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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 15, 2019 2:07 pm

NCC Rules in Favor of Stirner
The Justices of the NCC Announce Verdicts on Fatherson v. Stirner
December 17, 4560
Premier Karl Stirner Giving a Press Release Following Lengthy Constitutional Court Case

The National Constitutional Court finally came to a decision on the controversial case Fatherson v. Stirner in which the President of the Republic (Evan Fatherson) sued the cabinet and Premier (Karl Stirner) for breaking the Presidential Prerogative by leaving the Presidential Party out of the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. The case ended in a victory for Premier Stirner who avoided prosecution through a defense formed by his attorney, Norm Averill, which claimed that the parties could not form a cabinet to all of their liking and that the LDP's stubbornness had forced them to break the prerogative in order to uphold a separation of powers and form a new government. Charles Crushtust, the lead attorney for President Fatherson, fired upon the defense with the simple yet logical and powerful fact that the cabinet did not follow the law down to the letter, but was overall unable to defeat the defense's argument.

Not only has the National Constitutional Court ruled that the government was not guilty and that the cabinet was within the confines of the law, but it also ruled that the political parties of Kalistan work together in order to amend the Presidential Prerogative in a way which would avoid a future constitutional crisis. The amendments which we see as the most likely to be passed were the ones proposed by Henry Bennots who, on behalf of SPoK, submitted an amicus curiae brief to the NCC which seemingly took no side in the case but did propose that the Prerogative be changed.

SPoK Prerogative Change Proposition
If you will permit me to make a suggestion. I will make two. one is specific to this case and the legal questions before you. The second is more general. First off, If we had the vote we would rewrite the Prerogative to show that the separation of Powers provisions and with them, the requirements that certain Parties hold certain positions only apply to the first appointment, and after that, go to SHOULD, but not MUST.

Secondly, I would suggest that any Party that takes a seat which is contested, and does nothing with it, and this includes Premier on down, that would provide for the opportunity to make a new Government to get rid of the deadbeat. That means Head of Government, which is not an elected position, but it is appointed by the Assembly. That means Foreign Affairs, which MUST go to the President in the first proposal, but after the above suggestion, SHOULD go to the President. That includes the Ministers of Finace and Science, who should go to Parties that want to do something with them.

Premier Karl Stirner's Press Address Following the Verdict
The court made the right decision, that's obvious. The actions of the cabinet and those who proposed it were completely justified due to Liberal stubbornness. It's terrific that we have also been able to work in a change to the Prerogative, this situation has caused much division and instability in Kalistan and this cannot be allowed to happen again. Hopefully once all this mess is behind us, we can try to mend party relations and bring cooperation back up, but I don't know when that can happen.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:08 pm

Voice of the Free
February 4561

”National Partisan Court”

The National Constitutional Court has finally given a verdict on the Fatherson V. Stirner case and the result has brought more questions and answers. The President of the Republic held a press conference after the verdict in which the questionable verdict was targeted.
“Ladies and Gentleman of the Press and the good people of Kalistan. Today has turned out to be a sad day for Court integrity and Justice in our great country. The National Constitutional Court has disregarded rule of law in our country and ruled in a partisan fashion. They have thrown out the Constitution and have sworn instead on their Party Program. Stirner and his comrades threw law and order on the ground and stepped on it and the National Partisan Court simply applauded and encouraged their behaviour today. How do we expect the people to follow,abide by and respect the Law when the very people who create and the ones who are supposed to uphold it,do not ? Today is a sad day for Justice in our country. We thought long and hard on what path to take going forward but after long consideration,We have decided against the options that were considered. All i can say for now is,I am ashamed of what happened today. As President of the Republic,I am ashamed that We have failed to create an Independant Judicial system. The people have given their verdict. That’s all that matters for us now.”
(On the question of what were the “options that were considered”)
“We thought of moving the case to an international court however I personally would not feel right in allowing outside intervention in our state as the Leader of that very state. We thought of calling for protests however the last thing our country needs right now is more polarisation because as we saw today,Partisanship has already infused enough of our state.”

Now the National Assembly has begun working on the amendments that would be presented to the Prerogative,the vote of the LDP on the matter is not clear at this time.

