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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:09 pm

Jakania's Designing It's Own Ships
As a part of naval modernisation efforts Jakania is designing it's very own modern frigate.
Named after the Socialist revolutionary Hasan İzmit, İzmit-class frigates are getting designed with the help of Deltarian advisors and mostly by the pre-revolution military ship designers of Jakania.
Minister of Defense Davud Davutoğlu explains the reason for this to be "... the lack of attention given to the military subjects during the early years of our revolution" and adds "...we have started several programs in the previous years to raise our own military experts on various subjects."

Previously, most military experts were raised by the revolutionaries and were often educated only in guerrilla warfare and only for defensive purposes. But with the growing danger of overseas threats, it seems these educations will no longer be enough.

As of yet, we only have the first rough 3D model of the İzmit-class frigates:

İzmit-class frigates are going to be stealth warships with great land attacking capabilities. In the current model, they have a length of 142.5 m overall, a beam of 16.9 m and a draft of 4.5 m. It's expected that ships will displace about 4,900 tonnes at normal load and about 6,200 tonnes at full load.

In the current plan, their complement is to be about 257, including 35 officers.
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:04 am

Jakanian Oil Wells Will Start Operating Again

Long before anyone from our audience was even born, Jakania was an oil country. During many regime changes in the country however, oil processing stagnated and stopped.

A bill that recently passed aims to change this situation. The bill, that's simply called "Rebirthing Jakanian Oil Industry" explains the situation as follows:
"During the reign of neo-liberal governments Jakanian oil industry mysteriously stopped, the reason for this is unrecorded but according to the sources we managed to reach, it was due to some enigmatic disputes between companies and the government regarding the reserves.

As the Socialist government we decided to rebirth the oil industry by restoring the oil wells and putting them under operation again."

Jakania has "the 4th biggest reserve of oil, gas and petroleum" according to the International Development and Stability Bank. Once it was expected that reserves would be completely processed in 6470 but that expectation was made long before Jakanian oil processing stagnated and stopped.

Now the government is saying that they "are not planning to make our whole industry revolve around oil" and they "hope that through our economic gains thanks to the oil industry we will be able to find new ways to replace oil".

According to our sources money from the oil industry will be used to create The Jakanian Oil Fund. The biggest portion of the surplus from the oil will be deposited and some percentage will be used to help develop Jakania's technology industry (which was once a growing industry, but also slowly disappeared during many regime changes) and other promising industries along with some percentage that will support the Metamorphosis Department (which, according to the government "currently aims to slowly abolish all unnecessary hierarchies and build a complex Anarchist society in which people decide on the foreign matters through pre-established institutions and establish a form of common ownership").

The government also explained that they "hope to not harm our nature while putting the wells under operation again (and probably digging new wells)".
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:20 pm

Sevinç Namoğlu Escaped From House Arrest: ARMED AND DANGEROUS
Dokuz (Haftiye), June 4549

Famous fascist demagogue Sevinç Namoğlu was put into house arrest following her speech in which she incited people to violence.

Before her case resulted however, she escaped with the help of her followers. The Revolutionary Corps confirm that she had both licensed and unlicensed weapons at her home and a good portion of those are missing. Implying that it is very highly likely that she is armed.

It is known that her movement (Motherland Protection Front) encouraged carrying weaponry and they routinely exercised in their movement's shooting ranges.

Now, many people from Motherland Protection Front and some other far-right or right-wing organizations are reported missing all around Jakania.

The Revolutionary Corps warn that it is almost certain Jakania is now dealing with a terrorist organization and advised citizens not to leave their homes.

Now the RC and voluntary citizens are patrolling the streets and special teams are looking for any signs that may lead them to the potential terrorists.

If any of our citizens finds any clues, signs, sees anything that may be related, it is highly advised that they ring one of the numbers below:

The Revolutionary Corps Central Headquarters:
0505 514 4756
The Revolutionary Corps Sonat Headquarters:
0505 514 4757
The Revolutionary Corps Bukayar Headquarters:
0505 514 4758
The Revolutionary Corps Akadası Headquarters:
0505 514 4759
The Revolutionary Corps Bureniye Headquarters:
0505 514 4760

Anti-Right Foundation:
0612 727 6999

Ministry of Defense:
0313 403 62 01
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:02 pm

Bombing Prevented By The Revolutionary Corps, Several Terrorist Cells Were Raided

Dokuz (Haftiye), July 4549
The Revolutionary Corps' suspicions turned out to be correct after the failed bombing of the Anti-Right Foundation's main building in Yeşilsaray (Akadası).

Bombing was stopped thanks to an anonymous notice. Four people behind the attack were old members of the Motherland Protection Front and one was an old member of the Free Market Association.

Terrorists were found with a high variety of equipment homemade explosions on them while several illegal military style weapons were found in their secret storage.

One of the terrorists' confessions during the questioning led to several arrests withing the army and many raids to terrorist cells all over the country.

