39th General Assembly Session

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39th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Jan 23, 2020 8:19 pm

Below are the archived discussions of the 39th General Assembly Session.

Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress Marika Pihlak

Dear Members of this assembly

I would like to respond to accusations of "aggressive, jingoist rhetoric". We would like to also point out that this comes from the only nation in Terra that legalized Slavery and the Slave Trade. They are now pushing the international community to put sanctions on my government and Gaduridos for simply standing up to this evil regime.

I urge you to not support the Treaty that would sanction Dolgavia and Gaduridos. The truth is the true international menace is Lodamun. They legalized slavery, their citizens have no access to cars, their government is a shambled mess and they are a bunch of radical parties pieced together. Ladies and Gentlemen as you know Dolgavia has been attempting to grow relations with many nations across Terra. This kind of false accusations are uncalled for and are frankly coming from the nation in Terra that disrespects Human Rights. I would like to start the discussion of heavy sanctions against a nation that does not care about their people or their economic stability. I urge all nations at this assembly to speak out against thier actions and take action to support the people who now suffer under evil slavery...

Thank You
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Jan 24, 2020 9:58 am

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The Kizenian delegation to the assembly:

We want immediate awareness for the growing racism, xenophobia and authoritarianism in Dundorf, where inhumane and unnatural laws are to be passed by he legislature. We call for actions on Dundorf.
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Doc » Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:02 am

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

As Kalistan has summarily been invited to take our concerns about global security out of the Security Council and address them here in the General Assembly, We have decided to comply with the request of the Dovish representative, and do precisely this.

Therefore, The United Republic of Kalistan wishes to propose the following resolution for consideration and debate, and ultimate passage by the General Assembly of the World Congress.


That nations tend to pursue their own self interests over all other concerns, and

That nuclear weaponry poses a major existential threat to human lives, and

That nuclear weaponry, including those weapon systems with nuclear payloads, as well as those weapons with nuclear powerplants, such as aircraft carriers and many modern submarines constitute an implicit and or explicit existential threat to whoever they are aimed at, and

That such threat is designed for one purpose and that is to force the target state to comply with the sending state's demands, an action which in and of itself meets the legal definition of extortion, but at any rate is coercion and establishes duress in the target state, and

That extortion constitutes a form of terror, levied against the target by the sender of the threat, and

That such a threat is unevenly balanced across the globe, with only great powers, rogue states, terrorist organizations and millenarist cults possessing the means and/or the motivation to obtain nuclear weaponry, and

That the world would be a much safer place without nuclear terror being threatened arbitrarily in pursuit of national interests, therefore

Be it Resolved, by the General Assembly of the World Congress, that, in the interest of peace and cooperation, that:

1) All member states shall immediately dismantle all nuclear weaponry, to include ALL weaponry which contains a nuclear and/or atomic payload, which is designed to cause mass human casualties, or those which are designed to provide tactical advantages on the battlefield, and

2) All member states shall immediately dismantle all nuclear weaponry which rely upon a nuclear powerplant, and which is designed to provide the possessor state or terror organization with a global reach, and

3) All member states will shun the construction, storage and possession of nuclear weaponry as a global evil capable of nothing more than mass depopulation, and

4) All member states will wipe out their nuclear stockpiles, or convert their use for peaceful, energy purposes, to prevent rogue nations and terrorist organizations from acquiring access to these weapons, and

5) The Security Council of the World Congress shall immediately establish a world atomic inspection regime to annually inspect and report on the progress of compliance with the terms of this resolution, and

6) All nations found to be out of compliance shall be subject to sanctions and enforcement of sanctions as demanded by this body and enforced by the Security Council, and

7) Compliance requirements shall immediately go into effect, and within one year, the Inspections Regime shall begin its work to determine the degree of compliance with the terms of this resolution.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Auditorii » Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:43 am

"Given that General Assembly resolutions are non-binding, the Dorvish will simply vote no on this proposed resolution. This resolution is simply a farce to attempt to continue a narco-pirate banana republic's attempt to make itself seem holier than thou with its policies. Nuclear weapons are rarely used and have rarely been used throughout Terran history but they possess an important political and defense mechanism that conventional weapons do not. While we would all like to believe that nations will be tolerant and respectful, this has proven to not be the case and remove the metaphorical "teeth" from a nation to defend itself, we cannot simply support that.

