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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Wed May 08, 2019 1:58 am

March, 4572
The Anarchist revolutionary, Repräsentant Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei, has made public his retirement from political life to the TUC and the people of Dorvik, marking the end of an era for Dorvish politics. The leader has decided to serve his last term, which will last until 4577, where elections will be held.

Drawing of Repräsentant Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei

The long-lasting Representant of Revolutionary Dorvik, Isaak "Reinhardt" Frei, has led the proletarian federation since the coup of 4547 which occurred almost 30 years ago. Since then, the entire reality of Dorvish society changed, eliminating the bourgeoisie, creating democratic institutions which uphold the desires of the people, and many more. However, almost thirty years of work and leadership have tired the victorious revolutionary, and so the Representant has announced his retirement from Dorvish politics in September, 4577. Elections will be held, and it is said that factionalism will grow in the Revolutionary Socialist Party in order to choose the next candidate and, although so far there are many different candidates for the position, none have stood out.

The leader assured the nervous Trade Union Congress and the unhappy citizens that his retirement was long overdue, and he believes that new, young and ambitious faces must assume the position of Repräsentant if Dorvik wishes to remain a true proletarian democracy. The Trade Union Congress will, due to the surprise announcement, be holding elections a few days after the new Representant is elected.

This marks the end of an era for Revolutionary Dorvik, as for the first time since its conception a new leader will represent the Dorvish people. Will this sudden change of affairs begin a process of instability for the federation, or will this mark the beginning of more democratic ideals and traditions for Dorvik?
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Reximus » Tue May 28, 2019 9:07 pm

Solidarität Campaign In Full Swing
Reformist, Centre-Left Party Seeks to Capitalize
August 4582

HALDOR, KORDUSIA - The recently-formed Solidarität party, established in 4575 and currently sitting on 6 members of the Trade Union Congress following the 4577 elections, is currently in full-blown campaign mode as the movement reaches out to thousands of Dorvish voters in anticipation of the elections coming this September. Led by Natalie Pruefer, the candidate for head of state, and Ingolf Gansz, the candidate for head of government, Solidarität is aiming at expanding its reach in this cycle's election.

"We are only 6 of 350 members of the Trade Union Congress today," Gansz - an electrician-turned politician - said, "but tomorrow we will be a powerful force to help reshape Dorvik. First and foremost we must repeal the Defense of Democracy Act, to allow parties that have been operating in the shadows to be recognized. For our particular agenda, Solidarität will be advocating a centre-left policy goal - tampering the extremist Metzists and promoting soft-socialism."

Natalie Pruefer, a tenured professor who won 1.67% of the total vote for head of state in 4577, is running again for the important office, and aspires to gain a larger vote share. The rallies have toured each of the kommunes of Largonia, Westmark, Miktar, Dorvan, and Kordusia - instead of the one-kommune-campaign they ran last electoral cycle.
Green and Indigenous Action (Ação Verde e Indígena), Tukarali, 5420-present
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Reximus » Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:25 am

Solidarität Looks to the Left
New Leader Resigns from Centre-Right Cabinet
September 4598

Map of New Nationalrat, following 4598 elections

HALDOR, KORDUSIA - In the lead-up to the Dorvish elections of 4598 - the first since long-time Head of State-candidate Ingolf Gansz passed away - Solidarität's party apparatus decided to endorse the Sozial-Liberale Liste's Marie von Limben. von Limben had long been the second-round candidate for Solidarität, dating back to the days of the SLL and Sol's alliance to terminate Metzist, single-party rule. von Limben performed poorly in the election, failing to even make it into the second despite Solidarität's endorsement in Round 1.

The Secretariat, which manages Solidarität's party organization, then held a ballot of party members to determine the successor for Gansz. The two leading contenders were Internal Affairs Minister Florian Kautz, who sought to move the party away from political agreements wit the centre-right, and Sigrid Eichmann, the Health and Social Services Minister who wanted to preserve the status quo.

Following the defeat of von Limben's bid for the Head of State, many in Solidarität's party base decided that it was time for a change of pace. Especially given the surge in the polls of the Grüne Zentrumspartei (GZ) which is to the left of both the Hosianische Demokratische Partei (HDP) and Sozial-Liberale Liste (SLL), Florian Kautz's pitch to the party base was better received. After being elected Leader of Solidarität, Kautz and his fellow Ministers resigned from the Schopenhauer Ministry.

