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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:15 pm

The Palace announces Prince Nicola and Princess Josephine's wedding
His Majesty the Emperor gave his blessing to the most followed couple of the recent years

21 November 4598

ROMULA - That most awaited Imperial moment has arrived. Quattroregni Palace has recently announced that Grand Prince of the Crwon Nicola is to marry his long-time girlfriend, Princess Josephine of Hulstria in next year.
The official announcement in Istalia followed the one in Hulstria where great celebrations already took place.

His Majesty the Emperor officialy signed the authorization document for the marriage (as per Imperial Constitution, in fact, the Emperor shall authorize members of Imperial House to get married) and then gave with great pleasure and joy his blessing to the couple. This the official message released on the social media:

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor is delighted to announce the engagement of his son, Grand Prince of the Crown Nicola to His Imperial Highness Princess Josephine of Hulstria”. Prince Nicola has informed Their Majesty and other close members of his family. The Imperial House is extremely delighted for the couple and wish them every happiness”

The press reached then Grand Princess Carola and on asking the groom’s younger sister and brother-in-law, Prince Luca, they said:

We are very happy with the announcement and looking forward to seeing Nicola and Josephine together. Since the starting, it has indeed been wonderful getting to know Josephine and to see how happy she and Nicola are together

A perfect date for this Imperial wedding has already been decided and announced by Quattroregni Palace: Prince Nicola and Princess Josephine will marry on 4th March 4600.
The palace revealed furthermore they would be married at Church of All Angels and according to some reports His Majesty is determined to organize a magnificent event with great pomp worthy of the prestige of both the Istalian and Hulstrian Imperial Court.


An Engagement cerimony was held in Quattroregni Palace, a sparkly Imperial Ball during which the stars of the evening, Princes Nicola and Josephine, dazzled the numberous gests and fascined the press.
During the cerimony, then, the Emperor announced also his personal gift to the couple: a Villa in the countryside of Mazzodiurno, built in one of the real estates of the family surrounded by magnificent Canrillaise-style gardens.
Last edited by XanderOne on Tue Jul 02, 2019 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Mon Jul 01, 2019 12:04 pm

Almirante holds out a hand to Civic Freedom
While S&D and PRL join together a government, ANI proposes a common opposition with CF

Dark red: Socialists & Democrats (266)
Amber: National Alliance for the Empire (222)
Orange red: Worker's Republican Party (110)
Bright green: Civic Freedom (83)

14 June 4599

ROMULA - Istalia still at left, this is the response of the pools after elections 4598. The Socialists & Democrats maintain the plurality within the National Assembly with 266 seats, followed by the National Alliance for the Empire with 222 seats, then by the Worker's Republican Party with 110 seats and finally Civic Freedom with 83 seats.

Despite the huge increase in seats by the ANI, for which Gianni Almirante said to be very satisfied, the left still controls the majority of the parliament and in fact in March Paolo Tarso achieved to convince the PRL to join his party in a coalition government.

Actually, Almirante and his party are not alone in opposing the leftist majority: Civic Freedom, entered in the National Assembly together with PRL, already showed to be a party in favor of a freer economy and pro-business reforms and for this reason Gianni Almiranti confirmed to get in touch with the leadership of Civic Freedom proposing to work together at the opposition to show to Istalia an alternative to the leftist government.

The journalists then pressed Almirante about the coalition of S&D with a declared republican party:

I'm not concerned: I already spoke with the Prime Minister who assured me that no talks about changements in the institutional order took place with PRL and reconfirmed me that his party is not aimed to change the constitution.
Me and Paolo Tarso can be divided by many issues and greatly on ideology, but I cannot avoid to plaude our Prime Minister as one of the greatest and most loyal servant of the Empire.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:34 pm

Inperial wedding of Prince Nicola and Princess Josephine
An event in great pomp followed by thousands of jubilant people gathered in Romula

4 March 4600

ROMULA - Finally the most waited event of the last months arrived: the wedding of Grand Prince of the Crown Nicola and Princess Josephine of Hulstria.

As announced by the Emperor, the event was a succession of majestic cerimonies, from Quatteoregni Palace, from which the wedding parade departed, until the Church of All angels where the religious cerimony took place.
A long parade of luxury cars and royals carriages crossed the city flanked by thousands of celebrating people, the bridal couple litteraly eclipsed everyone else with their elegance and beauty. An imponent security apparatus was put in place to face over 500 thousand of people came from all over Istalia to see the Imperial couple and to celebrates the wedding.
In fact, celebrations for the day have been organizated all over Romula by bars, restaurants, discos, pubs, theaters, etc... even through the squares and the streets, many that will continue for all night long.

