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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:35 pm

Long Live The Queen!!!!!

Fontaine- Monarchists and Patriots crowd the streets today as another nation follows the monarchist trend in Terra. Secrétaire Général Hélène d' Orléans-Vasser announced today that she shall legally become Queen! Her and her Husband were seen walking into the Royal Palace as people filled the streets in jubilation. She was dubbed Queen by a the Aurorian Patriarchal Church archbishop in Rildanor. She then walked and stood with her husband on the palace grounds as she put on the Royal Tiara! This has come with some backlash as the new Socialist-Monarchist Party took power but these are changing times that Rildanor is experiencing.

The Queen
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:23 am

The Queen Puts the Hammer Down!!!

Fontaine- Queen Hélène of Rildanor made an address to discuss what she felt was a major international issue. Her country joined Istalia, Lourenne, Hutori and many other countries to criticize the Fascist Regime in Kazulia currently in control of that country.

"I have been watching the reports coming from Kazulia. The Hulstrians saved their Royal Family but even the children were abused... This is unacceptable... This must end now!!! I ask Congress Please!!!! Do something about this terrible regime!!!


Her words were answered by both political parties. The Libertarian-Monarchist leader Véronique Du Toit said this in response.
We agree full heartedly something MUST BE DONE!!! Fascism is unacceptable in any society and this tyrannical leader named Frankenstein is a crony crook and a monster!

Véronique Du Toit the New Libertarian Leader

Corrin Lysandre leader of the Parti du Personnes and Head of State said this in response

The Parti du Personnes agrees with the enforcement and instatement of these sanctions. The regime in Kazulia goes against everything we stand for and we must take action.

The spokesperson for the Parti du Personnes Henri Feol
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jul 06, 2019 4:59 pm

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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:10 am

Social Democratic Worker's Party wins the legislature, announces major reforms
The Social Democratic Worker's Party has swept the election in Rildanor as it promises to establish a parliamentary republic and implement great reforms
April 4th 4614

The POSD or Social Democratic Worker's Party, which recently emerged as a new political entity, has swept the elections in Rildanor and has won 100% of the vote as chaos amongst the electorate caused no other parties to run in elections. Instead of using this result to abuse their new position the POSD leadership under Clotilde Tourneur has pledged to greatly reform the nation and establish a proper parliamentary republic without a elected HOS. In this new republic the HOG, which will be appointed by parliament, will also serve as HOS creating a true parliamentary republic. The soon to be prime minister Tourneur also announced that the flag shall be changed to "better represent the people of Rildanor" and great reforms will be enacted to create newfound growth for the economy as well as distribute the wealth of the economy better amongst the populace.

It is expected that these reforms will pass before the end of next year.

Clotilde Tourneur, leader of the POSD and soon to be Prime Minister of Rildanor
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:52 am

April 4624
As the dust settles, the constitutional disorder ends and two major parties will be the vanguards of Rildanor for the near future

Rildanor is at peace once again as two major parties arise as vanguards of the Left and Right in the nation and the transition towards a stable democracy begins. The Constitutional Disorder is the time period between 4614 and 4624 characterized for multiple, unstable governments that slowly destroyed Rildanorian institutionality and stability, but it seems that after the dust settled two major competitors came out on top: the Parti Socialiste and Parti Conservateur.

The Parti Socialiste or Socialist Party are a social-democratic political party positioned in the Left wing of politics, more especifically Centre-Left to Left, and are focused on a mixed economic approach with a heavy emphasis on workers' rights and government intervention. Led by Jean De Guignes, the party has attracted the unorganized leftist forces in Rildanor and are expected to soon become the leading party in the government.

On the other side, the Parti Conservateur or Conservative Party are a Right wing political party that strives for individual rights and a laissez-faire market economy, but also a stronger and traditionalist Republic that focuses on defending Canrillaise values and more. The party has attracted the unorganized traditionalist and conservative forces in Rildaron, although many liberal and progressive politicians have joined in order to oppose the rise of the PS. It is unknown if the PC will manage to overpower the PS, but they will prove to be a strong opposition either way.

Rildanor enters a new era, and these two parties will become the leading pillars of our nation for the near future. Will the Republic endure and rise to greatness, or be left to die and disappear into obscurity? Only time will tell
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:58 pm

August 4624
The Socialist Party has announced their political programme, denominated "The Socialist Project", to the National Assembly


The Socialist Party has taken the first step towards what direction Rildanor will take in the following years with their political programme Le Projet Socialiste (The Socialist Project), which promises to raise the standard of living for the people and big pushes in the industrial section of the economy so Rildanor moves on from the political and economic crisis.

