
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 11:10 am

Horon was obvious choice
Grouwels applauds LWA-NGPoL coalition
May 2, 4550

Newport Haven- A year from the next elections, LWA chairman Alberic Grouwels made a small resume of the standing coalition. He was pleased to see the changes that already have been accomplished and is confident that the coalition will continue the mutual understanding.
"We have fought for it, but after a few decades, we again witness a reliable government that works around the clock to make changes possible. It has been years since I've witnessed such cooperation between parties, and I'm certain that our colleagues from NGPoL are willing to continue this cooperation, regardless from the results of the upcoming elections. NGPoL has been very supportive in structurizing our 10 steps plan to alter the political, economical and social landscape of our glorious nation. There is respect from both sides, there is understanding from both sides. We even froze our bid for international agreements after input from our coalition partner. Together we stand tall."

For LWA, Grouwels is seen as the man who has given it all to maintain Nationalism legal and who has put LWA back on the map in Lodamun. What many don't seem to understand is why he didn't run for President and also, why the Presidency was granted to incumbent President Horon.
"One of our points was to abolish the election of the President in a direct manner. We wanted the people to choose the President through the Presidium. That is why we didn't put forward anyone as Presidential candidate. While forming a coalition under this new executive structure, the obvious choice was Destin. He already was President, so that would have meant a continuancy although the structure changed. He already had experience in politics and is a charismatic leader. An ideal mix for a bright future."

Grouwels did come up with some ideas for the future. He wishes to install a specific system for Vice-Presidency and he spoke about a think tank to investigate the military role of Lodamun in Terra.
"My party has sought to commit ourselves through military agreements, giving our military forces some slack. Yet we believe it might be useful to investigate the possible advantages that might come with a declaration of neutrality."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:59 pm

First and Second Fleet disbanded
Minister Loons on critical defence situation
June 4550

Minister of Defence Marc Loons sounded the alarmbell yesterday. He criticized the quality of military equipment, the motivation and readiness of the troops and the difficult financial situation.
It was at the Newport Haven military base that Loons discussed the situation with the military High Command, and where he witnessed the bad condition in which our naval ships are in. He stated that the military docks look more like a wrecksite. The Lodamese Navy isn't what it used to be anymore, but the rest of our national defence system isn't any better.

"Years of negligence by the left dictators and their military puppets have led to this disaster. For the last few years, we have been salvaging a ship that was already lost anyways! Our material is in a poor state, our military personnel has lost the last bit of motivation, and who can blame them. I have witnessed how bad the situation actually is, and it is my believe that we need to take some decisions right now. The possibilities are limited: or we should cut down on personnel and material, or we should plan a massive moneytary injection. As for the second solution, I know we are having issues with the funding of our nation, so I guess we have no choice but to cut down on people and tools."

The Minister mentioned to study a plan to invest in our military in the future, but he also said that such investments wouldn't be possible at this moment.

The Supreme Commander of the Lodamese Forces has explained the plan to reorganize the troops he discussed with the Staff and the Military High Command: "Today is a black day for our troops, today is a black day for our nation. But we saw it coming. We have tried to change the downward motion, but it simply was too late. Therefore, I have been chosen to adress you and explain our plan of action, with which we are trying to save what is left of what we have."
Admiral of the Fleet Braunings was visibly moved when adressing the crowd, and they would soon find out why. Carol Braunings has been CO of the Second Fleet at the time of the socialist take over, and now he has to abandon what was so dear to him: "The expense of our old and rusty naval ships is no longer bareable for our defence system. The sole solution to cut the costs would be to dissolve both the First and Second Fleet, get rid of the tall and large ships and create a combined Homeland Defence Force with the smaller vessels. Doing so, we will be able to dissolve the Homeland Fleet."
The Minister of Defence continued: "We will have to limit our forces to patrolling the borders in certain regions and keeping a reserve to maintain order within our borders. All heavy armement will be transferred to two facilities within Lodamun, where part of it will be scrapped and used a spare parts. We would loose about 40% of our effectives there. The LAF will not receive any new airplanes for the next decade. They will be limited to 30% of their current effectives, with most of that being used as SAR. Last but not least all investments in nucleair and biological weapons are to be stopped at once and the facilities are to be abandoned."

The Minister will consult the Presidium on what should be done and what actions the Presidium will take. The Minister himself believes that he can cut the costs for the military down with about 3 billion LOD.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:34 am

Military Naval Exercise stopped after loss of lives
Braunings decommissioned
December 6, 4550

Rescue helicopters fly back and forth from New Haven Rescue Center towards the wreck site of Lodamese Navy frigate 'Honour'. They are picking up survivors from other navy ships in the area, which had rescued some of Honour's crew. For what we have heared, there was a fire in the forward engine room, followed by an explosion. The ship's CO, Commander Ron Fegerl, had to give the order to abandon ship at once.

