
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:07 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 5th 4550
Deltaria holds military exercises in Temania
The deltarian army recently held several military exercises in Temania which included the training fo OZO special forces

As Temania and Deltaria have become increasingly closer in recent decades following the bloody temanian civil war and the government transition that followed. The deltarian government already struck a deal several years ago with the temanian regime to extract valuable natural resources in the country in exchange for economic and military aid. This aid resulted in Temania mostly being rebuild during the last 15 years and experiencing a economic boom mostly driven by a renewed agricultural sector and by the revenue created from deltarian natural resource extraction, from which the Temanian government gains most of the revenue.

But in addition to the economic cooperation between the two countries they have recently began working closer together in terms of their military. The temanian military still mostly consisted out of 200.000 former PDF revolutionary fighters, poorly equipped, trained and led this force needed extensive help from deltaria in order to be called a army. 2 years ago the deltarian MoD approved a plan to provide the temanian army with sufficient uniforms, infantry equipment and training for minimal costs. This resulted in most of the 200.000 strong temanian army being fully equipped with uniforms and standard primary and secondary arms. In addition to this deltaria send countless of advisors and other personel to the country to train both soldiers and new officers in the basics of infantry combat. The 150 T-54 tanks that the PDF still owned following the defeat of the imperial army were also repaired and partially upgraded by deltarian engineers and MoD officials also, in intense cooperation with temanian officials, refounded the temanian airforce now called the "People's Aerospace Forces". The Temanian airforce was decimated during the civil war and disbanded shortly after since it simply didnt have any planes left to continue. But deltaria made available around 20 older MiG-31 fighter jets which were in reserve in the deltarian airforce and some transport and attack helicopters. While this airforce is extremely small in scale at least temania can build one again with the meager means they possess now.

Following the extensive military help to Temania the deltarian army agreed to hold several military exercises in the nation. The first exercise held in the nation included several deltarian divisions. These divisions were given several objectives to either conquer or defend without air support. some objectives took place in the dense jungle of temania while others took place in urban areas which, for a 5 day period, were completely made available for the exercises. After the exercise the deltarian army held several more exercises. Some with air support and some without, at the end the deltarian high command released a evaluation of the exercises of the regular army. stating that peformance was "adequate but improvement was desired" explaining several failed objectives during training as well as the necessity for more combined arms training in the future.

But not only the regular army held exercises. The OZO (Oddělení Zahraniční Obrany) or Foreign Defense Division also held exercises for its special forces component. No clear reports have been released to the public about the exercises held by the OZO but several sources confirm that the special forces have been intensively training in the temanian jungle to perfect their offensive capabilities as well as fighting in a jungle environment. A photo was also leaked showing the OZO special forces during operations, confirming that they have indeed been training in the temanian jungle.

Reports have also surfaced of Temania possibly formally entering into CARSS but neither the deltarian nor the temanian government would give a response on the rumour when asked.

OZO snipers during training in the Temanian jungle
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Tue Mar 26, 2019 12:35 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 14th 4550
President Fišer visits Kafuristan, announces further cooperation and possible entry into CARSS
After initially visiting Yingdala the deltarian president Radoslav Fišer also visited Kafuristan today and discussed strengthened ties and possibly CARSS entry

President Fišer of the FDSR has been increasing deltarian diplomatic efforts recently in a attempt to increase CARSS influence and trade within Terra. In his first visit he visited Yingdala, signing a groundbreaking trade agreement with the Dovani nation and establishing a fundamental step towards better relations with the nation. After his visit to Yingdala the president returned to Deltaria but not for long.
Two days ago President Fišer flew to the majatran nation of Kafuristan where he was greeted by a kafuri delegation headed by the kafuri prime minister al-Hamady. After ariving at the airport both delegations stepped into their parked vehicles and immediately set course for the kafuri government HQ where they entered while a large press corps awaited outside.