Currently the number of arrested is 320. But the number is likely to go up as many prominent figures from the Motherland Protection Front and Sevinç Namoğlu herself are still missing.
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:43 pm

Jakanian State Oil Company Will Be Revived Under the Jakanian Oil Fund
Dokuz (Haftiye), February 4551
The company was founded in 3465, more than a millennium ago, at the behest of the Minister of Finance. It was a vertically organized company with the aim "to see the oil and gas production within the nation improve".

What happened to it? Technically it was never shut down according to our sources. But during many regime changes in the country the company slowly stagnated and at one point de facto stopped it's activities even though it legally continued to exist.
It was forgotten in the dusty archives of the state along with Jakania's oil ambitions.

Although our existing well were put under operation again Spokesperson for the Jakanian Oil Fund, Ceyda Değirmenci, explained that it will not be enough for the new needs of Jakania.

She said that they have chosen to revive the state oil company instead of founding a new company because "The State Oil Company was already existing, it was just standing there, doing nothing, and we were like 'Why should we go through all that process of creating a new company when there is already one legally'" she continues "Later on we got to speak with some guys from the Metamorphosis Department and we opened the subject of reviving the State Oil Company, and they had this idea that, reviving something from our country's history as a model for our future, as a horizontally organized company, would be great."
According to Cem Cemiloğlu, the Spokesperson for the Metamorphosis Department, the new structure of the State Oil Company will be an example of how will all the companies be slowly restructured to, in the future. A company, operating completely by the true Anarchist values of horizontal organization.

"Of course" he adds "Mutual respect and cooperation also means respecting the different expertises of the people. Anarchy does not mean everyone gets to do as they will without respecting other people's knowledge and experience" as a reply to concerns raised by some party members and the citizens.

When it was first founded, the company was technically under the Jakanian Ministry of Finance, partially managed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry and had ties with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Now, it will be under the Jakanian Oil Fund and will be partially managed by the Metamorphosis Department while still having strong ties with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism as the Socialist government prioritizes protecting Terra's nature.
Building for the Headquarters of the State Oil Company still stands

The State Oil Company's name will also be changed to be more appropriate to our country's modern culture. As it's previous Majatran name, Sharika Nafṭ Haala, is not intelligible for a great percentage of our citizens. It will instead be named the Jakanian name of Cakaniye Birleşik Komünleri Devlet Petrol Şirketi.
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:34 pm

Metamorphosis Department Puts The Sentinel Act On Ice Until Further Notice
Dokuz (Haftiye), July 4552
Metamorphosis Department, the department of Jakania responsible for handling Jakania's slow development to an Anarchist society, decided that "The Sentinel Act was passed too early and, openly didn't fit our population's expectations from the government perfectly, therefore, in order for a slower transformation we put it on hold for the time being" after reactions from the citizens and the Party members.

  The Revolutionary Corps aren't too happy with this however, as the RC's Spokesperson Cemile Akkara explains "The Sentinel Act wasn't too early, it was necessary and the right-wing terror events happening all around Jakania prove it. Though The Sentinel Act was never needed to put in effect anyway, even the reactions of the right-wingers to the passing of The Sentinel Act unmasked them to our people and gave us the legal authority to go after many of them. Still, I certainly hope our people will be able to see the evils of the right-wing ideologies as the days pass and we capture new right-winger monsters".
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:16 pm

Terrorist Mustafa Altınyol Killed By His Own "Comrades"

Dokuz (Haftiye), January 4553

Mustafa Altınyol, a prominent figure in the terrorist organization Motherland Protection Front, was killed in a conflict yesterday night.

  According to the report by the Revolutionary Corps he took a bullet to his leg in the conflict and was later killed by the other terrorists probably because he was slowing them down.

  However, the terrorist organization Motherland Protection Front also released a statement online claiming Mustafa Altınyol's death "was an honourable sacrificed made by himself, to the cause".

The RC's forensic department's Spokesperson Defne Kastellanos on the other hand claims that "it is highly unlikely in that position for the terrorist to shoot himself, forensic evidence does not fit the terrorists' claims".

  But who was Mustafa Altınyol? What led him to terrorism.
Mustafa Altınyol During his years in the BBP
  Mustafa Altınyol was born to a bourgeois family, his father being the owner of a real estate company (Altınyol Emlak) and his mother from the Yeşilyayla family (owners of the Yeşilyayla Trenyolu Şirketi/Railway Company), his life was one segregated from the people, not understanding the reality of life he was led to right-wing ideologies.

  Mustafa Altınyol started his political life as a member of the BBP (which was the light-right government that led Jakania into an economic crisis before the Socialist government came and fixed the situation). It was this party (now claimed by some to be one of the better examples of the "harmless right-wing") in which he was radicalized into believing the Capitalist cultism.

  In there, indoctrination was going to make him believe in right-wing superstitions like the Invisible Hand of the Market, Jakanian Replacement "Theory", the Race "Theory" and such.

Cemre Özalp, doctor of sociology in the Yeşilsaray University
  According to the sociologist Cemre Özalp, the so-called light-right places like this were where the indoctrination began. "We can see many members of the terrorist organization Motherland Protection Front having a history in light-right organizations" they add "It's almost always, unless the patient is saved from the indoctrination early, these light-right organizations led to terrorism".

