
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:54 pm


In 4590, the Kazulian Government voted to end the 500 year tradition by abolishing conscription and civilian national service. At
the time, the decision seemed obvious as tensions in the region had been alerted to the need for conscription anymore. Pax
Kazulia had been achieved in the region to a certain extent. At the time of its abolition, only 5,000 soldiers were being
conscripted into the army—a 10-percent sliver of the mandatory enlistment in Kazulia during the height of its control of the
Northern Council, when most Dovanian nations had compulsory service. “The obligatory military service had become both
old-fashioned and ineffective,” read an editorial in Kazulia's paper of record at the time, effectively calling the move a
belated acknowledgement of peacetime. Yesterday on the backdrop of mounting tensions between Kazulia and Dankuk, the Stortinget
began voting on the reintroduction of compulsory military service, citing the need for an increased military readiness. According
to statement from the Department of Defence, the reintroduction of compulsory military service adds urgency to the situation
developing between Dankuk and Kazulia. With Dankuk withdrawing from the Treaty of Asvald, the sentiment of a potential boiling
over of tensions into conflict becomes increasingly likely.

Of the targeted age group, 13,000 will be called to take part in an enrolment process – of which about 4,000 a year will be
selected for basic military training in 4620 and 4621. Defence Minister Hjalte Johansen reiterated that the move was in response
to a deteriorating security environment in northern dovani at the hands of the Dankukin Government. With the Kazulian Armed
Forces currently within a transition to rediscover its effective edge, conscription could significant swell the numbers of the
Armed Forces. Chief of Defence, General Tormond Prestegard stated that he had been anticipating the return of conscription. Prior
to its abolition, Kazulia maintained the fastest military readiness capability, but most nations to shame at how fast the nation
could muster-up and mobilise its armed forces towards a potential crisis/threat. General Prestegard stated that he had great
intentions on reintroducing the aforementioned level of military readiness. A resurgent Dankuk and tensions with Kazulia have
prompted politicians to consider bolstering military spending to its pre-civil conflict level of 200 billion krona, rather than
the concurrent 100 billion. Prestegard noted that the lack of military preparedness on the part of an armed forces is a direct
insult to its core purpose of defending the interests and people of the nation it was formed to defend.

According to statements from the Department of Defence, in response to the presence of Dankukin troops on the border, the Home
Guard has been deployed to the border regions. Whilst reservists have been called up, around 19,000 troops are reported to be
stationed on the Kazulia-Dankuk border. Various equipment sorts have been deployed to the border alongside the Home Guardsmen
including artillery hunting radar and the Skjoldr-3 air-defence system. Western Command for the Home Guard has been put on the
highest alert. Home Guard HF-16 multirole fighters have been reportedly deployed to patrol Kazulian aerospace and the Kazulian
Navy's Anantonese Fleet (3rd Fleet) had been deployed to respond to Dankukin sentiments that it intends on patrolling closer to
Kazulia's economic exclusion zone. General Prestegard stated that whilst Kazulia has expressed its intentions for a peaceful
solution, with Dankuk withdrawing from the Treaty of Asvald, the sentiment of conflict is becoming increasingly likely. The
Kazulian Government has reimposed sanctions on Dankuk which it had rolled back since the signing of both the Treaty of Asvald and
the Mutual Peace Pact of Dankuk and Kazulia. In response to mounting tensions on the Kazulian-Dankukin border amidst the decision
by the later to mass around 350,000 troops on the border, citing security concerns, Prime Minister Kenneth Sivertsen urged the
Dankukin Government to comply with the Treaty of Asvald and meet to negotiate a potential resolution to the situation.