Thibault Fouqet, the proposed candidate for the Ministry of Finance and staunch Social-Democrat gave us this information about the project:

It is no surprise to all of us that Rildanor is in a dangerous position. For ten years our nation devolved into a weak puppet state of international interests, but no more! With our programme, we seek to end this puppeteering and revitalize Rildanorian industry. (...) The working man must have a dignified salary and a dignified space in which he and she works!

The Conservative Party has, of course, stood on the other side of the Assembly, but no political programme has come from them in the meantime. Will the PS manage a swift victory, and The Socialist Project become a reality? Only time will tell
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:06 am

March 4625
Jean De Guignes, Chairman of the Socialist Party, has publicly announced their support for the Futurist Party of Alduria and Amaury Carré, Aldurian Prime Minister


Chairman of the PS Jean De Guignes has expressed his concern for the current political situation in Alduria, a fellow Canrillaise nation, and their struggle with the rising National Conservative Party. The following words are an excerpt of the announcement:

Although Rildanor is a small nation, Rildanor is a Canrillaise nation, just like Alduria. Our moral and cultural values stem from liberty, equality and unity, and its parties like the Futurist Party that understand this undebatable truth. However, tyrants and populists rise from time to time, and liberty is threatened. But we, like our predecessors, must stand together and hold a steadfast defence against those who would claim to destroy our Canrillaise way of life! (...) If the Parti Socialiste wins the upcoming elections, Alduria can assure itself a friendly Canrillaise neighbour.

This sudden support for Canrillaise unity has popularized the PS even further throughout Rildanor, while the approval for the already stagnant Conservative Party slowly falls; it is safe to say that a Socialist Rildanor is not only expected by the Rildanorians, but wished.
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Tue Aug 27, 2019 4:29 pm

June 4625
Amazing landslide victory by the Parti Socialiste has officially put an end to the political disorder and a new era for Rildanor begins!

Elections are over, and perhaps unsurprisingly the Socialist Party is victorious by a major landslide. Out of 74.7M potential voters, 45.1M decided to actually vote (a 60% turnout), but over 44M of them went towards the PS. Achieving 99.17% of all votes, Jean De Guignes is the new Prime Minister and the Socialist Programme is beginning.

On the regional aspect, not much is different as the PS obtained almost 100% of the votes in each of the 5 regions, except for Niraldonne which saw only 93% of the votes going towards the Socialists and became the main foothold, even if insignificant by comparison, of the Parti Conservateur.

Jean De Guignes, Prime Minister of Rildanor, gave an exciting speech to the cheering masses of Rildanorians in Fontaine, where he began explaining the political projects established by the PS and how "Rildanor would "Rildanor must and will become a free haven and a beacon of democracy for all Terrans". This new government has promised the elimination of the unnecessary Parliamentarianism in Rildanor in favour of a more Presidentialist approach as one of their first proposals, but soon enough we will be informed on how Rildanor will adhere to the Socialist Programme.

Forwards, Rildanor!
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Re: Rildanor Associated Press

Postby terminallyGrumpy » Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:32 pm

March 4626
The PS begins its implementation of the Socialist Programme on Rildanorian industry


As the Parti Socialiste entrench their power through the finalization of the Socialist Republican Reform, now giving the Rildanorian Head of State more power and several other constitutional changes, the Socialist Programme begins. Orianne Rouanet, Minister of Trade and Industry, has just approved the new budget proposal which gives massive grants and subsidies to the Industrial, Technology and Infrastructure sector of the economy, hoping to begin a fast and efficient process of industrialization on the country. The construction of several State-run industries is now underway together with public works directed at creating "modern" Rildanorian cities and parks.

The main sector of the economy that's been targetted by the reform has been industry, especially concerning natural resources. The uranium, zinc and gold mines have been heavily subsidized by the State and the export of these resources has been made a priority. Moreover, it is intended to cut back on agriculture and food imports as the food sector of the economy is vitalized even further, but these changes have yet to show good results.

As the people wanted it, Rildanor is now a Democratic Republic under the Socialist Party and it is hoped that the Socialist Programme will bring back the economic boom that Rildanor enjoyed so much years prior to the political instability.

Forwards, Rildanor!
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