This is another socialist attempt to make nuclear power in general the "boogey man" of the energy sector. Whats next? We're going to have the World Congress regulate nuclear energy for peaceful means because it scares some pot-smoking narco terrorist in Kalistan's Foreign Ministry?

The Kingdom votes NO on Resolution 35-01."

Wulf Steitz,
General-Plenipotentiary to the World Congress
Kingdom of Dorvik

OOC: For the record, it's the 35th Session of the General Assembly, I have to split the topics at some point.
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Doc » Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:30 am

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

The statements made by the Dorvish representative are reprehensible in their ad hominem. We did not address any point in the resolution at Dorvik or their foreign minister. Kalistan is and has long held that nuclear weaponry is a scourge on the earth. Kalistan was the original sponsor of the anti nuclear Biological and Chemical Treaty. We have opposed nuclear, biological and chemical weaponry for millennia. Kalistan has long been at the forefront of these efforts. One of the founding principles of the Socialist Party of Kalistan, which was established in 2591, more than 2100 years ago, was the establishment of an anti-Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Treaty which outlawed the use of nuclear weaponry, and the SP has consistently fought to prevent the proliferation of those weapons to nation's great and small. It is long past time the world joined together to abolish these weapons once and for all time.

For the Dorvish speaker to suggest that this is a discrete hit conducted by the Kalistani foreign Ministry, and then to somehow, ridiculously conflate this issue with peaceful energy production demonstrates a genuine ignorance on the part of the Dorvish speaker. The fact is: Dorvik possesses nuclear powered craft. The fact remains, Dorvik has threatened the use of those nuclear powered weapons against Kalistan within the last 20 years over the Ananto Straits issue. The fact is, Dorvik maintains that their max operational range of their nuclear powered fleet is limitless and the destructive power of that force is quite enough to level any place in Kalistan. The fact of the matter is that Dorvik therefore makes our point for us: A world power, with a global reach, can force any issue they desire with no consequences to itself, through the use of nuclear weaponry. It is incumbent upon us, therefore, to reign in this SORT of menace, because while Dorvik publicly threatened Kalistan with absolute annihilation, over a mere right to transit a stretch of water which they maintained we could not defend anyway , in reality, ANY state with access and willingness to use these weapons could do it to ANY other state, for any reason, or for no legitimate reason whatsoever.

We would remind the world about the last time nuclear weapons were used. Vanuku was responsible for killing thousands of people and causing health problems for countless others. Kalistan consistently ejected Vanuku's 4th fleet from Ananto as a result. This action dramatically decreased Kalistani security, and led to a dramatic rise of instability in the region. Within the last 70 years, Vanuku, that same country which nuked another nation, declared war on another nation to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons.

The fact is: nuclear weapons CAUSE war and mass death, they do not prevent them. If Kalistan were to begin a nuclear weapons program, there is no doubt that Kalistan would suffer the same fate as Delatria, invaded by a nuclear armed nation to prevent it from gaining parity with that nuclear state. We do not claim here that Deltaria's quest for a nuclear device was justified: They wanted to acquire one to balance the threat they felt from other nuclear powers, but once that was acquired, of course, they, as a nuclear power, would turn around and threaten other states with intercontinental ballistic missiles, being as bad as the countries they sought to protect themselves from. Their weapon might have been developed as a defensive weapon, but it is only defensive if they use it, and at that point, it just becomes another weapon of mass slaughter.