Admiral of the Fleet Braunings, Supreme Commander of the Lodamese Forces, explained what happened: "A taskgroup of the Second Fleet was conducting navigational exercices in the Anantonese Ocean when all in a sudden frigate Honour had to leave the formation due to a fire in an engine room where probably one of the generators caught fire. The fire extinguishing installation failed to work, and before a re-entry was possible, one of the turbines exploded, creating a hole in the hull. The inner bulkhead was bent over and allowed seawater to float in the compartment after the engine room. The poor condition of the vessel caused instability after which Commander Fegerl had no option but to abandon ship. During the accident, several sailors were lost and are still not accounted for. We managed to save 146 of the 172 aboard, some suffering injuries and hypothermea. We also salvaged 12 bodies, which leaves us 14 lost. I would like to show my deepest respect to the families of those involved. This is a tragedy for the Lodamese Armed Forces, this is a tragedy for Lodamun. A tragedy that could have been avoided. That ship should have been decommissioned a long time ago, and therefore I would like to set an example. I will decommission at this very moment, and with me I decide to chain all navy ships untill further notice. I hope my successor will evaluate this very closely and will take the decisions I should have."

Honour sinking towards her final resting place
Lodamese Royalists
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Mar 27, 2019 9:06 am

NGPoL largest fraction
Grouwels not surprised
May 3, 4551

Election day in Lodamun didn't give many surprises. Less than a third of the voters actually showed up for the ballot which resulted in a massive win for the Greens. Losing over half of it seats, LWA doesn't seem to be troubled about this result.

"We saw this one coming, even if we loose more seats than expected. But then again, who's to blame? We've encountered some difficulties in the handling of certain dossiers, and we must admit that the President's party has done great during this legislation," LWA chairman Grouwels says. "We are certain that we will continue this fine cooperation with NGPoL, no matter what decisions they make concerning the Cabinet. A reshuffle is in their hands now, and we'll see if they wish to continue with LWA as a coalition partner. Anyway, I wish to congratulate President Horon for this great result."
Lodamese Royalists
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Fri Apr 19, 2019 8:37 am

Coalition stands
November 4562

Polls regarding the upcoming elections show that the coalition NGPoL-LWA will stand and will hold its majority in Presidium.

Opposition parties that where established in Lodamun during the last few years apparently don't stand a chance. They don't seem to be able to launch themselves politically. Poll shows that the public has faith in the current coalition, but since life is good in Lodamun, most of the citizens don't seem to bother to vote. They feel that the current Cabinet has done a great job and will continue to do so.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby tracemanxp » Tue Apr 30, 2019 5:11 pm

President Horon to Step Down after 28-Year Term
Presidium passes cabinet reshuffle and elects a new President

Since the beginning of the newly-formed republic, President Destin Horon has led the nation out of the previous era of fascism and into a new one of prosperity. The NGPoL+LWA Coaltion has cooperated to undo the damage the previous regime had inflicted on the nation. A return to the 599-seat Presidium and the system of a legislature-elected President are a couple of the greater changes underwent by this coalition, institutions that have worked to great effect in the nation's past. More recently and the current pressing issue, a great restructure of the Lodamun Military lead by Defence Minister Marc Loons is progressing nicely, whose latest plan is set to pass with full support of the Presidium.

President Horon addressed the nation, reflecting on his time as president and exclaiming what an honor it has been to serve the nation all these years. Before the announcement he was in talks with LWA leadership to offer the presidency to them, to which they expressed they have no interest in seeking the presidential office.

The Presidium is set to pass a Cabinet Shuffle this year, of which the NGPoL nominated Oliver Mideen for President. A veteran of the military for 15 years before politics and previously a NGPoL candidate for Defence Minister, Mideen was nominated with the full confidence of the NGPoL that he is suitable for the job. It appears the whole of the Presidium agrees as the LWA MPs have voted in favor as well. It would appear Lodamun will continue to prosper under the united coalition.
Lodamese Democratic Progressive Party - United Republic of Lodamun ACTIVE
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:34 pm

The end of an era, but no worries
Stef Neels promises prosperity and happiness
August 2, 4568

Newport Haven- With President Horon stepping down, also Defence Minister Loons decided to retire. He has made it his political lifework to set up a solid, reliable yet low cost military. With his plan being approved by the Presidium, he can step down with confidence. LWA chairman Neels thanked all of the former Ministers, but he had a special word of thanks for the former President and former Minister Loons.