Inside the HQ Kafuri and Deltarian leaders discussed increased trade ties, greater diplomatic relations and possible entry of Kafuristan into the CARSS organization in exchange for great economic aid. At the end of the meeting deltarian president Fišer and Prime Minister al-Hamady stepped outside the government HQ to hold a joint press conference. Both leaders called the discussions "fruitfull and promising" as several trade agreements appeared to be signed and, above all, Kafuristan agreed to ratify the CARSS treaty in the near future, officialy marking Kafuri entry into CARSS.

The nations had discussed a deal in which deltaria would provide the kafuri treasury with 5 billion LOD in aid over the next 6 years and where deltaria would send a great amount of military goods and advisors to the majatran nation to further modernize and train the kafuri army.
Both nations also agreed to further military and diplomatic cooperation in the future through CARSS but also bilateraly between the two nations.

The expected Kafuri entry into CARSS is seen as a retalliation by Deltaria for the recent leave of Kalopia from the alliance, with a member like Kalopia lost experts believe that Deltaria began to feel threatened, prompting increased diplomatic efforts to gain more majatran nations on the side of CARSS in order for Deltaria not to become surrounded.

President Fišer on his way to his motorcade heading for the airport in Cahtice
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 27, 2019 7:09 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

August 21st 4551
Protests on worsening health care cracked down, internet shut down for 2 days
With the massive increase in the defense budget other sectors like healthcare are increasingly left without funds, recently the state cracked down on protests from the populace

As the deltarian government starts to increasingly militarize society and expand its armed forces at a rapid and costly pace the deltarian population is starting to feel the consequences of this direction. As more and more funds of the big deltarian economy ends up on the armed forces its doorstep sectors like Healthcare and Education are slowly decaying. With shortages in both doctors and teachers, increased waiting time at state run hospitals and a lack of funds to innovate and buy new equipment has caused many people to become dissatisfied with the current course of the government. While in recent months tensions on the street could already be felt and people started discussing the situation with eachother last week it was enough for the deltarian population.

In three of the five republics people took to the streets in one of the biggest protest movements of the FDSR in decades. Waving flags saying "keep us healthy!" and others saying "I love my life, the government does not" the protest movement after hours of the movement starting numbered around 10.000 in its entirety and many feared for the response of federal authorities.
After a while with some thinking the government would allow the protests finally a federal response became a fact, riot police of the seperate republic's arrived on the scene as well as military police arriving from the federal level. Shortly after this news came in it became silent as authorities shut down the internet in all of Deltaria for over 2 days.

While most communication was shut down some details about the unfolding situation were leaked. According to several sources the government cracked down on the protests with a heavy hand. Riot police apparently used extreme violence to break apart protesters and arrest them one by one while Military Police personel reportedly shot several protesters with rubber bullets even resulting in at least 1 dead.
Earlier this morning internet acces in the country was restored and it became clear that the protests had largely been cracked down apart from some small street violence happening in the late afternoon. For now the deltarian government has kept the growing discontent under control. But several sources from within both the finance and internal ministry express their concerns on the situation and have reportedly suggested several reforms for civilian sectors to president Fiser. It is unknown if the president will decide to indeed sacrifice some of the growing military budget to appease his population.

It is unclear how many protestors have been arrested by authorities as of now

One of the last photo's taken before authorities shut down the internet, a young man being held to the ground by IBS Riot officers
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:15 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

August 28th 4551
Anna Čermáková condemns government actions, denied entry into deltaria
World renowned pop singer Anna Čermáková has condemned the deltarian government for its action against protestors and calls for improvement, government denies entry to deltaria

As new details of the protests in Deltaria arise with the hour the deltarian pop world star Anna Čermáková has condemned the deltarian government during her world tour. The singer told her fans in the crowd that "the deltarian authorities have cracked down on peacefull protestors, something they must be ashamed of!"

She continued: "The deltarian government has to take responsibility for its actions, improve living conditions in deltaria and stop their violent repression of the deltarian people, my people!"

The fans cheered as Anna stood up for her deltarian brothers and sisters before continuing her concert. But when the deltarian government heard of the condemnation by one of deltaria's most succesfull worldwide pop singers the reaction from the foreign ministry was swift, reportedly denying entry into deltaria for Anna and putting her on a blacklist for all CARSS members, meaning she cant travel to any of the CARSS member states, including her homeland of Deltaria. While many call this act by the deltarian government barbaric the government itself sees these measures as "necessary to preserve the stability of the federation and protect it from outside influence"

Anna is planned to continue her tour, scrapping Dankuk from the list of destinations following the travel ban to CARSS nations.

