Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 10, 2020 8:35 am


Emergency Conference of the Partei des Kaierreich announces change in leadership but not in policy.

Due to quickly changing events and the current leader desire to step down as party head the Party was in a brief period of turmoil. To solve this the Partei Des Kaierreich met with all of its delegates to decide its future and it's new leader. The party met at the Hulstria Dome for its conference. Some of the decisions decided there would include the new focus of the coaltion with the newly rebranded Social Democratic Party of Hulstria. Former Prime Minister General Hans Bergemen lll stepped down as party leader and a new election took place inside of the party. The two candidates that got the most votes were Adam Morelson the current Premierminister or a long time populist centrist candidate Dr. Phillip Weichselbraun. He is a renown chemist who has won the Hulstian Cross of Merit. He is also a friend of the Royal Family. He is also well liked by people all over and is willing to compromise with more centrist-conservative policies.

Dr. Weichselbraun

Ladies, Gentlemen fellow Hulstrians.

I am honored today to stand in front of you as your new party leader. If there is one thing I have learned in my life work of Chemistry is that some chemicals do not mix together. For instance if you mix Sodium and Water together you get an explosion. Some chemicals don't even need to be mixed to be dangerous. However some chemicals mixed together do astounding things!!!! For instance if you mix Hydrogen Peroxide and Potassium Iodide you get one of the most wonderful spectacles in all of chemistry.

Let me tell you one thing. Politicians are not scientists. Scientists can become politicians but politicians must not become scientists. Anyone can be in politics but the ones who I think are unworthy are Political Scientists. Some parties want to experiment with systems of government. Some want to try Communism, others want Socailsim, others want Syndicalism. It is all the same, these so called political parties are nothing more then crazy people getting together to something more then go to a bar and drink beers. Radical Parties are dangerous... Radical Parties want to abolish private business,they will try to get power at any means they can. Take for example the DL. The classic example of this. Nowhere in their description does it mention Freedom or Liberty or Rights!!! These are just the surface problems of this party. A party that hails to a Devpratism??? I am sorry but what is a devpratism some cultist group???

Socialists in this era want to experiment. They want to experiment with our daily lives ladies and gentlemen. Our daily lives... All they want to do is prove the existence of a way of government that has failed time and time again. Take the world powers right now. Kazulia, Dorvik, Lourenne, Istalia, are any of them Socialist??? To prove the fact that Socialism doesn't work. I will go through with all of you all how a scientist like me conducts an experiment. First we ask a question. In this case I shall ask Does Socialism Work? Most of us in this room would probably answer no but I answer with the Yes. Socialism does work but!!! It must be done in its purist form. Let me tell you that I am not perfect. You are not perfect no one is perfect. So Socialism does not work practically. So the next step in the Scientific Method is to form a Hypothesis. Well my background information and knowledge tell me that the answer to that question is No!!! However we must conduct the experiment. Now you may be asking How can we do that??? To that I tell you all that the experiment has already been done. For almost 80 years Socialism had a grip hold of this country. 80 years!!! Isn't that frightening friends???

The next step in the Scientific Method is to analyze the results. Well the results are already provided. The economy tanked... Despite what the Devs say hte economy definitely tanked. Unemployment soared!!! When there is nothing to work for people won't. Our military fell into disarray. Our monarchs were shipped out. The list goes on and on... Now that we have analyzed them let me finally draw conclusions.Our country was in disarray, our markets failed, the military was lacking. The truth is that if I could sum up the DL as a element I would simply be aresenic... Lets compare. It tarnishes in normal air, it burns under intense pressure and is deadly if ingested. That my friends sums up the DL and Socialism!!!

I can assure you that we will actively work with the Social Democrats to keep this dangerous regime out of Hulstrian politics and society. I will work with their new leader Mr. Weinberger whom I thank for the influx of voters and whom I wish the best of luck. Also I would like to address our direction in the future. I promise you that we will not back down in liberties and things this party stands for. Our Lovely Kaiserin shall stay on the throne and continue to be a servant to this great nation of our. To our friends in Lourenne and Kazulia and Dorvik and Istalia I promise I will do my best to keep our relationship as strong as ever for it is the best thing for this nation. I am willing to make compromises with our coalition partner however but these shall be still based in reasonable center right policies. To the Populists coming into the PDK I welcome you with open arms, we are not a bad lot after all. I promise that I shall work a servant to the people and not a career politician for that is not who I am. I am a world renown chemist, I am a Lifelong Hulstrian Luthorian Church Member, I am a Hulstrian who thinks that this country can do better, and I will make sure that we will get better,

Thank You

The Hulstria Dome Home of the Convention was packed!!!