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The Church was decorated for the events and prepared to welcome hundreds of guests, among which many crowned heads from all over the world while at the side of the altar there were the Imperial Houses of Istalia and Hulstria witnessing with joy face to face the union of their two Houses.
The cerimony was officed by the Bishop of Istalia with the blessing of the Patriarch of Istalia, Solentia and Quanzar, while among the guests there were the highest officials of the Empire, like the Prime Minister Tarso, the President of the National Assembly, the political leaders who accepted to partecipate, other important personalities like the former Prime Minister Don Damiano Valenti, 1st Duke of Ulbia; then there were guests from the state burocratic apparatus and from the business; exponents of the cultural world and of civil society, among them there were many representatives of charitable and philantropic associations. The benches closest to the Imperial couple, obviously, were occupied by the closest relatives and friends of the couple, many from the show business.

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After the religious cerimony, the Imperial couple moved to the City Hall of Romula where the Mayor of Romula officed the civil cerimony attended by just the closest relatives and friends, while all the other guests reached Quattroregni Palace waiting the Imperial families to proceed with the wedding banquet.
The celebrations for the bridal couple and their guests continued in the evening: an Imperial Wedding Balls has been organized on a large yatch departing from Romula which descended along the Sala River until the sea while the people on board amused themself.

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Quattroregni Palace announced that the bridal couple will leave for Hulstria tomorrow and then they will depart for the wedding trip which will bring them to the shores of Vintalli, in Gaduridos, and to the island of Ananto; they will visit Trigunia and the majestic heritage of the past Imperial Regimes. Finally, before to come back, the couple will visit Selucia, offering to the Grand Princess Josephine an opportunity to visit such a cradle of civilization, where most part of the most Istalian roots lay.


According to rumors from internal sources, when Grand Princes Nicola and Josephine will return, the former will be very busy due to its role of official heir and in many occasion Prince Nicola will partecipate with his father to most part of the cerimonial and institutional events of the country. For this reason, the couple will begin to search a city-residence in Romula, being too distant Villa Annamaria, the Villa Emperor gave to the couple some months ago and baptized in honor of the mother of Princess Josephine.
The Emperor seems that already stated that such a residence shall reflect the dignity and the solemnity of the role of official heir to the Throne and for this reason it is expected now that one of the numberous historical residences in Romula will be chosen as not only residence of Grand Prince Nicola but as Official Residence of the Imperial Grand Prince of the Crown.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Wed Jul 03, 2019 11:06 am

City of Romula offers Villa Colonnati as residence for the Grand Prince of the Crown
The proposals came from the ANI's majority of the Municipal Council and was quickly approved
Image Image

25 June 4600

ROMULA - This moorning the City Hall of Romula released a press message announcing that a motion was approved by the Municipal Council to offer to the Grand Prince of the Crown Nicola as his city residence the historical Romulan Villa Colonnati. It is a Villa built in XVI century as hunting lodge of the noble Colonnati family and then modified and expanded to become a pleasure villa in the at the time city's outskirts. In the following century the Villa was then surrounded by the expanding urban territory but it was conserved a park around the building.

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The Villa, as mentioned, is surrounded by a park, half enclosed by walls and half by railings and it is not accessible to public. Until the Thallerist Revolution the Villa hosted the National Institute for Agricultural Survey and Recordings, a very dated and uneffectual agencies which was abolished when the Fifth Republic was created.
The Villa, explained the City's Mayor Davide Morandini, is a perfect place for the exigences of the Prince, it is within the city, it is well connected with the city center, there is space for the entire family and all its staff and green space where children can play and the Princely couple can find relax.

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For the moment, however, nobody mentioned into which title the Villa will be "offered" to the Prince and if it will be offered to Prince Nicola himself or if it will be offered to the Prince of the Crown, and thus to all the future Princes of the Crown. The City Hall declared that now the city will wait a response from the Grand Prince and the Imperial Family.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ab3012 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 12:16 pm

THE Prime minister today called the press to announce that with the surplus granted by the ever increasing budgetary surplus thanks to the growing economy andGDP, the Minister ofnDefence ordered two huge ships for the navy to carry helicopters and landing craft. The Prime minister said that these new ships will show that the Istalian Empire has all the means to pursue operations all over the world. The Prime Minister showed not to be intimidated by the words of fascist dictator of Kazulia and furthermore he declared that no threats against Hulstria will be accepted and that Istalia is ready to defend its close ally of Kien.