Possession of nuclear weapons are a privilege of just a few states, who jealously guard the special rules they have written for themselves, and actively seek to deny, to the point of invasion and mass conventional slaughter, other states from doing the very same thing they are doing. But what makes a nuclear state, like Dorvik, deemed more responsible than a non-nuclear state, like Kalistan? Did Kalistan essentially threaten Dorvik with annihilation if they did not get their way in the Strait? No: it was the other way around. And where was the outrage for that belligerency? We saw none, not from any nations. Why? It is possible that Dorvik, who like other major powers possess weapons with nuclear power plants, has so cowed the world. But it is more likely that there are two sets of International Law for Terra. One set which applies to nations like Dorvik, and one set that applies to nations like Kalistan.

In the first set of rules, a nation can claim to support international law and norms, and yet flout them with impunity, because realistically nobody can do anything about this blatant disregard for international norms on the part of the Great, nuclear armed states. Dorvik's primary objection to Kalistan's claims in the Strait rested upon international law, and freedom of navigation. Kalistan eventually conceded the position. It was the efforts and movement of Kalistan on the Strait that ensured that Kalistan was not annihilated. But it was Kalistan who had to relent. The Kingdom of Dorvik, who claims to be governed by international law, still feels absolutely free to flout sovereignty at will, and will never be checked by the international community. Why? We believe it has to do with their nuclear arsenal.

The second set of rules, nations are subject to all the restrictions of International law, but get no hand in crafting it. This set applies to Kalistan and smaller countries who are constantly informed by great powers about the limits of their options in foreign policy. Places like Deltaria, who tried to even the playing field by playing the game by the rules that apply to great powers are invaded, occupied and ultimately face existential annihilation. But it was Vanuku, a nuclear state, that invaded Deltaria. And it was that same nuclear state who nuked Jelbania and killed thousands in a split second. And it was Dorvik, a nuclear state, who threatened Kalistan with annihilation if it did not accede to its demands in the Strait. This threat is ever present, and is terroristic.

So our proposal to break out of this strict hierarchy is to not make lesser powers greater, but to decrease the power of the great powers. A conventional fleet is every bit as destructive as a nuclear powered fleet-- Dorvik will happily, and has in fact, reminded Kalistan of this fact. Our resolution does not touch that fact. We are focusing on the ability of a belligerent and hostile nation like Dorvik to menace a nation like Kalistan from the other side of the globe! Under no situation should that be a reality! Kalistan has no reason to know that Dorvik even exists, and yet they parade their weapons of war right in our face, and do so with absolute impunity, using those weapons to draw concessions from whomever they want. This is the behavior of an imperialist power who has no more respect for international law than it does for other nations' sovereignty, unless that international law can be applied to benefit them specifically.

We conclude by saying: It is in the interest of the smaller states in the world to outvote nuclear armed states, and go on record as opposing this menace to the safety and security of the world. Yes, this resolution is non-binding: Dorvik's speaker informed Kalistan to raise its security concerns outside of the Security Council. But it is a statement: The nations of the world, sans a couple privileged few, will no longer stand for nuclear terrorism conducted by these great power states. Nobody should have the ability to destroy another nation, especially following dictation from the opposite side of the world. These global powers with nuclear navies and a nuclear missile stockpile need to be reigned in, and those weapons must be destroyed. For the sake of the future of humanity.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Luis1p » Mon Jan 27, 2020 7:22 am

Annelise Chental, Lourennais Royal Representative to the General Asssembly

Members of the Assembly,

Do not be fooled by these statements from the Kalistani delegation. This is yet again another attempt by Kalistan to steer away the intentional community from more urgent issues. The General Assembly should not be used as a platform to spew radical beliefs in order to frighten the community to take action which is uncalled for an unnecessary. We do not believe this matter is an issue for the international community as a whole. Nuclear energy and vessels are used by many nations in the world. The use of this power cannot be taken away from the world because a semi-developed, pirate nation believes it is used for imperialistic powers. How can we as an assembly take the advice and orders of a nation who does not obey international law? Does Kalistan not know the wonders nuclear energy can do for its crumbling nation? Our nation does not possess nuclear weapons, but we do have nuclear-powered military vessels. Nonetheless, The United Kingdom has not used its aircraft carriers for wars in the past century nor have any of the nations who currently posses nuclear weapons. We cannot give into the demands of a nation who continuously tries to undermine the sovereignty, power, and reputation of the world's power as well as refuse to cooperate with international standards and law.

