish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs Aleksandr Joachim von Bahr spoke at the signing of several diplomatic treaties that the Deltarian actions are "...reckless and dangerous..." to international stability, citing their decision to put fleets in international waters dangerously close to Telamon and Keymon. Despite the Dorvish attitude that Deltaria was a "weak" global power that had far over-extended itself and that it was barely clinging to its power, it made no attempt to hide its disdain for the socialist state. Bahr noted that the would be approaching Security Council allies about the increasingly reckless and dangerous behavior that the Coalition of Revolutionary Socialist States has taken, especially in their geopolitical affairs. Dorvik, an eagle that is slowly rising from the ashes, has finally returned its fleets to nearly permanent status. This was achieved through an increase in defense spending, which was furthered by investments by the Dorvish financial and banking apparatus that had largely gone untouched since the collapse of the last Dorvish Republic. The Dorvish Navy has also resumed patrols for the South Ocean Fleet and its flagship, the Kaiser-class aircraft carrier the DNS König und Kaiser Ludwig. While the Dorvish Navy is not in the shape that it once was, the presence of two, nuclear aircraft carriers would be a deterrent for any rising, falling global power or regional power. Towards the end of his speech, the State Secretary mentioned that if the Deltarian government did not withdraw their presence from near Artania that the Dorvish Navy would be open to revoking their avoidance orders that has seen the South Ocean Fleet avoid sailing near on and off again ally Keymon. The State Secretary noted that Dundorf should caution their ally and perhaps step out from underneath the thumb of CARSS and become a relevant Artanian state once again, this move, while jabbing them was seen as a potential for the two prominent Dundorfian majority states to maintain cordial relations.

With the rise of tensions, the Dorvish Navy conducted a formal anti-sea wargame which saw them sink several aging container ships with state of the art seaborne anti-ship missiles, combined with aircraft from the second Dorvish aircraft carrier the DNS Heike Grossberg. The Dorvish economy has experienced a leveled, but increasingly upward tick since the return of the All-Dorvish League and continued push to more liberal, free market policies that have normally been unpopular in Dorvik. The Dorvish have continued their focus on both domestic and foreign affairs. Domestically, the Dorvish have continued to purge the government and public sector of all allies of Communist and Socialist, namely the militant and radicals which has earned them increasingly higher approval ratings. The State Council as a whole enjoys a 57% approval rating with the President coming in at roughly 50%. Despite this, it is likely that the Octobrist Association will change their candidate in the coming All-Dorvish League congress that will be held prior to elections next year in December 4547. Rumors are that Volker Regismund von Rohr-Mauss, the current Vice State Chancellor, will be the primary candidate in the coming elections for President. A large swathe of Dorvish nobility has returned from extended stays in Ostland and several others returned years ago from Dundorf upon the election of a pro-socialist and pro-communist government.

In other news, the Dorvish Aeronautics Agency, responsible for Dorvish space activities and outer world exploration has announced it is nearly completed with its module for the Hermes Station that it partnered with Kazulia and several other nations for. Despite the recent lul in news from the agency, it stated that it is focused on expansion and continued work on the Terran Positioning System, one of the worlds largest global positioning and directions services, and has continued work with the private sector to increase investment and establish numerous joint, public-private ventures to increase space activities. The return of traditional powers within Kazulia are likely to see Dorvik and Kazulia approach each other and forge a closer friendship once again; namely in the field of science, technology and space exploration where Dorvik was the first nation on the moon in the early 21st century. Dorvik has continued to lead the space exploration field and has joined in several other countries in large-scale cooperation within the International Space Station that is in orbit above Terra. While focusing on outer space, the Dorvish government is rumored to be focusing on more earthly matters, including expanded cooperation with Indrala and other countries, such as Badara and rebuilding the post-colonial world.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Auditorii » Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:47 pm

Political scandal rocks local Dorvish center-left party
January, 4547

Largonia - Local politicians from the Social Conservative Democratic Party (SKDP), an affiliate of the Social Democratic Party, has been marred by scandal as several leading members of the party have been arrested for campaign finance violations according to the Dorvish Ministry of the Interior. Dorvish Police joined by the State Security Service conducted raids of the third largest political party in Largonia after a seven month long investigation. Deputy Chairman Gunther Hornbostel, Treasurer Kristina Rieger and Executive Manager Robert Mittermeier were arrested and charged with numerous violations of national campaign finance laws and jointly charged with crimes on a provincial level. Chairman of the SKDP Otto Pückler announced that the party would suspend operations due to the charges and were unlikely to compete in Provincial General Elections that are coming in December, 4547. This leaves a large number of seats up for the All-Dorvish League and other local political parties, such as the ADV affiliated Freedom Party that was spawned by members of the Dorvish Social Nationalist Party and have continued a close relationship with members of All-Dorvish League.