According to a source familiar with Kautz's communications, he has reached out to both GZ and the Metzisme Kommunistische partei to try to cobble together a governing coalition on the centre-left, more in-line with Solidarität's policy positions.The decades-old relationship between Sol, HDP, and SLL is being called into question with these latest moves.
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:05 pm

Seeing the "total disregard for Dorvish culture" take hold in Dorvik former lawyer Finn Reinmann has, with help of former party members, refounded the Dorvische Konservatieve Fraktion (Also known as TGP in its later stages)

Former lawyer in Haldor mr. Finn Reinmann has refounded one of the most succesfull conservative parties in Dorvik, the DKF (also known as TGP). Reinmann, who is mostly known for his work as a lawyer for low income families and rural communities, believes that dorvish values and traditions are being disregarded by the ruling class. According to him the various governments over the years have "totally ruined the country with backward policies that divide the once so strong nation" It started with the communist takeovers earlier and ended with the current "representative mess". Reinnman believes that the current government and parliament cannot govern the nation and have squandered public funds like they can spend it unlimitedly. With the reformation of the DKF with Reinmann as its leader he and his companions hope to drag the nation out of the deadlock and back on the international stage, presenting their manifesto at the presentation as well in which the party lists a detailed plan to cut taxes, enact more conservative legislation to protect dorvish traditions and heavily invest in the armed forces. But the biggest promise in the program is the plan to redefine the nation by establishing a executive president directly elected by the people who can form a cabinet and lead the nation while as of now those roles have been seperated between the Kanzler and President. The party also proposes the creation of a Federal Republic paired with this change in the executive to ensure that every region gains their preferable representation.

With elections not far away many wonder if the DKF will even manage to take a seat with experts doubtfull about the likelyhood of that happening and whether there is a place for the old DKF party to reemerge.

Reinmann announcing the reformation of the DKF to the press
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sat Jul 06, 2019 2:19 pm

The DKF (now DKP) has won the dorvish elections and is preparing sweeping changes to the nation

VICTORY! Is what could be heard all accross the DKP HQ in Haldor. With the party reemerging on the national scene they won a landslide victory by far becoming the largest party in parliament as well as Reinmann winning the presidency. This major win does however have consequences as the party needs to quickly setup their structures and branch out. This, according to the party leader and newly elected president Reinmann is no problem however and the first preparations for this have already been made. The DKP immediately announced their plan for a constitutional convention to determine the future of Dorvik. In addition to this the president and defense minister have announced the "rebirth" of the dorvish military. With the purges by the communists previous century the army was left in a extremely weak stage. According to new defense minister Arthur Faber the process of rebuilding the military in terms of leadership and capabilities has already started with new officers being trained by former Dorvish officers and army structures being put back in place. The position of Inspector-General has also been created to inspect and oversee the quality of the armed forces.

With this major win for the right in Dorvik many hope a return to the day of Dorvish supremacy. With many even suspecting a revival of the Northern Council....

Newly elected president and DKP party leader Finn Reinmann together with his father after hearing of his party's victory
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:21 pm

As the DKP government takes its seats and proposes landmark changes the biggest change is yet to come, a 150 billion LOD program to restructure, repair and refit the armed forces

It has been five months since the election of the DKP. After proposing a complete overhaul of the system of government and a provisional economic plan the center-right government has now taken the steps they promised to take. Proposing the treaty of the Northern Council in parliament. If ratified Dorvik will once again join the organization which had left its mark on the world nearly a century ago before fading into obscurity. The organization still had a handfull of members but had lost most if not all of its influences and alliances accross the globe. Now, with Dorvik on the path of resurgence, the DKP government aims at rejoining and reforming the Northern Council and to become its leader. President Reinmann has presumably already layed the groundwork for taking up such a role and one step towards doing this is the plan proposed today in parliament.

As Dorvik nears its reentry into the NC the government has now proposed a plan to repair, refit and restructure the entire armed forces of Dorvik. With a desire to put aside 150 billion LOD for the program the government is showing its full commitment to reaffirm dorvik's position on the globe militarywise. Many economic experts have already stated that this plan could stagnate and burden the economy for years to come but the government does not seem deterred by this and is still likely to go ahead with the plan. The first thing to restructure, repair and refit is will be the navy according to the minister of defense. Preparations are already being made to repair and refit the 3 carriers present in the Dorvish fleet as well as their support ships which are several destroyers and cruisers. Other ships in the main fleets of the dorvish navy are also being prepared for repairs and possibly refits although not every ship in the fleet will receive a refit.