Earlier this morning, Dankukin State Media announced that Dankuk would be withdrawing from the Treaty of Asvald, hence shattered
the established peace in northern dovani. In response to the withdrawal, Prime Minister Sivertsen ordered economic sanctions be
imposed on various Dankukin government institutions and entities. The return of Kazulian sanctions is intended to restrain
Dankuk's behaviour beyond the treaty but analysts from the Trond Heinrichsen Institute for International Affairs, the sanctions
run the risk of reviving Dankukin zeal for conflict. Dankuk's withdrawal from the Treaty of Asvald reinstates two sets of
economic sanctions. The first comes in the form of Dankuk's purchase of Kazulian currency, trade in precious metals and sale in
other related parts and services. The second set of sanctions restricts the sales of commercial and industrial products from
Dankuk. Currently, the Stortinget is debating the sentiment of disallowing Kazulian corporations to conduct any form of business
with the Dankukin government or corporations originating from the nation. Kazulia's moves have already contributed to a run on
the rial and triple-digit inflation as Dankuk scrambles for the safety of the Kazulian krona. According to statements from the
Department of Finance, the sanctions could be increased if it becomes clear to the Kazulian Government that the Dankukin
Government does not intend on making any settlement for a peaceful solution.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Wed Aug 21, 2019 7:22 pm


Prime Minister Kenneth Sivertsen is currently in Wiel, Vanuku to meet with Prefect Prince Aldrkai Banmek-Sntazed-Zhtá to sign
onto the Kazulia-Vanuku Free Trade Agreement, an agreement which the Prime Minister stated would pave the way for continued
cooperation between Vanuku and Kazulia well into the unforeseeable future. The Kazulia-Vanuku Free Trade Agreement, largely a
reworked/renegotiated agreement between the Kazulian and Vanukean Governments on trade between the two respective nations, would
still have been ratified within both the Stortinget and the Grand Council, before the agreement could come into force. The
renegotiated agreement comes amidst the Kazulian Department of Foreign Affairs' decision to renegotiate all existing trade
agreement with the intention of determining whether such agreement had been beneficial to the nation during their time in force
and also it aimed at introducing provisions aimed at protecting businesses and workers rights, provisions which had never been
introduced to free trade agreement before now. The negotiators for the agreement also introduced provisions conserving the
environment. Prior to the civil conflict, Kazulia had been a strong proponent of environmental conservation, serving as the only
nation in the eastern hemisphere to run for around 3 years on renewable energy sources such as hydroelectricity and wind power,
alone. The decision for the government to introduce the aforementioned provisions come as activists have made the case for the
transnational protection of worker's rights and environmental conservation.
Sakarias Nevalainen, Environmental Lobbyist wrote:We have made the case that the government will only receive the support of
the people if it moves to introduce provisions to future and existing free trade agreements viewed as benefit to middle-class
families and working people in our country and must have strong labour and environmental protections.

Prime Minister Sivertsen praised the free trade agreement's market access provisions, as well as its labour and environmental
standards, before sitting down at a table to affix his signature to the deal. The renegotiation of the Kazulian-Vanukean Free
Trade Agreement marks a major turning point in global trade, which until Kazulia's return to the international sphere had been
relatively slow and lacklustre. According to statements from the Department of Trade and Industry, stated that the agreement made
sure that most traded commodities between Vanuku and Kazulia would without tariffs — taxes imposed on a particular set of items.
Some activists and lobbyists have called for an additional provision to make it so most commodities traded without tariffs be
made in factories that pay their workers higher wages. Trade and Industry Minister Jeanett Caspersen stated that the agreement
would not be renegotiated in the current period. She stated that there is potential for the agreement to be renegotiated in the
next electoral term, however she stated that the idea of renegotiating the agreement to include making it so most that
commodities traded without tariffs be made in factories that pay their workers higher wages would be up to the Prime Minister.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:29 am


North Airline Systems began new routes from its hub at Skalm International Airport (SKM) to more cities within Kazulia: Åndalnes,
Tromhalsen, Brønnøystrand and Koperhalsen. These routes, although small, mark the beginning of the airline's major expansion at
its primary hub in Skalm International Airport. It is the intention of North Airline Systems to operate around 500-peak
departures as it moves to gain access to around 20 additional gates within Skalm International Airport. Management expects growth
at the carrier's largest and most profitable hub to drive a much-needed turnaround at North Airline Systems. Large network
carriers like North Airline Systems have higher costs than discount airlines. Their main competitive advantage is the ability to
fly to small cities (where competition is limited and fares are high) and offer connecting service to destinations around the
world. By clustering as many flights as possible in a single "bank" at a hub, network carriers can maximise the number of
potential connecting itineraries, driving high unit revenue. Pixi Airlines accelerated its capacity growth -- with a particular
focus on small cities -- and "re-banked" several of its hubs to facilitate more connections.

