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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby RedReaper » Wed Aug 07, 2019 4:21 pm


Port Golavia: The return of the Far-Right to Lodamese politics seems to have come as a shock to many media pundits on the left, with Green Party politicians rushing to condemn the Alternative For Lodamun and their joke of a leader ”Biggus Diccus”. The AfL’s so called “Anti-Racism Bill” (a crime against Luthorian straight from the works of George Corwell) has been almost universally decried as a insane slide into fascist segregation, and rightfully so. The only support for the Bill within the Presidium stemmed from the equally vile EAPP, long time advocates for extreme nationalism masked by Eco-Populist rhetoric.

What has been less spoke about is how the Far-Right’s protectionist and nationalist rhetoric is the other face of the Green Party coin. After almost five and a half decades in power, they have failed to improve the Lodamese economy beyond its initial GDP. Productivity has stagnated, even decreased in export sectors, correlating to a decrease in living standards for the average worker. Poll after poll has called for increased business freedom and a move away from the constraints of Green socialism, and yet they have continued their protectionist policies to the point where people are desperate for any alternative.

In these conditions, is it so surprising that Fascism has gained so much support and presence within the electoral consciousness? The truth is many within the political and economic fields have warned about such a rise for decades. For them, the threat this country now faces has been a long time coming, a result easily predicted. The anger at the left has been directed at the coastal elites and ethnic minorities, those the left has long claimed to be serving the interests of. Desperate people commit desperate acts. For many tearing through those different to them appears to be a viable option: the AfL is providing the knives.

The sad truth is the AfL is destined to relive the same mistakes as the Green’s, albeit in a far more destructive manner. Minorities are not the cause of the slump, protectionist nationalism is. The history of fascism is a history of failure, the AfL will fail, after dragging the whole nation with them. That is unless they are stopped, a possibility which polling suggests is becoming less and less likely. The AfL’s comic nature may be their main strength, their mask to hide their aging physique, a cloak to conceal the suicide vest. As the left’s favourite philosopher prophesised, history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. We only hope the Green’s learn their own history, before they are taught it at the point of a blade.

Richard Owen is a renowned economist working for the National Policy Institute
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby RedReaper » Thu Aug 08, 2019 1:42 pm


Members of the Lodamese Defense Forces have recently become more vocal about their Desperation at the Lack of training and funding provided to Defense Force personnel, as the issue of the nations defense returns to the political arena. Ex-Army Chief Arnold Thomson, in an exclusive interview with NI magazine describes how the lack of procurement and training, coupled with the part-time nature of the LDF and its reliance on reservists and paramilitary units, leaves the nation, “unprepared for conflict against any adversary; domestic or foreign, state or insurgent”.

Thomson’s views appear to be common within the upper echelons of the Army, Navy and Air Force, as well as amongst the rank and file. Current estimates indicate widespread disrepair of mothballed vehicles and weapons. Some report that a lack of procurement has left the Defence Force with obsolete equipment and limited ammunition for training, let alone an active conflict. The LDF’s tanks are reaching unrepairable conditions, and numbers of AFVs, especially APCs are too low to effectively field the Defense Force’s mechanised brigades.

On the naval front, the Navy’s aging Frigates, one senior analyst stated, hardly leave port. Naval officers have received limited training, especially regarding live-fire activities. The Electric-diesel submarine flotilla has undergone similar breakdowns. A number of submarines have been found so dangerous to their crews that they have been forced to scuttle them in lieu of funding for outfitting and repairs. For the Air Force, Jet fighter training has also faced cutbacks, although the Phantom jets currently in Government inventory are so outdated that they would prove ineffective in any upcoming conflict, especially in am air-to-air capacity.