After the navy the airforce will receive their round and after that the army itself. The Inspector-General expects the repair and refit for the dorvish fleet to last the minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 years.

A Dorvish Frigate. on the outside the ships look modern but on the inside they are old and starting to fail, in dire need of repair and refit
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:49 am

The Dorvish chancellor Mathias Blocher has announced that its government will officially denounce the Reinhardt government in Davostan and enact strict sanctions on the nation as well as sending a naval task force to the nation

Dorvish Kanzler Mathias Blocher announced in a press conference that his government is enacting strict diplomatic sanctions on davostan, these sanctions include a ban for Davostani leaders to travel to Dorvik, a freezing of Davostani assets in Dorvik and a closing of the Davostani embassy in Haldor. In addition to these diplomatic sanctions the Kanzler has also, in discussion with the president, authorized a naval strike group consisting of two minesweepers, two cruisers and two frigates to be send to Davostan. These ships were scheduled to receive their repair and refits in two years time giving the government the time to deploy them before it happens.

The strike group will travel to Davostani waters and conduct "supportive operations" according to the ministry of defense. The strike group possesses guided missiles and other ordanance and is expected to provide bombing support to the rebels in davostan via precision naval missile strikes. The Reinhardt government has not responded to Dorvish intervention in the conflict and with the dorvish strike group already underway pressure is mounting in the Davostan civil war.

A dorvish minesweeper near port preparing to leave with the strike group
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:14 am

A recently published economic report on the state of the dorvish economy shows a clear stagnating trend as the government starts spending on its repair restructure and refit program

The affects of severe government investment in the armed forces are beginning to show on the dorvish economy. As economic reforms are staying out and government investment in economic sectors stopping because of their full committment to the military the dorvish economy has basically come to a halt.
While after the communist regime fell the economy saw a big boom thanks to renewed private investment and the general private industry reappearing the recent decisions of the DKP government to invest billions upon billions in the military seem to have halted this growth as the growthrate has now stagnated at only 0.23% growth in the last quarter. The unemployment rate did however drop from 9% to a estimated 8.4% thanks to the need for more construction personel to fill the military ambitions of the administration. The growthrate is expected to drop to -0.50% next year and will stagnate around that number until significant progress is made in terms of economic reform and sound investment according to the report.

While the DKP is doing what it promised in reaffirming Dorvik's position in the world it is clear that the opposition may have a chance at highly criticizing the government for its innefective management of the economy until now.

A Dorvish market earlier this year showing the reappearence of a private sector after the fall of the communist regime
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Re: Dorvish News Service (DNS)

Postby jadouljonathan » Sun Jul 07, 2019 8:27 am

[/bLara schneiderlin resigns, Edmund Fassling chosen as new chairman at party Congress ]

After another bad result in last general elections lara schneiderlin resigns as chairman of the MKP, she has taken responsibility of the bad results. Her dicisions to go in governement with a right winged and a centre left party has been critisised hard by the MKP insiders and voters. Edmund Fassling is not known in the national politics yet, but is known as one of the most radicals militants in the party, who got more and more popularity in the larty with his radical communist ideology. He always worked in a factory in Fostenbruck, he was one of big shots in the union and the MKP.

He was chosen over Gerd Wenzel, who was for a brief moment minister of defense.

Here are the results of chairman elections:

Edmund Fassling: 75,73%
Gerd Wemzel: 24,27%

This was Edmunds victory speech:
Hello every one, i am very happy and proud to be chosen as the new chairman of this once great party. This party was known to make radical dicisions to make big changes for the people of Dorvik. It was known to not compromise with capitalisme. Lately we have been betrayed in that subject, Lara Schneiderlin tried to compromise and we got capitalised fot it. We are communists and we need to capitalize capitalisn for all the wrong its doing to dorvisch people and the world. I have plans for this party, for Dorvik and the world, but i'll start witk our great party. We will go back to our roots and fight capitalism, we will propose radical bills that enforces communisme back in to Dorvik. We wilk not compromise. Thank you for your trust and i will take this responsebility with pride.

What will we see of Edmund Fassling and the MKP?

[b]The MKP changes its name to The kommunistische partei

Edmund Fassling first act as chairman is to chane the party's name, it will go on as The kommunistische partei.
Edmund Fassling reaction:
We need to change the name so the people know this party will change its course. If we want to provail change is needed. You all will see what this party can reach if we go true with what we are about to do.
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