The packed stadium laughed and enjoyed the Doctors speech as a new buzz echoed through the stadium. The Partei Des Kaierreich is alive and well!!!
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:54 pm


The Doctor Slams the DL!!!

February 3rd 4694

The leader of the PDK retaliates against the Duce of the Devpratmist League in an interview


Only a few days ago the Duce for the Devpratmist League made one of the longer speeches I have ever heard of. Now to be honest how many of you got tired of his speech by the first 20 minutes, anybody??? Who listened to the whole speech, to you all I have to say is you are saints!!! I turned my TV off by the first 10 minutes because it was dull. I can refute every argument he makes by saying one simple sentance. If you can't debate using your own words you are doomed for failure. That is it. The Duce used the wonderful tool called Copy and Paste to take leading arguments for Socilism from several Hulstrian Socialist websites. Isn't that pathetic??? Ladies and Gentlemen let me tell you that you get the honest truth and orignal speeches from me and you will never get a copy and paste speech from me. Our argument stands firm the DL is based on computer arguments.He can't be taken seriously and his arguments are laughable he is nothing but a phony.

Thank You
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:07 pm

5 Newspapers Sue the Devpratmist Leauge for Copyright Infrigment!!!!!

February 4th 4693

One day after the Kaiserreich leader slammed the DL for using online copy and paste 5 major newspapers are suing the DL for copyright infringement and personal damages. This is because the Duce was speaking at a paid speech event put on by the DL. These coroperations ask for 200 million in damages for copyright infringement. We'll see how this court case plays out!!!"
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:11 pm


Das Hulstrian Tagebuch is an independent newspaper, dedicated to Hulstrian affairs through all aspects of life and geopolitics

Ministry of Finance Nationalizes Four Failing Banks in Accordance with Kazulian Bailout Agreement

Finance Minister Verona Riedel Announcing the Bailout Terms

Kien, Hulstria
December 9th, 4693

The Ministry of Finance has recently announced that, in accordance to the new Kazulian bailout agreement, it would nationalize four of the nations weakest banks-Sanedaha-Östliche, Landsteiner Brothers, Kien Regional Bank, and Bötticher Lending
Bank-to prevent them from collapsing.

The banks, which have done poorly for the past few years, where placed in the spotlight after the Kazulian Minister of Finance Karoline Berrefjord and numerous leaders in the HKBC and the Kazulsk Bank stated that these banks would have to be rescued to stabilize Hulstria’s banking sector and prevent further instability in the economy.

The announcement of the nationalization of these banks came earlier today, as the Minister of Finance Verona Riedel held a press conference discussing the bailout terms and what she had agreed to. She stated:
We agreed to numerous proposals given to us by our Kazulian counterparts, which did include the nationalization of four of our weakest banks to stabilize the financial sector. Alongside this, we have begun negotiations with numerous banks to cease there lending to various sectors, limit the amount of wholesale funding they do, and focus on providing loans to small business owners and retail clients. These terms and conditions are the best for the nation and will help us recover from the debt we have found ourselves in. Thank you.

Backlash soon followed the announcement, with many conservatives denouncing the nationalization of the four banks, comparing Verona Riedel to DL Leadership of the past which had accumulated the debt Mrs. Riedel is trying to reduce. However, other conservatives have embraced this solution and stated that, whilst not a perfect solution, the nationalization of the four banks does bring cash into the financial sector and stabilizes it whilst it gets it footing.

Financial experts have varying opinions on the bailout terms. Some currently predict a stabilization of the banking system with a slowdown in economic growth, whilst others see a possible economic recession growing. Regardless of the consequences, it is clear that Mrs. Riedel is not backing away from the agreement, as she has stated she will continue to fight her opponents on the issue.

Kazulian financial experts where not available for comment.
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby Yolo04 » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:13 pm


Das Hulstrian Tagebuch is an independent newspaper, dedicated to Hulstrian affairs through all aspects of life and geopolitics

Ministry of Defense Finishes Arms Deal, Plans for Modernziing Hulstrian Armed Forces, with Dorvik Government

Minister of Defense Guttenberg Discussing Dorvik Defense Deal

Kien, Hulstria
April 1st, 4689

The Ministry of Defense has recently announced that a deal has been reached with the Dorvik Government, to begin modernizing the armed forces of Hulstria. The deal, which was announced by Hulstrian Minister of Defense Augustin Guttenberg, includes provisions on the purchase of equipment by the Hulstrian government, transferring of intelligence related to said equipment, and the hiring of military instructors to optimize the military personnels usage of said equipment.