The state of the nations defense force appears to have become more common knowledge following the Liberal Party’s calls for the reestablishment of a full time armed force and force increased government investment in the Defense industry to make the LDF a force capable of defending the nation from foreign and domestic threats. Thomson expressed gratitude towards the comments made by Party Leader Edward Clarke, and called the Defense Reform Act 4614, “the first step in the return of the Defense Force as a military capable of providing security for the homeland and worthy of respect by the nation’s people.”. Polling indicates that in regards to defense policy, Thomson’s views are common. Whether they begin to influence Government policy is yet to be seen.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby RedReaper » Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:00 am


Port Golavia: The current Liberal government has come as a severe shock to many; a minority government formed from the fourth largest party in the Presidium with the support of both sides of the political spectrum is to many unprecedented. Initial polling following the election indicated the formation of a Centre-Left coalition government of the Greens, Liberals and Labor, but rapidly the Liberal Party gained widespread support from the right and the left. Does this indicate a shift in the way Lodamese politics operates, or is this a negotiated settlement which gives the far-right more say in government than in opposition?

The Lodamese political system is unique in the Terran world for being a parliamentary republic with a single leader, a President appointed by the Presidium with powers of Head of State and Head of Government. Such an electoral system places additional importance on the legislative election, and allows for rapid adjustments to Lodamese law with few veto players to prevent dramatic overhauls. These two elements are key to the decision of both sides to support the centre to power: even if the Liberals are small relative to the Left and Right, a victory for either side would spell annihilation for the other. With the extreme political positions of the Archreactionaries and growing socialist sentiment within the Greens and the insurgent Democratic Socialists, it seems that for either to prevent a complete victory for the opposition, they were forced to support the centre.

This inconvenient truth, although proving a shock to the electorate and the wider community; seems to be a boon for the Lodamese Political System that no one saw coming, Mutual Electoral Destruction leading to peace in our time. A Government of the Centre, with policies which are needed for Lodamese Renewal, supported by both sides out of fear of the other. A solution worth studying by political theorists the world over.

The only weakness in such governance appears to come in the necessity of a centrist party which is needed by both sides to build a coalition. If either the Left or the Right gain majority, then necessity dictates victory for that side, with ensuing upheaval likely to follow. Even the Archreactionaries seemed to allude to this reality in their proposed government plan, indicating their support for the liberals is only out of necessity, only a stepping stone until their eventual electoral victory. Hence the strength of the centre is important for the nations continuous stability, a strength which will hopefully stem the tide of radical extremism for more years to come.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby tracemanxp » Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:32 am

GPPoL Leader Promises Opposition Against Fascist Regime
Former Prime Minister stands strong against the downward spiral of democracy in Lodamun
March 13, 4634

Green Progressive Party of Lodamun Leader Cameron Mideen announces that he will continue to oppose the current regime, one he describes as a "fascist dictatorship that started with the rise of right-wing parties within Lodamun over the past couple of decades".

This year marks 20 years since the re-emergence of the Ecofeudalist-Antinatalist Peasant Party(EAPP), one of the said parties and currently the party with the most power over the nation. For much of the time, the EAPP has held considerable power in the Chamber of Peoples' Deputies, likely due to their agenda toward decentralization. Over the years, the nation would descend further into a path toward Fascism, in part due to this party's influence. This was furthered by the eventual withdrawal of a treaty that solidified Lodamun's commitment against Fascism. Since then, one way or another, fascist policies were being passed through the Chamber. Except for sessions where they didn't show up, the GPPoL would stand against these proposals.

With even more restrictive proposals making their way to the Chamber floor, the GPPoL is continuing to oppose these policies and calling for other parties to join in the opposition, now more than ever. Mideen says that as long as his party has power within the chamber, they will not stop their opposition against Fascism and hopes to return Lodamun to its former pro-democratic glory.
Lodamese Democratic Progressive Party - Commonwealth of Lodamun ACTIVE
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby DauxusofNimrod » Wed Sep 18, 2019 10:40 am