President of the Republic Evan Fatherson during the brief press conference
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby VonHabsburg » Mon Apr 15, 2019 9:13 pm

Man of Steele released in theaters!
17 February 4562
Vrassa City, Vrassa

Res Publica Films’ long-anticipated Biographical Drama, Man of Steele, hit theaters last night. Focusing on the life of UKWF chairman and major figure in the Civil War Leon Steele, the movie has been received exceptionally well by critics and moviegoers alike. Though some criticize the release of such a movie in a politically-charged climate like that of today, many agree that the film went out of its way to be respectful to the period and avoid any outright political messages (although, in one notable scene from the War, there were a disproportionate amount of fallen Blue Berets). The Ananto City premier was attended by the family of Steele and much of the current UKWF party leadership. The film itself has been praised for the quality of acting presented by civil war Veteran Gregory Kolt, portraying Steele later in his life, and the soundtrack for the film, including many songs that were famous during the war.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 15, 2019 10:18 pm

A Critique of President Fatherson's Recent Press Conference
Opinion Editorial by Henrik Mosley

A few days ago, our most loyal and trustable President put in his two cents about the verdict the National Constitutional Court (Which was labeled as the "National Partisan Court" by the Voice of the Free) came up with on his lawsuit against Premier Karl Stirner. In typical Liberal fashion, his speech is utterly ridden with lies, propaganda, and anti-Kalistan rhetoric. In order to respond to this disingenuous hit piece against Kalistan, the Right View has allowed me to write my own hit piece against President Fatherson and the latest of his terrible hot takes.

The President starts off strong and leads well into the rest of his speech by insulting our judicial system and its integrity. Immediately after this baseless insult, the President continues to deny reality by claiming that the NCC completely disregarded rule of law as if they had just let an admitted serial murder rapist go free, when in fact the court's actual decision was whether or not a cabinet was constitutional. He's claimed that our courts are ruled by parties rather than the constitution and that the courts have just thrown the constitutional to the side. Next he claims that Premier Stirner and his "gang" " threw law and order on the ground and stepped on it." This is, obviously, foolish and hypocritical. He acts as if the LDP is a beacon of constitutional respect when, in fact, they delay and prevent the formation of cabinets which don't fit their exact specifications. And, again, he acts as if a murder rape has gone unpunished by the courts. Then he goes on to claim that if politicians don't follow every exact law to the letter, than the people won't either. Now this is probably true, but look at the context. Is he saying that if an incorrect cabinet is put into power that the people will go and riot in the streets and cause general anarchy? Lastly he goes on to mope on about how this is a sad day for justice and that we have failed to create an independent judicial system, when in fact he just lost. Losing doesn't mean that the whole system is rigged against you, this is something the NCP knows well but seems that the pampered LDP missed their lessons on.

In response to a question about what actions the LDP was planning on taking in response to the court case, Fatherson described two actions which the LDP discussed taking: 1) Bring the case to an international court, and 2) stage mass protests across the nation. I have to commend the LDP on refraining from doing either of these, though I would welcome protests which the Right View could label as "political terrorism" (What the Voice of the Free labeled the socialist work stoppages of 4519), but the other option was truly despicable and borderline treasonous. Yes, President Fatherson did admit that the LDP did contemplate bringing this domestic case to a non-Kalistani court. The amount of distrust and disloyalty to Kalistan and its institutions in even thinking about this apparent and frankly disgusts me. Sure, the LDP didn't take this to an international court, but merely thinking about bringing foreigners into Kalistan in order to enforce your will something that no patriotic Kalistani and definitely no President would ever contemplate. This speech, and especially the ending, has shown truly how despicable the President and his party are and the extents that they would go to in order to see their will obeyed.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:00 am

Voice of the Free
May 4562

President Fatherson re-elected for third-term ! Liberals dominate once again !

The 4562 elections took place in a very stressed enviroment with opposition parties denying the LDP from rightful
and Constitutional seats in government and the Constitutional reform process of the prerogative which first failed after the LDP and Centrist Party voted against some questionable amendments however finally passed after the necessary changes were made. The NCP and UKWF continued their alliance to bring down the beloved President Evan Fatherson and gain a majority after long-lasting dominance of the Liberal Democratic Party. Regardless of their ill-intenioned actions,Evan Fatherson has been re-elected for a third-term as President and the LDP gained an extra 39 Seats which took them from 91 Seats to 130 Seats in a very comfortable and decisive majority.
President Evan Fatherson held a victory speech with First lady Hillary Fatherson in which,he had the following to say:

“Good people of Kalistan, Ladies and Gentleman of the Press. The Liberal Democratic Party has gained a huge victory in these elections. I cannot tell you how good it feels to be approved and loved even more then before by our people after being sabotaged by “Assembly shills” and “Partisan Bureaucrats”. As you know We gained 48% of the vote in the first round of the Presidential race which was over 20% more then our closest rival and now i am proud to say that,I have recieved 61% of the vote against the UKWF-NCP joint candidate. We will continue our steady path of Liberty and Economic Success for our people regardless of who gets in our way. Thank you Kalistan !”