North Airline Systems expects to gain access to its 20 extra gates at SKM this quarter, enabling it to begin new routes to
numerous small cities, while also adding flights on existing routes. The carrier's expansion at SKM Airport actually began last
month, with new daily routes to Sarpsfjord, Hent; Hudiksburg, Kelvon; Flekkedal, Flindar; and Verdalsund, Agatha. These new
small-city routes will be complemented by additional frequencies to some cities that North Airline Systems already serves from
SKM. This will lead to a major increase in connectivity. The growth spurt isn't over yet as more than half a dozen additional
routes will launch in the coming years, with potential routes to Rodshaydam, Wiel, Haldor, Eroncourt, Fort William, Tian'an and
Bekenial. Until now, North Airline Systems had mainly been an airline catering to the eastern hemisphere, mainly in the Dovanian
continent, however amidst a major reorganisation effort, the company is seeking to expand outwards with a major focus on Seleya,
Artania and Majatra for most of its long distance flights. Right now, North Airline Systems is struggling. Earlier this month,
the carrier said it expects to report unit revenue growth in the lower half of its original guidance range for the first

CEO of North Airline Systems, Kaare Torkelson stated that as it pertains to the airline's expansion outside of Kazulia, it
intends on offering major long distance flights to major cities throughout the world. It has been stated that an order has been
placed by the airline to the Artanian Defence Group for around 20 of its premier long-distance ADG-380. The major turnaround by
CEO Torkelson marks the beginning of the airline's upward expansion. With the National Infrastructure Re-Development Programme in
full-swing, NAS is capitalising on the construction of additional airports throughout Kazulia and the fact the construction of
these airports will mean increased hub opportunities for the airline, with the Skalm International Airport underneath a major
modernisation and refurbishment project aimed at expanding the airport to accommodate for increase traffic, NAS is expected to
capitalise on these development to ensure the airline's continued drive for success.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Thu Aug 22, 2019 11:39 am


Having promised to orchestrate a major modernisation programme for the nation's aircraft carriers, the Chief of the Navy Admiral
Kasper Poulsen announced earlier this morning of the 15 billion krona modernisation programme for Kazulia's four aircraft
carriers, which have been in layup since the beginning of the new century. The contracts granted to Asvald Gruppen,
Pennington-Reid and Viserby Systems appear to fulfil a promise made to the Stortinget three years ago that the navy would not
move to replacing the warships in the near future, which serve in the fleet as the primary force/power protection arm of the
Kazulian Armed Forces beyond its overseas bases. The contracts, which expects the aforementioned companies to perform planning,
material procurement, prefabrication, manpower, support services, design integration, engineering and management support, and
technical data, come as the navy moves to reintroduce them to a new defence policy which is expected to become in force in the
coming months. Having been placed into a phased modernisation, the HKMS-Queen Annette is expected to complete its modernisation
by 4625, with the entire programme set to be complete by 4640. The multi-billion krona project aims at extending the lifetime of
the vessels as well as increasing their lethality. New systems are expected to be added to the aircraft carrier to increase
integration within the task force.

Earlier in the decade the Navy was looking to increase the number of operational aircraft carriers operated, a move that angered
some in Stortinget including then-Chairman of the Select Committee on Defence and National Security, who stated that sure an
acquisition was not necessary and that a modernisation programme would be more beneficial recognising the current budget
constraints. In addition to the modernisation of the aircraft carriers, the amphibious assault ships have been introduced to the
programme to be worked on after the completion of the aircraft carrier phase, according to statements from Chief of Requirements,
Rear Admiral Endre Osmundsen. Alongside the aircraft carriers, the amphibious assault ships operate as "mini" aircraft carriers
capable of launching an amphibious assault anywhere throughout the world. Either modernisation could potentially mean a continued
commitment by the navy to maintain a formidable amphibious assault capability.
With that, now we know the life expectancy of the entire class. We can roll in the right maintenance, the modernisation
much more efficiently, much more affordably, for the entire duration of the class, as we prepare for great power
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:48 am