23rd of April, 4636

Only three months after the previously prepared and announced abdication of His Serene Augustness Dracomir IV Dauxus, Prince-President of the Lodamese, Lord Protector of Kregon, Rapula, Golavia, Norstavan and Andalay, Father of the Fatherland and State Elder, a new Prince-President was crowned. Born Dismas-August Dauxus, he continued the tradition, choosing the regnal name Dracomir V. The new head of state being the younger brother of the retired Prince-President Dracomir IV is seen outside of Lodamun as largely a sign of things continuing on the current path, for better or for worse.
Echoing the coronation of his predecessor, the ceremony was held in His Serene Augustness’ village of birth in the deep and rough borderlands of Transkregonia and with little pomp or extravagance the presidential inauguration ceremonies of the last centuries seemed to demand. The photos taken of the event show the characteristically reserved Kregonian local dignitaries in their traditional parade uniforms or other formal wear of unmistakably Kregonian cut (that would be seen as totally antiquated in, say, Andalay).
The official transfer of power and the other parts of the short ceremony, including the ritual sacrifice of lifestock, went in a typically Kregonian quiet and restrained flow and were accompanied by the famous somber, thick but weak rain of the region, which reportedly the assembled people saw as a good sign. The lack of almost any Northern-born attendants or officials was apparently also warmly welcomed by the crowds that had gathered almost exclusively from the neighboring regions for assorted reasons, one of which might be the now years-long ban on the private ownership of private motor vehicles.
His Serene Augustness Dracomir V promised in a short speech to use the recently significantly broadened Prince-Presidential powers to continue the important work of his predecessors and congratulated the Lodamese people on their democratic achievements, describing the modern-day Lodamun as „neither a monarchy nor a liberal, limited democracy. Lodamun has become a Crown-republic, a truly unique hybrid that combines in itself the best of both worlds and stands as a true masterpiece and epitome of working organic democracy“. He continued, noting that this achievement is especially notable because it happened here, in Lodamun, „the most significant periods of liberal democratic rule of the last centuries were mostly incredibly one-sided, single-party, elitist, urbanite-controlled regimes. Lodamun has during the last millenia seen very rarely such a vibrant, multi-faceted, multi-vocal and truly free political life than it has seen during the years of Second Co-operative Federative Republic. These are finally the golden years democracy the Lodamese have longed for“.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Wed Sep 25, 2019 11:40 pm

Lodamese Republicans emerge
Republicans reveal first success
January 2, 4640

Ellington- Heinrich Klaus, chairman and founder of Lodamese Republicans, welcomed over 600 party members at the first annual reception of the party. After the first year, he was proud to welcome the 5000th member of LR.
"When we started this project, we never could have dreamt that it would be as successful as it is. We have received a lot of support throughout the nation and we have received a lot of congratulations considering our cause. While we notice that most of our party members live in the Ellington region, we understand that people across Lodamun support us. They know what we stand for! We want a republic as it should be, and as it used to be. We do not need a Head of State, we only need a democratic, parliamentary republic. For now that is the only message we want to send across our nation. Later on this year, we'll see what people will decide during elections. We have high hopes. Considering we are a very young party, we would like to get some seats in the Chamber. Once we manage to do so, we'll be ready to start our political agenda, how little our influence might be."
Klaus currently has one point on the agenda, as he stated. That might not do it for the public, but as he declared: his party is the only real alternative for a switch to parliamentary republic.
Heinrich Klaus is a 35 year old doctor and specialist in geanealogy. He is auteur of the books 'Where do we come from' and 'Right of existence'.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:42 am

Gronse: "End this age of darkness"
April 7, 4640

Ulrika Gronse, member of the young Lodamese Republicans, has been rallying for some time now. She wants to persuade the Lodamese citizens to join her party and to support LR in a few months during elections. She calls LR the only option to bring some light in an obscured Lodamun.

"Our nation has stepped into the dark. The Chamber consists mostly of heel licking fascist sadists, who have stopped caring about the public many years ago! They have thrown our once fine nation into the depths of agony and pain. People of Lodamun, you should all know that you diserve better than this! Lodamese Republicans has one main goal: to free you from tyranny. We might not be many, but with your support we will rise and break the chains of slavery. Lodamun will once again rise to become a respected nation in Terra. One day we will achieve our goal. Help us get there."