President Evan Fatherson during the victory speech
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby VonHabsburg » Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:18 pm

UKWF Chairman Hill: “LDP Must be stopped ”

This Morning, Chairman Joseph Hill of the UKWF delivered a speech in the traditional party Stronghold of Odufaray. The crowd, consisting of both Socialists and Conservatives, carried banners and posters with various political messages, the most common being Res Publica Delenda Est, the rallying call of the Victorious provisional government forces during the Civil War. The war seemed to be prevalent in the crowd’s mind, as bars of “Come out ye Pats and Libs”, a famous soldier song from the war, could be heard throughout the crowd before Hill’s appearance. One peculiarity was that security for the event was provided not by local police forces, but by the PRG, which has seen increasing recruitment and training. Hill’s actual speech, though short, was more than effective at getting his point across. Below is a transcription of said speech.

Good Morning comrades, both from the NCP and UKWF alike! We are gathered here on this fine day to discuss the single greatest threat facing modern Kalistan- the Liberal Democratic Party. You may be asking, “But Joe, how are they a threat to Kalistan? They’ve been in power for so long!” Well, my friend, that is exactly why. They’ve become comfortable with the position. Can any of you remember a time when there was no LDP President? Not since the defeat of the Patriotic League following the Civil War. Is this something that typically occurs in a democracy? I think not. And, if you look in the actions of Mr. Fatherson and his less-than-benevolent predecessors, they are those of a dictator, not an elected official chosen to represent the people. Every day a Liberal sits in the presidential office is a serious defeat for Democracy, my friends. I suspect Dear Leader Fatherson will not appreciate my coming here today and may take some action against me or my party. Well, I say let him try. Here in Odufaray, long since a bastion of Freedom and Democracy, the Dictator who styles himself president will find nothing but Bullets and resistance. Am I mistaken? (Loud and seeming universal shouts of “No”) Then go out there! Strike! Protest! Resist by all means available! Make it clear that the people of Kalistan no longer want these liberal traitors signing away our freedom and rights to benefit Corporate Bankrollers! Res Publica Delenda Est!
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Apr 18, 2019 7:51 pm

Anti Government Protests Soar
Opposition to the LDP Government is on the Path to Break Records
August 8, 4562
Kalistanis Participate in the March on the Presidential Palace

Opposition to the President and government seems to skyrocketing after the LDP gained forty-seven percent of the seats in the National Assembly, carving out a powerful plurality the LDP hasn't seen in years. What has set the opposition off isn't exactly known, but the LDP's new dominance over the government seems to be suspect number one. What we do know for sure is that those who initially organized the protests are, unsurprisingly, the United Kalistani Worker's Front and National Conservative Party who have kept the LDP locked out of government for the majority of the past two election cycles.

The first protests began earlier this year when UKWF Chairman Joseph Hill gave a passionate speech in Odufaray which jabbed at the LDP and President Fatherson while stoking the still hot embers created by PL/LDP rule and the Civil War of 4562. Since this speech, the streets of cities all across Kalistan have been filled with the chants of protesters which, reportedly, at one point have kept the President awake for over forty-eight hours. Reports from the Odufaray city of Eshar are looking grim, as thousands of Peoples Revolutionary Guard troopers and unaffiliated citizens alike have armed themselves and started patrolling the streets while heckling any government officials (From any party) who dare leave the safety of the buildings. Reports also suggest that armed civilians have surrounded Eshar City Hall and refuse to allow anyone in or out.

The Conservative Army of Kalistan has also taken to the streets to protest the LDP, but not nearly on the same magnitude as the PRG. Instead, the CAK has focused itself on increasing training intensity and working to further improve their urban warfare tactics, says Lt Col. Daniel Bates of the 26th Battalion. The CAK seems to be preparing for the worst of the worst.

In Kaliburg, protests have become more and more frequent, with the most recent and largest being the march on the presidential palace which has been organized by the NCP. The march reached its peak on August first when approximately 200,000 Kalistanis were in attendance, but the remnants of the primary march continue to protest around the Presidential Palace today.

The resistance to the government hasn't been restricted to only the civilians, top officers of the KRF (Whose ranks are dominated by socialists and conservatives) have come out to speak against the LDP and the government and have sworn to take "necessary action" if LDP officials attempt to put Kalistan back on the wrong path. KRF soldiers have also joined in on the anti LDP activities, as thousands have joined together with protesters across the country, most notably in Eshar when a small unit of infantry laid down their arms and joined with protesters when they were sent to relieve the apparent siege on the city hall.

