
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Aug 12, 2019 2:31 am

Empress Announces Expansion of the Armed Forces

Imperial Army Marching in Unison

God Empress Taeyang Sung Kyuri has recently announced that she has ordered the Ministry of Defense to begin expanding the armed forces of Dankuk, in the face of a possibly stronger Kazulian Armed Forces. In a statement that her personal assistant released online, she stated that-
The Imperial Armed Forces must expand in both the number of personnel and the number and quality of equipment. I’ve discussed with my Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy about the issues facing the Imperial Navy and the amount of equipment the Navy requires to stand up to a growing Kazulian Navy. He proposed that the Ministry of Defense should allocate 25% of its budget to the Imperial Navy and then stated that 5% of that budget would go into the construction and research of military vessels that he believes can hold off any kazulian naval attack. I agreed to his proposal and I have begun the allocation of said funding. He has stated that the focus of the Imperial Navy will be on quality frigates and cruisers that can sustain combat operations close to home.

I’ve also discussed with my Supreme Commander of the Air Force into the solutions he sees in replacing older aircraft with more modernized equipment. He stated that he believes a slow process of replacement would assist the Air Force best and would make training easier. He also stated that any new aircraft must be capable of competing with any aircraft that Kazulia can put out and besting it in combat. He has stated that this will take a great amount of time, that he estimated would be 5 to 10 years to create a fully advanced aircraft. I approved for an additional 50 billion DRA into the Air Forces budget to research these aircraft.

My main concern in this modern age is the fact that our equipment is getting old, whilst our neighbors have equipment that outstrips anything we can produce on mass. This must change for the nation to continue to guarantee its own sovereignty.

Alongside this announcement, the God Empress has also announced that she wishes to increase the number of soldiers within the Army and Navy, to compete with “Dankuk’s neighbors”. She has requested the Ministry of Defense open an additional 350,000 positions in the army and an additional 120,000 in the Navy. These positions will all either be bureaucratic jobs or combat positions.

According to insider sources within the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry is looking into overhauling almost all of its equipment in an attempt to modernize. However, these insider sources also claim that there has been pushback from lower ranking officers, who seek to have a differing ideology the higher ups in the chain of command. Yet, the initiative decreed by the God Empress will be done within her specifications.

No information could be gathered on any new weapons the ministry of defense is producing.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:23 am


350,000 Military Personnel Re-Deployed to the Dankuk-Kazulian Border

Dankuk-Kazulian Border

The border has recently seen much more activity, as nearly 350,000 military personnel have been redeployed to the border with Kazulia. These 350,000 soldiers are mainly soldiers from the Dankuk Imperial Army and the Dankuk Imperial Police. The redeployment of these troops comes as the Imperial Military has expanded to nearly 2.5 million active personnel, mainly consisting of the Imperial Army. The Imperial army announced the redeployment of these troops earlier this week, in a press statement concerning border security. Min Kwang-Su, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Army, made the following statement concerning the redeployment of troops and the reasoning behind it.

Recently, border communities have noted the increased presence of Imperial Army personnel. Originally, we had 130,000 soldiers positioned on the border, which we believe is too small of a force. We have since deployed 350,000 soldiers to the border, mainly consisting of Imperial Army and Imperial Police personnel. These increase in personnel is mainly due to the lacking of border security between the Kazulian-Dankuk border. However, we have also positioned long range artillery and weapons systems near the border, as a warning to our Kazulian neighbors. A warning that we can and will flatten Skalm. Skalm can be reduced to ashes and rubble if Kazulia attacks us or our allies. This isn’t meant to be an attack, but a reminder and a warning. We have the power to take down, even the most powerful nation.

These redeployments have not only occurred on land, but on the water and air. On the water, the Imperial Navy has announced that it would begin patrolling closer to the Kazulian EEZ and in the air, the Imperial Air Force has begun flying ever closer to the border.

Public opinions has been overwhelmingly positive, as many have called that the movements as necessary to national security.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Aug 20, 2019 3:36 am


Dankuk Withdraws From the Treaty of Asvald, as the Military Begins Exercises Near the Kazulian Border

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicola Kurrat

As tensions flair between the two old enemies of Dankuk and Kazulia, the Dankuk Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the nation would be withdrawing there signature from the Treaty of Asvald. The Treaty of Asvald was a treaty designed to replace the old ceasefire agreement that both nations agreed on after the Sørvestland War. The treaty, which was previously considered the end of Dankuk-Kazulian tensions and rivalry, was signed in an attempt to avoid conflicts in the future. However, it seems as though the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided the treaty was no longer in the best interest of Dankuk.

This withdrawing from the treaty most certainly signals the end of negotiations concerning Kazulian sanctions, which Kazulia has threatened to place on Dankuk if they do not withdraw the soldiers from the border within a year. However, according to insider sources, the government is actively building more housing units near the border, signaling that the troops will indeed stay on the border. Minister of Commerce and Trade Kai Schwender announces that the government would enact sanctions of there own if Kazulia implements sanctions against Dankuk. He has also threatened to disallow Kazulian merchant ships from traveling through Dankuk’s EEZ and anywhere 500 miles off the coast of Dankuk.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nicola Kurrat gave a brief joint press statement alongside Minister of Defense Ro Ji-Na. In that press statement, the Minister of Foreign Affairs stated that-
The Treaty of Asvald was antreaty full of vague promises and unkept promises on the Kazulian side. There is no point to be part of a treaty if our other signatory refuses to honor there agreements.