Her message is clear. Ulrika graduated last year and is specialized in history and Lodamese culture. She will be one of the principal candidates for the Chamber for Lodamese Republicans.
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby M13 » Thu Sep 26, 2019 10:01 pm

Gronse elected for the Chamber
First electoral success for Lodamese Republicans

June 5, 4640

There where many cheers at Ellington when the results of the last elections were cast. The homebase of LR saw its party grab 35 seats at the Chamber. Ulrika Gronse was celebrated as if she had won the elections. Chairman Heinrich Klaus was glad. His first goal is achieved.

Chairman Klaus never would have expected such result: "We wanted to get some seats in the Chamber, hoping to get sufficiant votes in this region, but the total number of votes we managed to collect in Lodamun is stunning. Ulrika rallying surely paid off. She has more than deserved her seat in the Chamber."
Klaus was happy to see the coalition parties drop significantly: "The coalition managed to keep its majority, though barely. They dropped more than 10%, and it is nice to know that this might have anything to do with LR informing the public about the failure of this government. Next time we will breack the majority."
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Re: News from Lodamun

Postby DauxusofNimrod » Tue Oct 01, 2019 2:26 pm

The Republic celebrates 111 years of Prince-Presidents
23rd of February, 4643

Three weeks ago a ceremonial artillery salute on the Transkregonian heights marked the start of festivities celebrating the coronation of the first Prince-President 111 years ago and the historical processes that led up to it. Although the coronation was then disputed both internationally and locally, it did have the support of majority of the people at the time and the modern prince-presidential regime made a choice from its very inception to unequivocally and vocally recognize the prince-presidential line dating back to that coronation as the only legitimate and lawful governing institution in Lodamun. The interim years spent underground have left their scars in Co-operative Federative Republic, the people of Lodamun and especially the South which has always been the heartland of Lodamese monarchism and in the crowned line itself.
Celebratory group portrait of His Serene Augustness alongside a few of his closest highborn advisors from the reformed Princely Council. Note the very traditional, screamingly Kregonian choice of formal wear

In Southern Lodamun where the Prince-President’s always been popular, the central week of the anniversary was spent in a maelstrom of paganic fertility rituals, solemn ceremonies and drunken revelry, while most of the North remained as cold as ever with liberal-leaning urban newspapers posting articles filled with barely hidden bitter venom, showing that even though media’s officially mostly state-owned, it has still kept its local leanings and grudges. One of the highlights of the festivities is His Serene Augustness the ex-Prince’s very thorough, almost year-long tour of the Transkregonian countryside with a route that snakes from town to town, village to village, farm to farm, covering impressive swaths of difficult-to-pass terrain without the use of the still-banned motor vehicles.
His Serene Augustness the ex-Prince-President on his anniversary trail, visiting the outskirts of Upper-Krakenavia

International analysts point out the noteable lack of celebrations 11 years ago during the 100th anniversary of what some disparagingly call the “coup attempt of autumn 4532”, speculating that it might have something to do with the relative youth of the prince-presidential regime and fragility of the political situation at the time. “The recent developments should be most of all worrying to any freedom-minded people of Terra. That fascist para-monarchical system’s clearly sprouted tough enough roots that it feels safe wave its [CENSORED] around, now. Eliyahu, I [CENSORED] hate how [CENSORED] smug they look on those photos,” commented a leading Seleyan foreign policy expert, “we really should start thinking about invading them. Do you know, have they found any oil there somewhere?” “What are they even celebrating, there? They have only been in power for like 20 years,” added another.

Some local commentators however point out that although the arrival of the Second Co-operative Federative Republic was accompanied by more conservative social rules and reestablishment of, for example, slavery, the political plurality of the nation hasn’t been so screamingly colourful for almost a century and got notoriously limited right before the conservative revolution. „We’ve discovered that if the Lodamese are allowed to take part in a more total democracy, their choices sometimes surprise both foreign and local experts,“ concluded a veteran analyst, „apparently for some there’s still a discussion to be had here if the people should be allowed to make those choices and hold those views or would it be better to take and make others take significant steps back towards a more limited form of democracy.“ His critics, however, have brought up his Southern heritage as a factor totally invalidating his points.
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