Anna Čermáková just before her concert, condemning the deltarian government for their violent action
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:52 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

August 29th 4551
MoD launches report on naval construction, Kirov class battlecruisers nearly done
Amidst the protests and discontent within the country the MoD has released a report on the progress of Plan Forward

While discontent amongst the population is growing and the government is apparently cracking down on it with an iron fist the MoD has released a report on naval construction. Despite the sole reason for the discontent being the growing military budget and the lack of finance for other sectors the MoD and council of ministers have made it clear that overal military production/construction will continue as planned.
In the newly released report the MoD reveals that the planned Kirov-class Battlecruisers are on schedule and are set to enter sea trials next year, making it 4 years since construction on the two big ships started. While the construction is likely to finish on schedule the project for construction of the battlecruisers has costed the MoD over 200 million DTE more then initially expected.

While the Kirov-class battlecruisers are nearly completed the 5th carrier overall and second Nemec carrier in the deltarian fleet is still under full construction. The hull, according to the report, was finished late last year and construction teams are currently busy installing all the necessary systems, laying the wiring and properly constructing the inside of the massive carrier. If construction continues to keep up the pace the Nemec carrier is expected to enter its own sea trials by the end of 4554 placing the total construction time for Deltaria's 5th carrier at 6 years in total. Some engineers working on the project have however suggested that the construction will encounter some delays later down the line, these speculations could not be confirmed by the MoD.

The Kirov class battlecruisers, when finishing sea trials, will officially enter service in early 4553

A 3d model of what the two newly constructed modern Kirov-class battlecruisers will look like
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:10 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 12th 4551
Deltarian President Fišer outraged: "Vanuku is walking on thin ice", deltaria continues nuclear program
Following a major reveal by Vanukan intelligence that deltaria doesnt yet posses nuclear missiles and threats following the report the deltarian government has responded in outrage

Vanuku is walking on thin ice

Is the first thing deltarian president Fišer said to the press upon hearing the report. The president was visibly outraged by the statements made by Vanuku, entering the press room with a face full of anger. The Vanukan report revealed that the deltarian nuclear program was not yet completed and that, despite deltaria claiming to have nuclear missiles, the country in fact does not yet possess fully working nuclear armaments. But the president was less agitated by the fact this came out, and was above all angry at the agressive stance Vanuku is taking.

the government of Vanuku should carefully watch their words, they have always talked about the desire for peace on the continent and terra as a whole. Despite THEM being the only country to have used nuclear weaponry in the past they believe they have the right to dictate what other countries may and may not have. Vanuku is walking on thin ice, deltaria has always approached Vanuku in finding diplomatic solutions to contentious issues but Vanuku has, from this day onward, decided that confrontational diplomacy is the best way forward

The president explained to reporters that deltaria has no intention of toning down its nuclear program. Showing a report on the program to several of the reporters it showed that deltaria is currently working with both its space agency and PRIME in constructing missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads while its own scientists are still working on the development of the actual nuclear warheads that will be used for the missile.

It remains to be seen where this tense situation will lead.

President Fišer visibly angered when preparing for the press conference
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Thu Mar 28, 2019 12:52 pm

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

December 19th 4551
Ground Forces to invest in new Anti-Air systems
With the ground forces busy modernizing and expanding its arsenal high command has released its intention of investing in a new generation of anti air systems

New tanks, self propelled howitzers, increased engineering capabilities, new infantry equipment and uniforms and much more the ground component of the deltarian armed forces has seen a unpresidented period of modernization and expansion, making it one of the strongest ground forces on terra spurred by the yearly increase in defense budget. And while the population is currently protesting over this new trend the armed forces continue to look for opportunities to modernize and expand their arsenal.