At that press conference, Defense Minister Ro Ji-Na announces that the Imperial Army and Imperial Air Force would begin to do joint military operations near the Kazulian border, only 950 miles from the border. The exercises will include the usage of artillery, which has led to notably higher security on the Kazulian side of the border. The exercises will also have the Air Force and Army do joint arms training, where both branches will attempt o capture a simulated city by using strategies from both sides combined.

The Minister of Defense stated his beliefs concerning Kazulian concerns over increased military presence along the border-
Kazulian soldiers have continuously patrolled the border and brought in artillery as a show of force. Yet when we do it, it’s completely unacceptable and. We must be punished with sanctions. What I say is, bring as many sanctions in as you want. The Kyo people are strong and will survive anything you throw at us.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

Dankuk, Hwanghu Dang Party (4613): INACTIVE
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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Rogue » Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:54 pm

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Sun Aug 25, 2019 2:49 pm


Ministry of Finance Announces Major Tax Break In An Attempt to Relieve Companies Hit by Kazulian Sanctions

Unemployed Worker Effected by The Kazulian Sanctions

The Ministry of Finance recently announced that it would be giving several corporations major tax breaks, in an effort to reduce the economic impact of Kazulian sanctions on the economy. The tax breaks will be given to companies that produce electronics, construction materials, military equipment, and domestic aircraft manufacturers. They can also be given to companies that request them directly from the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance also announced retaliatory sanctions against Kazulia, in retaliation for Kazulian sanctions leveled against Dankuk. These sanctions where placed on Dankuk due to the build up of military forces on the border with Kazulia which has seen a major reaction from Kazulian officials. These sanctions effect all commercials and industrial products being sold in Kazulia and bans Dankuk from buying the Kazulian Krona and metals from Kazulia. These sanctions have seen triple digit inflation, which was recently stabilized as the government began to print fewer DRA’s. However, several domestic industries have been effected by these sanctions, specifically industries that require metal. However, this doesn’t include the Ames industry, which has seen prioritized metal consumption and purchases.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the sanctions have effected the economy but the economy has recently stabilized as Dankuk companies begin to buy from other foreign countries.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:48 am


Ministry of Defense Threatens to Down Kazulian Civilian Aircraft If Continued “Unprovoked” Attacks Continue

Dankuk MIG 29, The Most Prevalent Interceptor Aircraft

The Ministry of Defense has recently threatened to shoot down any and all Kazulian civilian aircraft entering Dankuk airspace, in revenge for Kazulian intercepts of Dankuk aircraft. The Ministry of Defense claims that numerous occasions of interceptions occurred in Dankuk airspace, violating international law on national airspace’s and there military use. According to a Ministry of Defense press statement-
Numerous alleged interceptions of Dankuk aircraft in Kazulian airspace occurred within Dankuk airspace. Under international law, we have the full legal right to fly military aircraft on our side of the border. And if the Kazulian Air Force ever attempts to intercept our aircraft whilst they are flying in either international or Dankuk national airspace, we will use military force to down said aircrafts. Since Kazulia cannot be trusted with airspace, all Kazulian aircraft, civilian or military, is hereby barred from entering Dankuk airspace. If said aircraft enter Dankuk airspace, they will be intercepted and if they refuse to turn back to Kazulia, they will be shot down. We will not tolerate continued attacks on our sovereignty and we shall fight back.

The order to shoot down any Kazulian civilian aircraft that enter Dankuk airspace has created even more tension between the two nations, in a time where both nations seem to revving up for war. Some doves in the Dankuk government have called upon the Empress to open direct negotiations with the Kazulians in an attempt to avoid yet another war. However, these doves have seemingly been overruled by the hawks, who’ve continued to push for stricter stances on Kazulian actions.

On the border, nearly 500,000 soldiers wait for a conflict neither want but both know may soon hit them. According to one young man we interviewed-
It’s like you know that it can occur at any time and you’re always on edge. It’s hell on you. Then again, war makes hell look comfy.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Aug 27, 2019 1:18 am

Imperial Army Bombards Kazulian Border Towns with Artillery, Casualties Unknown

Dankuk Artillery Firing Upon Kazulian Towns

In response to Kazulian vessels firing at Dankuk vessels near Kazulia’s EEZ, the Imperial Army launched over one hundred artillery shells upon several Kazulian border towns. These border towns are only twenty kilometers away from the border and where not able to to be detected by Kazulia radar systems. The bombardments began at 10:15 AM and targeted non-populated areas, according to the Ministry of Defense. The intention of the strike was, according to the Ministry of Defense, to disrupt travel and damage infrastructure while not harming civilians. Whilst these where the claimed intents of the strike, several sources are claiming that the artillery barrage cause some civilian casualties, ranging from 1 to 25 fatalities and numerous others injured. However, the Ministry of Defense denies that any civilians where killed and insists that only infrastructure was harmed during the bombardments.