Dorvish join in TSC wargames
December, 4546

Vanuku and the Majatran Sea - Elements of all branches from the Dorvish Armed Forces joined several other allied nations such as Vanuku and Lourenne in the Terran Sovereignty Coalition's wargames. Elements of the South Ocean Fleet, not including the Kaiser-class aircraft carrier DNS King and Kaiser, attended the wargames. Counter Admiral Reiner Ulmer, equivalent to a Rear Admiral in most other navies, was charged with leadership of the Dorvish contingent in the exercises. The Counter Admiral spoke to the press both domestically and foreign, stating that the "Coordination of military activities that promote understanding and foster mutual cooperation goes beyond military exercises. We must continue to build a new world order that fosters understanding, mutual cooperation and benefits all of mankind. We cannot ignore the fact that we all inhabit Terra jointly and those who would seek to undermine and damage that peace and stability, those are the enemy." The Counter Admiral attended several events, namely cultural events in Vanuku, marked as a continued sign that the Dorvish and Vanukuean governments continued to get closer. Admiral Ulmer presented each member of the allied command with ceremonial Octoberfest mugs, albeit a little late, Oktoberfest is a ceremonial event held across many Dundorfian majority nations. The Dorvish Oktoberfest is one of the largest cultural holidays in Dorvik and has been emulated throughout the world.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Tue Mar 19, 2019 4:26 pm

July, 4547
The Return of Socialism
Socialist, Anarchist and Metzist forces in Dorvik have reunited in Haldor to form the Revolutionary Socialist Party and put an end to the All-Dorvish League's rule over the country!

Above: The Revolutionary Flag, used by the Workers Anarchist Federation and now the Revolutionary Socialist Party

The red and black flags are rising in Dorvik once again, as the official proclamation of the Revolutionäre Sozialistische Partei (Revolutionary Socialist Party) is made public. After almost a century of unorganized opposition, the left in Dorvik has finally returned through the union that is the RSP.

The RSP was created in the old Trade Union Congress used by the Workers Anarchist Federation and the Workers Socialist Party by Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei and his followers. Frei, an anarchist journalist, decided to bring back the legacy of the old left in Dorvik and create a unified opposition to the All-Dorvish League, a reactionary and nationalistic party that has controlled the country for countless years. Believing in democratic and libertarian ideals, Frei assures that the flame will not be extinguished once again, and instead, the RSP will become "a red and black tide that will flood the nation".

The party has united under the political program Revolutionäre Dorvik (Revolutionary Dorvik), which intends to completely transform the reality and organization of the Dorvish State and its citizens. Promoting a federalized and decentralized workers republic, the ideals of the RSP are firmly opposed to the ADV's, although there hasn't been any reaction from the ruling party yet. It is unsure whether the All-Dorvish League will allow such a dangerous political enemy to continue existing or if they are going to accept the challenge this proposes, but that has yet to be seen.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Wed Mar 20, 2019 1:23 am

September, 4547
Workers' militias have effectively seized control of the Dorvish State through a brief but bloody coup. The Revolutionary Socialist Party proclaims victory over the State Council as old Republican flags are burned and tore apart while Revolutionary flags are hoisted.

Today, the unthinkable has happened; after almost 100 years of nationalistic and reactionary rule, the formation of the Revolutionary Socialist Party brought with it, in just five months, a proletarian revolution. Effectively a coup led by revolutionary militants and workers' militias, the Revolutionäre Coup has completely overthrown the All-Dorvish League and its followers from the government.

The small revolution started all the way back in April when the return of socialist forces to the country led to the formation of the first official workers' militias and councils, different in many ways but united in their desire to end with the status-quo imposed by the ADV. Although no actual fighting came until early September, this organization quickly created a strong and powerful opposition to the reactionary government.

However, in September, 4547, a general strike was finally decided by the RSP, and over six million workers, students, scholars and anyone that was against the reactionary republic stood up to fight for the imposition of the RSP as an official party in the government. When the government realized security forces were not enough to put an end to the massive revolt, martial law was declared and the army was sent to the streets. However, the revolutionary spirit that led every single rebel towards their victory managed to overcome this. A brief but bloody civil war began, in which revolutionaries effectively took control of each state in the Republic one by one until Haldor fell to the anarchists. A good part of the army, defeated by workers and students, fled together with political allies of the ADV in late September, and Dorvik was transformed almost immediately. Some military officers and soldiers, however, decided to stay or cooperate with the revolutionaries. Their fate still depends on the new government.

Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei, leader of the RSP and revolutionary hero gave a speech to the victorious masses in Haldor:

Today, Kameraden, today we have won! Although they tried to stop us from ever returning to our nation, the legacy of the Workers Anarchist Federation, the legacy of Reinhardt Frei, has finally returned. I want to thank you, the worker, for taking arms and fighting for justice and equality! I want to thank you, the women, for not allowing to be dominated by brutes! I want to thank you (...), the people, for dreaming. Our victory would have never come if it wasn't for you, and we finally see a bright future ahead of us.

Above: Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei celebrating with a victorious crowd
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