"We are witnessing the end of an era. We are witnesses of the handover from those who saved this Republic and managed to make it what it currently is. With President Horon's work done, so is that of Marc Loons. He managed to outline the new military system and he has given his successor the chance to fill in that plan at his own disposal. Lodamun will be an international player again, eventhough we have chosen to keep a limited military."
The Plan Loons will give the military the resources and personnel to defend the Lodamese borders, and will even give them a chance to help in international missions if that may deem necessary. An international launched bid to buy 72 new fighter jets was sent out recently, there are plans to modernize the air lift units and MIL Industries is currently designing new naval vessels. Word has it that the Lodamese government is looking for a shipyard to build state of the art troop transport ships, but that couldn't be confirmed just yet.
It took the politicians nearly 30 years, but Lodamun is back on track.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Thu May 02, 2019 5:03 pm

Large scale contract for MIL Industries and SSF
July 1, 4569

Minister of Defence Wieze Bout announced today that the Lodamese Navy has entered the first phase of the restructuring and modernizing process. The Newport Haven branch of MIL Industries have received an order for 20 new minehunting vessels, while SSF will build 18 top of the art patrol vessels. MIL will be responsable for the systems on board of the vessels.

While the design were ready for over a year, the building of the MCM vessels has already commenced last week at the SUN shipyard in Newport Haven. These new vessels will replace the old vessels of the two MCM fleets. The first vessel would be delivered in spring 4571, with two more to be commissioned that same year. The building process should be completed by 4576. The new vessels will be slightly larger than the current MCMV's, with a length over all of about 67 meters. Currently, MIL would install a large variety of drones on board, but the government is still investigating the possibility to look for drones and drone technology elsewhere.
The new patrol vessels will be built at the SSF site, equally in Newport Haven. The patrol vessels will have their own operating center, providing them with the latest technology. While the patrol vessels are intended to cruise the Lodamese EEZ, they will have several defensive measures on board. MIL Industries has the contract to supply the weaponry for the patrol vessels.

Minister Bout also mentioned that the second phase would probably be postponed for a while, because of budgettary reasons as for logistic reasons. The possibility exists that some vessels would be built abroad, another possibility would be to expand the naval facilities in Lodamun. Ellington Portuary would be a possible location for an extra shipyard.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Thu May 09, 2019 12:30 am

Plan Loons slightly modified
[/b] financial injection for Lodamese Air Force[/b][size]
[size=85]September 4572

Minister Bout signed a letter of intent earlier today with the Istalian government and Leonardi, an Istalian Enterprise, to construct new jet fighters.

Minister Wieze Bout adressed the press in a conference: "My predecessor Loons has constructed a marvelous plan for the Lodamese Armed Forces and has asked me to work out this plan that was just theoretical. As ordered, I have made some slight changes here and there, which are possible due to a large monetary reserve former Minister Loons had created. We started with new equipment for our ground troops and navy a few years ago, which is getting shape. The most difficult part was our airforce. Since Loons had opted for a small airforce and since Lodamun doesn't have any firms specialized in building military planes, we had to contract other firms in Terra. Four firms have answered our international bidding and the Military High Command has looked into these. My department and I were very concerned about the quality of those planes, the cost and the cash flow that would benefit Lodamun."
The four possible partners were 'Vintallian' (Gaduridos), 'Leonardi' (Istalia), a consortium represented by the Kizenian government and 'Aircraft Pro&Co' (Endralon). All three bids were very attractive and it was hard for the Minister and the Military High Command to make a decision.
"I am proud to say that the Lodamese military will soon be proud owner of 72 Vintallian AA jets, that will be used as our capital line of defence with the airforce. Meanwhile, I have signed a letter of intent with Istalia to step into a program to construct a multi role fighter. Since we would have to wait a few years before this fighter would be operational, we have chosen to buy Vintallian jets for now. Once the Leonardi's will arrive in Lodamun, we will adapt our airforce and will create an extra inland fighter wing that would use some of the Vintallian jets, where the Leonardi fighters would be transferred to the yet existing Wings. The rest of the Vintallian jets would be transferred to the Air Force Education and Combat Centre, where they will be used to train future fighter pilots."
The letter of intent is a first step in signing a large contract. The Minister of Defence said that he would have to discuss some issues with the Istalian government ànd Leonardi Industrial Group. He said that he wanted participation of Lodamese firms, what needs to be discussed before the contract is signed.
"We would like to see in what way we can get our Enterprise 'Lodamese National Aeronautics and Aviation Corporation' involved in the construction process and what spare parts could be manufactured in Lodamun. There are also a few questions about the training of our technicians and pilots, but that shouldn't cause any trouble."
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