Whilst we cannot report the official government response from Kazulia, several political commentators there have stated that this action by the Dankuk Imperial Army is the final straw towards war and that another war against Dankuk is necessary. This seems to be the majority opinion in Kazulia, however in the Dankuk ministry of Defense the opinion is the complete opposite. According to an insider source, the high command believes that these artillery strikes will push Kazulia away from war. Whatever the opinion of the public on both sides is, the final decider is the Kazulian government. How will they react to this attack?
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:31 pm

The Dankuk Imperial Army has established a defensive line just north of the major Kazulian offensive, in an attempt to create a buffer zone between the southern offensive front and the capital city. The defensive line, located at its nearest point five hundred kilometers from the capital, is made up mostly of infantry units in dig in positions. In these dug out positions, around 440,000 active duty soldiers and 1 million reservists have taken up defensive positions against any Kazulian assault. A further 20,000 active duty soldiers and 900,000 reservists are performing other tasks, such as creating a safe evacuation funnel for soldiers south of the defensive line. Around 25,000 soldiers remain south of the defensive line but are being evacuated north. According to the Ministry of Defense, which has initiated martial law throughout Dankuk, the defensive line will be the most defended point in Dankuk will be defended at all costs.

The defensive line will consist of four sectors, which will be given the task of stopping the Kazulian offensives, with each sector having 18 divisions, with 10 mechanized infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, 2 armored divisions, 3 artillery divisions, 1 security division, and 1 logistical support division. A further 46 are being held in reserve and can be deployed if need be. Alongside those, several ships have been stationed near the defensive line to prevent further amphibious invasions.

Whilst a draft has not been implemented yet, the Ministry of Defense has considered it as an option and has called on Dankuk citizens to prepare themselves for such a situation. If a draft where to be implemented, 12 million men could be sent to the frontline.

What remains of the Dankuk Air Force and anti-Air systems have been stationed on the defensive line. They’ve also been deployed with rapid response engineers, who have the task of building temporary living and military facilities. These military facilities will include forward operating facilities, sleeping quarters, bunkers, and logistical warehouses.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:16 am

The Imperial Navy has recently begun mining the coastal waters of Northern Dankuk, in an attempt to prevent further naval landings closer to the capital of Gongmangdo. The naval mines are a response to the Kazulian usage of naval landings, which has seen three provinces fall due to there presence and another two be threatened by them. However one major city has been threatened substantially by the naval landings.

Gongmangdo, whilst being heavily defended, was threatened by naval landings of the territory surrounding the capital. Even with heavy coastal defense emplacements along the shores near the capital, the fact remained that the Kazulian Navy could land troops and encircle the capital, essentially ending the war. However, the government has responded to this threat with a major military initiative.

Along the coast of almost all of North Dankuk, naval mines wait in silence, stealthily picking a target if it where to cross it’s path. The mines are designed to prevent Kazulian naval ships, large and small, from entering any area 3 nautical miles from the shore. This gives not only assists the Imperial Army but the Imperial Navy, due to the assistance in defending the coast. With the recent disasters in the Arctic, with several Dankuk ships being damaged, the Imperial Navy required all the assistance it can get in defending Dankuk.

The Supreme Naval Commander has stated that-“naval mining of the coast will create a defensive position for which we can safely secure our coastal flanks”.
List of Parties:
Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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Re: Dranian News (단국뉴스)

Postby Yolo04 » Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:11 am

Today, Empress Taeyang Sung Kyuri announced the formation of the Military Decisions Council or MDC. The Council will be lead by the six highest ranking generals in the Imperial Armed Forces. These generals are Yi Songmin, Kum Kwang-Hyun, Kae Sang-Kyu, Tam Young-Hwan, Kung Sun-Woo, and Ch'ae Dong-Jun. Yi Songmin and Kum Kwang-Hyun are the highest ranking generals from the Imperial Army, and will represent the army in the MDC. Kae Sang-Kyu and Tam Young-Hwan are the highest ranking generals from the Imperial Navy, and will represent the Navy in the MDC. Kung Sun-Woo and Ch'ae Dong-Jun are the highest ranking generals from the Imperial Air Force, and will represent the Imperial Air Force in the MDC. Alongside the generals, P'yon Jin-Hee and Hwangbo Hyun-Ki where both chosen by the empress to represent the Imperial Police Force.

The Military Decisions Council was given the power to make decisions concerning the Imperial Armed Forces and it’s actions. This includes the usage and production of chemical, biological, and radiological weapons, which the central government has refused to comment on. Further more, each represented branch has its own subdivision in the Military Decision Council, where they make decisions that effect only there branch. The Imperial Police have there own subdivision, which is the only body that can make rules concerning police.

When asked why the sudden shift towards a new body to discuss and decide on military affairs, a representative of the Empress stated that-
“The Empress wishes to Reform the military and wants to make sure that military men are able to make decisions concerning the military”.
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Image Keymon, Four Pillars Party (MQP): ACTIVE

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