The International Technologies Corporation, announced earlier this morning of its intentions of opening its largest wafer factory
in Prinsenaard, Vanuku. the opening of the largest 300mm flash memory wafer plant in Prinsenaard, Vanuku earlier this morning, in
ceremonies that included Vanukean Trade and Industry Minister Karac Kathec and CEO of ITC Vanuku Semiconductor, Arnold
Berrefjord. The 1.5 million square foot building is one of the largest single semiconductor facilities in the majatran continent.
The first product of the new plant will be 16Gb flash chips using 50-nanometre level process technology. The 10.1 billion krona
facility will initiate operation in the second half of 4625 and ramp up to produce 60,000 wafers per month by 4628. The plant
will manufacture flash memory chips, which are widely used in a host of consumer- related products, such as music players, cell
phones, digital cameras, and other mobile devices. NAND chips can also be found in the ubiquitous flash drives that consumers use
to store photos, documents, music and other multimedia data as well as the new solid state drives for PCs. NAND flash memory is
popular in a growing number of mobile products because flash memory does not lose its data when its power supply is turned off.
The International Technologies Corporation, according to Arnold Berrefjord has committed to an investment of 10.1 billion krona
for the project, making it the largest single foreign investment in Vanuku since the collapse of the previous communist regime.
Prior to this move by ITC, the last internationally recognised major investment into Vanuku came from Indralan mining firms.

According to statements from the company, the construction of the plant in Prinsenaard will help the Asvald-based technology giant
tighten its grip on the global memory chip market. The International Technologies Corporation begun construction work on the
factory immediately after the ratification of the Kazulia-Vanuku Free Trade Agreement to cement its leadership in the data-driven
tech industry as demand for memory chips with higher storage continues to grow for data centres and other emerging technologies —
including artificial intelligence applications which the corporation is reportedly also pouring millions into research and
development. Whilst in the infancy of its development, plans have already been made to increase the factory's capacity in the
future as the company considers a potential move into the automotive market. According to the Chairwoman of ITC, Esther Loken,
the preemptive plans to expand the newly opened factory's capacity in the future comes as apart of an estimated 30 billion krona
plan to build cutting-edge infrastructure for its existing facilities throughout Kazulia and the wider world. Amidst increased
technological activity in terms of manufacturing, ITC Semiconductor announced a record operating profit of 2.4 billion krona.
Loken has stated that the factory in Prinsenaard would increase production 10 fold as the potential prospects for employment coming
out of the massive factory stand at immense figures.
This monumental new fabrication facility that we built in Prinsenaard is a testament to the company's commitment to our
global customers. With the Prinsenaard plant, The International Technologies Corporation will supply the Majatran market with the
most advanced flash memory products available.

ITC Vanuku Semiconductor CEO Arnold Berrefjord stated that it was determined to add another factory in Vanuku potentially in Wiel
as the company pivots to transform Vanuku into its Majatran manufacturing centre. The company expects the chip cluster to stand
at the forefront of innovation in the global equipment and materials industry. With an agreement between ITC and Aurore Mobile
for ITC's microchips to be used in Aurore Mobile's cellphones, the company's profits and grip of the global
semiconductor/microchip market is only expected to grow as its determination to dominate increases.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:58 am


Dankukin jets are conducting a growing number of patrols near Kazulian aerospace, prompting a spike in the intercepts carried out
by alliance aircraft this year and raising concerns about air traffic safety, an official from the Northern Defence Integrated
Command (NORDIC). Since Dankuk's decision to ramp up troops on the Kazulian Border and increase its patrols near the Kazulian
economic exclusion zone and Kazulian airspace, Dankukin aircraft have increased their activity near Kazulia's borders, according
to NORDIC officials. And in the past two days, Dankukin aircraft formations have grown in size, prompting the Kazulian Air Force
to scramble multiple fighters in response. So far this year, the Kazulian Air Force has conducted more than 10 intercepts of
Dankukin aircraft, which is three times more than were conducted in all of 4622, according to the Kazulian Air Force and NORDIC.
In response to Dankuk's increased activity in the region, the Kazulian Air Force has significantly increased its patrols as it
moves to bring back various command structures and systems online. Scrambles and intercepts are standard air policing procedure
when an unknown aircraft nears Kazulian airspace. However, NORDIC officials say flights over international airspace also pose a
potential risk to civil aviation since the Dankukin military follow the classic Trigunian trope of not filing flight plans and
flying with their on-board transponders turned off, making them invisible to civilian air traffic control.