The United Kingdom of Lourenne votes NO on Resolution 35-01
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Rogue » Mon Jan 27, 2020 12:47 pm

Alexander Petrov, representative of the Federation of Deltaria to the World Congress

While the Deltarian government is in favour of the removal of nuclear weapons from the face of this planet we think that A. banning nuclear powered ships would be counterproductive as they have proven to be far more reliable and environmental friendly and B. because they do not pose a big danger to the existence of the earth. Deltaria has, after its previous regime's their crimes, vouched to never produce or use nuclear weaponry again and instead focus on conventional means of operations. The ideal situation would be peace in our time. But until that can be achieved the dismantling of all nuclear weaponry capable of destroying our planet could be a good first step towards this goal.

Deltaria will vote NO on the Kalistani proposal but would be in favour of a stripped down proposal concerning nuclear weaponry.
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Yolo04 » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:49 pm

Adalger Bötticher, Representative to the World Congress for the Federal Republic of Hulstria and Gao-Soto

Whilst Hulstria does support global peace and security, we do not support international bodies regulating an issue such as nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons have, as other members of the Assembly have pointed out, led to a stable peace that has lasted hundreds of years. No major wars between the great power have occurred in generations. Hulstria has also made it clear that it intends to develop nuclear power, which we see as vital to our national energy security. We feel like the regulating of nuclear weapons will trickle down to regulation of nuclear energy, which would directly and irreversibly harm Hulstria’s power

As such, we shall vote NO on Resolution 35-01
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby Doc » Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:56 pm

Louis Stevens, Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council from the United Republic of Kalistan:

We would like to address the comments of our Comrades briefly:

Firstly, to the Lourennaise Representative, we are unsure which other pressing business is before the General Assembly, or the Security council of the World Congress. As the only resolution currently on the floor in either body is the Kalistani resolution, that IS the business of the General Assembly. When our friends bring their own resolution, surely we will have time to debate BOTH resolutions: I imagine we are more than capable. Furthermore, nuclear weapons for the purposes of this bill include nuclear powered weapons, which have not guaranteed peace and stability, but have repeatedly been used to threaten and cajole Kalistan into giving concessions with regard to the international law the Comrade claims we flout. We have literally been threatened with existential annihilation by nuclear armed states in our history. It is not the "semi-developed" states that the Representatives refer to who have ever threatened Kalistan, with one possible exception of Baltusia. War has been brought to us by nuclear empires like Lourenne, Indrala, Kazulia and Dorvik who were not content to allow Kalistan to live at peace, but to this day insist that Kalistan be treated as a public sidewalk. To be clear this state of war does not exist today, but it is because Kalistan bowed to the concessions demanded of us by a nuclear armed state. Our goal was to avoid the war that the Kingdom of Dorvik was threatening, ergo we opened the Strait. It as a threat of war that forced Kalistan's hand in the matter, and Kalistan had to acknowledge that it was grossly outmatched on the issue. That's all. It was the "semi-developed, pirate state" of Kalistan which opened the door for peace, not the imperial gangster who was holding a gun to our head.

Secondly, to the Deltarian Representative, your proposal against nuclear payloads would be something that the Kalistani representation would certainly be willing to work with you on, as a separate issue from this Resolution.

With this, Kalistan votes an emphatic YES on Resolution 35-01.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: 34th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jan 27, 2020 5:07 pm

Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress Foreign Minister Kristiāne Graudiņa

Dear Members of this Assembly

We come to you in a crisis that has escalated... Lodamun they country that we have been trying to warn countries for years now is attempting to create nuclear weapons. Their economy is too weak, they are too divided and they do not have the military/personel to keep them up but they are trying to aquire them. We would like to alert all representatives of this terrible development and let remind them that this is the nation which is funded by SLAVERY!!!!

Should nukes be outlawed, no!!! No international body is going to stop a nation getting nukes. However we cannot keep nations with the likes of Lodamun from acquiring nukes.

We vote NO on Resolution 35-01

Thank You
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