Minister of Defense Augustin Guttenberg has refused to confirm any rumors regarding the amount of or type of equipment being purchased by the Ministry of Defense due to “potential secrecy concerns”. However insiders within the Ministry of Defense have stated that it seems like that most of the equipment of the Hulstrian Armed Forces (much of which dates back to over 75 years ago) will be replaced with Dorvik manufactured and designed equipment.

One insider stated the following:
A majority of us at the Ministry of Defense don’t know the specific equipment being purchased however, we do know that it is a substantial amount due to financial reports showing the shifting of large amounts of money from the budget to the government of Dorvik. One thing most of us know is that, all branches are going to receive more advanced and superior equipment compared to the equipment we currently posses

When questioned on if the Ministry of Defense would eventually reveal the equipment being purchased from Dorvik, Defense Minsiter Guttenberg stated that-
It is most likely that we will reveal the types of equipment we have bought once they’ve arrived and once our men are experienced in using them. However, until that happens, we will be keeping a tight lid on information to protect national security
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Koetsu: The government is worthless!

Postby Super Messiah » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:33 pm

Duce of the Devpratimist League, Raphael Koetsu posted in his personal blog, criticizing Partei des Kaiserreich's leader again. His claim now was that the conservatives are now looking for anyway to criticize them, how immaterial it may be.

He said:
So how we learn about the world by growing up? We go to schools. The teachers teach us. The teachers teach us by referring to text books. The students read the textbooks, get guidance from their respected teachers and learn about the world. Everything we come to know, we know it either by reading something or with the help of someone. Dr. Weichselbraun said that I copied and pasted from the internet the things which I said while delivering my speech. From a very young age till now, I am serving for the party's cause. In our party, there is strict ideological discipline. The things which I said in my speech are the things which we are reading and hearing from the time I became a socialist and got interested in Metzism. So if I deliver a lengthy speech criticizing a system in detail, I become a corrupt man who has used the internet for the speech? This is quiet humiliating for me as a person and the conservatives are now using their controlled media for suing us. So undemocratic? Really we are now going through some of the darkest periods of democracy. The government constructively can't debate me but they are now trying to slam me by using unethical means. The government is worthless concerning how it represents our nation and its constituents!
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:10 am


Das Hulstrian Tagebuch is an independent newspaper, dedicated to Hulstrian affairs through all aspects of life and geopolitics

SDP Parteichef Announces a Permanent Ban on Forming Coalitions with the Devpratimist League

Parteichef Weinberger of the SDP Announcing the Permanent Ban on Coaltion Formation with the DL

Kien, Hulstria
November 14th, 4692

SDP Parteichef Tillmann Weinberger has enacted a permanent ban on coalition negotiations with the Devpratimist League, following public backlash against the DL for attacking the Kaiserreichs party and calling them “liars” and “undemocratic”. Mr. Weinberger became SDP after he led the merging of the centrist and liberal factions and the rechristening of the PCP into the SDP. Whilst Mr. Weinberger is attempting to bring about what he calls “social democracy”, he has denounced the DL throughout his entire career. However now, it is official party policy to refuse to negotiate with the Devpratimist League concerning a coalition government. According to Mr. Weinberger-
The Devpratimist League is so radical that they practically off the political scale. They demand the end of capitalism and the return of the laws that where in effect when they ran the country. Those laws led to Hulstria have over a trillion dollars in debt, a weak military, and poverty rates up to 18%. That is what the Devpratimist League wants because they are so deluded that they no longer see reality. We will not negotiate with Devpratismist League in regards to forming a coalition government. We will not negotiate with the Devpratismidt Legaue on any issue, because they refuse to see reality. You cannot negotiate with a party who has ruined this nation numerous times and yet demands we go back to the way things where. It’s that simple. Thank you.

Mr. Weinberger later on reaffirmed that the coalition agreement between the SDP and the Kaiserreichs Party will remain in place and will not change in the foreseeable future. Mr. Weinberger stated that-
Whilst the SDP and Kaiserreichs Party have differing ideals and beliefs, we are both moderate parties who, in the end, wish to keep the reforms made by our parties in place. For that reason, we shall continue this relationship, regardless of our politics.