Earlier this week, NORDIC radars detected and tracked eight Dankukin aircraft flying in formation over the White Sea. In
response, HF-16s from the Home Guard were scrambled to shadow the formation that included four MiG-29 multirole fighters. Two of
the Dankukin aircraft then turned back to the south-west toward Dankuk, while two of the bombers continued east, parallel to the
Kazulian coast in the direction of Northern Dovani, NORDIC stated in press release. That set off a series of NORDIC intercepts
from multiple airbases as Kazulian fighters monitored the two Dankukin aircraft, which travelled over the White Sea and near the
Northern Dovani coast before turning around west into the direction of the island of Arenheim before heading south-west towards
Dankuk. Commander of NORDIC, Lt.General Pål Cappelen stated that during the entire ordeal, the Home Guard HF-16s had been
following the aircraft, sending crucial intelligence back to NORDIC Command Centres.
Commander of NORDIC, Lt.General Pål Cappelen wrote:“The fighters from Dankuk did not file flight plans or maintain radio
contact with civilian air traffic control authorities, and they were not using on-board transponders, once again putting no only
themselves but civilian aviation at risk.”

The Imperial Dankukin Air Force routinely uses its MiG-23, for long-range maritime reconnaissance and search-and-rescue patrols.
The aircraft has been continuously modernised and upgraded and is expected to remain in service for another two decades.The Home
Guard's HF-16s easily outpace the ageing MiG-23 in both speed and firepower. The Home Guard has stated that the interception
pointed to the increased importance of Kazulia maintaining an extremely professional and experienced air-force. Kazulian pilots
were among the best, if not the best in the world in terms of experience, having participated in various aerospace operations.
Inspector-General of the Home Guard, Lt.General Gunnar Bergan stated that the intercepts pointed to the need for increased
attention for the Home Guard's fleet of HF-16s. He noted that the air-force had been handed down from the Air-Force after it
replaced its entire fleet with the AV-13. In recognising that intercepts are going to be more frequent in the future and also
recognising that interceptions fall under the portfolio of the Home Guard, a major upgrade/modernisation programme for the fleet
will be needed alongside intensified training.
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:50 pm

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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:41 pm

Kazulian Coast Guard sends two icebreakers to rescue stranded oil tankers

The Kazulian Coast Guard has dispatched two icebreakers to assist two oil tankers that has lost its steering in heavy ice in Salbard Strait off the north-western coast of Agatha, officials from the Coast Guard stated in a press conference. MT Danny Ludvigsen and MT Martin Holm with crews of 17 members on board respectively, damaged their rudders in heavy ice on their way from Northern Dovani to Agatha, said Jakob Kirkegaard, President of AGL, the corporation which owns the Ludvigsen and Holm. Kirkegaard said that the Coast Guard had been notified that the tankers carrying about 8,000 cubic metres of petrochemical products in addition to its own fuel had sustained damage to their rudders and lost steering North-west of Agatha's coast. In response, the Kazulian Coast Guard deployed the KCGS Greve and Skou. The icebreakers arrived in the area established a towline to secure both the Danny Ludvigsen and Martin Holm and to move the vessels further offshore. Updates had been given to Kirkegaard who stated that the Danny Ludvigsen and Martin Holm had been released from their tow and that the Greve and Skou would accompany them back to the nearest port.
Ice conditions are pretty dense in the Salbard Strait so vessels are sometimes becoming stuck in ice and we’re having to provide icebreaker escorts. The Kazulian Coast Guard is working with the captain and the owner of the tanker, who are implementing their response plan for the vessel.

Commodore Jacob Villumsen, Inspector-General of the Kazulian Coast Guard stated that in response to the incident, the Coast Guard will be deploying increased numbers of icebreakers both from its own ranks and from the ranks of the Royal Kazulian Navy, who maintain some of the largest icebreakers at the nation's disposal. As WCCP predicts that there will be increased instances of cold weather related incidents, officials from the various Regional Fire and Rescue Headquarters have been placed on high alert for incidents arising from these recent predictions.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:24 am