The above graph shows the party affiliation of Kalistani soldiers. The majority of troops are loyal to the NCP and UKWF, which experts claim is due to the fact that is has been conservative and socialist Defense Ministers who are responsible for the modernization of the KRF.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby TheCaliph » Fri Apr 19, 2019 1:43 am

Voice of the Free
September 4562

LDP/Centrist Party government coalition formed !

The LDP and Centrist Party which are the only parties left in the National Assembly with a sense of logic,maturity and respect for democracy have formed a 177 Seat strong Two-Thirds majority government which represents over 63% of the population and was the final blow to the cry-baby opposition and their futile attempts of disruption. President Evan Fatherson congratulated the new Premier Mr.Barrett and the new government has become to serve the people. The successfull coalition was a clear sign that the people are clearly on the side of the LDP and the Centrist Party and they have a crushing majority. “Everyone will learn to respect the will of the people,even the spoiled brats !” Exclaimed LDP MP Henry Revere to loud applause in Parliament after the approval of the government.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Apr 19, 2019 12:39 pm

Top Generals Protest the Firing of Phoenix Jameson
Officers of the KRF Speak out Against the Firing of Previous Defense Minister
Gen. Walter Brigham Gives Speech at a KRF Protest Against the Replacement of BrGen. Phoenix Jameson

Following President Evan Fatherson's cabinet proposal which removed the NCP and UKWF from the sitting government, protest from the already fuming military skyrocketing. Why is this? Brigadier General Phoenix Jameson was removed from his positions has Minister of Defense. At first, this sounds rather petty, Ministers are removed from their positions all the time, but Jameson isn't just any other Minister. BrGen. Jameson is the Defense Minister who pushed for finishing and eventually did end up finishing the modernization of the KRF after about thirty years of PL and LDP obstructionism and inactivity. But this isn't the only purpose for the massive protests against his replacement. What truly set the military and Kalistan as a whole off was the manner in which he was handled by the government. Jameson, who is now quite old in age, took a bit too long to vacate his office at the Ministry of Defense for the liking of our LDP overlords who sent in the police to remove Jameson from the premise before he could finish gathering all of his things from his office. Instead of being allowed to walk proudly out of the Defense Ministry, which had been his place of work for many year, and being saluted by his comrades-in-arms, BrGen. Phoenix Jameson, the man who finished the reconstruction of the KRF, was escorted by two police officers on either side of him. Instead of being treated as a hero of the civil war and of Kalistan, he was handled as if he were a vagrant (Who seem to have only come into existence in Kalistan after the LDP began to pass their laws) and dragged out of the Ministry of Defense and left on the sidewalk to be assisted by civilians and soldiers. Such disrespect cannot be tolerated.

We at the Right View stand with our comrades in the military and those who simply have respect for our great men. We urge all readers to go out and join the protesters in the street. Go and show that the government's treatment of of its citizens and soldiers must be improved. And not only this, go and show the LDP that they cannot strip you of your liberty simply because they have a plurality of seats in the National Assembly, which we doubt they even received through honest means. So go out and protest. Protest for respect. Protest for liberty. Protest for transparent elections.

Res Publica Delenda Est...
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby ChitinKal » Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:21 pm

National Unity Caucus Held in Kaliburg
Internal Opponents of the NCP's Policy of Supporting Civil Unrest Form Faction
Dave Feinberg, Libertarian NCP Deputy and Leader of the National Unity Faction

Opponents of the NCP's protests held a caucus in the Kaliburg on July fifth to discuss paths they could take to ending NCP support for the anti LDP protests and returning unity and stability to Kalistan. The top organizer of this meeting was Deputy Dave Feinsberg (NCP - Suldanor), a more liberal and ambitious member of the NCP. So far, all that has been done by the attendees of the caucus was the formation of an internal faction within the NCP which has already gained the support of forty-one percent of the member of the NCP and has dwarfed the three other factions.

Since the last elections in 4562, massive protests to LDP dominance over the government, which have been organized primarily by the UKW and NCP, have been held throughout the nation and the district of Odufaray has fallen into a state of anarchy. Despite this, legislation has still been passed by the National Assembly including massive tax cuts for the lower and middle classes and the discourse over Kalistan's foreign policy has been opened up by the NCP which has lead to the CP proposing and passing a bill which removed Kalistan from three one-nation treaties, including the Non-Aligned Movement.
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