In istalia the Prime Minister attended the opening cerimony of the works on the site of the future Tower of Istalians, the 1-km building which will glorify the efforts and the challenges of the Istalian people, said Paolo Tarso. The tower will rose on the shores of the easternmost point of the peninsula, in the middle of a poly functional city center and which will dominate the sea channel and will be visible until the island, like a incredibly tall Cristal spire reaching the sky and gleaming in the sun.
However the Prime Minister was seen quite concerned in these months, both for a long lasting cold and also for the relations with the government junior party, the PRL, which leadership doesn't respond to S&D and also its MPs didn't was active recently and in fact thr Prime minister is concerned that a couple of vast reforms by the opposition could be approved in few years, abolishing many reforms introduced by the Socialists & democrats in last decade in most part of economy.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby mongoose15 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:34 am

A new political party was founded today in Istalia. A large rally of rightists was gathered in Romula that pledged allegiance to the new Movimento Nazionalista Repubblicano. The party will be led by Pietro Altimari (pictured above), a prominent political reporter from Padagna. In his speech, Altimari said “The enemies have stolen the Istalia we love from us. We must take it back. The monarchy must be abolished in favor of a republic. We deserve better. Under the MNR we will fight for the forgotten who have lost their jobs and homes under the incompetence of the current government. No more will we focus on fake climate change, and no more will we attempt to fit into the globalist society. Istalia comes first!” Already the party is surging in the polls as a republican right option compared to the current leftward tilt of Istalia politics. The MNR has a long ways to go.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:13 pm

Imperial Mausoleum's plan presented
The competion by the National Association Michele the First was won by architect Aurelio Canizzari and it was very appreciated by the Emperor
Draft of the complex's plan

12 December 4600

ROMULA - The "National Association Michele the First" presented today to the press the preliminary plans of the Imperial Mausoleum for the beloved first Emperor.

The plan, funded also by the Appiano Foundation, the Imperial Family's private trust, has been developed through a competition open to public whose proposals have been judged by members of the Imperial Court as well as by the ones of the National Association Michele the First. The plan which gained the competition is the one by Aurelio Canizzari, architect from Assise which was assisted by his architectural practice, "Tomei & Tomei Architetti Uniti". The plan provides for a monumental complex within a park around a hollow artificial hill on which there will rose a structure of square plan roofed by a stepped pyramid and entered on two side through classical porticos, each of eight fluted first style columns supporting a pediment containing sculpture in high relief. The porticos will be approached by wide flights of steps which will rise in stages to the podium on which the Mausoleum will sit. The other two fronts will be marked at the corners by four groups of statuary. The artistic style and motifs draw on Kalopian and Qolshamin sculpture. The symbolism will be Neo-Classical.

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CGI rendering of the mausoleum

Inside the Mausoleum there will be a high vaulted space, the Hall of Reverence, entered by four tall portals of Classical design. A simple entablature will be carried on sixteen tall fluted second style columns and will support a frieze with relief panels depicting the life of Michele I. At the centre of the Hall there will be a square hole open on the crypta just above the sarcophagus so that visitors must bow their heads to see it and thus in any case present their respect. An aperture in the roof will be aligned with the hole so that a ray of sunlight falls on the sarcophagus at exactly 10.54 a.m. on 13 April marking the hour and day of Michele I's death.
The Hall of Reverence will be surrounded by an ambulatory decorated by large frescos depicting the history of Istalia since the ancient civilizations to Michele I reign.
Two passages siding the main tall portals to the Hall of Reverence will allow the access to two staircase within the walls of the Hall which will rise until the terrace just under the stepped pyramid.

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Other renderings and plans of the main building and the main Hall

The crypta will be accessible from a concealed passage within one of the four tall portals entering the Hall of Reverence from which a staircase will reach the lower level. The Hall of Sarcophagus will be circular with twelve pilars decorated by marble victories surrounding Michele's sarcophagus. Finally, from the ambulatory created by the twelve pilars will depart four tunnels forming a cross shape covered in black granit and closed by iron gates while four circular space will be realized in the angles between the four tunnels. In fact, the complex is intended to be a mausoleum not only for Michele but for all the Emperors of Istalia and their closer relatives and thus the crypta it is expected to going to contain several burrial chappel and tombs.

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Other technical plans of the complex

The plan was intended not to be an isolated and deserted monument but the designers thought such complex as lived by the people, a veritable memorial which could become like a pilgrimage site. Under part of the hill will be created spaces dedicated to a veritable museum in memory of Michele I and to the foundation of the Istalian Empire. These last adds will present more contemporary features reflecting also visually the difference between the most sacred spaces and the most public one.