A Kazulian Navy ship fired on a fast approaching Dankukin missile boat earlier this morning in the latest escalation in tensions
between Kazulia and Dankuk. The frigate HKMS-Sigmund Torgersen fired on an Imperial Dankukin Navy missile boat off the coast of
Hent, Chief of Operations of the Joint Forces Command, Rear Admiral Thomas Augustsson said the Dankukin vessel ignored repeated
warnings from the HKMS-Sigmund Torgersen. As the Dankukin ship advanced toward the boundaries of the Kazulian economic exclusion
zone at a high speed, the HKMS-Sigmund Torgersen issued radio communications, flares, and five blasts from their ship’s whistle,
signalling that the boats were headed toward a non-operational area. Rear Admiral Augustsson stated that the Dankukin missile
boat had only halted its approach after the HKMS-Sigmund Torgersen fired two warning shots ahead of the vessel's course. The
Joint Forces Command has since described the incident as "extremely dangerous" and "unprofessional," arguing that the Dankukin
vessel ignored warnings and run the risk of causing a potential flash-point. Rear Admiral Augustsson stated that he was uncertain
as to the why of type used to fire the warning shots at the Dankukin vessel. He noted that the support ship, HKMS-Tormod Osland
had also been deployed to the area to assist the HKMS-Sigmund Torgersen in its patrol.

While it’s common for Kazulian and Dankukin ships to come within close proximity of one another, it’s far less common for the
Kazulian Navy to issue a warning shot and for the Dankukin Navy to approach the Kazulian economic exclusion zone. While it’s
common for Kazulian and Dankukin ships to come within close proximity of one another, it’s far less common for Kazulia to issue a
warning shot and for Dankuk to venture so close to the economic exclusion zone. Earlier this year (whilst not reported on), it is
alleged that a Dankukin combatant vessels had came within 1,000 yards of the HKMS-Torbjørn Nordmark icebreaker was accused of
“unprofessional” and “provocative” conduct, but did not elicit any fire from the Torbjørn Nordmark. This current incident marks
the closest encounter between a Kazulian and Dankukin ship since the offset of tensions. The incident comes months after Kazulia
reintroduced a new round of sanctions on Dankuk over withdrawal from the Treaty of Asvald and its continued threats towards the
Kazulian Government of its intentions to "crush Skalm". Prior to the reintroduction of sanctions, Dankuk had threatened to
conduct naval patrols closer to the Kazulian economic exclusion and to conduct aerial patrols closer to Kazulian airspace, after
the Kazulian Government urged the Dankukin Government to comply with the Treaty of Asvald and withdraw the 350,000 troops it had
begun to mass on the Kazulian-Dankukin border.

Rear Admiral Augustsson stated that the situation was extremely close to boiling over into a serious military miscalculation. He
stated that had the Dankukin vessel not halt and divert its course from the economic exclusion zone, it could have been bordered
or struck with an anti-ship missile as per the rules of engagement as established by the Joint Forces Command and Naval Command.
In response to the situation, Chief of the Navy Admiral Kasper Poulsen stated that the navy would be reintroducing its
peri-Kazulian controlled-Northern Council naval policy of continued at sea patrols. Whilst all of the nation's aircraft carriers
and amphibious assault ships are currently under modernisation, it was stated that naval strike capabilities will be conducted
from Naval Air Bases. Naval strike aircraft are armed with anti-ship missiles aimed at destroying combatant ships. Currently, the
Z-35 Joint Strike Fighters assumes the role of naval strike aircraft for the Kazulian Navy, but it is expected that the Air-Force
will also contribute to said capability with the AV-13 and the HF-16. Submarines have reportedly been deployed also.
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
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Re: Kazulias Nyheter