Mr. Weinberger also stated his disapproval of the Depravitmist League’s usage of accusations of undemocratic behavior.
They are swinging around the accusation of undemocratic beliefs so wildly, as if it is an accusation to be abused to there whim.
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:08 am


Das Hulstrian Tagebuch is an independent newspaper, dedicated to Hulstrian affairs through all aspects of life and geopolitics

Ministry of Defense Forms 1st Royal Desert Combat and Operations Brigade

Minister of Defense Augustin Guttenberg

Flieder, Budenlar, Hulstria
August 13th, 4694

The Ministry of Defense, in an effort to better the armed forces expeditionary capabilities, has formed the 1st Royal Desert Combat and Operations Brigade. The Brigade, which has been nicknamed ‘The Desert Ghosts’, was officially formed earlier today in a military ceremony, which had several nobles, including the King, in attendance.

The event began when Minister of Defense Augustin Guttenberg signed the order of unit creation, officially forming the 1st Royal Desert Combat and Operations (RDCO) Brigade. He then gave a speech on the importance of the RDCO’s existence.
Hulstria has a single goal-to stabilize our neighbors and defend our allies. To do this, we need a military that is capable of fighting in all conditions. The creation of the 1st Royal Desert and Combat Operations Brigade is merely the beginning of a new age in Hulstrian military history. We shall soon be forming units dedicated to fighting in mountainous, swamp, rainforest, and arctic conditions. These units must be able to withstand the elements to accomplish there objective. The men and women who have now become “Desert Ghosts” are simply the first of many who shall fight in the most unforgiving of terrains for this nation. The 1st Royal Desert and Combat Operations Brigade will, two weeks from today, begin exercises at an undisclosed location, to better train and prepare our Desert Ghosts for the conditions they will face.

After the speech, the personnel within the Brigade where issued an insignia patch, a red and yellow insignia, displaying a bloody knife surrounded by fire. Following the handing out of this insignia, personnel where transported to an undisclosed location.
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Devpratimist League's international delegation goes to Kazul

Postby Super Messiah » Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:28 am

Devpratimist League has sent a delegation to Kazulia for talks with the leadership of the Nasjonalt Arbeiderparti

The Devpratimist League's International Department has sent a 5 member delegation for talks with Nasjonalt Arbeiderparti regarding economic matters and socialism, adhering to it by adhering to the present concrete material conditions. Hopefully it turns successfully and the Devpratimist League gains experience for a new form of socialism which will suit the present concrete conditions of the nation and the world but not become hostile to it.

The members who compose this delegation:

1) Eli Graham
2) Henry Kiyohira
3) Yajima Smith
4) Stephen Moser
5) Thomas Webern
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Re: Hulsterreicher and Mikunier Chronik / Hulstrian and Gao-Soto

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:43 pm


Das Hulstrian Tagebuch is an independent newspaper, dedicated to Hulstrian affairs through all aspects of life and geopolitics

Hulstrian Start Up Technology Firm to Go Public
HBM Headquarters in Kien

Kien, Hulstria
August 30 4695

Hulstrian Business Computers is the newest and most exciting Hulstrian business success story in the story of Hulstria's economic boom. The company was founded over 10 years ago by Hulstrian Computer Programmer's Hans Riemenstein and Susuki Soshitsu. They began by creating programs for existing Technologie Astéria computers. However they ran into barriers when they would code programs for these computers. This is when they began to try to create their own computer. They would create create their own company and begin 5 years of testing computer designs. The first design to come onto market was the Hulstrian Business Machine 1.0 which released in 4690, the computer was not well known and bugs in the system and a lack of third party sofware made the computers less desirable.

There second attempt at making a computer would start in 4690 after the failed attempt at the 1.0. They would merge with IGE Industries that same year and start producing hardware for computers. As a new system was being finalized Reimenstein thought of a way of opening up the computer, and so they HBM 2.0 became open source. The foundational coding inside of the computer is open sourced so anyone can modify or personalize it. Suddenly overnight the 2.0 started getting high reviews and sales shot through the roof. The computer company came out with the 2.0B or the business model which includes a Terabit of RAM. HPM now on August 29th officially went public and now is on the Kien Stock exchange. The annual revenue so far is over 23 billion Krown most of those being sales of the 2.0 and the 2.0B.

HBM also got a contract with the Hulstrian Armed Forces to begin to do IT work inside of Hulstrian Military Installations. The HBM 2.0 is still not the best selling computer in Hulstria but it did take 3rd place in sales only coming behind Kazulia and Lourenne's tech giants.
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