Recently the high command of deltarian ground forces announced a plan to increase and modernize the anti air capabilities of deltarian ground forces which, according to high command, have had a lack of proper anti air options to limit the effect of enemy airpower.
The new plan includes the aquisition of Trigunian designed BUK SAM systems, made for medium distance operations against aerial targets the BUK system is a highly advanced system capable of professionaly protecting ground forces from aerial threats. The BUK systems blueprints, just like many other trigunian equipment's blueprints will be used by the deltarian DOF and private companies to locally produce the system.
The BUK system is not the only system the ground forces are looking to add to their ranks however. The highly advanced S-400 long range SAM system from Trigunia is also on the list for local production by the deltarian MoD. The foreign ministry has already send requests for the production license of both systems to the trigunian counterparts and expect the request to be approved relatively soon, allowing the DOF and likely VALCRY or PRIME to produce the two system for the deltarian ground forces.

In addition to aquiring these new systems the army has also announced that the current Strela short range SAM systems, Osa Short range SAM systems, Kub medium range SAM systems and old Tunguska SPAAG systems will all be entering modernizations of their own, upgrading for example their tracks and possibly adding newly available tracking systems to it in addition to some other improvements. The entire modernization and expansion program of the anti aircraft systems will be called the "Eagle Shield Program (ESP)"

First production on the S-400 and BUK systems as well as modernizations on the older models will start in march according to the timeschedule released.

A trigunian S-400 system, the license likely to be approved will allow deltaria to built these systems on its own.
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:29 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

November 27th 4552
Government announces budgetary changes, appeases protestors
In order to minimize the growing discontent amongst the population the deltarian government has announced a increased health and educational budget to adress problems in the sectors

After several crackdowns and months of discontent amongst the population the deltarian government has decided to address the budgetary problems in both the health and education department. In a newly released announcement the ministry of finance has decided to pump 10 billion DTE extra in the health department and around 4 billion in the education department to fix the staff problems, end the long waiting lines and ensure adequate innovation in the departments to keep services up to date. A government spokesperson underlined specifically that this was a move to "improve the lifes of deltarian citizens" and not a "attempt to bribe deltarian men and women into staying silent"

The new budget has already passed the Federal Council and will be in effect starting january 1st 4553
President Fišer, when asked about the move by the government, told reporters that the government will not lower the defense budget and that the plan to reach 11% of the GDP in military spending will continue despite budgetary problems it may or may not cause in the future.

Last month, many deltarian citizens have to wait in Line for regular doctor appointments, something that is likely to change when the new budget kicks in
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Rogue » Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:42 am

The Deltarian
The Deltarian is the national Newspaper of Deltaria and gives you the news that matters and is approved by the central committee right on your doorstep

June 11th 4553
Kirov class battlecruisers enter service, Nemec carrier in final stages, construction of phase two starts
As the Kirov battlecruisers enter service and the second Nemec carrier is nearly constructed the second phase of Plan Forward has been launched

Earlier this week Phase Two of the naval expansion Plan Forward was launched. This phase is one of the most labour intensive phases in the entire plan. Within a timespan of 7 years the MoD will construct 13 destroyers, 6 corvette's, 2 cruisers and 4 frigates. As the shipyard's still, even after their expansion, do not have sufficient capacity to construct all ships at once. Therefor the MoD has told the DOF to starts construction on the cruisers and frigates first which will take around 4 years to complete. After construction of these ships the MoD will launch construction on the planned destroyers and corvette's which will take 4 to 3 years to complete.

The entire phase two is said to be a immense test for the construction capabilities of the DOF which will have to construct these ships in a pace they have rarely had to construct ships in. This time pressure has also caused the DOF to ask for more money from the MoD and finance ministry in order to hire the necessary personel and get the materials needed at the shipyards in time. This significantly increased the cost of the project but according to the MoD it is "worth it" as they stated that the growing instability accross terra and the rising tensions between great powers has caused the need for a "grand navy to protect deltarian interests accross the globe"

Construction on phase two is set to start next month.

One of the newly constructed Kirov class battlecruisers seen during sea trials
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Re: The Deltarian

Postby Maxington » Sun Mar 31, 2019 12:02 pm

"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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