Postby Maxington » Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:42 am


Earlier this morning Kazulia opened the long provoked war to drive the incumbent regime in Dankuk out of the nation's capital,
striking at the capital city and military infrastructure throughout the nation in a successive wave of bombings and cruise
missile attacks from both the air-force and the navy in what Joint Forces Command has coined "Operation Falcon." Speaking before
the Stortinget after it approved of the formal declaration of war, Prime Minister Kenneth Sivertsen, who initiated the national
unity government and set the wartime economy into motion, stated that the "operation was in motion." Later, in a televised
address to the nation from the Prime Minister's Office a sombre Sivertsen said that after months of continuous diplomatic
overtures had failed to produce movement by Dankuk, the Kingdom of Kazulia, "in recognising the heinous attack against our
sovereignty, we will take no chance at allowing the Dankukin regime to strike first." Underneath the banner of Operation Falcon,
a coordinated and simultaneous strike at Dankukin aerospace infrastructure had been launched. Some 300 aircraft from the Kazulian
Air-Force, Navy and Home Guard had taken the skies with pre-determined targets for destruction. According to an official
statement, of these over 1,000 targets, radar infrastructure, runways/airstrips and combatant aircraft were priority targets,
with command centres receiving the secondary status. ZHF-35 Joint Strike Fighters had partaken in the operation, utilising their
advanced stealth technology to penetrate Dankukin aerospace to target more advanced systems including Trigunian-build S-300 in
preparation for the secondary cruise missile strikes.

Defence Minister Hjalte Johansen stated that the Joint Forces Command had confirmed casualties with some 20 aircraft lost in the
initial hours of the operation, with around 400 confirmed combatant aircraft kills under Operation Falcon in its initial hours.
According to Chief of the Air-Force Lt.General Gaute Michaelsen during the first wave at 0430 hours, 200 flights were conducted;
11 airfields were attacked by 183 Kazulian Air-Force aircraft; 200 Imperial Dankukin Air-Force aircraft and 8 radar stations were
destroyed with five KAF pilots killed and two held captive. Lt.General Michaelsen noted that during the bombs raids on the
airbases, the Kazulian Air-Force had encountered hardened aircraft shelters forcing the spearhead striking forces to switch their
cluster munitions for bunker busting bombs. The airstrikes against the hardened shelters, aircraft and radar infrastructure had
been coordinated through lazing from UAVs and the camera pods installed on the AV-13, HF-16 and ZHF-35s. In speaking on the
initial phase of Operation Falcon, Chief of Defence General Tormond Prestegard, who is coordinating the entire operation, stated
that whilst Operation Falcon's primary focus had been on military aircraft, Dankukin naval infrastructure had not been speared,
noting that in the second phase of the operation at around 0700 hours, after Phase 1 of the operation had been complete, the
naval strike aircraft from the Kazulian Navy had targeted naval assets including vessels, dockyards, munition storage facilities.
It was reported that the navy which had been stationed in the White Ocean, the Anantonese Ocean and off the Dankukin EEZ had
fired ground-hugging cruise missiles at targets that had been programmed into their guidance systems for months.

A reported 100 cruise missiles were fired at Dankukin navy ships in port and also army infrastructure. General Prestegard said
the initial targets were spread throughout Dankuk and were chosen to "do everything possible to avoid injury to civilians."
According to on the ground reporters, anti-aircraft fire resumed in the Dankukin capital about 0930 hours when Phase 2 was in its
final stages and the transition towards Phase 3 was being prepared. Phase 3, according to the Joint Forces Command begun at
around 1000 hours with SEAD strikes against air defence systems. Similar to what had been conducted during phase 1 and 2,
anti-aircraft radar had been jammed by electronic warfare aircraft from the Kazulian Air-Force to prevent detection. ZHF-35 Joint
Strike Fighters battled mobile anti-air systems scattered throughout the nation, with the AV-13 and HF-16 working at stationary
targets. The JFC noted the major use of stand-off weaponry during phase 3. General Prestegard noted Dankukin competence with its
ageing Trigunian-build aircraft defence, stating that it was because of this standoff weapons and stealth air force had been
used. He stated that the Air-Force had reported that during Phase 3, its pilots were coming under significant anti-aircraft
missile swarms, thus the introduction of the ZHF-35 to the operation. In the closing hours of the final phase of Operation
Falcon, it had been reported that close air support strikes were conducted along the border to force the troops which had massed
on the Kazulian Border to retreat. It had been stated that this action has been granted an operation of its own coined Operation
Thunder as the majority of the air-force is being redirected to support the operation aimed at flattening the 300,000 troops
which had massed at the border. With the tallied loses on the Dankukin side, it is safe to say that the Dankukin Air-Force had
been crippled in what has opened the Kazulian-Dankukin War (as known as Operation Silent Eagle).
"The future of the Nation is in the children's school bags" ~ Dr. Eric Williams
President of the Trond Henrichsen Institute for International Affairs.
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