  The RC's Spokesperson Cemile Akkara once famously said: "There are no peaceful right-wing ideologies, there are only the ones that aren't unmasked yet".
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:49 pm

Jakania Is Establishing It's Very Own Space Agency!

Dokuz (Haftiye), August 4553

Yesterday the parliament approved the bill for the establishment of the Jakanian Space Agency.

For too long, our country was only a side wheel in the quest for exploring the heavens, now it's going to change.

The Party spokesperson gave the following statement:
"We think, as a developed nation, Jakania needs, at the very least, an agency that can deal with the investigation of astronomical events, aeronautics, aurospace research and in the future hopefully with space exploration programs.

Previously Jakania supported Deltaria in it's efforts to launch a CARSS space station and we think it is completely necessary for Jakania's existence in the international arena as distinct and individual body that Jakania launches it's own space program."

Intended logo for the Agency

According to some of our sources the JSA is expected to work closely with the Metamorphosis Department, however the Government gave no statement on that issue.
Last edited by SheikhOlorin on Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:22 pm

National Tragedy: Yeudi Prayer Place Bombed, 54 Dead, 43 Wounded

Dokuz (Haftiye), February 4554
Saturday, during the Yeudi communal service for Shabbat, terrorists from the organization Motherland Protection Front, bombed the central Dokuz Synagogue. Killing themselves and 54 attenders in the process while wounding another 43.

It was 9:00 in the morning when Dokuz's ever active center was shaken by a terrifying sound. Some people started running away from that direction, some people started running towards that direction. No one knew what was happening.

The Revolutionary Corps reached there early with paramedics and came across a horrible scene.

In order to respect the dignity our people that lost their lives today and their relatives, we will not describe the scene and we will try to give as little disturbing deatils as possible.

There were four terrorists but only two of them were suicide bombers, the Revolutionary Corps are still unable to find out the reason behind two additional terrorists being there.

The MPF made a statement online again, explaining their reason behind this attack to be "to show the aliens that took over our government that they are not secure here".

It is possible that this may be a reference to the Party having many prominent members with minority backgrounds. Though the Revolutionary Corps thinks it's something simpler than that.
Inside of the Dokuz Synagogue before the bombing
"Dokuz Synagogue was the most populous place they could bomb easily that wasn't seen by many as a part of Jakanian culture" said famous military analyst of Yeudi background, Avram Kohen, regarding the event "They say that 'Yeudis are no longer secure here' we have to show them that they are wrong and we also have to show them that Yeudism is a part of our culture too".

Meanwhile the RC's Spokesperson Cemile Akkara blamed the Metamorphosis Department for the event "Two suicide bombers behind the attack were so-called 'lite-wingers', they weren't known to be members of the MPF, they were members of the Democracy Foundation, which is a Liberal political organization, if The Sentinel Act was in effect we would've been keeping a better eye on them, we wouldn't have allowed them to organize, this bombing was preventable if The Sentinel Act wasn't put on hold!"

The Metamorphosis Department released a statement saying that they are "considering" their decision.

Both the Prime Minister Dimitri Konstantinoğlu and the President Ayşe Dal visited the scene of terror and stood there together with the relatives of the victims. When asked by our reporters they refused to make a statement this close to the event, explaining that they will later make a public one.
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Re: Cumhuriyet (the Republic - Jakania)

Postby SheikhOlorin » Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:56 pm


The Sentinel Act... 1.5?
Dokuz (Haftiye), August 4555

The Sentinel Act passed from the parliament again, this time enacted by the Metamorphosis Department.

The Sentinel Act was reproposed in the parliament, and voting resulted yet again positively. The last time this happened, it was put on hold by the Metamorphosis Department on the basis of people's reaction.

However, this came to be a controversial act, as the later terror events were "preventable" according to the RC, had the Sentinel Act was not put on hold.

This time, the Metamorphosis Department enacted the act, explaining that "After the unfortunate event that happened, we reassessed our priorities under the changing circumstances and decided that the Sentinel Act is appropriate by our standards."

After the statement by the Metamorphosis Department, the RC's Spokesperson Cemile Akkara said "It is good to see that some departments of the state are at least now starting to respect the will of the people, but it is nevertheless too late and we don't think it should be without consequences."

This statement was found enigmatic by some politicians while others, like the Minister of Justice, Professor Necmi Nadir, found the statement "worrying" or "even threatening" and stated their concerns regarding the growing power of the Revolutionary Corps.

Meanwhile the Minister of Defence, Davud Davutoğlu, emphasized on a press conference, the importance of the Revolutionary Corps having a considerable amount of power for the security of our nation under the current circumstances "especially considering that Sevinç Namoğlu hasn't been found yet".

After the passing of the Sentinel Act, several right-wing movements that started to regroup were dissolved and the Revolutionary Corps started searching buildings (now previously) occupied by some right-wing organizations.

These searches already gave results as several of the prominent members of the Motherland Protection Front have been found and arrested during these searches. Such as Yeşil Akpınar, Mahmut Yüceoğlu and Cüneyt Yılmaz.
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