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Re: Davostag News Network (DNN)

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:53 pm

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 05, 2019 1:58 pm

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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Rogue » Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:50 am

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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Jul 07, 2019 3:46 pm


The Government responds to Dorvish Intervention!

The NSMC government announces that the last and one of the biggest battles in the civil war is over with a government victory.
They also respond to Dorvik's intervention with an encouragement to other nations in the world not to support the warmongers of Dorvik. Dictator August Reinhardt said this as a respond: "If Dorvish ships enter our territorial waters they haven't clearly realized the situation... the so called National Rebel Forces are no more, they have no leaders and they have no true standing army, if Dorvik enters our waters, Kivonia will see this as an declaration of war". Former NRF commanders are starting to flee Kivonia to escape justice for the Vodisi Massacre, were 13,000 civilians were slaughtered on the streets. Reason? They were simply angry for NRF soldiers plundering their homes for food and supplies by the orders of NRF commander in chief Lt Gen. Miranda Lippstadt, who the NRF later martyred after her death. Two prominent commanders; Brigadier General Erik Lutz and Major Alphonse Karlsten was arrested and sentenced to over 60 years by Beluzian courts for taking part in the Massacre. Deputy Chairman and Foreign Minister Louise von Bratt said this in a press conference: "It truly saddens me that the Republic of Dorvik would support genocidal terrorists, but in response to this the Kivonian navy will now be standing ready to intercept the Dorvish cruisers".

Kivonian fleet patrolling territorial waters
Last edited by Augustus Germanus on Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Augustus Germanus » Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:00 am


NSMC announces the End of the War!

The government of the Kivonian Republic, the National Salvation Military Council, has announced the end of the Lippstadt Rebellion. A military parade has been held and rewards have been given to military commanders and the church for their contributions for putting down the rebellion. As a result of the peace talks with the Beluzian foreign ministry, all Beluzian occupied territories would stay under Beluzian control for a mandate of 10 years, in return they would exit the war and prosecute war criminals, this was reluctantly accepted by Kivonian Military High Command. One silent hour was held in the entire nation for the victims of the war and the Vodisi Massacre. The Dictator thanks all everyone who helped restore peace and stability to the region and to defeat the communist remnants.

Last edited by Augustus Germanus on Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Rogue » Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:09 am

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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Augustus Germanus » Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:36 pm


The "Government of Davostan in-exile" established!

The Remnants of the National Rebel forces has fled to Hutori and by permission of the Hutori government established a government in-exile. The NSMC has responded that they were shocked to hear that Hutori is helping an organization who massacred 13,000 men, women and children on the streets of Vodisi, the victims of the massacre protested beacuse they were hungry for the food the NRF took from them. The NSMC has recalled every diplomat from Hutori and forbidden any Kivonian company to operate in Hutori as well as forbidding any Hutori products coming in to Kivonia. The government has also expelled all political, economical and diplomatic officials from Hutori. The government of Kivonia has also revealed that the Kivonian Intelligence Service have intercepted Hutorian plans to take military action against the Kivonian Republic, this has alarmed the NSMC and they have mobilized the Kivonian Armed Forces and are currently doing many military exercises near Hutori borders...

Kivonian soldiers in a military exercise
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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:10 pm


A Ceasefire enacted between the NSMC and NRF!

The Kivonian Armed Forces have agreed on a ceasefire with the NRF remnants for a conference to be held in Hutori with Beluzian meditation. The government have not yet released any information of what this conference and talks will cover, but some speculate that it might actually involve peace and a permanent end to the Kivonian insurgency. Recently many nations have started to denounce the NSMC government in support of the NRF, so others theorizes that these talks is held to get a international and recognition of the NSMC government, though this has been denied by NSMC officials. The NSMC has also said that if a conference is to take place, the Holy Ordered Church needs to be there as well, the NSMC explains that the Church has been one of the most vital factors for ending the all-out war in western Kivonia and that they have just recently been accepted in to the government. There have been a report that the government was skeptic to the offer of a ceasefire but understood the necessity of ending the conflict.

Kivonian Armed Forces holding a conference to discuss the situation
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Re: Great Kivonia Today

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Jul 13, 2019 2:28 am


The Hutori Conference is over!

In late of March a deal was made between the governments of Hutori and Kivonia.
The Hutorian government have declared the National Salvation Military Council and the Holy Ordered Church to be the true and legitimate government of the Kivonian Republic, in return the NSMC will amend the Kivonian constitution to better declare the freedom of religion and the establishment of political parties for Kivonian citizens. Dictator Reinhardt says this in a interview:
"I am very happy with how the talks went and that we have finally reached a deal, this is a huge step toward a long lasting friendship between our nations"

The Hutorian government have also denied the National Rebel Forces/Republic of Davostan the rights for any operations on Hutorian soil, effectively ending the functioning of the "government in-exile". The Hutorian government have also turned over the Communist sympathizer of the RoD to an international tribunal. With this the NSMC have agreed to lift all economic sanctions on the Commonwealth and start rebuilding the two nations diplomatic relations. A new department have been formed out of the Hutori Conference in Kivonia as a means to make sure political parties and other organizations can effectively exist without government interference; the Department for Organizational Establishment (DOE).

A conference of the newly formed Department for Organizational Establishment
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