It seems that Emperor Alessandro, to whom some copies of the plan was sent, already expressed his positive opinion on such a project like the Empress Dowager did adding that she desires to rest alongside his husband, maybe in a tomb side the one of Michele but on the ground. Now the National Association Michele the First is talking with the Imperial Court about the fundings of the project and about who should take charge of the project. However, the plan was thought to become a national heritage site and thus it is not excluded that the Emperor will convene the Prime Minister to talk about it so that the State will take charge of the realization and the property of the site.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby Ab3012 » Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:08 pm


The Prime minister Paolo Tarso was invited by the Government of Hulstria Gao Soto to officially visit the country where meet the Hulstrian Chancellor Edmund Kronberg and then to visit the border with Kazulia and have a better look of the situation. The Prime Minister is asserting ever more his role of international leader and is increasing ever more his prestige at home. In istalia the Prime Minister however have to deal with huge problems: the PRL is actually no more active and its parliamentarians are abstaining to all the votes. This made pass a pro capitalistic bill by the ANI and now the Government is working to make face to this event reintroducing the socialdemocratic reforms of the last decades by S&D. Moreover the Prime Minister is concerned also by the future elections because two or three pro-capitalist party could enter in the parliament while S&D will be the only left wing party if PRL will disband in few months.
Finally,the Prime Minister was seen several time in the last months going in and out from hospitals for medical needs and some rumors from within his own party say that the long lasting Head of Government is seen ever more burdened and overwhelmed and many are beginning to think if a new leader is more suitable for the challenges of the next years.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Jul 05, 2019 2:44 pm

Grand Prince Nicola thanks the city of Romula for Villa Colonnati: the Palace calls for a meeting with the Prime Minister
The Palace said that the Emperor will talk with the Prime Minister both about Villa Colonnati and Michele I's Mausoleum

14 July 4601

ROMULA - Grand Prince Nicola finally responded to the Municipality of Romula about the urban Villa offered by the city to the Heir to the Throne. Both the Grand Prince and the Grand Princess, after a visit within the Villa, said to be very satisfied by the residence and very impressed by the art masterpieces which decorated the Villa. The Grand Prince said that with some works the Villa will become a perfect home for him and his family. Also the Emperor expressed himself about the Villa and interviewed by the press leaving the Trydent Romula's Grand Hippodrome, where the Emperor likes to see the Chariot Races, he said that it is a perfect place in every respect, first of all in representing the dignity of the Heir to the Throne.

The Palace, today, made know that His Majesty summoned the Prime Minister Tarso to go to Quattroregni Palace to meet him and talk about the Villa but also of the proposed plan of the Mausoleum for Michele I. According to internal sources, the Emperor desires that the State will take charge of both the Villa and the monumental site. The Imperial Family would be ready to support with its funds all the works to do on Villa Colonnati and also part of the works on the Mausoleum. Then the property and responsability of the Mausoleum will pass to some national or regional heritage preservation agency while Villa Colonnati will pass within the Imperial Crown Household, the agency which manage the official buildings and estates of the crown and publicly funded, unlike most part of the other family properties and estates that are privately managed by the family.
Last edited by XanderOne on Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Corriere d'Istalia

Postby XanderOne » Fri Jul 05, 2019 5:27 pm

Kazulian crisis: Emperor summoned Prime Minister about the aid to rebels
The sinking of a Gaduri ship carrying aid to the kazulian rebels generates concerns to His Majesty for the lives of Istalians

20 July 4601

ROMULA - His Majesty the Emperor summoned the Prime Minister Tarso another one time this month, after the previous one on 14th July. But this time the Office of His Majesty made know that the Emperor would like talk about the Kazulian crisis and in particularly on the modalities to bring aid to the kazulian rebels who are fighting the fascist regime.

In fact, His Majesty was very impressed by the recent news of a Gaduri ship sunk by the Kazulian Navy and which was in fact transporting aid for the rebels in Kazulia. Thus, His Majesty is interested in know how the Government thought to bring aid to the rebels. Actually, a decree by the Prime Minister was already approved with which the National Assembly authorized the Government to send logistic aid and supply to the anti-anit-fascist rebels of Kazulia in support of their efforts.
His Majesty is concerned about the risks for Istalian lives and vessels and wants know what kind of safety measures the Govenrment is ready to adop to defend these lifes and equipements.

Moreover, the Palace made know that His Majesty is also interested in known when the new large amphibious ships of the Navy will be ready. The Emperor, in fact, thinking to the safeness of the ones charged to reach Kazulia, is concerned about the plans of the Prime Minister about a possible degeneration of the Crisis. According to some internal rumors, Like many others, also the Emperor would be also concerned about the health conditions of the Prime Minister and of his ability to lead the nation also on a possible war.
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